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Let's Talk About Prostitution

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posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: STTesc

originally posted by: BestinShow
a reply to: STTesc

So my question is, why is the act of consenting adults any of the Government's business?

It isn''s the States's business and only 2, I think, Nevada and Rhode Island have come to their senses.

Bashing on America has become the Norm...unfortunately those that partake are usually soft on Facts. Your OP is a great example.

Maybe next time, huh..?

How exactly am I bashing America by calling out it's ridiculous laws that have lead to the world's largest prison population? I'm sorry, but patriotism to me isn't holding an American flag eating hot dogs. It means something more, like giving a damn.


It should be legalised.

No two ways about it.

Always been one of the most bizarre laws I've ever heard of worldwide...
That and illegal drugs...

Because the people who make up these laws do so when they're high after snorting coke off a hookers tits...

How about that for the ultimate irony!
edit on 13-4-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: jaffo
I continue to be astounded that in the year 2015 prostitution is illegal. If a woman can grab a stranger and have sex with him for free, why is it somehow a crime if she is willing to do so for money? Her body, her choice.

It's called taxation.

Can't have a job and not pay taxes...

However Governments believe that blood money is better than sex money...

We live in bizarro world.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: dogstar23

What should people do with their own bodies? Have you codified it, by chance?

Yes. Keep healthy. Seems simple enough, doesn't it?

"Welcome to Earth! Congratulations on being born! There's unlimited possibilities and choices, but we're going to narrow it down for you instead (because our laws have created a Utopian society.) Heck, even if you make the "right" decisions, your soul will be burdened with not knowing whether those decisions were partially influenced by the threat of imprisonment (all freedom removed, confinement, slave labor, deterioration of health, and state-sanctioned anal rape.)

Yeah...we should tell people what to do with their own bodies and lives, especially when doing so results in added tax burdens to the citizenry, higher rates of STDs, more violent crime, and more kidnappings and slave trade.

I hope I just missed the sarcasm of the post I replied to. If I did, please consider my reply appropriate for any who actually DO think that way - they exist...fascism IS still alive, even in 'Murica.

Fascism...right. No one is claiming authority over another person, and your logic is tied together by bubble gum.

If your argument is that someone shoving a needle in their arm or selling themselves in the back of cars is them knowing what to do with their body, I think you might need to get out a little more.

It's called freedom. If someone wants to chain smoke while banging strangers for money, I have no right to tell them not to do so, or at least I should not have any such right. People go impotent from all the training they do on a bike for a triathlon. Is that healthy? Because it seems pretty stupid to me. And yet, since it is not my body, I mind my own business.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 12:03 PM
I agree that people should be able to do whatever they want, so long as they are not harming another...

So yes, prostitution should be legal. As with drugs, all negatives associated with it are actually made worse through it's being logic with prohibitionists!

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: Answer

Why do you think that these drugs have been illegal for so long? If those drugs were not illegal, there goes ALL that huge amount of untraceable cash-flow that They use to fund their black projects. Pretty simple.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: moeron60
a reply to: Answer

Why do you think that these drugs have been illegal for so long? If those drugs were not illegal, there goes ALL that huge amount of untraceable cash-flow that They use to fund their black projects. Pretty simple.

Oh yeah, the "War on Drugs" is nothing more than a cash cow.

The police departments get massive budgets to "fight drug crime", the DEA gets a huge budget, the FBI gets a huge budget, and meanwhile the CIA is getting paid by the cartels to let the drugs flow into the country. The government realized long ago that the easiest way to get money flowing is to start a war and profit from both sides.

It's basically common knowledge now... that's the sad part.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: TruthxIsxInxThexMist
a reply to: STTesc

I would like to know why these women can't just meet people at the Bar, go home with them and have sex for free?

Why make the man pay for it?

On another note... yes, it is that persons desire to do what they want as long as these women aren't being forced into it, its fine in my book!

On the other hand, why would a man who is capable of wooing a woman for free pay?

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: SallieSunshine
Some pertinent questions for anyone who thinks prostitution should be legal:

1. How do you think most prostitutes end up in that profession?

The stories vary. You find the same type of situations in women who strip for a living, but stripping is legal.

2. Do you think prostitutes have high self esteem?

I would not imagine so, but so what? Do Strippers have high self esteem? Do you think the guy working the drive thru window at McDonald's has high self esteem? Do you think he goes to work every day feeling like a productive member of society?

3. Do you think prostitutes find happiness and satisfaction in their 'work' ?

I think like most people some days are better than others. Yet this is still not a reason for something to be illegal. Do you think the Casino housekeeper who just cleaned another person's poop off the wall of a bathroom is finding "happiness and satisfaction" in their work? I don't find "satisfaction" or "happiness" in my work, I find money. That's why I work. I like money.

4. Would you want to be a prostitute?

Actually I would and in some ways I already have. Prostitution is defined as having sex for monetary gain. In my last relationship I stayed in it for 6 months longer strictly for financial reasons- so in essence I was prostituting myself. Look around at the world we live in. How many gorgeous women do you see surrounding men with money? Are you foolish enough to think they are all in it for love? Truth is prostitution happens around us every single day. As a society we find it perfectly acceptable for a man or women to lie to a partner and "date" them for their money, but it is illegal to be honest about it and simply call it what it is.

5. And lastly, would you want your daughter, mother, or sister to be a prostitute? Why or why not?

No, but I also wouldn't want her to be a housekeeper or a fast food worker or a Walmart employee. Why? Because I find it to be demeaning work and I know my daughters (of which I have 2), have the potential to be so much more. That being said, just because I would not want my daughter to work in a particular profession does not mean that profession should be illegal.

edit on 13-4-2015 by MrWendal because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: STTesc

Wives not wanting their husbands to easily fulfill potential temptations.

Husbands not wanting their wives to do the same.

Husbands not trusting themselves to resist the easy fulfillment of temptation.

Parents not wanting their daughter to pursue the career path.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: STTesc

So, while I'm not specifically talking about prostitution - I am talking about things that are illegal that people may want to legalize, various drugs, activities, etc.

I will not pretend to know how things actually are, I live in a small religious community, this place is pretty low key, low crime, but anyways, let's go with this train of thought.

So, drug cartels are a problem, organized crime is a big problem in some states and there are other things that such crimes breed such as violence, gangs, etc - What does anyone suggest is done?

Legalize many drugs, legalize sexual activities, make less strict laws?

I would be all for it if it would clean up the streets - If more programs, and places existed for a save environment to take part in activities people choose- clean needles, condoms, birth control, etc...- If that's the case, I'm all for it, but is that what we believe to be the outcome?

Also, I'm really confused - Conservatives always say making guns illegal just puts them in the hands of bad guys, and the average citizen doesn't have defense - Why doesn't this line of thinking apply to drugs/sexual acts?

On the other hand, liberals want to choke up on gun laws, some wanting to outright make them illegal - Yet they push for more lenient laws for drugs and sex - Saying it's better to let people be free.

Pretty much, I don't see such issues going anywhere unless both sides can agree that more freedoms equals a better nation overall. Not cherry-picking the freedoms they think we should have, but agreeing that we should be as free as possible without harming others.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: STTesc

WTF eating hot dogs and holding the American flag isn't patriotism! I need to find a néw job.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: ImaFungi
a reply to: STTesc

Wives not wanting their husbands to easily fulfill potential temptations.

Husbands not wanting their wives to do the same.

Husbands not trusting themselves to resist the easy fulfillment of temptation.

Parents not wanting their daughter to pursue the career path.

All of those happen already, everywhere, just in a dangerous black market. Go to backpage dot com for your city. Select "escorts." You will find a huge amount of people already doing it.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 03:20 PM

originally posted by: NavyDoc

originally posted by: ImaFungi
a reply to: STTesc

Wives not wanting their husbands to easily fulfill potential temptations.

Husbands not wanting their wives to do the same.

Husbands not trusting themselves to resist the easy fulfillment of temptation.

Parents not wanting their daughter to pursue the career path.

All of those happen already, everywhere, just in a dangerous black market. Go to backpage dot com for your city. Select "escorts." You will find a huge amount of people already doing it.

Imagine a franchise 'Star*ucks' on every corner of every town in america.

Also, sex being difficult to get is partly what runs the economy; ala 'sex sells'.
edit on 13-4-2015 by ImaFungi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 04:09 PM
While I would mostly agree, this issue is much more complex than you make it seem. Check out . I would identify closely with pro-sex feminists and argue that prostitution can be a positive experience for women who have employed their autonomy to make an informed decision to engage in prostitution. If both parties consent, then it should be fine. The hard part is determining what consent is and observing the socio-economic influences that might coerce a woman to consent.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: jaffo

It's called freedom. If someone wants to chain smoke while banging strangers for money, I have no right to tell them not to do so, or at least I should not have any such right. People go impotent from all the training they do on a bike for a triathlon. Is that healthy? Because it seems pretty stupid to me. And yet, since it is not my body, I mind my own business.

What else can you do? Yes; mind your own business, turn a blind eye, there is nothing else you as a citizen can do besides consciously turn away from your fellow community members. Freedom? Nah, that's called laziness.

I'm not sure why everyone believes the only solutions to these problems is "fascism" or limiting one's freedoms. The big bad government is going to come and take everything away. I suppose by believing such tripe, there is no better way to continue the indifference to one's own communities as they fall down around them.

Education has served perfectly well against social devience, for instance the decline of smoking, the decline of teen pregnancy, and so on. There are other solutions besides "fascism".

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: Gully
a reply to: STTesc

What percent of people are in prison because of prostitution? Im curious now.

I agree that people should be able to rent themselves out if they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else...

I guess an obvious question then is does it hurt the wife and/or children of the man involved and if it breaking apart a family enough or considered hurting someone?

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 05:18 PM

originally posted by: ImaFungi

Also, sex being difficult to get is partly what runs the economy; ala 'sex sells'.

The problem is that people generally want sex that is easy to get. And people in search of easy sex have the potential to be a complete nuisance to everyone else.

Sex is just an appetite or a natural bodily function, the same as eating or sleeping. We don't object to paying someone to prepare our food for us and we don't object to paying a hotel to provide us with a bed for the night.

So if someone is prepared to pay for sex and someone else is willing to sell it to them, why make things difficult?

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 05:27 PM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE
I guess an obvious question then is does it hurt the wife and/or children of the man involved and if it breaking apart a family enough or considered hurting someone?

If a man cheats on his wife, yes, it hurts her and the family. But that's something the MAN is doing, not the prostitute. The responsibility for cheating is on HIM, not on the prostitute.

Single men visit prostitutes all the time.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 05:41 PM
I think someone is working hard to keep it illegal, because it's profitable for them. Same goes with drugs.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE
I guess an obvious question then is does it hurt the wife and/or children of the man involved and if it breaking apart a family enough or considered hurting someone?

If a man cheats on his wife, yes, it hurts her and the family. But that's something the MAN is doing, not the prostitute. The responsibility for cheating is on HIM, not on the prostitute.

Single men visit prostitutes all the time.


Im a conservative, hard core!

Look its just like marijuana, the only reason the rest of the states havent done it is because they refuse to take notice from the rest of the world on how to handle it.....

Look gov..figure out how to tax it and make it legal....just like marijuana.....and youve got a steady business with good revenue...

My only issue is those forced into it, and I think we need to step up our efforts to fix that , the sex trade is horrible , but if gov can regulate other things they can figure this out....

Nevada does it well, and trust me I know, a good friend of my wifes use to be a call girl down there, she is now a lawyer lol

point is it can be done......

Im conservative.....very much so , and any conservative that disagrees is full of crap

You cant say "you cant legislate morality" and still say "no we shouldnt make prostitution legal"

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