a reply to: elysiumfire
"once as a traitor to the American people"
Let me get this straight - anyone who has ever worked for NSA is a traitor? How about the other Intelligence agencies. Those, too?
Okay Greg, your response to me clears up a few suspicions. However, my use of the word 'traitor' wasn't an actual accusation from me, but a litmus
test I applied to gauge your character and conscience for my own benefit. At least now I know you are human, and can be engaged with in a civil
conversation. Cheers for that.
I was born at the start of the sixties, and it was an entirely different world back then than it today. Modern society dines on paranoia and avarice.
The latter is easily explained, the former hides revelations of true reasons for Western government behaviour. Those reasons for why Western
governments collude and act the way they do, not only against real and unreal enemies, but also against their own citizens, would (I believe) if
allowed to become public dismantle the last vestiges of societal order and cause a collapse of the systems and infrastructure.
You see, being a child of the sixties, I was brought up to respect the noble principles my parents and grandparents learned from theirs. Principles
that through a consensus of abidance to them glued society in such a way that all citizens from whichever town or city or village they hailed from,
could look at one another and say there is a fellow countryman or woman. Whatever differences existed between us, each of us knew that we could abide
in peace and without distrust. That world has gone now.
I look back and think it as nothing more than an illusion, a lie that was in place as a form of control. Idealistic, yes it was, an idealistic lie,
but then all forms of control are contained within a shell of idealism, and as long as it resonates with the conscience of a person, he or she will
hand power over to those they perceive as leaders, including those people who self-claim faculties of leadership. If there is one absolute that I
recognise today, it is that there isn't a single current leader of any country in the world who merits their privileged position as a leader, and I
see no one coming through who could merit it either.
You see the thing is, they are no leaders any more, only managers in the employ, not of the people, but of groups of self-interest who seek to control
human affairs for their own continued socio-economic level and status. It is their singular vision and agenda we are all embroiled in, and which we
work for. If you disagree with their vision and agenda, you are labelled a dissenter in the least, and a terrorist at the worst. It is so hard to live
by the principles of one's conscience, and that makes it very hard to stay (or want to be) engaged in modern society without being critical or
turning away from it. We are becoming ever more habituated to the paranoia and avarice which is the stench exuded by today's politics...politics that
has lost all semblance of honour and principal.
We all know that global surveillance is a tool for monitoring control of people. Granted, most of the shenanigans that people get up to in their
personal daily affairs will not be remotely interesting to the surveillance agencies. It may titillate them, and afford them a laugh or two, but what
the surveillance structure is for is to raise levels of interest where threats to the control (read vision and agenda) can be recognised and dealt
with accordingly. Of course, I'm not simply writing about real threats to one's country from extremists in other countries, but more about domestic
challenges to the vision and agenda by ordinary people who still hold to noble idealistic principals.
Millions of people in Western societies do still cherish many of the noble and idealistic principals their parents and grandparents, and their's
before them, fought and died for. They didn't give their lives in struggle for the type of modern world that contemporary politics has steered us
into. Nor did they die for a modernity where the unmerited are lauded and rewarded for failure and failings (read bankers).
The mass surveillance structures are merely the sensors detecting infringement. The militarised police forces are for the control of the soft
underbelly of society, the ordinary people (or should that be 'cogs'?), whereas the real military is for the profit-generating wars. We all know
this now, we can see it.
In the end, it will all collapse, because it is inevitable that the groups of self-interest will turn on one another as the power games will play out
within that circle like some pseudo-Shakespearean drama. You've seen it yourself, and experienced the play directly. Nothing that you can tell us
will change a damn thing. There is no revelation you can air that will compel the people to action. It will be absorbed and habituated to. You are
today's talking point, and tomorrow, it will be someone else. This is why I ended my prior post to you with the words...who gives a #!