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The Truth About Aliens!!!!!!!!!

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posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 02:40 PM
Boy I wish I could find the Fortean Times article on the Nazi UFOs.... I think you all would cast a critical eye on those who are perpetuating that sad myth. I've tried for months to re-locate that article. The whole Nazi link was started by a neo-nazi supporter well after WW2 in hopes of sneaking the Nazi agenda in on believers hoping to get recruits to the Aryan cause. It was a good article and was well supported with evidence. All water under the bridge at this point I'm afraid. Drat.

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 01:11 PM
After tooo much Holiday Cheer , I often get a glimpse of Big Foot outside my kitchen window and after 1 toooo many rum soaked chocolate cherries I might see a flying saucer outside my bedroom window , but it all goes away by morning.

Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!! The hangover it leaves!!!!!

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 01:25 PM
Why does it that every picture I see of an alien, they are always naked.
I would think that a species of that intelligence would have some sort of clothing like a suite or something. Don't you think?

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 01:46 PM
I think it's some kind of subconscious thing w/ people that see aliens.
They in reality want to be all-powerful 3 year olds running around naked.

That's what aliens remind me especially the grays. The hoaxers are going to feed on these yearnings for authenticity. In the 19th and 18th century there was a phenomena where people thought they were visited at nite by evil spirit in the form of women or men and made to perform sex w/ them and it was wide spread(intended pun).

I think it takes a special kind of mind to see these things.

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by Frosty
They only UFO's th Russians ever saw back then was the SR-71.

So between what years is this? I dont know about SR-71s but if you give me the years that they were operateing between ill find the probably hundreds of cases that didn't take place around that time.

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by invalidiuser
Why does it that every picture I see of an alien, they are always naked.
I would think that a species of that intelligence would have some sort of clothing like a suite or something. Don't you think?

They have no sex organs what have they to cover up? When you look into some Grey cases you will find that they do as well as in most Nordic cases. It is also worth noting that there are no Grey photos that have been proved not to be fake or cases in which there have been many witnesses to back up the photos.

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Der Kapitan
Boy I wish I could find the Fortean Times article on the Nazi UFOs.... I think you all would cast a critical eye on those who are perpetuating that sad myth. I've tried for months to re-locate that article. The whole Nazi link was started by a neo-nazi supporter well after WW2 in hopes of sneaking the Nazi agenda in on believers hoping to get recruits to the Aryan cause. It was a good article and was well supported with evidence. All water under the bridge at this point I'm afraid. Drat.

Is this the link you are looking for?

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 08:20 PM
I haven't a clue as to whether UFO's are real or not. I just know I can never tell someone that they aren't.

You see, one night while driving alone in the forest I came across a Bigfoot. I'm serious, it walked backed into the forest as I pushed the accelerator to the floor and didn't slow down till I got to the next town.

These days if someone tells me they were sucked out the bedroom window by a UFO I advise them to chain themselves at the ankle to the bedpost. It ain't kinky if there's practical reasoning behind it.

If someone tells me they saw a ghost, I ask, "Was it my ex wifes?"

They say no, I say damn.

Thats the odd part of something like that happening to you, It makes it difficult to say something equally as strange didn't happen to someone else. It opens your mind.

Love and light to each of you,


posted on Dec, 25 2004 @ 02:20 PM
They did a good job of making it appear real except for a few facts:

1. It aired on Fox. The most conservative TV channel? I dont think so...
2. The government would never allow for Photographers to come along for the ride.
3. The only crash in history was roswell, and the greys did it on purpose. Cmon, you honestly think that these aliens can travel accross the universe but cant handle flying on earth? Psh.

Therefore, it is easily debunked. This is definately a Hoax.

posted on Dec, 26 2004 @ 07:50 AM
I know there are people that believe in aliens, but there are also people that believe John Lennon, President Kennedy, and Elvis are still alive.

Me I wait till undeniable facts are printed in the National Enquirer.

Wait...wait... I'm picking up my latest copy and there on the front page I read " My Baby is an Alien!".....hmmm....

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 09:36 AM
My search skills seem to be a tad lax. I encourage anyone interested in this subject to check out this article. Thanks again to bpletcj!

Nazi UFOs

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 01:36 PM
Not a problem, glad to be of service.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by TheVeneGuy

2. The government would never allow for Photographers to come along for the ride.

3. The only crash in history was roswell, and the greys did it on purpose. Cmon, you honestly think that these aliens can travel accross the universe but cant handle flying on earth? Psh.

There was a show that aired on cable a couple months back hosted by Roger Moore which aired this video -- I don't know if this is the same production as I see originally aired on Fox quite some time back.

Regarding the two comments above, I offer the following:

1. To the contrary, any quasi-responsible government is sure to go to great lengths to ensure such an event is documented in its entirety.

2. There are many existing theories and/or suppositions regarding various factors that have been reported and/or observed to interfere with the flight dynamics of UFOs, such as the effects of certain bandwidths of radar -- which emit electormagnetic energy -- which supposedly interfere with the objects' propulsion systems.

Conjecture? Of course is it. However, so is the claim you seem to make with such authority. If, however, you do in fact hold some level of absolute knowledge which has somehow managed to escape the attention of the entire community of both professional and armchair ufologists over a half-decade of study, please, pray tell, enlighten all of us...

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