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The Truth About Aliens!!!!!!!!!

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posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 09:30 AM
I have to honestly say that I truly didn't believe in aliens until I came upon the website I visited the site and I have been educated about the very truth of this shocking matter. I was a skeptic. I personally never encountered any aliens or unusual behavior in the sky. But when I was younger I can't deny it; at night, I would go outside, look up into the sky, and any object I saw flying around that didn't look like and airplane or a helicopter or anything I saw out of the ordinary, I would immediately label it a UFO. I run into the house and get everyone outside, and someone would say, Aw, that's just a flying saucer.
Check out these links:

[edit on 12/19/2004 by Mr Knowledge]

[edit on 12/19/2004 by Mr Knowledge]

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 11:51 AM
The photos of the crashed UFO are fake and this has been known since 1998.

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 02:01 PM
It's amazing what lengths people go to, to persuade people into believing their mindless garbish, believe as you wish though.

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by shorty
The photos of the crashed UFO are fake and this has been known since 1998.

Hey, I'm curious what the backstory was on the fake. Got a link?

Also, was the autopsy faked? It's a very convincing site. I remain ever the skeptic, but it's something fun to read up on, these boring hours at work.

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 02:36 PM
Could not resist yet another dig. Just head down to the nearest IRS office. Plenty of aliens (non-humans) working there.

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 02:48 PM
There isn't too much backstory as I recall about the crash being fake...other than there are many points that don't stand up to scrutiny...mostly the lack of a crash trail, and implausibility of how it landed, and it not jiving with the description. If it flipped as it was described, it wouldn't have pushed up dirt in the direction from which it'd be in the direction it was going. Also, it would have cut a tree swath, etc.

It does appear to be genuine Russian equipment, uniforms, etc. but the craft is extremely small. Given the Russian's rather prolific propoganda films, this seems to be such as example, probably as a response to the US Roswell incident.

There's a lot surrounding the Autopsy to pretty much conclude a fake. However, I'm more of the opionion that if not an actual body (which I don't think it was), it was more of a disinfo ploy than an outright hoax. One of the most interesting things to me was Stan Winston's (known for special effects such as on Jurassic Park, etc.) comments on how well it was done (which he later retracted, but they are there on tape nonetheless). Another interesting point was during the eye removal. They removed a small lens from the eye. The lens is what made the eye black, underneath it was more normal looking eye. This corresponds to a mention of such a lens by Corso in "The Day After Roswell", as well as a few other various accounts of alien anatomy. This relatively minor detail is extremely intriguing. As is the description of a single Heart/Lung organ, similar to as mentioned during the infamous "UFO CoverUp Live!" specials during the 80's. (a special that aired during probably one of the most prolific UFO-themed offerings ever...with many inferences to a disclosure around that time).

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 03:03 PM
If aliens were real, we would all know it. There's no way any earthly power could prevent aliens from presenting themselves to us in a fully convincing way. The truth about aliens - there aren't any!

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 03:41 PM

If aliens were real, we would all know it. There's no way any earthly power could prevent aliens from presenting themselves to us in a fully convincing way. The truth about aliens - there aren't any!

That's only if they WANTED to present themselves....of course.

So, in order for it to be a secret.

1. The aliens have to want it a secret.
2. The government has to cooperate with it being a secret.

Regardless of what other factors you wish to include, the above two MUST be in effect for the secret to exist.

So then the question becomes, "Is there evidence for either/or #1. and/or #2.???" I would say the overwhelming answer is "YES" to both.

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
...mostly the lack of a crash trail, and implausibility of how it landed, and it not jiving with the description. If it flipped as it was described, it wouldn't have pushed up dirt in the direction from which it'd be in the direction it was going. Also, it would have cut a tree swath, etc.

You know, I did think that was rather odd, in the photos, that there weren't a bunch of broken trees. I didn't read the description of the crash, as my work shift was almost up, but I had just assumed that whatever it was crashed into the treetops, then fell downwards... huh...

The only plausible explanation I could think of if it didn't hit the treetops, was that it moved around with the disc being perpendicular to the ground (like in Bob Lazar's description), rather than parallel. This would allow for the lack of a crash trail and any non-downed trees around it... Alternately... if you've ever tossed a frisbee at the ground, it will often hit on it's edge and roll. So I suppose it could have hit on it's side, and rolled into position among the trees. It's crash-trail wouldn't have been very visible except as a narrow and probably shallow trench, because it would be rolling...

So I guess I can see how it could -possibly- happen... but among those ways, flying roughly parallel to the ground and just slamming into it eventually is not among them.

Originally posted by Gazrok
It does appear to be genuine Russian equipment, uniforms, etc. but the craft is extremely small. Given the Russian's rather prolific propoganda films, this seems to be such as example, probably as a response to the US Roswell incident.

Yeah, the craft is pretty ghetto-looking. I'd be more inclined to believe it was real if it didn't look like the thing would break apart in the air at jet-speed.

Originally posted by Gazrok
There's a lot surrounding the Autopsy to pretty much conclude a fake. However, I'm more of the opionion that if not an actual body (which I don't think it was), it was more of a disinfo ploy than an outright hoax.

Well, our old soviet nemeses practically invented disinformation, so that's also quite plausible. We're talking about a nation that managed to convince one of it's component countries that it -never- had a history outside the USSR in less than 2 full generations of people.

Originally posted by Gazrok
Another interesting point was during the eye removal. They removed a small lens from the eye. The lens is what made the eye black, underneath it was more normal looking eye. This corresponds to a mention of such a lens by Corso in "The Day After Roswell", as well as a few other various accounts of alien anatomy. This relatively minor detail is extremely intriguing.

Indeed. One wonders if it was just information the Russians happened to have and used in the disinformation scene, a lucky guess, or if there is, perhaps, something more to it than...errr...meets the eye.

Originally posted by Gazrok
As is the description of a single Heart/Lung organ, similar to as mentioned during the infamous "UFO CoverUp Live!" specials during the 80's. (a special that aired during probably one of the most prolific UFO-themed offerings ever...with many inferences to a disclosure around that time).

That and the documentation surrounding it seemed really legit. Much more so than the typical alien autopsy films I've seen. So if it wasn't real, they certainly treated it as such... maybe it was some sorta mutated monkey pilot for experimental aircraft? I mean, they did a lot of aerospace testing with monkeys, and the critter is about the right size.

[edit on 12/20/2004 by thelibra]

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by PokerBum
If aliens were real, we would all know it. There's no way any earthly power could prevent aliens from presenting themselves to us in a fully convincing way. The truth about aliens - there aren't any!

I feel sorry for you, if thats what you truely believe.

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 06:11 PM
According to this theory i saw on: Evidence: The case of NASA UFO's, UFO's are in a very high frequency which make them turn into energy so they would pass right through the trees, just a thought....

something about those pictures scream real, I don't know why...


posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 12:55 PM
aliens in the sense of grey bipeds are concocted. if they're not, then why would people go to great lengths to use them as a cover instrument for the flying saucer phenomena thats going on for nearly 60 years. why does the military follow the aliens around in black apache tomahawks or black triangles after the aliens have abducted an innocent citizen? why doesn't the military just shoot them down? perhaps there is something going on, that is so sinister, nobody wants to accept it into their realm of consciousness. it might not relate to anything they know or have learned from school or television. any modern research book on the subject that was written by a well respected author (John Keel, Jim Keith, Helmut Lammer) basically states the same thing. 85% of the researchers in this field are not real people, or work for secret intelligence agencies where their job is to disinform the public, and keep people guessing. i used to beleive in aliens myself, until i was abducted by the military.

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by PKD
aliens in the sense of grey bipeds are concocted

And you have evidence to support this do you?

flying saucer phenomena thats going on for nearly 60 years

Closer to a thousend or so years.

why does the military follow the aliens around in black apache tomahawks or black triangles after the aliens have abducted an innocent citizen?

Why? I didn't know that they did. Their are a few cases when planes have been scrambled to intersept UFO but not many esecially not since the 90s.

why doesn't the military just shoot them down?

Shag harbour in 1984 (im not totally sure about the year) a UFO went down apparntly because it was shot down. However, i doubt it. Anyway, who in their right mind would want to try and shoot down a ship that is centurys above anything you have? Thats assuming that the govts arent already in on it.

until i was abducted by the military

There are a helluva lot of claims like this running about.


posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 01:14 PM
The Shag harbor story is full of holes...

First off, the military choppers usually involved are Blackhawks.
Not Tomahawks....

Yes, jets have often been scrambled to intercept (especially in the late 40's through 70's), but not so recently for some reason. In some of these cases (such as the Mantell case), the results were weird to say the least. In most cases though, the object simply outmaneuvered, and then left...occassionally jamming weapons systems or craft electronics.

Most sensitive aircraft projects started up in the 50's (The U2 for example). The first big UFO flaps of the modern era started in the 40's. The math simply doesn't add up, as you're stating the cart before the horse.

[edit on 21-12-2004 by Gazrok]

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
The Shag harbor story is full of holes...

[edit on 21-12-2004 by Gazrok]

Didn't say it wasn't.

I would assume the reason why there have been less cases of jets be scrambled lately is because i, myself am a subsriber to the theory that the U.S mainly have already made contact with the Greys. However, if they had we must assume that the E.Ts have a great fuel source that doesn't waste energy maybe cold fusion so why America and the U.K are invadeing Iraq for oil i haven't worked out yet.


posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 10:03 PM
see now, mr. shorty you can have your opinion on those issues, your always entitled to an opinion. but to say that flying saucers have been around for thousands of years is just preposterous. anti gravity saucers were first sucessfully built in the 1940's by the germans. by saying that saucers are thousands of years old, you are essentially spreading disinformation to to people who read these threads. you are sheilding secret technology with mysticism. and you were not alive 1000 years ago, unless you mean to say that by a mark 4 beamship folding time and space around it, it has the ability to travel back through time thousands of years, then you might be onto something. but somehow i doubt that you were alluding to that. to say that flying saucers were around thousands of years ago also makes these flying devices biblical, and takes away any sense of physics or technology that is actually used to contruct these machines. in essence by defending your beleifs, you are in fact concealing the truth from everyone else, but the really bad part about all of this, is that you don't even know that your being used to spread disinformation. take a step back and really think about it for a minute.


posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by shorty

Originally posted by Gazrok
The Shag harbor story is full of holes...

[edit on 21-12-2004 by Gazrok]

so why America and the U.K are invadeing Iraq for oil i haven't worked out yet.

did or does your high school teach economics class? if you cant work out something as simple as the oil embargo, then you might need to attain some more experience in life. and how can you come on here and try to call me a liar, and say that i was not abducted is absurd. what exactly does one call it then, when we are hoisted out of our bed at 3am and floated through a window to a hovering aircraft? it's mindlessness like yours that makes the internet a wasteland of disinformation.

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 02:08 AM
hey guys, ive just been listening to an interview of al beilek (the guy who worked on the phillidelphia experiment) he was going on about other experiemnts he had been involved in and one was time travel i urge you guys too take a listen. He talked about a major diesease that would break out and kill millions of people everyday.(starting in 2005)

Also similar things like the 'movie day after tomorrow would occur sometime in the future.

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 03:10 AM
The "crash" in Yekatarinburg (formerly Sverdlovsky - named after Stewart Swerdlows great-grandfather if I remember correct) is a very interesting case and there were more pictures on this site than I had seen before.

One thing that struck my mind was, what if it didn�t crash into the ground but rather out of the earth. Leaving for exit out of inner earth cavern/undergound base loosing control and in a tremendous speed ramming through the earth and getting stuck.

It�s just a theory. Sorry if this has been mentioned before.

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 03:18 AM
I remember seeing that alien autopsy video a couple years back, some creepy stuff right there....I remember one particular person who analyzed the footage claimed that when they made the incisions on the alien body, how the cutting action was real because the blood genuinely appeared to seep out of the cut, which is hard to fake.

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