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Close Encounters of the Herd Kind: UFOs, Aliens & Cattle Mutilation

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posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: mbkennel

Not buying that one even on a good day. Lots of reasons. It is a global thing, and they could easily have purchased cattle from known ranches at cattle markets, without all the cloak and dagger stuff.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: mbkennel

There is one explanation which is convincing to me. Many are simply misidentification or scavengers, but otherwise the real ones are clandestine tracking of radioactive nucleides from government weapons testing and manufacturing.

I find that a plausible explanation in some ways. However the mutilations have not stopped. They may not be reported as much and they may not be in the same numbers they once were. But they are still happening.

Here in the UK (you probably know) there was a massive outbreak of B.S.E (aka Mad Cow disease) in the 1990s and nearly 4.5 million cattle were slaughtered. For a long time the government dithered over what to tell the public and what to do. A decade or so later we found they were putting horse meat in our burgers!

So I could speculate that the testing for dangerous prions could be an extension of such a program for radiation. These prions are very difficult to destroy. There are already rumours about Alzheimer's disease being linked to eating meat. The economic impact and public panic cannot be underestimated and would represent 'real' problems if these prions entered the food chain in the USA (and of course other countries).

But most nations already have their own official testing programs for this and other similar diseases.

Plus unless this testing is done in the field, then why go to the bother (and risk) of returning and dumping the carcasses where they were taken from?

edit on 6/4/15 by mirageman because: ETA

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 02:30 PM

originally posted by: Springer

I'll reach out to Kit Green and see if he has anything to add.......

Thanks again for the outstanding thread(s).

That would be great. Thank you Springer.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Researcher Chris O'Brien is a wealth of knowledge on this subject.

He also was one of the original Skin Walker Ranch researcher's.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Plus unless this testing is done in the field, then why go to the bother (and risk) of returning and dumping the carcasses where they were taken from?

This element suggests a PR program doesn't it? I mean we've got ATS members who are capable of stalking cattle and taking one down with a sedative dart. Dropping one on the spot and then removing the required tissues would be a piece of piss for a handful of trained personnel.

Adult cattle contain 30 to 40 pints of blood and I wonder if it'd be more practical to mechanically drain the blood in situ rather than the reported method of remove and return? A sedated cow with a needle in an artery running to a bag, speculatively, would be easier to operate on right there. Little or no blood at the site.

Removing the soft tissues and disposing of 30+ pints of blood (~40kg?) would be way easier than using aircraft, hoists and teams to cart away a ton of cow...and returning the body. The weight of the blood would be a fraction of a whole carcass.

Who knows? We're just tossing ideas around.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: mirageman

This is a subject that has fascinated me for years,
and I've read some books by investigators that
actually spent days or weeks waiting for a mutilation
to occur and saw strange UFO's in the sky, etc...
and immediately were able to scientifically investigate
immediately, taking radiation measurements, looking for
blood, etc...

That was a lot of work you put into this thread OP,
thank you. A flag and a star for sure.

Rebel 5

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

4. At most times cows can be bought fairly cheaply, so for the army or some corporation to divert personnel and obtain specialized equipment such as medium lift helicopters and partake in illegal activity just to steal and especially RETURN cows just does not make sense in any way.

The ostensible reason is carried in the movie I linked to, "Endangered Species". Leaving the infected bodies laying about to see if the germs spread, if they mutate, if smaller animals carry it away or it spreads to people. The conditions are important weather wise as well for these sorts of "field tests".

I remember reading about germ warfare, akin to nuke tests with live humans, it was part and parcel for the time and era of development of bio and nuclear weapons programs.

This was the hey day of open ranges, secret government programs and ignorant masses, i.e., before the internet.

Sure, that makes sense, logical kind of testing. But why use helicopters? Why not involve ranchers and just pay them for any losses? Or why not do the testing in the wild on the millions of acres of land the government owns? What is with the laser like cuts and only special glands removed? If the whole point is to follow the spread of disease, why are there no reports of follow up testing or reports - surely the farmers/ranchers are watching the herds more closely after discovering the carcasses.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

A lot of this really doesn't make sense at all. Unless you suspect that nothing peculiar is going on and an awful lot of witnesses are both ignorant and/or lying. No matter which angle you come into with, it still leaves you scratching your cranium.

Even sceptics who suspect every case is down to predators,natural causes, scavengers, and natural decomposition surely must wonder why strange lights/helicopters are often reported in the area, how military equipment has been found at the scene and why traces of drugs are present in some of the animal remains.

If you think it all points to 'aliens' being up to something then it's still a question of why and what for?

Somewhere in between those views will be many people who suspect 'humans' are abusing these animals for some kind of testing. Now that may be for radiation or damaging prions or even biological warfare experiments. But then why take the risk of putting the carcass back in place? Why would aliens do that?

I agree that there are just so many easier ways to do things if the government or corporations want to do any type of testing, one poster mentioned disease vector analysis post positioning of a carcass, which needs to be done but above I mentioned some reasons again why this would be far from the optimal way of doing that.

I DO believe that the government is doing some of this, for reasons that seem unfathomable, the only one that jumps out to me to they are doing it to obfuscate the activity of non-humans doing it; would anyone deny this is at least possible?

Again, the bottom line in these discussions is this, from my standpoint, and I think you are not far off - if we can prove even one of these mutilations is of non-human origin, just like crop circles, all we need is one, and the ramifications are fairly stunning for the world.

If ET's are involved in cattle mutilations, what is their motivation? That is a great question MM, and without a good answer the case begins to fall apart, as in every crime.

Well, I'm far from an expert, but this is what I have learned. In many mutilation cases, certain glands are missing. These glands contain substances that the aliens need. It is fact that the glands are often missing, of course it is only speculation that the aliens need these, but logical speculation.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Apart from crop circles most UFO phenomena originates from America. It's part of American culture.

Assuming this is aliens for a moment, how about they aren't taking the cattle for genetic experiments but simply using them for the same purposes we do, food.

We assume that everything will take the lean meat but actually this is the least nutritious part of the carcass. The offal being removed makes sense if you wanted to stock up on some nutritious flesh when you get sick of green goo, or whatever aliens eat on long journeys.

They them dump the carcass and fly off. They probably aren't meant to, it's probably against whatever code it is that has them visit us and never make contact.

And here is one example where visiting the US and no other country does make sense. In no other country is farming done as intensively over such vast tracts of remote land. You could pretty much abduct, barbecue and dump cattle to your hearts content in Texas. Not so much from a dairy farm in England, population 55 million, size, half of Texas.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: mirageman
These cattle mutilation stories are some of the most bizarre things ever. And even a quarter are true then we got some weird goings on, and it kind of unlikely that humans or a group is people are doing this. I mean if they were going to slaughter cattle, well we got places for that and there is no need to be doing all sneaky like. I even heard of a story were a cow was found pieced off, skin organs and such, and with its head a bit under ground, like it was frozen in place and whoever was doing the organ harvesting and everything did it right there and then while the cow was conscious, and the only thing it could move was its head, which it tried to stick its head underground, from all the pain I take it.

But ya! Good thread, and like I said some bizarre stories about this stuff out there.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 09:09 PM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE

I DO believe that the government is doing some of this, for reasons that seem unfathomable, the only one that jumps out to me to they are doing it to obfuscate the activity of non-humans doing it; would anyone deny this is at least possible?

Well you know I surely don't doubt that clever scheme. Check this out:

The unauthorized UFO Cover-Up is the organization that conducts kidnappings and terrorizing of innocent civilians, camouflaged as "alien abductions". They do wholesale "cattle mutilations", hoping that angry ranchers and terrorized citizens will blame it on "the aliens". This is the level of evil, distortion and treachery that the Cabal repressing UFO truth goes to to protect their monopoly of highly-advanced extraterrestrial technology recovered from UFO crashes: a monopoly which has brought them trillions of dollars in profits over the last four-plus decades.
The Cabal

There's also this issue:

Human scientists are involved with longevity studies using adrenalin. They have developed altered adrenalin, and drugs called cordrazine, cortropinex, formazine, and hyronalix. All of them have an adrenalin base. The only way to get the large quantities of adrenalin is to get them from cattle. Some of the substances they develop affect psychic development. Other drugs have physical restoration properties. Aliens use cattle for the biological materials as well.
Valdamar Valerian

That issue is reinforced here:

A drug connection to these mutilations may be found inside the "YELLOW BOOK". We found that, as the Terran Scientist learned about Longevity, (Secret of long life) the main basis for longevity was the capacity of human cells to recuperate. Anyone will grow old when their cells can't be restored and they start a process of deterioration and die. The secret of longevity is the restoration of the cells.

This can be done using,

• Altered Adrenalin,
• Alterated Coradrenalin,
• Cordrazyne or Cortropinex, (sometimes use only Formazinye and Hyronalinx, read "The Pulsar Project" for additional information on these and more drugs).

All of these drugs have a base in Adrenalin, which is produced in the human brain. During the 60's the scientists discovered that they can be synthesized from the medullary portion of the adrenal gland of the cattle. They need big quantities in order to synthesize a small portion of the mentioned drugs above.
Blue Planet Project

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE
If ET's are involved in cattle mutilations, what is their motivation? That is a great question MM, and without a good answer the case begins to fall apart, as in every crime.

Well, I'm far from an expert, but this is what I have learned. In many mutilation cases, certain glands are missing. These glands contain substances that the aliens need. It is fact that the glands are often missing, of course it is only speculation that the aliens need these, but logical speculation.

Here you go Planet X:

The Zetas are the ones involved in the cattle mutilations. They absorb certain substances from parts of the cattle that stabilize them during the cloning process. This can be placed under the tongue to give sustenance and stability for some time. It is a substance that comes from certain mucus membranes: the lips, nose, genitals and rectum, and also from certain organs. These glandular substances serve as nutrients in lieu of eating.
Codename Falcon

The EBE's have a genetic disorder in that their digestive system is atrophied and not functional. Some speculate that they were involved in some type of accident or nuclear war, or possibly on the back side of and evolutionary genetic curve. In order to sustain themselves they use an enzyme or hormonal secretion obtained from the tissue that they extract from humans and animals. (Note: Cows and Humans are genetically similar. In the event of a national disaster, cow's blood can be used by humans.)

The secretions obtained are then mixed with hydrogen peroxide and applied on the skin by spreading or dipping parts of their bodies in the solution. The body absorbs the solution, then excretes the waste back through the skin.
John Lear

They (short greys) are using this planet as a supply depot, for biological materials (people and cattle mutilations.) Most of their biological materials comes from the cattle mutilation. These materials have been found on their crashed UFO crafts.
Michael Salla

The area around Dulce has a high number of cattle mutilations and missing people who are captured for these experiments. The aliens also need parts of the cattle for their own experiments and nutrients. They absorb nutrients through their skin because they don't have a functioning digestion system and require large amounts of human blood and humans for their own experiments down there.
Christi Verismo

I think you get the gist of what's being said here. No need to post any more.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Awesome work here. Thanks for making ATS better. S&F

Spent most of my life in rural areas. I can tell you almost anyone around can tell the difference between a predator's calling card, a death from other common causes, or something weird. Many times, farmers and ranchers can get compensated from predator kills so why would they claim otherwise unless there was a really good reason?

I am curious why the majority (all?) of the unsolved cases are domesticated animals? Sure they are easier to locate than wild animals (alive or dead) but is that not telling?

Helicopters? You can hear them miles away especially in the quiet of rural areas. If helicopters were the SOP for whomever is doing this, it would not take long to add 2+2 for anyone making a living off the land.

That leaves me with a handful of nothing. I appreciate it is happening but none of the hypothesis make it too far at least in my mind.

Thanks for sparking the gray matter

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 10:37 PM
If people want to observe unusual activities, go to Dulce Base or Little Cottonwood Canyon(entire Salt Lake City area),
there are Grey bases there and they HAVE to show their crafts when they leave.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 10:45 PM

edit on 7-4-2015 by 111DPKING111 because: triple post

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 10:45 PM

edit on 7-4-2015 by 111DPKING111 because: triple post

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 10:45 PM
Mirageman, do you feel Linda Howe is correct in that some mutilations show clear signs of being dropped? Ive seen one other TV investigator make the same claim based on certain broken bones.

I do think the alien explanation has an advantage here. Pull up the cow, process it quickly, then drop the dead weight right back down. They have to eat as well. There are also reports of alien craft over water towers and lakes, again, probably just refilling their water supply.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 06:01 AM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

But why use helicopters?

No tire tracks or foot prints. Ranchers are competent hunters and trackers, they would figure out who's behind it sooner.

Why not involve ranchers and just pay them for any losses?

Germ warfare testing on your land and live stock? Beside the obvious resistance to that, the whole idea is to test the stuff in real conditions. In bio war, people don't know about it, so thats part of the test conditions.

Or why not do the testing in the wild on the millions of acres of land the government owns?

No people there. Part of the testing involves exposing the population of "remote" areas and see how it spreads by contact, by wind, water, whatever.

What is with the laser like cuts…

No knives, less cross contamination or risk of accidentally cutting and infecting ones self.

…and only special glands removed?

To carry back to the company labs for further analysis. Not just "special glands" by the way, organs, blood, bone, secretions…

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: BeefNoMeat

originally posted by: stosh64
a reply to: mirageman

I don't doubt the evidence that this happens, and I also find it a great mystery as to the peculiar nature of the remains of these animals.

I just find it hard to believe that beings that developed technology to travel many light years across the universe, did so to remove the anus from a cow.

I believe it is a harvest of genetic material by Interdimensional beings that do NOT have our best interests at heart.

A lot of effort put into this thread. Very interesting, thank you! S&F

Serious question: What would be, if you will, the economic advantages of interdimensional travel as opposed to interstellar travel? I honestly, do not know and have always been curious. Thanks in advance.

Great OP.

If dimension is defined as another plane of existence where intelligent entities can exist and there is a means to interact with our dimension and manifest nut-and-bolts " like craft" and operate behind a veil of deception and secrecy.... the phenomena has occult overtones.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Excellent thread, thanks for putting it together.
The possible prion disease research is something I haven't heard of before. It could make sense, but it does seem something more is going on.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: dezertdog
a reply to: mirageman

Researcher Chris O'Brien is a wealth of knowledge on this subject.

He also was one of the original Skin Walker Ranch researcher's.

Ah yes thanks for reminding me. He has written a book "Stalking the Herd" all about the mutilations

I also found this interview with him from last year where (apparently) he talks about many of the things being discussed in this thread.

Tim Binall interview with Chris O'Brien

I must give it a listen!

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