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Teen suspect who died after Roswell police chase was heart recipient...makes me sick.

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posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 07:48 AM
This story has a LOT of people in GA really ticked off right now. So this kid was the recipient of a heart transplant in GA after a huge debate over whether or not he should get one based on his life and history. Because his mom and the media played the race card and had civil rights proponents go to work on the story is why he got it. I remember this story very clearly and it was ALL over the news. The kid was a thug then and now he is dead like a thug. This story makes me sick....


A troubled teenager who received a controversial heart transplant less than two years ago died Tuesday after he lost control of his car during a high-speed chase with Roswell police.

Anthony Stokes, 17, of Decatur, was also a suspect in a failed burglary and a carjacking, which police believe were linked to the fatal crash of the black Honda Accord on Ga 9, Officer Lisa Holland said.

Stokes made international news in August 2013 after the media reported that Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston had not put him on a transplant list. The hospital ruled he was a bad candidate for the organ because of his background that suggested he would be “uncompliant” in treatment and had brushes with the law.

So here is what they said:

At the time Stokes was diagnosed, doctors said he would die within six to nine months without a transplant, Hamilton said. The hospital reversed course and Stokes received a heart after his mother and critics from civil rights organizations contended he was denied the heart because he was poor, black and had trouble with the law, which his mother said was for fighting.

Wow.....shocking that the hospital and everyone else was correct....he should have been denied the heart, but instead, because they played the race card, he got it. I hope everyone involved in getting this thug his heart are re-evaluating their lives, though chances are very slim.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Funny how if he was a poor, troubled white kid no race card can be played! It seems as if the people who aren't white are the people who are the most racist...IMO...This kid should not have been on the transplant list, nor received one even after the race card was pulled....

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: Chrisfishenstein
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Funny how if he was a poor, troubled white kid no race card can be played! It seems as if the people who aren't white are the people who are the most racist...IMO...This kid should not have been on the transplant list, nor received one even after the race card was pulled....

Oh he definitely should NOT have gotten a heart. This was a national story when he was getting it. If you look up his name there are numerous stories and videos of the whole debacle. This just drives home the reason for the selectivity of the donor list.....hopefully it will be a lesson learned for those that got this dead thug a heart.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Disgusting. When are the social justice warriors going to just accept there are bad people in the world and we're better off without them. That heart could have gone to someone that actually deserved it. I wonder how many people suffered at the hands of this scum in the extra time he got.
People need to take a stand and say enough is enough, whatever your reason is for being a piece of scum turd, it doesn't give you a God damn right to go round messing up the planet for other decent people.
Any hand wringers that make excuses for these types of people going on about race, poverty, upbringing or whatever are as guilty as them and should be locked up along with them.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 08:00 AM
I am kind of just waiting for the sympathizers to come in and say that if the cops had not chased him he might still be alive and maybe turn his life around...he was going to college and all starting next week....etc....etc...etc.....blah.

Nope...this dead thug got exactly what was coming to him...should have already come to him a few years back, but even after a second chance at life, this is how he dies.....robbery, shooting, running over pedestrians and carjacking.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 08:10 AM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
...he should have been denied the heart, but instead, because they played the race card, he got it.

And until we stop listening or putting weight into such idiocy the race card will always be pulled and almost always, the people using it will get what they want. It's extortion based on your race. Using it shows me that you're no better than those who hate others based on their race.

So because this thug wanted to continue his life of crime, someone else who was a law abiding citizen got denied. Fantastic.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe


It's you I feel sympathy for, either you have hate in your heart or you've been prostituted by the race pimps, or both.

In my opinion your posts in this thread seem to be rejoicing another person's death, your motives seem suspect.

edit on 1-4-2015 by real_one because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 08:16 AM
Such a shame..

He wrecked a car, I like cars.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: real_one
In my opinion your posts in this thread seem to be rejoicing another person's death, your motives seem suspect.

Shakes head, really dude? Really? This guy was a bonafide criminal. Everyone at the time didn't want to give him a heart transplant because, hey, criminals are gonna commit crime. Why rob a person whose life would amount to something a chance at that life then giving it to someone who is just going to throw it away like this guy did?

The only reason he got it, was because "wah-wah, I'm black and you're white and evil!". So people like you who put far too much into race gave in and gave it to him.

edit on 1-4-2015 by 2Spooky4Me because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 08:17 AM
Here is one of the original stories when the SCLC got involved...


Hamilton and the SCLC want to know what exactly that means.

"He's been given a death sentence because of a broad and vague excuse of noncompliance. There was nothing specific in that decision. Just noncompliance," said Christine Young Brown with the SCLC.

The group talked about how Stokes is normally a healthy teenager who set high goals for himself, but one thing they did not address in the press conference, but later admitted, was that Stokes has been in some trouble and that might be the reason for the denial.

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston couldn't talk about a specific patient's case or what criteria they look for transplants, but hospital spokeswoman Patty Gregory did release this statement:

"The well-being of our patients is always our first priority. We are continuing to work with this family and looking at all options regarding this patient's healthcare. We follow very specific criteria in determining eligibility for a transplant of any kind."

But the group said that's just not fair, and they're not giving up.

"We must save Anthony's life. We don't have a lot of time to do it, but it's something that must be done," said Mack Major, Stokes' mentor.

Hamilton said the hospital is giving her son only three to six months to live if he doesn't get a new heart, so of course the SCLC is focused on him right now, but they said it's an issue that could affect hundreds of kids in the future.

I wonder if they will release any statements on this now....

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: real_one
a reply to: Vasa Croe


It's you I feel sympathy for, either you have hate in your heart or you've been prostituted by the race pimps, or both.

In my opinion your posts in this thread seem to be rejoicing another person's death, your motives seem suspect.


No need for you to feel sympathy for me....I do have hate for this thug that took a heart away from another, possibly more deserving, individual. Wonder who died so he could get this heart? Who died waiting for one because he got it after receiving national attention because his family played the race card?

Too bad the system caved and gave it to him. I would bet they won't make that mistake again, and will have a very easy reference for that from now on. I can't see their decisions being challenged anymore in cases like this....

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 09:02 AM
And here are some of the latest pictures that this "stereotyped" thug publicly posted. Wonderful job all involved.....way to claim that he was stereotyped and get him a heart he did not deserve. Seems those that were stereotyping were does that make it a stereotype?

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 09:02 AM
I'm totally discusted.

Someone died and its just politics as usual for you.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 09:08 AM

originally posted by: Iamthatbish
I'm totally discusted.

Someone died and its just politics as usual for you.

Why shouldn't it be...there was a huge stink made over this heart transplant that got the SCLC involved and all kinds of accusations were thrown around and an agenda was used to get this thug a heart that someone else deserved. Now, he dies, in a manner that shows he was exactly what these agenda driven groups and his family said he was not, and I doubt it will even make it past GA news.

I am glad the pedestrian he hit did not die and that he didn't kill someone else in the process of his robbery and evasion.

This should be discussed by all the news media that initially ran this story nationwide when he got his transplant because civil rights groups went to bat for him and forced him up the list. They should be held accountable for their actions in this matter, yet nobody will likely touch this story and are probably hoping it dies out quickly.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

The topic of the post is false equivalence. At least that's how it starts. But the rust is right under the paint isn't it?

How WASP wannabe authoritarians detest the black man. A deep and abiding hate that is totally transparent. It just oozes from every pore. Never ceases to amaze me. There are always a chorus of supporters for this type of venom on ATS. And crying to mods when it's confronted. IMO, it's the most intellectually dishonest feature of ATS.

At the end of the day, all you've really got is your hate to cover the guilt. Hate has it's rewards I suppose. You've done your little part today to validate Jim Crow revival, genocide and crimes against humanity. You will be shocked when the illegitimate legal system you created and supported is used against you. Didn't see it coming because you thought you had a superior standing. LOL.

The American model of shamelessness defines this country and it will be ample justification for its destruction.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 09:16 AM
I'm going to forgo sharing my thoughts on your apparent joy this child's death has allowed you to have. I'm also going to forgo pointing out that children make mistakes and still grow up wonderful. Think idk... Judge Mathis.

You may have had a chance to grow up in years, clearly notbin compassion for other humans.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: InverseLookingGlass
a reply to: Vasa Croe

The topic of the post is false equivalence. At least that's how it starts. But the rust is right under the paint isn't it?

How WASP wannabe authoritarians detest the black man. A deep and abiding hate that is totally transparent. It just oozes from every pore. Never ceases to amaze me. There are always a chorus of supporters for this type of venom on ATS. And crying to mods when it's confronted. IMO, it's the most intellectually dishonest feature of ATS.

At the end of the day, all you've really got is your hate to cover the guilt. Hate has it's rewards I suppose. You've done your little part today to validate Jim Crow revival, genocide and crimes against humanity. You will be shocked when the illegitimate legal system you created and supported is used against you. Didn't see it coming because you thought you had a superior standing. LOL.

The American model of shamelessness defines this country and it will be ample justification for its destruction.

The topic is a false equivalence how?

I have no guilt over anything. I simply hate that this thug got a heart because his family went the "race" route and got civil rights groups involved to force the hand of the hospital decision makers, when they were right in the first place having initially denied his transplant.

I guess when there is nothing else to claim, race always works. This story just shows blatantly how backwards that is because of the irony. All the claims he was a good kid and everyone would love him and he just needed a chance and blah blah blah. Well....seems they were all liars I guess...he died doing what the administrators thought he would do, but that his "camp" said was a stereotype because he was black......

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: Iamthatbish
I'm going to forgo sharing my thoughts on your apparent joy this child's death has allowed you to have. I'm also going to forgo pointing out that children make mistakes and still grow up wonderful. Think idk... Judge Mathis.

You may have had a chance to grow up in years, clearly notbin compassion for other humans.

No joy in it....justification sure. I don't like that he died at all. I would have preferred he got the heart and went on to become a good citizen. Unfortunately, he didn't and proved the stereotype of him was correct in the first place. Sure I had a chance to grow did he...even got a second heart to help him along. I don't think a judge could have done anymore for him giving a second chance....he had a history with the juvenile court system and then got a second chance at life.....threw every one of his chances away....but maybe one more would have worked right?

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Basically it sounds like you're saying the medical establishment should have sentenced this kid to death because he was in a little trouble with the law. I'm of the opinion that the courts should take care of stuff like that, not doctors.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: Iamthatbish
I'm totally discusted.

Someone died and its just politics as usual for you.

2 people probably died because of this instead of one person.

And I would have the same opinion no matter the color of the skin. Thugs should be lower prioritized when giving a transplant. I have said ok to use my body parts in the case of an accident. But the usage of my body parts should be a blessing to society not a curse like this case is. If my body parts goes to a "thug" it might be time to rethink my allow people to transplant from me in case of an accident.
edit on 1-4-2015 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

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