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UN says Israel, not Iran, North Korea or Syria worst violator of human rights

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posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: Involutionist
a reply to: johnwick

The US prisons make Mideast central and south american and Asian prison look like Nazi death camps in comparison..

That statement along with the rest of your post is ironic. You see my friend, you just compared a first world nation such as the U.S to second world nations of S.A and the mid-east in order to make a point...

Let it marinate.

Btw, which other first world nations is America a shining beacon of hope for? Canada? Finland? Netherlands? Britain? France? Sweden? Germany?

Not only that but the daily Gang rape, suicides, murders, solitary mental torture, racial violence and CO beatings do not make foreign jails look like Nazi death camps in comparison...

No sir, not whatsoever!

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 02:12 PM
By 'worst' they mean most prolific an repeat offemders - which Israel does top the list for - there's no point trying to claim China. Russia. US, nearly all developing nations etc have caused far more brutal and widespread individual violations though. This is just misinterprotation between prolific and one offs.

I'm no supporter of Israel and very anti Zionist (nothing wrong with Jewish people, just Zionists same as Muslim Al Qu'eda comparison) but in this case the UN are in lala land.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: buster2010

I wonder what they would rate what WE have done in black ops?
The Norks and Middle eastern nations OWN that ,not Israel.
It's just popular to PILE on them now and Muslim customs are religious not governmental, apparently.
We have to use the SAS because they can cover up the black ops due to their censorship laws.
edit on 31-3-2015 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: babybunnies
You know who's one of the worst violator of Human Rights?

The UNITED STATES. No equal rights for LGBQT, no laws protecting LGBTQ from discrimination, and upholders of the death penalty in several states.

Huge violations of basic human rights in prisons, health care as a "for profit" system (in many other countries health care is free or heavily subsidized), and a legal system that protects corporations over human beings.

Let's call out the USA before anyone else.

While America has a bad habit of disappointing me, I can't pretend these things aren't worse in most other countries. Gays are killed around the world, and our prisons would look like paradise compared to many other countries. We violate human rights in other ways around the world, but on the issues you brought up there are much worse.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: Meduzi
a reply to: Logarock

Israel will always be able to use the "We were abused" line. But, being the greatest power in the Middle East, the disproportionate response, is clearly wrong. And as long as they keep stealing land, this cycle will continue.

Don't start shooting your little 22 rifle at a guy with a machine gun.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Who cares who the worst is. They're all DICKS!!

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

That's fresh coming from the UN which has member nations which have even worst human rights violations than Israel. Case in point Venezuela...

Venezuelan Government Allows Security Forces To Use Deadly Force On Demonstrators If They Feel In Mortal Danger

I guess they felt in "mortal danger" when for example, the chavista police shot a 14 year old in the head when he hid under a car trying to get away from the chavista police and the demonstration...

Venezuelan Police Shoot, Kill 14-Year-Old for Yelling ‘Stop the Repression’

That's not the only case in which Chavista police had shot and killed unarmed students and other people for simply protesting.

Will Europe's left condemn human rights violations in Venezuela?

Violence and crime has increased, not to mention government corruption because the leftist regime has implemented laws, and regulations which caused crime and violence to increase. The Venezeulan socialist/communist government implemented food rationing in Venezuela, which has caused a lack of basic goods. People fight in supermarkets over the last food items meanwhile 80,000 tons of food has been rotting in government warehouses.
Fight over food raises stink before Venezuela vote

How is Venezuela not in the top when they are systematically and on purpose causing hunger to their own population, alongside all the other human rights abuses happening there?

Israel and Palestine both have a history of horrendous human right abuses because they are both in a constant state of war. The Palestinian authorities have stated since the inception of Israel that they do not want the state/nation of Israel to exist. Peace is badly needed there, but how do you achieve that between two nations that have been in constant war after war for who knows how many thousands of years?

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 08:06 PM
The UN has always been biased against Israel. I'mm not surprised.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 08:14 PM
Quite a bit of this has put me in mind of the little kid on the playground throwing rocks at the other kids then screaming they're being bullied when the others get sick of it. Not saying this covers everything, but yeah, Israel is at fault too.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: Ironhawke

On a side note...
Am I the only one that finds it a bit Odd that given your comments on Israel you chose to use Leonard Nimoy in your avatar ?

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: Max_TO

Not at all. I am not demonizing Israel, just wishing she could start being a bit more diplomatic. I neither hate nor uncritically condemn Israel. I simply think that their record and their actions should speak for themselves, and not keep hearkening back to events 80 or 2000 years ago. If they would at least give serious thought to a two state solution..hell, if they'd agree to an actual cease fire I'd be overjoyed. All the problem is not Israel's fault, nor is it the Palestinians'. Both are to blame. avatar is Spock. Just happened to played by the delightful, and greatly missed, Nimoy. Please actually read my other posts. I am not engaging in anti-Semitic Israel bashing. Earlier I explained that one quite well.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: Ironhawke
a reply to: Max_TO

Not at all. I am not demonizing Israel, just wishing she could start being a bit more diplomatic. I neither hate nor uncritically condemn Israel. I simply think that their record and their actions should speak for themselves, and not keep hearkening back to events 80 or 2000 years ago. If they would at least give serious thought to a two state solution..hell, if they'd agree to an actual cease fire I'd be overjoyed. All the problem is not Israel's fault, nor is it the Palestinians'. Both are to blame. avatar is Spock. Just happened to played by the delightful, and greatly missed, Nimoy. Please actually read my other posts. I am not engaging in anti-Semitic Israel bashing. Earlier I explained that one quite well.

Yeah well...


The guy set Israel back 20-30 years in many ways. This was a terrible election, his actions this summer were stupid... if those attacks came and weren't literally 100% repelled he could have done what he did and been justified but his response given that no one died leaves the room open for this entire debate.

In the end the reality is Israel exercised whopping ridiculous military superiority, Israel without what it could do WOULD have been on fire, but that not happening he just made Israel the bad guy. All the rest of this is nauseating hooplah, nonsense, derogatory inane bs... when Moses went where, what empire controlled what, who started this or that...

2 people displaced over land a legitimate dispute neither side actually being wrong, it's fair ground for both war and a peaceful solution.

But dummy had to go and create a kill zone that had never been done before in recent history when there were no Israeli bodies to justify it on principle... the Attack failed, there weren't dead babies on the Israeli side to hold up and in the end that's 90% of this debate being able to exist...

Yahu screwed up and shouldn't have been reelected he created a lot of anger, it's a big world, the Moral upper hand would have been undeniably Israels to have been attacked that way and not have responded in such a manner, he played the situation all wrong.

All this "history" nonsense (and I say "history" in quotes because the bible isn't History per-say) is just that, non sense, 2 displaced people a situation created as a result of WW2 the rest is immaterial and counter productive to peace when people wont acknowledge the identical circumstances of both

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: Ironhawke

Fair enough .
And I wasn't implying that you were anti-Semitic and if that's how I came across I apologize .

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: Max_TO

Perfectly all right. Given that Israel is one of those "hot button" topics where emotions can flare up at a notice, it's easy to see how a post might be misconstrued. Apologies if I offended.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: johnwick

Do you hear this on your local Christian news network ?? Cause that is where most of this foaming nonsense is spread from in America and Canada and is totally believed as if it is the WORD OF GOD.

Even when proven wrong they silently go on to the next brainwashed message, they cannot learn they are too far gone.

Too late.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: buster2010
Is this your first time hearing this? For years now Israel has pretty much been leading the pack when it came to human rights violations. But that's what happens when you hold another nation under a brutal occupation.

Their is a documentary called Occupation 101 that documents the Israel-Palestinian take over. Its unbelievable how the Israel military went about it. They litterally went into homes and put people on the street and minutes later let an Israeli family move in. Not to mention all of the houses they just destroyed to build big condos and such. I'm surprised that the article said they were the #1 womens rights violator above this Palestinian ordeal. Probably because the U.S. and other U.N. nations backed Israels takeover.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: Zcustosmorum
a reply to: xuenchen

I seen quite a lot of what Israel done To Gaza last year and it was vicious, pure & simple. I am not surprised by the U.N.'s finding. That and of course they've been in direct violation of human rights laws (and guilty of war crimes) with the constant siege of Gaza since 2007.
Your ignorance is overwhelming...Israel gave up Northern Gaza to the Arabs there with big money producing farms and the idiots destroyed them...Then the terrorist Gazinians used that land to launch unprovoked rocket attacks on Israel...

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 04:51 PM
The UN is run by muzlim terrorist countries...What would anyone expect them to say...

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: Iscool

Good thing that "muzlim terrorist country" USA is on the security council, then...Also, did not realize China and Russia were Islamic. Gee, you learn something new every day.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: babybunnies
Cry me a river.

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