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UN says Israel, not Iran, North Korea or Syria worst violator of human rights

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posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 07:23 AM
Israel has gotten a raw deal from everybody for years. This b.s. is just the latest in a long stream of people judging with no brains being used. Every country that ever existed including ours has done some pretty nasty stuff to stick around. Our Civil War would've qualified us as violators easily, if the Useless Nations existed back then. It's easy to sit back and be armchair quaterbacks when your not the ones in danger every single day. Palestine has good people in it too unfortunately they decided long ago to cross the Israelites and take the land, Israel got it back again in 1948 and they deserve to keep it. I won't go into the biblical aspects of it all but if Israel is ever lost we are all screwed.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: johnwick

Bs hyperbole, that was your entire post.

Speak for yourself.

No other Arab nations want the pallies.

Not even Iran?

They are outcasts because they are by historical records extreme trouble makers.

That perfectly describes Israel.

Isreal hasn't built a wall around them on all sides. Just the Israeli side, the other walls were built by the Arab countries that border them.

What 'other walls'? I only know of the ones Israel built.

The Israelis aren't the only nation that wants nothing to do with them.

Far many more countries want nothing to do with Israel.

In fact they had open borders at one time.

One time? Really?

The pallies kept bus mombing and mombing markets etc until isreal had no other choice but to close the pallues off to protect themselves.

Protect who, the Palestinians? That's like protecting a dog by locking it in a kennel all day every day.

Since the pallues can't momb isreal on weekly basis anymore, they now launch rockets constantly.

'Pallues'. 'Momb'. 'Isreal'. No problem, I can translate that: No rocket has hit Israel since Christmas.

At a rate if thousands per year into isreal.

That is utter nonsense. Approximately 4,000 rockets were fired from Palestine last year, 95% of which were during Operation Protective Edge. Here's a reference for you, which clearly shows that 'thousands' will apply in some years but others were in the 'hundreds'...

See a pattern here?


posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: Beach Bum
Israel has gotten a raw deal from everybody for years. This b.s. is just the latest in a long stream of people judging with no brains being used. Every country that ever existed including ours has done some pretty nasty stuff to stick around. Our Civil War would've qualified us as violators easily, if the Useless Nations existed back then. It's easy to sit back and be armchair quaterbacks when your not the ones in danger every single day. Palestine has good people in it too unfortunately they decided long ago to cross the Israelites and take the land, Israel got it back again in 1948 and they deserve to keep it. I won't go into the biblical aspects of it all but if Israel is ever lost we are all screwed.

Hmmm... Why don't you tell us when & why the Tribe of Judah lost that land? The Pro-Israeli crowd never goes into that, and for good reason.

In the early 600s AD the Tribe of Judah joined with the Persian Sassanids in their fight against the Roman Byzantines. The Sassanids were Zoroastrians & the Byzantines were Christians. Well, the Sassanids & Jews conquered most of Judea and the Jews were given control of Jerusalem. So what happened next? Why don't you all talk about this part?

The Jews killed off most of the Christians (genocide), and started destroying their churches, mausoleums, and any other traces of them (sound familiar?). They were trying to recreate their strictly strictly Jewish kingdom (they also tried to rebuild the Temple). The Sassanids were appalled by this, so they kicked the Jews out of Jerusalem (late 620s- early 630s AD). Then the Byzantines massacred the Jews and reclaimed Judea.

The Tribe of Judah was so devastated that the majority of the Tribe gave up on Jerusalem permanently, leaving only a token amount of Jews there. This lasted until the late 1800s when modern day Zionism was created. That's more than 1,200 years. In fact, in the 1800s many Jewish leaders proclaimed Berlin the new Jerusalem, since this is where the majority of Ashkenazi Jews are from. Why don't you all ever speak on this? The Palestinians have been living there this whole time. What right do people born in Germany, Russia, and Poland have to take land they'd never even seen before?

And for the record, Christianity is officially considered a false religion by most denominations of Judaism. So why would they care what the Christian Bible says? And Israel is a secular nation where many Israelis don't practice Judaism or even believe in God. So how do they fit into this?

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 08:36 AM
originally posted by: Beach Bum

Israel has gotten a raw deal from everybody for years. This b.s. is just the latest in a long stream of people judging with no brains being used.

There certainly is a problem in respect of "Israel this, Israel that" and some people really do not use reason when describing the situation. However, it's equally irrational to suggest this being the general case.

Every country that ever existed including ours has done some pretty nasty stuff to stick around.

Being English, I know this only too well. Bear in mind though that there is a big difference between defending one's own borders and causing conflict around the world. For example, no European state absolutely needed to colonise the Americas in order to survive, rather it was about megalomanic colonialism.

It's easy to sit back and be armchair quarterbacks when your not the ones in danger every single day.

It's not easy at all; it pains me having virtually no ability to make a positive difference, as much as I try. Anyway, we're all in danger and make no mistake about that.

Palestine has good people in it too unfortunately they decided long ago to cross the Israelites and take the land, Israel got it back again in 1948 and they deserve to keep it.

Every place has good people, Israel is certainly no exception. The thing is, the history of Canaan goes way, way back and we simply do not know enough due to events taking place which may have destroyed archaeological evidence, such as the biblical flood and constant warfare.

I won't go into the biblical aspects of it all but if Israel is ever lost we are all screwed.

The last thing any of us need or want is for that kind of eventuality. The area is clearly of major significance and we therefore ought be pulling together to work out the most appropriate resolution.
edit on 31st March 2015 by VigiliaProcuratio because:  

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 09:20 AM

The denial in here is hilarious!

Sadly, the situation isn't.

You don't continuously break 80 international laws for 68 years and not top the list of Human Rights violations!

You don't massacre children, let that sink in and don't respond with "that's an emotional fallacy"...

Let it truly sink in...

Name another nation so haphazardly killing children in the last century that wasn't top of human rights violations...

Saudi Arabia are probably 2nd...

DPRK 3rd...

Yet we don't hear about them massacring children all too often...

Let it sink in!

Don't appeal to emotion by claiming I'm appealing to emotion...

Let... It... Sink... In!!!

edit on 31-3-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 09:24 AM
Palestinian UN delegate stands to give a speech...

He says "First... I'd like to share a story..."

"There was once a man named Moses who came to Palestine...
He hit a rock and a fountain of water burst out...

He bathed...

But when he got out...

His clothes were gone!"

"Some "filthy jew" had stolen them..."

An Israeli delegate interrupted...

"Actually, at that time, there were no Jews in Palestine"...

The Palestinian delegate said "well now that this fact has been established, I'd like to start my speech!"

Buh dum tiss!!!
edit on 31-3-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 09:31 AM
"Pallies are outcasts because they are by historical records extreme trouble makers."

Funniest response in the thread.

So this poster is admitting, there is a historical evidence for Palestinian people existing!

Good to hear from the rabid Zionists!

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: Logarock
a reply to: VigiliaProcuratio

Nice little propaganda cartoon. Makes the point that Hamas wished to make. Poor little us getting picked on the big bully. Oh we started it?

Hamas didn't exist until Israel invaded Palestine.

Hezbollah didn't exist until Israel invaded Lebanon.

ISIS didn't exist until Israel started destroying Golan Heights.

This pattern that is emerging is not what Israel wish to highlight of course.

So class them as the enemy and forget their origins...

Ironically, class Israel as the ME saviour & forget their origins too!

edit on 31-3-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 09:38 AM
Without meaning to be off-topic, here's a list of historic maps...

1,450 BC - [x] - Middle Assyrian Empire
1,300 BC - [x] - Middle Assyrian Empire
1,200 BC - [x] - Bronze Age Collapse
   830 BC - [x] - Neo-Assyrian Empire
   671 BC - [x] - Neo-Assyrian Empire
   530 BC - [x] - First Persian Empire
   303 BC - [x] - Kingdoms of the Diadochi
   231 BC - [x] - Seleucid Empire

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: Logarock

originally posted by: DeadSeraph
a reply to: Meduzi

Yeah. Looks like a restraining order to me. Tired of seeing their peoples flesh and body parts strewn across the streets or children blown up in busses.

Yea sure. Lord knows Hamas never get sick of it. For them body parts mean political points, propaganda fodder.

Hamas fighters think their own children are just "propaganda fodder"???

Loga you're smart enough not to spout anti-Arab Hasbara to the masses who read your words.

Arabs do not think their own children are drones to be sacrificed...

& it's disgusting propaganda that promotes the notion!

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: johnwick

Yes unarmed, as they fire thousands of rockets into isreal, and shoot AK-47 rounds st their soldiers.

Yes because every Palestinian carries rockets in their pockets and dangle a AK from a chain around their neck.

They are outcasts because they are by historical records extreme trouble makers.

Proof of this? And couldn't the same be said for the Israelis? A lot of the people who formed the Israeli government was known criminals and terrorist.

Isreal hasn't built a wall around them on all sides.

No they were nice enough to leave the way to the ocean open. So the people from Gaza has a choice stay and take a chance on getting bombed or swim for it though you may drown or get gunned down by the ships blockading Gaza.

The pallies kept bus mombing and mombing markets etc until isreal had no other choice but to close the pallues off to protect themselves.

Yes the Palestinians should just accept that Israel wants their land so they should do nothing to try and stop Israel from taking it.

At a rate if thousands per year into isreal.

Don't you just hate it when the people whose land you are occupying fights back?

See a pattern here?

Yes Israel can do no wrong in your eyes and the Palestinians are always the blame. Wasn't it smart of Israel to help create Hamas?

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 10:22 AM

originally posted by: sosobad

originally posted by: johnwick

originally posted by: sosobad

originally posted by: Logarock

originally posted by: sosobad

originally posted by: Logarock

originally posted by: Meduzi
Israel represents the classic case of 'the abused, going on to become the abuser'.

Israle represents the provoked becoming the accused.

Would that argument stand up in court? I was provoked so I decided to kill over 2000 children. Its not my fault I dropped bombs and killed them they started it. Oh wait there was munitions being kept there, what there wasn't? We are probing it but look look a missle landed on open farm land, we are provoked again to kill more children.

Yea it would stand up in court. The same way a bank robber is charged with murder if the cops accidently shoot a hostage. Hamas......guilty of wanton murder and blood lust.

Bad analogy, this isn't like that at all first off Israel is holding Palestine hostage, unless you think those big walls are for decoration, so it is the hostage takers killing the hostages. So you think they should be jailed? Interesting

The pallues have borders with Arab neighbors, they can leave any time they want...oh wait, their Arab neighbors walled them in as well.

I wonder why?

Oh that's right, they do the same crap everywhere else as well.

Nobody wants know what, forget it.

You just hate isreal admit it.

You ignore all the terrible things the pallies do because you hate isreal.

Your hate blinds you to facts.

Why should they leave? What reason do they have to leave the land they are on? So Israel can take it? They are walled off by Israel from their own land, that is the land they want to be on, not Egypt. Can't wait for this answer

Isreal is not their land.

Isreal walked off Israeli land.

Just like every other Arab neighbor did for their respective countries.

You just can't accept the pallies are bad all around.

Why do you think Jordan and Egypt want nothing to do with them?

The pallies were shunned by all Arab nations long before isreal came around.

They are the trouble makers nobody wants in their lands.

They were hurded and shut into the Sinai long before isreal was founded, because of their culture.

They had the offer of a 2 state deal, they rejected it because they don't want peace.

They like the way things are going.

They want war with the Jews at all times until all the Jews are dead.

As is stated by their charter.

Isreal doesn't state they want to wipe out all the pallies.

They could do it by next week if that is what they wanted.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 10:26 AM

originally posted by: sosobad

originally posted by: johnwick

originally posted by: sosobad

originally posted by: DeadSeraph
a reply to: sosobad

Why do you think there hasn't been as many suicide bombings inside Israel as of late?

An attempt on 19th April 2008 none since then.

Why do you think there is no more? Could be down to the fact the Palestinians want a 2 state solution.

The fact you have stars for this post shows how ill informed some are.

No it is because isreal walled them off.

The "open air prison" you keep complaining about is the reason there have been no more attacks.

Isreal did what it had to to protect its people.

It tried everything.

Nothing worked so they sealed the border, problem solved.

That just doesn't make sense, how does a wall stop a suicide bomber? A wall may stop a rocket but how does it stop a person strapped with explosives? Nearly 50,000 Palestinians officially work in Israel, while around 30,000 cross the border illegally every day from the West Bank to work. They could easily put on explosives after they cross over, explain how a wall stops that?

A wall stops rockets from flying over it?

Must be why over 4,000 hit isreal last year alone right?

It stops the bombers very easily.

Mossad has the best counter terrorist ops in the world.

All the regular pallies get to cross, all the extremists get stopped and arrested.

That's why they build all those tunnels.

Their bombers can't get through the border.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: johnwick

Then why did Jordan offer billions to help repair Gaza along with Qatar?

Your continual fallacious arguments are giving me a chuckle.

Stay Rabid & Carry On!
edit on 31-3-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

Edit: The charter that doesn't exist any more!


Identical to the very real Likud charter that says Israel will be completely Jewish with no Palestine!


edit on 31-3-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-3-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 10:43 AM
Breaking News!!!

Source: The Daily OMGWTF Is This S# For Real LOLROFL!

Rabid Atheists ethnically cleanse and displace hundreds of thousands for God given land!!!
Irgun, the Jewish Terrorist Cell, has built tunnels under Palestine to massacre children in what has become known as the new Holocaust!

The newly formed Jewish Caliphate plan on enlisting a barbaric warlord named Sharon to genocide folk in refugee camps at Sabra & Shatila.

Sources close to Sharon have quoted him as saying "Arab women are our toys to rape and do as we please!!!"

He is apparently an agnostic, with a tendency to believe in God given land when it suits him...

Like his masters!

Human Rights?

I don't think Israel even know what that is...

Goyim Rights maybe!!!

Which is that of cattle/serfs & boot lickers!
edit on 31-3-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: If this post is deleted.... I'll just use it as rant! Fair game there!

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: Beach Bum

Israel has gotten a raw deal from everybody for years.

Yes getting everything handed to you on silver platter is a very raw deal. Israel has been breaking international law as well as the agreements that were made when Israel was created and nothing has been done about it. So just how is Israel getting a raw deal?

This b.s. is just the latest in a long stream of people judging with no brains being used.

This is what happens when people start to use theirs brains instead of just blindly believing what Israel says.

Palestine has good people in it too unfortunately they decided long ago to cross the Israelites and take the land, Israel got it back again in 1948 and they deserve to keep it.

So it was the Palestinians and not the Romans that conquered the Hebrews and stole their land thousands of years ago?
But Israel has gone far beyond those borders they agreed to long ago. Move the Israelis back behind those borders and give the land back to the Palestinians. Annexing land by force became illegal after WW2 Israel has no right to break this law with impunity.

I won't go into the biblical aspects of it all but if Israel is ever lost we are all screwed.

No Messiah came back to create Israel so the biblical nonsense goes out the window. Only one person has the power to create Israel and there has been no sign of him being around besides they didn't listen to him the first time what makes anyone think they would listen to him this time around?

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: johnwick

I see your reading comprehension isn't that good. 30,000 cross illegally what is stopping the bombers from crossing also? Love the way you call them pallis rather than their actual name, why is that? Do they not deserve to be called Palestinian? Which tunnels are you referring to? The ones israel told everyone was there but offered no proof? Those ones?

Eta You have yet to answer as to why you think the Palestinians should leave their land. They are walled off from the original borders they did not walk off. It was stolen and then walled, they want it back.

Hate being this guy but the amount of spelling errors you are making is ridiculous, use spell checker.
edit on 31-3-2015 by sosobad because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-3-2015 by sosobad because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: Swills

You just don't seem to follow what I am saying

Yes the council is a joke, when one considers that some member countries of the Human rights council are the worst of the worst when it comes to human rights violations. Are you disputing that, please clarify?

Now as for you putting your assumptions into my statement on the way the council allows human rights violators to sit on such a council, I just don't know what to tell you .

Speaking for myself, the UN has some work to do before I can give any weight to their findings .

In my opinion it would seem that simply because they have ruled against Israel you are ready to stand tall and proud for the UN council and turn a blind eye to what the council is actual made up of . It would also seem that anyone taking a different view then yours is some how backing Israel .

You are drawing to many conclusions IMHO and you are also setting yourself up as defending the validity of some pretty bad human rights violators simply because they have spoke out against Israel .

In review..
if we look at my past posts can we please point out something that I had said that was not factually correctl , minus the filling in of personal assumptions?

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: johnwick

The US prisons make Mideast central and south american and Asian prison look like Nazi death camps in comparison..

That statement along with the rest of your post is ironic. You see my friend, you just compared a first world nation such as the U.S to second world nations of S.A and the mid-east in order to make a point...

Let it marinate.

Btw, which other first world nations is America a shining beacon of hope for? Canada? Finland? Netherlands? Britain? France? Sweden? Germany?
edit on 31-3-2015 by Involutionist because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 02:02 PM
If the UN came out with a report condemning Hamas and the use of rockets from populated areas, the pro-Israel gangsters would be jumping up and down screaming "look look look!" But it came out the other way around and suddenly gangsters are like "UN doesn't count"

This entire thread has done nothing but vindicate my opinion that pro Israel gangsters are shameless and lack an class.

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