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"evil is only an illusion, there is only love"

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posted on Apr, 2 2015 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: theCheddar

originally posted by: greencmp
a reply to: isthisreaI

There is evil and it must be recognized. It cannot be completely destroyed because it is integral to the existence of good.

No it's not. You don't define a quality with it's opposite, nor do you define a quality because of it's opposite. You can completely eliminate the term, "evil," and you can still have a sliding scale of goodness.

I see, you are one of these "it's all good" folks.

Well, I disagree, I do not believe that everything is good.

posted on Apr, 2 2015 @ 02:18 PM
The New age's parallels to the old mystery school's teachings and some forms of government like "socialism" are staggering. They usher out statements like, " Evil's an illusion, so is good.. It's all imbalance, and balance etc...
and all it takes, is " obtaining enlightenment and raising your level of consciousness to heal the world etc...

The glaring problem is though....

Most of us ( especially those of us on ATS) recognize that though this utopian vision is something we yearn for so deeply, it's simply not the current state of the world. While we are burying ourselves in self help books, doing yoga, eating healthy and trying to feel completely happy .. our neighbours are starving, barely just getting by, severely depressed etc..
ISIS is rampaging through the middle east and inflicting mayhem and evil everywhere they go, so is Boko Haram etc..

The most twisted part about this movement is it's the ones who are realists who recognize the problems at hand who are going to be look at as the " cynics", the outcasts, and scary enough believe it or not- maybe even the " criminals" simply because they don't buy into the New world Order's concepts that will be arriving here shortly.

I used to be deeply involved in the new age, believed everybody was good, and evil was just an illusion. But I've come to say evil is very real, so is Good though.

If you were a great evil, would you show your hands openly on the table for all to see your agenda? No.....

you would deceive them first, get them to sell away their liberties and follow your philosophies while behind closed doors you implement plans into motion that will ultimately destroy your intended target.

the new age movement has been infiltrated, and will be used as a means to deceive many into blindly going into the Brave New World... with the mentality "evolve or die"

Don't believe me? Do your own research on what this large advocate and sweet little lady has to say for all those who don't comply...

"The choice is: Do you wish to become a natural christ, a universal human, or do you wish to die? People will either change or die. That is the choice." - Barbara Marx Hubbard

We, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the last moment before quantum transformation. The destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body."- Barbara Marx Hubbard

"We are in charge of God's selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the Pale Horse, death...We do this for the sake of the world. - Barbara Marx Hubbard

Her God is Lucifer... plain and simple..

posted on Apr, 2 2015 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: TheOneElectric

Evil is what you do not agree with.

That seems to say it all pretty much.

As far as transhumanism, I don't agree with it, maybe it's not evil but I wouldn't want it. It goes against all of nature and our being. We are born, live awhile and then we die. To mess with this cycle is to mess with what makes life special.

To have eternal life would make my life... dull. I would give myself 100 years before I got completely bored of the same existence over and over. Heh, unless there were insane, drastic changes going on in society and I got to participate. But even then I would be confined to the same physical laws and the same ol' me.

Progress is great... but at what cost? If I were to live eternally as a brain strapped to a robotic body, wouldn't that defeat the purpose? Wouldn't that be an artificial mimic, a sick parody of life?

posted on Apr, 2 2015 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: freedom7
While we are burying ourselves in self help books, doing yoga, eating healthy and trying to feel completely happy .. our neighbours are starving, barely just getting by, severely depressed etc..

We think we are so high and mighty but that is not the case. How many of us would truly help a homeless person? A mental patient? What about a serial killer before that person started killing?

I walked by a homeless person today, he was eating something in a small patch of grass amidst the concrete jungle. Now I feel guilty about it, maybe my indifference was that evil thing. Would I do something for them tomorrow if I saw them? Probably not... I have let evil win the day.

posted on Apr, 2 2015 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: hudsonhawk69
a reply to: isthisreaI

Good cannot exist without evil. We cannot banish the evil from our lives. We cannot completely protect people around us from negative things. Life is about balance and acceptance. Acknowledge evil both in yourself and others. Accept it for what it is and move along.

I can agree with this to the extent that we cannot completely protect our loved ones and innocents from evil, that's unrealistic.

I can't bring myself to say "that's just the way it is, better accept it and move on". To think that mass murdering eachother because of ideologies and imaginary lines is normal, and all apart of the "natural balance of things" is completely insane thinking to me- because even going by that philosophy, clearly we are imbalanced in almost every way in the book. I believe we can do way better than this.

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic
a reply to: isthisreaI
I think of good and evil as being like light and darkness. In a dark room, you can ADD light and the darkness vanishes. In a lighted room, you can ADD all the darkness you want, but it will still be light.

I really like that concept. Some days it's easier to remember than others!

posted on Apr, 2 2015 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: Topato

originally posted by: theCheddar

originally posted by: greencmp
a reply to: isthisreaI

There is evil and it must be recognized. It cannot be completely destroyed because it is integral to the existence of good.

No it's not. You don't define a quality with it's opposite, nor do you define a quality because of it's opposite. You can completely eliminate the term, "evil," and you can still have a sliding scale of goodness.

It's all point of view though. That sliding scale of goodness may be EVIL to some, while GOOD to you.

And, I find it hard to define light without dark and vice versa. If someone has been blind since birth and all they have seen is an endless black, how would they imagine light, let alone color?

What if it was daylight 24 hours a day? How would you define light? Based on what? That you can't see the light if you close your eyes?

Defining something by it's opposite is pointless. You're then defining one abstract concept with another abstract concept... that's not very tangible, is it?

Light can exist without darkness. Darkness can exist without light. Good can exist without evil, evil can exist without good.

posted on Apr, 2 2015 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: greencmp

It was just an example...

posted on Apr, 2 2015 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: awareness10
Everything is a Freaking Illusion...

Beheadings Included.

Its all BFC = bull farking crap.. can i say that .. question mark..

I really truly hope the world wakes up soon
before this floating rock of crap err World
goes to hell...

Crazy #e Eh

Please explain. When peoples heads are cut off...they really...physically leave their is this an illusion. They never get reattached as if it were a magic show. That would be an illusion. Maybe the "ideas" or "dogmas" that they are trying influence mankind with are illusions...but their acts certainly are not. They are very real, and have very real consequences for the families who will never see them again.

Definition of illusion:
"something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality." AS I said...their heads REALLY fall off and do not get reattached. Seems real to me.
edit on 2-4-2015 by IlluminatiTechnician because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2015 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: isthisreaI
Take this question to heart, "is evil ever responsible for good?" What if, by some odd twist, evil is the reason we are able to read? The ability to look at characters and assimilate them into language could be something which is evil. Does that mean I am serving evil by reading all of your posts and replying to them? Then yet again, if there is a spark which you receive from it then how can you define it as evil? It just seems too silly to define things as "evil" when they are responsible for creation which can lead to an abundance. What I mean by 'abundance' is knowledge.

You used the phrase "hateful and destructive" and I don't agree with the synonimity you implied between those two words because I believe that they are infact opposite from each other. It's actually an interesting drama now that you bring it up. This is because the destructive power reigns, therefore all those under it will succumb to hatred... and then destroy, who again? Maybe that is the very definition of evil. But man, these are just Philosophical definitions of evil. It's not too hard to look around and find practical examples of it.

posted on Apr, 2 2015 @ 10:14 PM
What the OP is really saying is people getting their heads topped off is actually acts of love but all of us are fooled by the illusion its evil. I think this thread is evil.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 02:31 AM

originally posted by: firefirefly31
a reply to: isthisreaI
Take this question to heart, "is evil ever responsible for good?" What if, by some odd twist, evil is the reason we are able to read? The ability to look at characters and assimilate them into language could be something which is evil. Does that mean I am serving evil by reading all of your posts and replying to them? Then yet again, if there is a spark which you receive from it then how can you define it as evil? It just seems too silly to define things as "evil" when they are responsible for creation which can lead to an abundance. What I mean by 'abundance' is knowledge.

Mindf***ed. I'm no philosopher and I gotta say I don't really get what you're saying, like at all, but thanks for the input.

Do I think positive things could come out of negative, or so called evil acts? Of course. Do I think it's necessary? Hell no. I guess my main struggle with this issue is that evil, or better put negativity, seems unnecessary and infectious, and it's inhibiting our potential to thrive as a species just by the sheer amount of it in this world. I mean we were given EVERYTHING to succeed and we've reduced ourselves to warring subdivisions of technological bacteria.

I've heard all the write offs and justifications in the book.. "It's integral to the existence of good, there is no light without dark", the tiresome blaming of "Satan" or differing ideologies, and my absolute favorite "its all an illusion, just drink some ayahuasca, you'll be namaste" All of which I think are crap excuses for #ty and soulless behavior. doesn't matter what philosophical or spiritual spin you put on it.

Of course these are just the ramblings of another clueless keyboard warrior and my opinion is no more valid than the next mans. I just think we can do soo much better than this..
edit on 3-4-2015 by isthisreaI because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 03:09 AM
Just a practical piece of advice: There is nothing wrong in severing all ties with anyone that brings "evil" into your life. Dont fight them, not for any reason, just sever the relationship. You cant fight evil. It'll just keep rising again.

This is about your child now. I would suggest showing her the "good" that exists in this world. If you have really seen the absolute depths of hell, showing her the "good" is the most important thing you can do.

Dont fight the evil, find the good.

All the luck, warrior

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: isthisreaI

Of course these are just the ramblings of another clueless keyboard warrior and my opinion is no more valid than the next mans. I just think we can do soo much better than this..

It is all that thinking that that takes us away from what is already prefect. Man is always seeking for the promised land - which is obviously not here according to the thoughts, the thoughts say it should be better, so man is always dissatisfied.
That dissatisfaction is carried around and pours out all over the place.

If you go to watch a movie do you want it to be just good stuff? How can there be just good stuff happening in a movie? How can there be goodies without baddies?

The movie is just playing but sometimes the watcher may want it to be different but the watcher just gets to see what the movie presents. The watcher can never actually be harmed by the movie. When he realizes that he is just the witness he can rest in peace.

edit on 3-4-2015 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 05:25 PM
"evil is only an illusion, there is only love". One can also say that all conditionality is an illusion, there is only love. But this doesn't necessarily change anything. However, it is true that real love is unconditional - prior to all forms and states - not separate from consciousness or awareness itself. But this must be recognized, and ultimately realized to be the case.

Real love's opposite is not hate or evil or anything else - it is prior to all of that. So one must be what one already is - awareness itself - and the virtue of Reality will manifest as being, love, intelligence, feeling - non-separate from all arising, but also prior to all arising.

Awareness does not age - you as fundamental awareness have not aged. Feel into when you were 20 and now. You as self-aware consciousness have not aged.

You have never directly experienced anything outside of awareness itself.

Be who you are, embrace and surrender to awareness fully, not by going within or turning out, but simply being awareness which you already are - and the reality you and all things and others are, will reveal itself more and more in and as you and all.

edit on 4/3/2015 by bb23108 because:

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: isthisreaI

While I appreciate your viewpoint, I have to tell you that you're being naive.

Evil exists.

I am absolutely certain of that--and I'm sure you are, as well.

Love exists as well--and is STRONGER than evil.

Which is why GOOD ALWAYS WINS.

But evil exists. it exists within ALL OF US. We all have the potential to be good or evil. It's free will. It's your choice. We all do evil things sometimes--but good people are the ones who have a good moral compass. Evil people lack that morality. Evil runs the world.

Don't ignore evil and pretend that it doesnt exist. All you do if you do that is allow evil to thrive. Like think of the Lord of the Rings. Why was Sauron allowed to rise? Because the good people were ignorant and sitting on their rumps all day. But good triumphed in the end, there, too. Instead of saying oh evil doesn't exist, try recognizing that it does exist. Yeah, it's scary. But you know what makes it not scary? The fact that good will always triumph.

Go read Paradise Lost it's all about good versus evil. And it's all about proving the existence of both.

Open your eyes and see the truth of things. Evil exists and that is OKAY. Because it only ever serves to create an even greater good. Evil is always thwarted because--GOD EXISTS. Just sayin. You are free to believe whatever you want. But if you want to believe that evil doesn't exist you're going to have to bury your head very deeply in the sand to not be aware of the obvious evil at work. Unfortunately, if you bury your head, you'll not only fail to see evil but you'll fail to see good as well.

Evil's existence is what makes good GOOD.

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: isthisreaI

originally posted by: hudsonhawk69
a reply to: isthisreaI

Good cannot exist without evil. We cannot banish the evil from our lives. We cannot completely protect people around us from negative things. Life is about balance and acceptance. Acknowledge evil both in yourself and others. Accept it for what it is and move along.

I can agree with this to the extent that we cannot completely protect our loved ones and innocents from evil, that's unrealistic.

I can't bring myself to say "that's just the way it is, better accept it and move on". To think that mass murdering eachother because of ideologies and imaginary lines is normal, and all apart of the "natural balance of things" is completely insane thinking to me- because even going by that philosophy, clearly we are imbalanced in almost every way in the book. I believe we can do way better than this.

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic
a reply to: isthisreaI
I think of good and evil as being like light and darkness. In a dark room, you can ADD light and the darkness vanishes. In a lighted room, you can ADD all the darkness you want, but it will still be light.

I really like that concept. Some days it's easier to remember than others!

Yes... And in the absence of dark you won't sleep which leads to psychosis. You very much need the dark!

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: isthisreaI

Manifesting Heaven on Earth is not just New Age, it's Christ's Teaching:

"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." - Matthew 6:10

Just living in Love and Forgiveness is also Christ's Teaching:

"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;" - Matthew 5:44

If you do not have Faith in goodness, then you are being negative.

"38You have heard that it was said, 'AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.' 39But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also." - Matthew 5:38-39

This is the difference between worldy revengeful people, and those strong in The Spirit. Forgiveness has the power to transform but Faith in the goodness of the teachings/forgiveness is needed to remain strong in Spirit.

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