I am, and forever will be, the voice of dissent. How droll.
Is evil an illusion? Maybe, maybe not. However, a better question is how we define the word. What is evil?
Many of you all will, of course, roll your eyes and think "What a delusional child. Evil is self evident, and apparent on its face. All you need to
do is live in this world long enough and you'll be able to recognize it, you dunce."
This is not true, not in the slightest. It's an unfortunate reality, but I assure you that it's true. Again, I ask of you, what is evil? Is it the
horrendous acts that we would never dream of enacting on another human being? Is it an errant scowl? Is it an institution that systematically
disenfranchises a certain race, gender, or socioeconomic class? Go deeper. Is evil the intent, the immediate action, or the far reaching consequence
of a decision. Is evil the unmistakable and inescapable predetermination set by an omnipotent god or natural physics? What is evil?
Surely, you'll think: "We told you, evil is simply evil. It is that which we find repugnant, unintelligible, and profane!" And to that I will say:
"Are you sure?"
I ask you, are you sure of your definition of evil.
What is repugnant, what is profane, what is illegal is not true in all regions or geopolitical structures. You see, what is illegal in one
jurisdiction may be perfectly acceptable and widely practiced in another. Of course, again, your brain seeks to narrow the definition of evil further.
We mean things like "murder, rape, and theft."
Why are those things evil? Is it due to the inherent imposition of dominion of ones will on another that robs another of essential "fundamental and
inalienable" rights. Is that Evil? Or, alternatively, have we simply formed a social contract in order to create a great beast known as a
government/institution to deem it illegal an repugnant. Is this evil simply what we agree to be unacceptable in our particular society and way of
life. It cannot be. Why is murder horrible? Because a life is lost? Why not an institution that jails a particular race. Why not a government that
oppresses it people? Why not rampant consumerism and corporatism that we all participate in that brainwashes us and exploits slave labor. Why is evil
not the systematic ingestion toxicity in food (sugars, fat, unpronounceable chemicals). Exploitation, sloth, greed, and an amassing of wealth are
virtues in our society. Why not sin and evil? Because it's not something that our social contract deemed to be evil. It is not what our leviathan has
deemed to be inappropriate and worth of destruction.
So, what is inherently evil? It would seem that nothing is the answer. Yet, again we look at the easy answer of murder. Yet, somehow war and certain
violent acts are somehow actionable under "certain circumstances". Loopholes within loopholes create logical inconsistencies that allow for actions
to be perceived as "good" when they would be "evil" if enacted by any other party other than the won who executed the procedure. Who is surviving,
who is looting? Who is pious, and who is an extremist? It's all about the region, the system, and the god you live within and or under.
But again, back to murder. Why is murder "evil"? It's the easiest example, right? I mean, even theft is easy to dismantle at the end of the day. A
person steals from another person incable of protecting their own goods. I guess animals are theives once they steal the lives of other fauna and
flora for nutrition. Of course, we provide an exception to call this the cycle of life and the "natural order". Well, so is theft, of life, liberty,
and property. It's the natural order. A stronger, smarter, more confident being takes what it needs to survive. This is the natural order. Yet we
think ourselves to be something more, something greater than aggregates of consequences reaching back to the origin of the universe. We think
ourselves free of particles bouncing off one another on a micro scale to result in macro consequences down the line billions of years later. We think
ourselves that large and that important. Even the religious are nonseisical in their logic. Free from the all knowing eye of an omnipotent god. What
madness is this. Is your god locked in time with you? Isn't it beyond space and time. Can it not see all eventualities. Aren't all things known.
Somehow, in spite of science and religion, we think ourselves free agents. Foolishness I say. But, again, back to murder. Why why why? Why? Why is it
evil? It hinders the establishment of a safe and productive society? Let's go deeper.
Murder and theft can be defined as anti progress, with this I will agree. I believe in the forward moving of progress and the increasing of comfort
and information dissemination through society at large. However, those who will agree with me and define murder as anti progress will be the same
Religious extremists (or maybe pious
) that deny progress at every route. The same anti vaccers, the same climate deniers, the same people who
would hold back genetic fixes that eliminate disease. They would be the same people who denied antibiotics or the even washing oneself of dirt and
grime. These will be the same people who will deny the ultimate truths of transhumanism and the battle to eliminate death. So, should I call them,
those who would halt progress, evil murders. Or, should I define them as pious, sensible people who don't want technology or medicine to run amok?
Or...better yet...should I call the inaction evil? The ones who complain about evil, remove themselves from the equation that provides a solution, and
ultimately provide no value except for creating more cynical unproductive adults to this "struggling" world. Ha, they could be the most evil of them
all. At least everyone else is doing something, even at the risk of being "evil". Sitting back when one could do good is supposedly one of the
greatest evils of them all, and passing on such passive traditions to one's child could be the worst sin imaginable.
What you see as evil, another can see as good. What you see as good, another sees as evil. What you see as virtuous, another sees as repugnant.
It's complicated. Extremely complicated yet, possibly, infinitely simple. The christian right is no more evil than isis. The axis powers are no more
evil than the allied powers. Modern America is no less evil than Modern Russia. You are no more evil than I.
My advice: Follow your institution's social agreement, or discard it to create a new paradigm. Don't be a part of the "problem" by removing
yourself while acting from "I'm taking care of my own" lens. That exacerbates any "problem" that you may see. That, in my opinion, is evil and
selfish. If you think that you have no obligation to /not/ sit back and criticize, then don't broadcast your inaction. But at the end of the day,
evil simply is. Evil is what you do not agree with.
Evil is...not an illusion. Evil is subjective. Evil is omnipresent. Evil is.