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Feminists request use of "jazz hands" rather than clapping to avoid triggering "anxiety" [OP UPD

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+4 more 
posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

I couldn't resist this one… I knew there must be a Richard Simmons jazz hands picture! Tweeted this ridiculous story with this:

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: AgentSmith
Not sure why the mentally ill are increasingly being allowed to call the shots...
And even if it is PTSD, it's still mental illness. I suffer from this due to several significant events but I don't expect society to mold around me so I don't get 'triggered'. I do everything I can to try and cure the issues I have, and these people should too. What they're doing is avoidance, what they need is something like schema therapy. Ridiculous that once again people are bowing to this garbage which doesn't help anyone and only fuels their issues!

I have exceptional hearing and I would agree that loud clapping and wooting would be distracting and annoying while presenting a speech.

Distracting and annoying, yes. But the motivation behind this decision was to protect a few speakers from possible panic attacks. Speakers who were getting on stage and giving their speeches *voluntarily *.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:08 PM
Oh, I didn't realize this was a joke thread.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:10 PM

originally posted by: MentorsRiddle

originally posted by: greencmp
a reply to: burdman30ott6

They also ban photography at events as it may intimidate delegates from overseas, so our photo is a suggestion of what the delegates might look like.

Oh.... My.... Goodness....

That photo is worth a 1000 words. Talk about a lack of self respect and dignity.

Sorry, wrong, that's 'empowerment', 'equality' and 'self-realization' that you're looking at right there.

+1 more 
posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight
Nowhere in the article does it label the women of the NUS as feminists, the OP just assumed they were because ... I just don't know why.

Uh... the headline?
This: isn't an example of self identified feminists?

Like I said in the OP, I have no problem with mainstream feminism. I think there is ABSOLUTELY no rationale against the equal treatment of men and women. That said, the modern fringe feminist movement is not even remotely close to equality.
Her body, her choice...
His wallet, her choice...
I'm fully capable of doing the exact same job as a man...
We need lifting restrictions on this job so that I may do it...
Women should have the choice to chase their dream, whatever that may be...
How dare that woman choose to be a stay at home mother and "set us back"...

It's horsecrap, political correctness run amok, and patently ridiculous. It is the reason the state of California actually wasted a huge amount of tax payer dollars changing any state document with the word "man" in it to "person" before realizing that some usages of man shouldn't be changed (like highway design standards that had to be re-re-printed to drop the unfortunate revision of "personhole" when discussing underground utility access.)

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
Feminists just want everyone to bow down to them. They are offended by pretty much everything and make themselves difficult to be around.

This is the typical demand of equal rights by lobbying for special conditions. GLBT groups pull crap like this all the time. "I just want to be treated like everyone else so here is a list of special treatment I would like that is specific to my gender or orientation"

I cannot justify discrimination against anyone in any part of my beliefs or morality. But you are absolutely correct in your statement. Equality is just that. Being considered equal to the average and being treated as such. Beyond that, it becomes unreasonable entitlement spurred on by bullying. Being treated fairly is a human right, and should be the expectation of any adult. Demanding rights and privileges beyond that is childish and ridiculous.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Another day in Bizarro World where up is down, bad is good, right is left, the criminally insane run countries and it's everyone else's responsibility to fix some twits problem. Feminazi's... you gotta love 'em, God knows, nobody else does. Next we'll hear that when the carnie's in town, there can only be booths that sell pies and burgers, no hot dogs for sale allowed LOL.

Cheers - Dave

Crude, but undeniably funny.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: InTheLight
Nowhere in the article does it label the women of the NUS as feminists, the OP just assumed they were because ... I just don't know why.

Uh... the headline?
This: isn't an example of self identified feminists?

Like I said in the OP, I have no problem with mainstream feminism. I think there is ABSOLUTELY no rationale against the equal treatment of men and women. That said, the modern fringe feminist movement is not even remotely close to equality.
Her body, her choice...
His wallet, her choice...
I'm fully capable of doing the exact same job as a man...
We need lifting restrictions on this job so that I may do it...
Women should have the choice to chase their dream, whatever that may be...
How dare that woman choose to be a stay at home mother and "set us back"...

It's horsecrap, political correctness run amok, and patently ridiculous. It is the reason the state of California actually wasted a huge amount of tax payer dollars changing any state document with the word "man" in it to "person" before realizing that some usages of man shouldn't be changed (like highway design standards that had to be re-re-printed to drop the unfortunate revision of "personhole" when discussing underground utility access.)

The headline is the biased writer's idea, not the real facts.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

its things like this that make cringe at some aspects of progressive culture. lets face it some progressive ideals are good....some others are outright extremism. Feminism is a cult.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: pfishy

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
Feminists just want everyone to bow down to them. They are offended by pretty much everything and make themselves difficult to be around.

This is the typical demand of equal rights by lobbying for special conditions. GLBT groups pull crap like this all the time. "I just want to be treated like everyone else so here is a list of special treatment I would like that is specific to my gender or orientation"

I cannot justify discrimination against anyone in any part of my beliefs or morality. But you are absolutely correct in your statement. Equality is just that. Being considered equal to the average and being treated as such. Beyond that, it becomes unreasonable entitlement spurred on by bullying. Being treated fairly is a human right, and should be the expectation of any adult. Demanding rights and privileges beyond that is childish and ridiculous.

They could have a medical condition whereby excessive, or even everyday sounds could trigger hyperacusis.

There are a variety of neurologic conditions that may be associated with hyperacusis, including:

Post-traumatic stress disorder
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Tay-Sach's disease
Some forms of epilepsy
Valium dependence
Migraine headaches

Because social situations are often painfully loud for those with hyperacusis, withdrawal, social isolation, and depression are common.

A little education and tolerance goes a long way.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight

The NUS Disabled Students’ campaign aims to remove the stigma from all disabilities, challenge perceptions and encourage all members of our society to take a positive attitude towards understanding the nature of disability and overcoming prejudices.

Educate yourself on their true intent.

You're being disingenuous. The NUS isn't just disabled students (but believing it was only disabled students would sure help soften the asininity of the article, wouldn't it?).
The real pertinent group at question is this one, a subgroup within the overall NUS collective:

This year our lead campaign will focus on the impact of violence and objectification towards women students. We will be fighting for better rights for student parents and better representation for women in students’ unions.

Note the dichotomy of a concrete vs a philosophically obtuse concept.
"Violence" is pretty concrete. "No means No", anti-domestic sbuse, etc.
"Objectification" is a very open ended, conceptually interpretive ideology. Without some degree of "objectification" we'd have no sexual relationships anywhere in the world today. It's that initial attraction, which absolutely is a form of objectification, that makes two people talk to each other with hopes of a date and maybe more down the road.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: InTheLight

The problem is that it's going beyond tolerance and into the realms of persecuting innocent people. The modern 'Feminist' movement particularly prevalent on Twitter are the biggest bunch of bigoted, sexist and intolerant people I knew existed. It was only a while back when it affected someone I knew I looked at it in detail and saw what a bunch of psychopathic liars a lot of them are.

Most of the time they whine that people are mistreating them 'because they're women' when in reality people are digging at them because they are nasty, rude unpleasant little bitches. Most of the time you can tell the abused and bullied have become the bullies and abusers.

How is a gender specific word like 'feminist' about equality anyway?

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: Ironhawke
a reply to: MALBOSIA

Yeah, because demanding "special treatment" like the same rights as everyone else is, you know, bad or something. I'm going to stop right here before I get too angry. "Special treatment"...good grief smh.

Equal rights. To be treated in an equal fashion legally and ethically as the average, or majority, group that one was initially excluded from.
And it is the birthright of every human being. No exceptions.
To demand more than the average by way of playing on one's previous or current disadvantaged status is no one's right. Demanding special dispensation by threat of implying discrimination where none exists is no one's right. And is also technically criminal.
No, I'm not saying that this occurred here. But debating against the fact that it has happened and continues to happen is about as winnable as invading Afghanistan.
There is no denying that some people and groups take advantage of public guilt to gain what they otherwise have no (equal) right to. These same people and groups also bully others into doing what they want through public shaming and other forms of intimidation.
And I know that these people are a small percentage of the group they claim to represent, but they also tend to yell the loudest.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:33 PM
They are students, in a union, with subgroups of all kinds of people, with all kinds of issues. The issue here is people who cannot tolerate loud sounds need to be accommodated in some fashion, and the students have found a way, hence the 'jazz hands', which I think is a good idea.
edit on 25-3-2015 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:39 PM
The particularly loud and obnoxious mouthpieces for the movement on Twitter won't be satisfied until society is a drab, asexual one lacking any individuality. Any problems they've had with moving forward in life are more likely due to their lack of self esteem and general unpleasantness than actually anyone's 'fault'.
At the end of the day anyone can put any oddities in their behaviour and tolerances down to some sort of abuse by parents/friends/colleagues/etc but trying to make society change to fit around you is wrong.
It is not society's job to tiptoe around everyone and everything in case it offends someone, it is the individuals responsibility to seek therapy and medication if necessary.

If people clapping when giving a talk makes you piddle your pants, then sort it out or don't give the talk. I'm fed up with seeing politically correct social justice warriors seeking to change the world because 12 people don't like something and can rally up enough lemmings on Twitter to sign some crappy petition.
edit on 25-3-2015 by AgentSmith because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

Approach closer ye scared-of-clapping feminists, for you have won the decades-long battle of the jazz hands v. clapping. I say well played, feminists, well played.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:48 PM
Why is this an issue? Clapping or jazz hands? Does it really matter? The idea is to use your hands to show appreciation for what is said. I've seen before where they've requested you do thumbs up instead of clapping as well. All clapping is is an arbitrary gesture we associated with mindless applause. You guys act like changing the gesture to indicate mindless applause for ONE event is somehow akin to feminists trampling over all that is good and holy. Sheesh... Learn to let the trivial things roll off...

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:51 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight
Nowhere in the article does it label the women of the NUS as feminists, the OP just assumed they were because ... I just don't know why.

No, you are correct, it does not. But it doesn't not need to. This is an obvious product of the corruption of the Feminist movement by modern 'visionary' types. And the marshmallow-fluff touchy feely everyone gets a trophy crowd. Societal norms have morphed to a level where getting your feelings hurt is almost a criminal.offense. And saying something that offends anyone outside of your social, economic, religious or racial bracket can ruin your career and even your life. But if anyone says anything offensive about the perceived oppressive majority, they are not allowed to be offended. Everyone demands equality, then spits in the face of the equality of others. Everyone is a victim. Everyone has to be labeled as some sort of special subset of their general group. Everyone has to be treated with kid gloves. Everyone has to feel important, exceptional or special.
Absolutely no one is expected to tolerate anything they can even pretend is offensive, unless they are a member of the aforementioned oppressors. Absolutely no one should ever have to feel like they failed at something. Absolutely no one should be expected to be responsible for their actions because everything they do wrong is the fault of their 'childhood traumas', bad parenting, negative influence of their peers, media influence, pop culture influence, Starbucks getting their order wrong last month, and on and on and on. Because we all know that we should be praised when we make correct and productive decisions, but obviously we have no control over our bad ones.
I realized that I am kind of going off, so I will spare you my comments on the current destructive levels of materialism and self-worship in society and the media.

This concludes the rant for today. Please exit through the gift shop.
edit on 25-3-2015 by pfishy because: Um, I'll have the Reuben, hold the pickle.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: pfishy

originally posted by: InTheLight
Nowhere in the article does it label the women of the NUS as feminists, the OP just assumed they were because ... I just don't know why.

No, you are correct, it does not. But it doesn't not need to. This is an obvious product of the corruption of the Feminist movement by modern 'visionary' types. And the marshmallow-fluff touchy feely everyone gets a trophy croud. Societal norms have morphed to a level where getting your feelings hurt is almost a criminal.offense. And saying something that offends anyone outside of your social, economic, religious or racial bracket can ruin your career and even your life. But if anyone says anything offensive about the perceived oppressive majority, they are not allowed to be offended. Everyone demands equality, then spits in the face of the equality of others. Everyone is a victim. Everyone has to be labeled as some sort of special subset of their general group. Everyone has to be treated wite kid gloves. Everyone has to feel important, exceptional or special.
Absolutely no one is expected to tolerate anything they can even pretend is offensive, unless a member of the aforementioned oppressors. Absolutely no one should ever have to feel like they failed at something. Absolutely no one should be expected to be responsible for their actions because everything they do wrong is the fault of their 'childhood traumas', bad parenting, negative influence of their peers, media influence, pop culture influence, Starbucks getting their order wrong last month, and on and on and on. Because we all know that we should be praised when we make correct and productive decisions, but obviously we had no control over our bad ones.
I realized that I am kind of going off, so I will spare you my comments on the current destructive levels of materialism and self-worship in society and the media.

This concludes the rant for today. Please exit through the gift shop.

Why one would fixate on this one issue by NUS is quite clear to me. I am very impressed with these students and what they are trying to achieve.
edit on 25-3-2015 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
Why is this an issue? Clapping or jazz hands? Does it really matter? The idea is to use your hands to show appreciation for what is said. I've seen before where they've requested you do thumbs up instead of clapping as well. All clapping is is an arbitrary gesture we associated with mindless applause. You guys act like changing the gesture to indicate mindless applause for ONE event is somehow akin to feminists trampling over all that is good and holy. Sheesh... Learn to let the trivial things roll off...

Everything is trivial at some point. Until it isn't anymore. It's not that, in and of itself, the request was ridiculous or offensive. But it is a symptom of a larger problem, an underlying rot in modern society.
I need to correct an error in this statement. The particular incident in question was making a valid request on behalf of their disabled students. Perfectly acceptable. And my general disagreement is not with this particular case, but the rampant hipocrasy and bullying occurring in society as a whole.
edit on 25-3-2015 by pfishy because: Grape Ape!

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