I really love the meat puppets! One of my favorite bands that is not around anymore due to overdose is God Lives Underwater. I love the raw emotional
sound of their music.
This was back when they were Blackhappy. They changed their name to Shoveljerk a while back.
I remember being out on the dance floor on Friday nights trying hard to pollute my senses. Me and my buddy's girlfriend the only souls braving the
staring eyes. "We've got horns! Horns! HORNS!! Let's James Brown this sh# up!" is from one of their other songs. I dig the bass on this song. The mix
of horns and distorted guitar is actually pleasant with the dance heavy groove going on. Reminds me of dancing to Fishbone oh so long ago.
That was some 20 years ago?? My, oh my. Time... *smh*
I'm a jerk, I'm a creep
I'm so shallow, I seem deep
I've got what I want, and I got how I need
And I know that you will always listen to me...
edit on 10-4-2017 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: grammar nazi