a reply to:
I must be getting old when I've seen every
single one of these documents before!
No particular surprise OTHER THAN
the personnel retirement/attrition rate
which is pretty precipitous for an agency
that's around 40,000 officially and probably
between 70,000 to 90,000 when you count
the sub-contractors, civvies and other intel
agency cooperative-funding special projects.
The sheer number of boomers and gen-X'ers
in their ranks retiring and moving out is going
to decimate their ranks within 5 to 10 years
if they don't start hiring younger people.
In terms of funding, nothing I haven't seen before
although they probably SHOULD waaaaay increase
the IT budget back to the percentage levels spent
during 1982 to 1988. While computers are way cheaper
than in 1988, percentage-wise the NSA is spending about
1/3rd of what they did then when you take into account
available computer horsepower per employee per task.
By this I mean, how much percentage of time and system resources
does EACH employee need to meet a specific task objective today
versus what was needed in 1988.
For example: If a 1988 employee needed 600 hours of CPU time
to break a 56-bit DES encryption key and today's employee needs
900 hours of CPU time to break an equivalent difficulty-level 256-bit
AES encryption key, it means that Moore's Law isn't contributing to
a linear progression of time to task as I would expect over that last
25+ years of technology advancement at the NSA. When you compare
the amount of computer horsepower we have today versus what we
had in 1988, it SHOULD NOT BE taking 30% to 50% MORE TIME
to do the same difficulty-level of tasks today. It means from
a financial and employee time point of view, NOT ENOUGH
resources have been allocated to the IT department today
versus what resources and task-time were needed to accomplish
an objective of the same level of difficulty as in 1988.
YES! I do know that no-one here knows whether or not
it actually takes only 900 hours for the NSA to break an
AES-256 key, but the KEY POINT I'm trying to that for
the amount of time and horsepower that is available,
the time to task SHOULD BE FASTER or at the very least
the SAME as in 1988 because Moores Law states that
transistor count (which can equate to available
computer horsepower!) should be doubling every year!
And the amount of time it takes SHOULD NOT BE INCREASING
so badly as I see in various graphs and from personnel anecdotes
I've have been able to consult with on an informal basis.
The graphs in the link tell me that there is a
SEVERE LACK of Technology/IT budget being
applied to accomplish tasks that are quite a
bit more complex today than in 1988.
Ergo, they need MORE PERSONNEL, or better
yet, more and bigger IT systems with better
(i.e. more efficient) software.
Or to put it in plain old English,
the NSA is trying to pull a 30,000 pound
trailer with an F150 light duty truck when
they REALLY NEED to have and use an F450
Super Duty truck to to the heavy lifting.
Somebody is being EXCESSIVELY CHEAP
by trying to do an intelligence-gathering
task (i.e. Information Technology and base
Technology Infrastructure) on systems that
weren't designed to take the load and NSA
is also cheaping out by assigning 2 workers
to do a task that really needs 3 workers!
And I am making those assumptions by
applying what I know is needed to break
codes, sift through petabytes/yottabytes
of data with today's high end supercomputers,
workstations, GPU systems and custom array
processors. I know how much those things
cost and those graphs show a CLEAR LACK
of funding for not only for modern IT systems
but also the personnel young enough to take
advantage of the newer systems to DO such
tasks in a reasonable amount of time!
Now in terms of FUNDING, it's nearly impossible to keep
track of 35 different intelligence and technology/research agencies
who are collectively spending this year over 59 BILLION DOLLARS
NONE of the 4 DOD departments' accounting software
can talk to each other and each DOD department has accounting
and computer tracking SUB-SYSTEMS that can't even talk to each
within the SAME DEPARTMENT OR OFFICE much less keep major
control over the entire DOD!
So BILLIONS will be wasted just on accounting costs ALONE!
edit on 2015/3/9 by StargateSG7 because: sp