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Two years ago we buried our father, a stroke 10 years earlier greatly influenced his quality of life.
Over time his speech improved somewhat and his memory came back, all in all, apart from one paralyzed arm and difficulty with walking it wasn't as
bad as it could have been.
In the good old days he did know quite well how to use his garden hose for other purposes then peeing, so i have 2 brothers and 4 sisters.
After our mother died in 2007 we would visit him every day to clean, to prepare food and to keep him company.
In the last three years of his life his memory deteriorated, but he had good moments from time to time.
On one of those moments he asked me, what will happen with my memories when i die? i was about to ask him, "where are the memories you have lost?"
but then i stopped myself and played along.
He was so convinced that he would see my mother again, that somehow the 'me' lives on when the body dies.
I just comforted him with the belief they would be together again, on the stone of their grave is written, together forever.
Some of my sisters have the same belief, but i've undergone a moment of clarity, in which it became clear that the 'me' is simply false.
In fact, it is the root of suffering, the barrier between the actual what is, and a reality which is created by thought.
The 'me' is a construct of thought, the me opposed to others, through thought a whole new reality is created in which the 'me' is measuring itself
with others, is competing with others, busy with its own little things and personal success, personal interests, his own wellbeing and not caring
about others.
Our whole way of life is based on that, we are brought up with a separated attitude towards each other.
Personal, group, tribe, national, united in an ideal or organized belief, etnical, color, race, hierachical structure, a human created reality in
which conflicts are a certainty and thus violence.
When this fact became clear to me, it was the end of the 'me' and all the pain and suffering which it had caused.
So its unnecessary to say that i see no truth in the belief that a 'me' somehow lives on, it doesn't.
The funny thing is, i'm here, the end of the 'me' is not the end of me as an individual, the fragmented false has simply fallen away, therefore
there is clarity and order.
It's like a permanent meditative state, listening while i'm quietly fulfilling my daily obligations in total freedom.
I'm not the body, the body is a part of me through wich i express myself and through which i am aware of what is.
The body is just as genuinely part of me as the psyche or spirit, like death is just as an actual part of physical life as birth.
If this body dies it is the end of the individual earthling, but life goes on.
The individual will live on in the smile of its children, regeneration is a fact.
I would even go so far to say that there is no death, there is simply nothing that dies, no 'me', the body simply transforms into another substance,
or heat when burned.