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How dangerous is modern porn?

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posted on Mar, 8 2015 @ 08:13 PM
to try and refuse our instincts is a immature failure in our intellect...

As far as I am concerned, here in my country people are free, if they want to watch people have sex, so what...

This thread just proves people need to mind their own business more then ever in 2015...

I tell you, we need a good war, and or one hell of a disaster...

Their are more weak people thinking they are strong now, more then ever...

The internet somehow makes them think they are entitled as well...

It is a sad, truth, but it is needed...

The world could be much better with less bull#...

edit on b152015-03-08T20:15:02-05:00America/Chicago33176 by Bicent76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2015 @ 09:39 PM

originally posted by: Lucid Lunacy
a reply to: Realtruth

What about the happy healthy couples that enjoy watching porn together? Is it still all narcissistic me me me?

Or do you/all think that doesn't even exist?

Watching a movie isn't making love, or sex, it's watching a show for one's own pleasure.

Connecting with the other person sexually doesn't involved external stimuli, it's about focusing that energy on each other.

Taoistic, or Tantric sex focuses on these types of practices.

posted on Mar, 8 2015 @ 10:29 PM
Confession: I watch a decent amount of porn, any straight (or gay even) male who says he doesn't is lying. Therfore correlation does not equal causation, men have been having erectile dysfunction for years. I actaully got a great erection last night with a great woman. Go science!
edit on 8-3-2015 by dr1234 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2015 @ 11:15 PM
I think society would be better off if people didn't try to restrict what other adults could see especially concerning porn. In Saudi Arabia, porn might be as simple as seeing women's faces uncovered. In the 1800's, porn was seeing women's legs uncovered. I would be happier if people stop trying to restrict what I can see. If someone is upset that others feel pleasure from looking at some part of the human body, then that is their problem. No need to do studies and claim it is a problem that needs to be fixed.

posted on Mar, 8 2015 @ 11:16 PM
I think the OP is talking about people who are addicted to porn in a very radical sense like watching it all day and night. These people are so addicted to it, the addiction controls and ruins their lives. I don't think this applies to most people.

Therefore I wouldn't say porn is dangerous. Maybe taking a career in the adult film industry could be considered dangerous with the risk of STD's or HIV. But watching porn, not dangerous, unless you are driving.

Just thinking...does anyone think scientific data on porn addiction is helpful to understand future relationships with AI or robots? I don't see the industry shutting down, I see legalization and rights actually. I think the movie Her was spot on for something in the future. There will definitely be an app like that one day, for adults, and it will be addicting.

posted on Mar, 8 2015 @ 11:16 PM
Sadly, i dont think the problem is simply needing something more extreme because of a heroin like analogy of tolerance. Well actually, i guess maybe it is just that but in a different sense. One of my areas of profession deals with child psychology and I work with thousands of kids. I overhear them talking amongst themselves when working at certain sites where they gather and talk amongst themselves much like youd see at a school cafeteria and it is both alarming and depressing, Id have to say being just one generation ahead of todays youth (Im 30), such a quantum leap has been made in such a short timeframe which robs our kids of more innocent pursuits much earlier in life and robs parents and us adults who cherish children of our child's blissfull ignorance in half the time OUR parents ennoyed. Id guess I was in fifth or sixth grade before I understood 100% without a doubt the physical mechanics of intercourse and probably sixth to seventh before I knew how oral sex or sodomy worked. I also can recall the exact day (not date of course but situation) my buddy and I found a pornographic video and magazine of his older brother and we locked ourselves in his room and watched it nearly muted. He also taught me about "self exploration" that day which his older brothers had recently taught him. I hate for the ladies on here to think Im some pervert for recounting this or for ATS to block my post for vulgarity but I think the adult males on this forum reading this would agree this is a pretty normal situation vis a vis learning about sex and exchanging information as we got it piece by piece with our other close male friends. Before this time give or take 2 years though I just knew sex was a word meaning naked people and rolling around in bed and kissing and when Id hear something related to sex, Id blush and giggle. Listening to this generations kids however, I get sick to the stomach to hear a constant of kids in early elementary knowing how sex works, talking about it as being part of a relationship at 12 or 13, using it in insults in third grade like "perform this!" but with more colorful language. I hear of single parents who have 28 year old boyfriends living with and sharing a bed with a 14 year old daughter, albeit a physically developed one and physical development used as an excuse to rape a child or allow a child to be raped, but as far as the OP is concerned, I know by evidence, questioning kids, eavesdropping on them, and by going through their computers and cell phones (and the phone issue is a should be post in and of itself- kids have no business having phones at a rate they do at the ages they get em, we didnt need em, "whaa waaa what if theres an emergency" parents whine- well, we used the office and paging system to contact kids in an emergency and were still here, and kids dont need the amount of unsupervised freddom they allow not to mention the trouble they can get into with them and with who they may meet on em, but scrolling phone net history and saved pics/videos...::gag::...) leads me to believe quite firmly that kids today, having such unrestricted access and just as curious minds as kids have, kids have seen sex in many of its forms by first grade or seven to eight years old. Therefor, the ease of access teaches them that sex is not as private and related to maturity as it should be portrayed and that plus rap music and seeing Hana Montana and other celebs at 14-15 dating 20yr olds they assume sex is something incorporated into all romantic relationships and so you end up with a table of thirteen yr old girls talking like the ladies at a sunday morning brunch on Sex in the City. What also happens however is kids who either through beginning to have sex early or kids who see no harm in it, watch porn throuout their youth and this desensitizes, doesnt allow for as much imagination that is supposed to go into discovering their bodies and self experimentation, and when they ARE ready for sex, they have a decade long image in their heads of what sex is and when they do it themselves, it doesnt live up to the awesome uberstimulating act of what sex is portrayed as in porn. It also leads to self conciousness in girls and an amalgam of psychological disorders and can cause ED in guys who expect much more. I hope i didnt offend anyone and i didnt mean to be vulgar im sorry if it seemed so my point is just i dont think its as much a tolerance from watching porn thats causing this but instead a generation of kids already exposed to graphic sex at an age theyre still far from developed and any sex thoughts should be in the realm of imagination, curiosity, etc not spot on knowledge of the ins and outs of the mechanics and the different forms/positions and an unattainable image for their future partner(s) to live up to.

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: marg6043

Yes because there is no numbers between 1 and 1000

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 06:24 AM
There is ONLY one real reason for the spread of porn. Let me ask you this. What happens when you suppress something? The answer is simple. It eventually explodes.

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: dr1234

(or gay even) male who says he doesn't is lying

LOL, I have heard this before and I'm not sure why people make that statement . Perhaps it makes them feel better or more confident on their sexuality?

Note not that it matters to me but I can assure you that I have never watched or been curious to watch gay p()rn .

In actuality, I equate it to watching bestiality Porn, not in a sense that is equivalent to bestiality or that their is any thing wrong with gay porn, but it has the same effect for me. I just don't have any interest in watching it nor do I have any curiosity to see it .

So no, your statement based on my own account is false.

Just to clarify, If you like Gay porn or are curious to watch it, good for you and their is nothing wrong with it. Just don't assume everyone likes it or is curious about it.

In regards to the dangers of porn , I think its like any other addiction. Once it starts to effect your home life , work, and family, then you might have a problem. Moderation is key in just about everything.

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 09:14 AM
We need PORN NEUTRALITY bill so everyone gets equal burst speeds .

edit on 15331America/ChicagoMon, 09 Mar 2015 09:15:19 -0500000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 10:54 AM
I don't think its necessarily dangerous in moderation. Nigh on everyone watches porn but most people have sex and function relatively normally. Not to say I haven't noticed it having a slight impact on myself but nothing which can't be fixed with a bit of a break. Its much like alcohol. Most people drink it and most aren't addicted to it.

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 04:28 PM
Wait...there is PORN on the internet???

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: game over man
I think the OP is talking about people who are addicted to porn in a very radical sense like watching it all day and night. These people are so addicted to it, the addiction controls and ruins their lives. I don't think this applies to most people.

Therefore I wouldn't say porn is dangerous. Maybe taking a career in the adult film industry could be considered dangerous with the risk of STD's or HIV. But watching porn, not dangerous, unless you are driving.

Just thinking...does anyone think scientific data on porn addiction is helpful to understand future relationships with AI or robots? I don't see the industry shutting down, I see legalization and rights actually. I think the movie Her was spot on for something in the future. There will definitely be an app like that one day, for adults, and it will be addicting.

You have a genuine and real point, the robot thing, is happening, I really don't know where this will go, the latest robots are very lifelike. Will the future robots be programmed to perform.? Then a whole other thing, how can a real human compare to a totally programmable beauty that will do everything and more. Then you will have the same effect that the porn is having when real sex with real people might not cut it anymore. Because Porn is in reality watching 2 dimensional robots. Why do that when you can have your own 3D sex slave, man this could get real interesting.

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: anonentity

You're telling me. Porn definitely is more dangerous now that it's all over the internet. And now I am positive I am one of their victims.

So I go on the internet just tying to look at the occasional girl in daisy dukes. And then one day daisy dukes wasn't enough! One thing lead to another. Now I'm seeing a shrink 3 times a week to overcome a debilitating Circus Clown Fetish. I just can't get enough of women in circus clown attire. And believe me chicks that dress up as circus clowns just cause and they don't work in a circus or at kids birthdays are dangerous. I've been chased down the street at 4am plenty of times by some crazy women dressed as a clowns all because I needed my fix.

JK. In all honesty. Internet porn has probably refined my tastes not lowered them and made me look for more and more extreme ways to get off. Used to simply like nude women pics. Now I actually prefer dressed women. A nordstrom catalog will get me more interested these days than pure porn. Especially the fall/winter textiles. I'm a weirdo I guess.

edit on 9-3-2015 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 08:17 PM

originally posted by: BASSPLYR
a reply to: anonentity

You're telling me. Porn definitely is more dangerous now that it's all over the internet. And now I am positive I am one of their victims.

So I go on the internet just tying to look at the occasional girl in daisy dukes. And then one day daisy dukes wasn't enough! One thing lead to another. Now I'm seeing a shrink 3 times a week to overcome a debilitating Circus Clown Fetish. I just can't get enough of women in circus clown attire. And believe me chicks that dress up as circus clowns just cause and they don't work in a circus or at kids birthdays are dangerous. I've been chased down the street at 4am plenty of times by some crazy women dressed as a clowns all because I needed my fix.

JK. In all honesty. Internet porn has probably refined my tastes not lowered them and made me look for more and more extreme ways to get off. Used to simply like nude women pics. Now I actually prefer dressed women. A nordstrom catalog will get me more interested these days than pure porn. Especially the fall/winter textiles. I'm a weirdo I guess.

Yeh, but the trouble with sex, is its like going to the gym, their are a limited number of exercises, it doesn't take long for the boredom to start if your going at it .Then its has to be spiced up, like its got subjected to a bit of creativity. Different partners, certain attire etc. But even that isn't enough, the creativity, works, but has to get more out there. Probably periods of abstinence are the best thing.

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 08:38 PM
Everybody agrees that porn=sex but nobody thought speech=porn or sex=speech etc. The idea that the 1st Amendment guarantees the right to porn is nuts. Kids are protected from cigarettes and booze but they really are not protected from porn. A clerk can not legally just ask a kid if he/she is 18 and if they say yes they are allowed to buy cigs and booze. Internet porn sites should get busted just like clerks that break that law. Besides the damage drugs and porn do to people, Jesus made it perfectly clear that lusting after a person who is not your spouse (and that means opposite sex) is sin and sin will separate us from Him & Heaven. Hell would be a huge price to pay for some orgasums.
edit on 11-3-2015 by roberthsiddelljr because: left out a word and corrected grammer

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 09:08 PM
I have to confess to watching porn a lot lately. It's mostly because I am now single and haven't had sex in a while. While it is doing the job it's no where near better than the real thing. When I am no longer single again I will be able to drop it much easier than it is for most drug addicts to do the same. I have many Drug addicts in my family which gives me intimate experience with the devastation it creates.

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 09:33 PM

originally posted by: PrivilegedPeasant
I have to confess to watching porn a lot lately. It's mostly because I am now single and haven't had sex in a while. While it is doing the job it's no where near better than the real thing. When I am no longer single again I will be able to drop it much easier than it is for most drug addicts to do the same. I have many Drug addicts in my family which gives me intimate experience with the devastation it creates.

Why do we get so easily addicted?, do we want to escape the mundane, normal civilised life? , perhaps it doesn't hold the risk, and buzz, that we have been programmed for. Perhaps our wiring hasn't had the time to catch up, with the rapid changes that the modern world has imposed. I think addiction is searching for fulfilment , which like the proverbial "catch 22" says your dammed if you do and dammed if you don't. You can still get addicted to Jesus , it just might be all a religion to pin a hope on.

posted on Mar, 13 2015 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: bluemooone2

You are right about is a principle of human nature that whatever we are restricted from becomes the focus of our desire. Paul says it this way....What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet. As much as I know that unbridled lust can only lead to emptiness...I also know that the essence of porn is a vital factor in the completeness of male female interaction. Faithfulness is the other half of the equation and yet the unifying of the two into an ever expanding experience ......escapes us.

The availability/accessibility of porn will cause the whole process of arriving there to happen much quicker my opinion. It is the ability to objectify the fleshly body that brings out our pollution. We become objects to one another and the larger part of our being is left out of the interaction. We must somehow transcend the flesh and arrive at a Holy Matrimony wherein we are not corrupted. One that will bring the essence of both sides together into a totally gratifying experience.

posted on Mar, 13 2015 @ 05:58 PM
Porn, drugs, alcohol, etc. is only as dangerous as the weak person who wields it. We are a society of addicts. Many people with addictive personalities will become addicted to something. Your choice of addiction is the question. But if you are an addict, expect to be addicted to something...and choose wisely.

PS: I'm speaking from my own experience.

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