posted on Mar, 8 2015 @ 07:21 AM
Erectile dysfunction due to watching too much porn is a real phenomenon. The more that is watched, the more hard core it needs to become in order to
get turned on. I think that this is being utilised in order to reduce population numbers, and that is one of the reasons that our government is doing
very little to address the ease of which it can be watched online. Another reason is that if it also is destroying men's ability to form meaningful
long lasting and loving relationships, as they grow up with the images of women looking like prostitutes and acting like prostitutes (and sadly women
are complying with this conformity in order to get a dudes attention as they too are being brainwashed via music videos, magazine articles, fashion
and movie industry, that this is how you should look and act) it then breaks down the strong unity of the family unit, a strong bond that would make
people rise up against tyranny in order to protect that unit.
Everywhere I look, I see porn images. More and more celebrities and famous singers are shooting and distributing porn style pics of themselves. How
many web sites just carrying news articles also have semi naked women in ads or other articles down the side of the page? It is desensitising us all,
and regular porn watchers even more so. Just have to look at how sex ed is being pushed on younger and younger kids at school, TV programmes called
the joy of teenage sex, where they discuss and show images of more extreme sex and fetish sex. It is the same with all the hype and advertising for
the film fifty shades of grey ( which was seriously pushed by our very own BBC radio stations for days on end before it's release), a film I see as
being designed to normalise fetish, to sew the seed into relationships and individuals who had not thought of fetish before or perhaps thought of it
as weird kinky stuff. If this can be normalised and accepted by society in general, then no longer will we need secret private fetish clubs, clubs
that our very kinky elite/MPs/judiciary/Lords attend and can be blackmailed because of it. But on this slippery slope, there is another possible
reason for over saturation of porn and fetish, and that is to decriminalise and have accepted paedophilia, another thing our kinky elites seem to have
a passion for on an industrial scale. A rather scary scenario when you have kids that you are trying desperately to shield and protect.
Now before you brand me as some holier than thou anti sex prude, I am not, I have checked out the fetish scene and been to dungeons, but I do see an
agenda at work here, especially as the government could just stipulate that all porn should have an '.xxx' domain where parents could easily filter
out that domain and protect their kids, instead of the ridiculous proposal where porn watchers have to go pleading to their ISP to let them watch porn
online. Sorry if I got a bit off topic, but I do see it all connected this way in the bigger picture.