Text We all know about our banking system and how it is pretty much an instrument for debt slavery.Money really is the root of all evil.I know I know
I'm beating a dead horse but hear me out. On my search for truth I came across this site by nice Christian fellow that explains the Adam and eve story
in a whole other light.
sites.google.com... We all know eve was decieved
into eating the forbidden fruit but what if she committed a sin before that?
God gave us the earth and all its abundance for free. Taking out a loan is mistrust that everything you need is not in the present moment. Essentially
eve making a deal with the devil for her first born Abel or who people controversially call the serpents seed. This doctrine has always been seen as
heresy but if fits perfectly.
In the Hebrew txt the word serpent is synonymous with lender or debt. So essentially the serpent is a banker. When she ate from the tree of knowledge
eve made the first trade in the history of man. And the son born of this loan is called Cain. Cain has two meanings in Hebrew they are purchase and
spear/cane. So Cain is the first "purchase" from eating the Apple.
Cain is the first person to commit murder. He killed his brother Abel. Abel in Hebrew is holy. Abel is the exact opposite of his brother he is a man
of GOD and grace. When Cain kills his brother it is allusion of him the spear going thru Abel the hole/holy.
Now we go on to the land of Canaan aka the land of Cain. Canaan/Israel was right in the middle of two of the greatest civilizations of that time Egypt
and Mesopotamia.Canaan was a place of commerce and trade. Oh look Canaan also means commerce in Hebrew! Canaanites weren't only just a race but it
also refers to the spirit of commerce and how it possessed the people. Abraham and Isaac repeatedly tell their sons to never marry a canaanite.
Why couldn't they do this aren't they of the same race? Canaanites are not holy people but men driven by greed and money. Many Jewish prophets confirm
that being a canaanite is a mentality.
Now let's move on to the seven headed leviathan and how it relates to debt as well. THE root word here is Levi which means to bound,twist, or join.
Levi was the father of the tribe of Levi which withheld the levitical law. Or the law they were bound to. Jesus simplifies the laws by emphasizing it
as the love of GOD and love of your neighbors.
Law is only necessary because money exists. In the epistles Paul law is nommos and money is nomisma Law and money are intertwined. Romans 4:15 for law
bring about wrath ; if there is no law there is no transgressor. The bible is justifying anarchy!!! The only laws we need are the laws of the universe
aka the 10 commandments. When money isn't in the picture all other laws become obsolete.
One of God's many names is the eternal present or the now. There is no other time besides now. Does this mean you get to act crazy and do what you
want? Absolutely not it means that the now is the only time to worry about and one must improve himself in every moment possible.
What does this all mean? Man made institutions are just control systems.It is in the human condition to be greedy to want more. Money is a drug that
gives you affluence and status. Are ppl not looked down upon for not having money. Ppl will say well you must adapt. These social Darwinist are the
same men that hijacked our government and use us as pawns in this money game. They think they're better than us we are nothing but dumb chattel to
these men to be used in their global conquest of the world. As long as there is money there will always be corruption no if ands or buts.
Money seperates humans into classes automatically. Every crime is rooted in seperation and money. Why would I KILL someone if he is me and I am him?
Why would I sell drugs if not for the lust of money. Capitalism teaches us if there is a demand you must supply it. Isn't that hypocritical than to
jail these drug dealers for being capitalist. Do pharmaceutical drugs not trump all other drugs in deaths.
How will we live then what would be the motivation of having a job? Besides the menial tasks that can be done by automation. Do ppl really think
humans don't take pride in their work. Is a doctor really only in it for the money and not because they save lives? Would he not want to be known as
the best doctor ever? If you knew money was his only motivator and saving lives wasn't would you still want him as your doctor? I'm an average young
adult and I am always seeking new knowledge isn't every one in these forums have a passion A drive to be better than you were the day before?
If we had no barriers no limits what can we accomplish as a species. I feel sorry for those ppl who believe money is the only motivation for
advancement. You are also totally wrong because I see many stagnant ppl everyday. Our education system doesn't encourage growth it is about obedience.
We can't even invest into cleaner energy as we destroy the planet and the animals with it just for money. Isn't it sad the way we are able to destroy
nature without any remorse for money? Even noble science has whored itself out to money. I'm gonna say this system seems to promote stagnancy just as
well as any other. what about advancing for the sake of advancing and for our children? Do you really want your children to be born in a world where
they would be paying off a debt that we created? Would they not hate us for not stopping this outrageous paradoxical system?
The motivation is very simple and that is to actually evolve. Every month I'm reading about a new kid genius that is doing college courses at a very
young age. Just with these examples I know we are not at the pinnacle of our evolution.
Think about it we are the only conscious animal on this planet that is able to contemplate something like this. What exactly are we capable of as a
species. Is Money going to matter 300 years from when science is so advanced everything we need would be in abundance. If you say no then why does it
matter now? If it will be obsolete one day aren't we just speeding up the process? I'm going to start school very soon to and major in biology And one
thing I've noticed humans just refuse to find their niche and work in equilibrium with nature. We once did but we strayed from it. Imagine working in
total harmony with nature creating nutrient dense super foods that expanded our brains and our growth as a species it's a beautiful thing. There will
always be sociopaths and phsycopaths that will commit crimes against humanity but the system we are in actually encourages this behavior and we must
change it.
Science to me is the only true way to create this society. Everything must grow thru the scientific method and keep adapting and changing. That is the
only way to improve. If it's obsolete it must be discarded. That is true evolution not this sick society that we have now.
edit on 3/7/2015 by
christophoros because: (no reason given)
edit on 3/7/2015 by christophoros because: (no reason given)