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Sabine McNeill Interview Part 3 - Whistleblower for Hampstead Child Abuse Scandal!

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posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: midicon

If there was the slightest bit of substance to the Hampstead allegations, wouldn't you think the establishment would take full advantage of exposing a street level organised pedo operation, thereby showing her determination to attack this problem, whilst additionally backing up her claims that child abuse ran through the UK like the letters on a stick of rock?

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: IvanAstikov
a reply to: midicon

If there was the slightest bit of substance to the Hampstead allegations, wouldn't you think the establishment would take full advantage of exposing a street level organised pedo operation, thereby showing her determination to attack this problem, whilst additionally backing up her claims that child abuse ran through the UK like the letters on a stick of rock?

I can't say what she would do with the whole sex, satanic, madness in the background.

It is important to remember that some of those individuals that are promoting and driving this internet meme have a vested interest in it's longevity. If a book is indeed produced by the mother and spoonman then the legend will live on. Not only that but lurid details can be added without fear of rebuttal or attention to truth. My first I thought was, that not one of them would be capable of this and their account would easily be dismissed. However there are many fingers in this pie and perhaps more astute writers will be called upon to tidy up a messy and unbelievable narrative.

Anyway, those kids are better off where they are I am sure. If their father isn't a ring leading, Satanic, paedophilic child murderer then who might have a happy ending.

Regards midicon.
edit on 15-3-2015 by midicon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 10:21 AM
I see that not content with using the tragic abuse that these children have suffered to raise money in the UK, Sabine McNeill has taken the opportunity of the widespread coverage of the allegations to do the same in the US.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: NormalWisdom

To be honest, I think she needs locked up. She has a few petitions and funding appeals going on. She may even have Russian versions of the same type of thing. She is going to run this as long as she can. She said herself that she sees this case as a major breakthrough.

Ah is what it is.

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 06:56 AM
Rallying of the troops;

Meeting this Sunday at 10.30am outside the Christ Church in Hampstead London – a call from ardent supporters, investigators and activists:

We are meeting for the first time – to put a stop to satanic rituals on the planet, starting with the schools in Hampstead where many children are fostered (satanists are paid to look after children and babies who have been kidnapped from normal loving families or at birth from young girls who are raped) for the purposes of satanic rapes, murders, cannibalism and blood drinking rituals in nursery, primary and secondary schools, paid for by the public in the war between humanity vs satanity.

Thousands of babies from all over the world have been trafficked through Heathrow airport, bypassing customs and quarantine, transported to Hampstead, where they are tortured and killed, their organs harvested, their blood passed around to the children, the babies are cooked, their flesh cannibalised for lunch (no other food prepared) at this church for decades and Father Paul Conrad, who is accused of rapes, murders & cannibalism of babies, continues “business as normal” despite the Police interviews detailing the crimes committed by him and other teachers, Head-teachers, CAFCASS, social services, Police, neighbours, friends, family of over 8 schools in the area, see links below.

Sabines blog

I can see a Section 3 of the Mental Health Act on the horizon.

edit on 17-3-2015 by skitzspiricy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 07:04 AM
If Scamine wasn't just a scam artist on her latest scampaign to raise funds for more scampaigns, she'd have the courage of her convictions to appear there in the flesh, rather than via a skype link, and be a real martyr for her noble cause, rather than a cowardly hag bleating from afar.

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 03:50 PM
Sabine has now resorted to astrology for her appeal to the prime minister of the uk.
I dont care what mental health act they employ, just employ it.

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 03:57 PM
She's definitely setting herself up for a "stress-related psychosis" plea by the looks of it.

posted on Mar, 18 2015 @ 02:55 PM
According to Sabine, petitions have been taken down and the court hearing is tomorrow at 9.30.

Sabines Blog

Also according to the Mum and Spoonman's "Good friend" FB Page They are releasing an audio book on 17th April and there will be an 8 min preview appearing on Youtube at some point, sometime.

They will be asking for donations.

Here is a comment from "Good friend" about the donations;

To go towards them rebuilding their lives but primarily to also get land to live on and to build a healing center for survivors of sexual/satanic/mind control abuse

posted on Mar, 18 2015 @ 03:19 PM

Dear Supporters,

I’m trying to recover from the shock of seeing both petitions removed…. In the process I checked my outstanding requests for help. For I had wondered how and why links had been removed before.

Hi there,

We’re writing to follow up our previous email sent on March 4, 2015. In that email, we informed you that we had received several complaints notifying us that your petition, and the associated sites linked to therein, were in violation of a court order. Following that email, we removed all links associated with your petition. We also informed you that if you added or re-inserted links in the petition that violate the privacy of those involved in this court case, we might be forced to remove the entire petition. It has come to our attention that you have continued to add links to your original petition and have started a second petition with similar content. To bring your petitions into line with our legal terms, you’ll need to remove all links in your petition content, including updates, on both of your petitions. We ask that you complete this within 24 hours or we will be forced to remove both petitions.

Regards, (From US Office/Help desk)

Sabines Blog


edit on 18-3-2015 by skitzspiricy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2015 @ 03:23 PM
Great stuff. This devious witch needs taking down several pegs at least.

posted on Mar, 18 2015 @ 08:41 PM
The Mum and Spoonman Speak!

Ella & Abe - Hampstead - March 2015

Only listened to first couple of mins as about to head to bed.

edit on 18-3-2015 by skitzspiricy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 02:55 AM
a reply to: skitzspiricy

No sound.... can anyone summarise?

posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 03:41 AM
a reply to: and14263

For most of the 8 mins you get E and A discussing the lack of merit of the claims that they might have mental health problems. You get a bit of chatter about how everything's being covered up and there's one too many Israel-originating people involved in the custody case, thus they must be conspiring to keep all this from the public. A little discussion about the social services stealing babies to turn into satan's soldiers. Very little mention of the main unfortunate children involved in this sordid case.

Beneath the content of what was being discussed, I got no sense of anger or great concern from either of their voices, with A actually sounding like it was just a jolly chit-chat about the weather and other trivial crap.

posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 03:45 AM
a reply to: IvanAstikov

Interesting, thanks for summarising for me, appreciated.

I will endevour to have a listen this evening.

posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 03:52 AM

originally posted by: skitzspiricy
The Mum and Spoonman Speak!

Ella & Abe - Hampstead - March 2015

Only listened to first couple of mins as about to head to bed.

OMG do they think this is going to help get their children back? They sound like a couple of pot head nutters who shouldn't be allowed within 1000 miles of any children. And you can hear Spoonman leading the Mum to repeat the answers that he or someone else (Sabine?) has coached into her. It sounds to me that Spoonman was already a believer in satanist and paedophile cult theories long before he found these children. For me it's just more evidence that these allegations are fake.

posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: NormalWisdom
OMG do they think this is going to help get their children back? They sound like a couple of pot head nutters who shouldn't be allowed within 1000 miles of any children.

That is the impression i get. They both sound stoned out their boxes, and even start giggling at one point. After they are talking about Mental Health, He says; "I'm also concerned about your mental health Ella" and they start giggling as if it's a big joke.
If Mum was ever given an ultimatum by Social Services to leave this man to protect her Children or lose them, She's just proven without a shadow of a doubt that he is more important to her then her own Children by staying with him. She's never going to get her Kids back at this rate, and she doesn't even sound that she is that fussed about it.

As Ivan said above, there's absolutley no concern in their voices about the Children and their safety.

And you can hear Spoonman leading the Mum to repeat the answers that he or someone else (Sabine?) has coached into her.

Yes, it's exactly like the leading in the Kids videos. He came across as a very controlling influence in the Kids videos, and it's the same here.
He does a lot of speaking here sharing his opinons and beliefs which the Mum seems totaly enamoured by, and just like the Kids videos he leads and prompts.
When Mum is speaking he seems to interupt quite a lot so he can put his point across.
This is a Man that had only been living with the Mother and her Children for 4 Months before all hell broke loose. Why has the Mum allowed this Man to be such a controlling influence over her and her Children?

It sounds to me that Spoonman was already a believer in satanist and paedophile cult theories long before he found these children. For me it's just more evidence that these allegations are fake.

He has definitely been a believer in this sort of thing for a long time. You only have to look at their "Good Friend" AS Facebook to see that this is the type of thing that is quite a big discussion topic in their group of friends.

You hear him talking of Ben Fellows, and going on about how the Judge and someone else on the case are Israelis as if that explains absolutely everything.

This video has totally sealed it for me. It's a hoax perpetrated by Spoonman who seems to have a fan club of weak women that would be happy to folllow him into the fiery depths of mordor. If anyone could be a cult leader, it's this dude.

edit on 19-3-2015 by skitzspiricy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 09:12 AM
Sabines latest Blog post;

#SatanicCult? Dismissed. You must be joking! #DamePauffley knows?

Read it Here

There is a link to the judgement.

There are a couple of links to a Telegraph and Daily Mail article;

Satanic cult claims dismissed by High Court judge Mrs Justice Pauffley says claims circulating on internet are 'baseless' as she describes people who seek to perpetuate them as 'evil' or 'foolish' after fact-finding exercise


Claims that a "satanic cult" where children were abused by paedophiles has been operating in north London have been dismissed by a High Court judge . Mrs Justice Pauffley said detail of the claims has been circulating on the internet. She said she had been asked to investigate by social services bosses, and had conducted a fact-finding exercise, at a family court hearing in London.

Daily Mail

edit on 19-3-2015 by skitzspiricy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 10:09 AM
I've not finished reading it yet, but the Judgement is very interesting indeed.


Poor Kids

edit on 19-3-2015 by skitzspiricy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 11:07 AM
Well the full judgement is very interesting and fills in a lot of the gaps. The mother's use of enemas on the children for example.

Mr Christie appears to be an evil bastard. The mother is a hopeless dupe not fit to look after children. I cannot think of words to describe Sabine McNeill who even now seems to want to continue to spin these lies.

Hopefully the children will find a happy life well away from all of them.

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