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Sabine McNeill Interview Part 3 - Whistleblower for Hampstead Child Abuse Scandal!

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posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: dominicus

I'd be willing to actually bet a large sum of money that what the kids stated in that video is true. Actually, I think I'd put up my house (paid off) as a bet siding with the kids. What would you put up as a bet that they are wrong?

I never imagined that enlightenment would lead to betting. You sound a little like those money changers.

I too am siding with the children but I don't think they are wrong, I think they are just kids that have been abused.

I side with them and believe their recantation. It's no big deal that you think otherwise.

You have told me what you would do if it were you. It isn't you so it doesn't really matter. If it turns out you are wrong who are you going to apologise to? What's wrong with you?

Thank you for the lecture on enlightenment and the eternal vagaries of systemic corruption.

Oh and what would I bet? I don't bet but if I were to it would never be on something like this.

Enlightened? If you say so.

Regards midicon.

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: midicon

I never imagined that enlightenment would lead to betting. You sound a little like those money changers.

the thing is, you don't know what enlightenment is, so you are speaking from assumptions and speculations, which means your opinions on such things, as outsider, hold no validity what-so-ever. Since that is the case, we can now move on from those things

Oh and what would I bet? I don't bet but if I were to it would never be on something like this.

you do realize it was hypothetical yes? If we were betting on the existence of other universes, the existence of God, the existence of possible free energy devices, the kids being right about their first accusations, etc..... what would you be willing to bet on each? This type of "HYPOTHETICAL" question, results in people betting differently on each of those possibilities. So if it was me, (and this is a famous idiom), I would bet the house, the ranch, the farm, that the kids initial statements are true.

Enlightened? If you say so.

Again, I am not a mathematician by profession and experience, and thus, you don't see me in any forums about advanced technical equations saying anything like:

" ?????


If you say so.

*** The Above formula is a question posed by Srinivasa Ramanujan. I don't know much about that formula or what it entails, so you wouldn't ever see me asking about something I don't know about that. Sound familiar?

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: dominicus

Have you been keeping up with developments in this case? I think Abraham's name is coming up more and more. Even Belinda has mentioned him.

I can't really talk about enlightenment on this thread or any other, I wouldn't be so bold. Although you have already assumed I don't know anything anyway. I didn't know it had insiders, see I am learning so much already. What's with the capital letters and question marks? The funny thing is, and it is funny, that you, shallow and silly as you are, somehow think you are, sort of wise. You cannot help but reveal yourself, despite yourself.

Sorry to the OP for wandering off.

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: midicon
a reply to: dominicus

Have you been keeping up with developments in this case? I think Abraham's name is coming up more and more. Even Belinda has mentioned him.

I can't really talk about enlightenment on this thread or any other, I wouldn't be so bold. Although you have already assumed I don't know anything anyway. I didn't know it had insiders, see I am learning so much already. What's with the capital letters and question marks? The funny thing is, and it is funny, that you, shallow and silly as you are, somehow think you are, sort of wise. You cannot help but reveal yourself, despite yourself.

Sorry to the OP for wandering off.

Last time I heard anything about the case was 3-4 days ago.

You cannot help but reveal yourself, despite yourself.

more assumptions. I am aware of every word that is typed, every thought that arises, they are movements from pure potentiality, and if you were enlightened and knew much about it, many things you've said we be rephrased, but i digress

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: dominicus
I'd be willing to actually bet a large sum of money that what the kids stated in that video is true. Actually, I think I'd put up my house (paid off) as a bet siding with the kids. What would you put up as a bet that they are wrong?

You would lay bets and gamble on the lives of 2 poor children that have no doubt been abused, the extent of which is unknown at this stage to the speculation jury of the internet, you would bet your house on one of the most crazy, mixed up and retracted stories you have ever heard.

Really?, You would do that?

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: OneManArmy

originally posted by: dominicus
I'd be willing to actually bet a large sum of money that what the kids stated in that video is true. Actually, I think I'd put up my house (paid off) as a bet siding with the kids. What would you put up as a bet that they are wrong?

You would lay bets and gamble on the lives of 2 poor children that have no doubt been abused, the extent of which is unknown at this stage to the speculation jury of the internet, you would bet your house on one of the most crazy, mixed up and retracted stories you have ever heard.

Really?, You would do that?

your taking it all out of context.

I would bet the house that what the kids originally said is true. I think the Cops forced the retractions based on what the Grandparents are saying.

Yes, I would bet my house that they were right the first time. I don't trust the UK justice system, or the police involved in this case at all.

And you would bet your house that what they said is lie then, yes?

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: dominicus

originally posted by: OneManArmy

originally posted by: dominicus
I'd be willing to actually bet a large sum of money that what the kids stated in that video is true. Actually, I think I'd put up my house (paid off) as a bet siding with the kids. What would you put up as a bet that they are wrong?

You would lay bets and gamble on the lives of 2 poor children that have no doubt been abused, the extent of which is unknown at this stage to the speculation jury of the internet, you would bet your house on one of the most crazy, mixed up and retracted stories you have ever heard.

Really?, You would do that?

your taking it all out of context.

I would bet the house that what the kids originally said is true. I think the Cops forced the retractions based on what the Grandparents are saying.

Yes, I would bet my house that they were right the first time. I don't trust the UK justice system, or the police involved in this case at all.

And you would bet your house that what they said is lie then, yes?

The fact that the kids had lied and embellished their stories is accepted among all the experts involved in the case, they made claims that proved to be impossible. So no that wouldnt even be a bet, its a fact.

I dont trust the justice system in the UK either, but its the only thing preventing us from gathering up into lynch mobs and hurting innocent people.
Protecting innocent people from nutcases that believe everything they read on the internetz without checking for facts.
The same nutcases that kill people thinking they are doing the right thing, when they are not.

So as much as you hate the justice system, its all that protects us from crazy people and their crazy ideas, and their crazy followers. Its what seeks to protect the anonymity of innocent children in petty "child ownership" disputes among parents who cannot act grown up. Trying to protect them from the wrath of crazy conspiracy theorists who wont take the truth for an answer if it doesnt fit a bigger conspiracy. And so drag out an endless tale of bullsh*t that is dragged up by conspiracy theorists for decades, forever rubbing the poor kids faces in a tale that has them as victims for the rest of their lives.

And for what? Some parents who cannot get over themselves for the sake of their kids.

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: OneManArmy

its a fact

please, prove it. sources?

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 11:51 PM

edit on 10-3-2015 by midicon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: dominicus
a reply to: OneManArmy

its a fact

please, prove it. sources?

If I started posting sources like Sabine did, then I would be guilty of breaching the very same court order, and thus would make myself a criminal.
Until the reporting restriction is lifted I cannot disclose documents which may incriminate myself.

There are sources of information out there, you will have to do some investigation work of your own to find it.
Or just wait until the restrictions are lifted and the truth will out.

Hint: There is a link in this very thread which leads to all the evidence.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: dominicus

originally posted by: midicon
a reply to: dominicus

more assumptions. I am aware of every word that is typed, every thought that arises, they are movements from pure potentiality, and if you were enlightened and knew much about it, many things you've said we be rephrased, but i digress

You aren't aware of anything... I find it revealing that at every turn you seek to aggrandize yourself and only achieve the opposite. Pure potential...smashing. Bet your house? ( paid off )...? It is like a conversation with a prepubescent. I haven't made any assumptions about you, your words reveal your depth. No one is interested in betting, what a stupid idea. You should think before you type. I am too wise for you and yet I claim nothing. You should really be thanking me for giving you feedback on facets of your personality that you are unaware of.

If you are interested in what happens to those children, go read, catch up on it like everyone else.

Who knows I might one day pop in to one of those enlightenment threads of yours, despite what you think, I may have something to offer.

It's all good.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 02:38 PM
Glad to see common sense and reasoning are winning the battle here. There's a tiny pocket of resistance, but it seems the flaming torches have been quckly dowsed here.

Regarding the OP, that Scamine is a slippery one, don't ya think? Her evasiveness where criticism is concerned is only a minor fault compared to her complete inability to get a good outcome for anyone she comes into contact with having problems in the family courts.

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 05:26 AM
Has the OP made any further attempts to get Scamine to expose her inadequacies via her own words? Or is she uncharacteristically less forthcoming at the moment?
edit on 11-3-2015 by IvanAstikov because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 11:44 AM
Looks like the new thing is to blame the Children for the Boyfriends and Mums behaviour;

Also the kids repeatedly told both him and Ella after finding out and finally getting truth out of them, how they were going to kill them both, or how Ella the mother would be so easy to kill. Abe knew he would take the blame for it. What they both went thrugh with the kids was so horrendous, I would have freaked too not to mention how they sexually assaulted a 3 year old, put poo in their foods, and Gabriel constantly saying he had the urge to touch some infant, and also to KILL.

Sabine's blog

Read the whole "Statement" from a "Close Friend" of the Mum & Boyfriend, it's laughable.

Sabine has pretty much been stating that she has more information that is going to bust this wide open and expose that this is a cover up. If this is all she's got, she needs to try harder.

edit on 11-3-2015 by skitzspiricy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: skitzspiricy

This is just getting utterly ridiculous right now. How far can Sabine keep digging? She's almost in Australia by now, surely.

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: skitzspiricy

It's frightening. What do you think?

This has perhaps come about as more and more attention is being focused on Abraham and the mother. Sabine now has something to fall back on when questioned about Abraham. As if the original story wasn't bad enough we now have the kids plotting to kill the mother and Abraham afraid of taking the fall. Sadly though people will buy this hokum and champion it. Thank God he had the idea of gently beating the truth out of those kids before they killed her or someone else.

Anyway it was always on the cards that a frame up would be claimed. The thing is though, Abraham has a past that will eventually surface and that is something he can't hide from.

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: midicon

I already mentioned that Abraham would write a book and live off the proceeds.

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: TechUnique

a reply to: midicon

The more this goes on the more disturbed i feel, and not because i believe that they are victims of a Satanic Sex Cult.

It seems that exploiting these Children isn't enough for the likes of Sabine, Mum, Boyfriend and "Close friends" of these poeple. They now want all of their supporters and followers to know that the kids are little paedophiles and killers in the making and that was reason and justification for the Boyfriend to start beating on them "To get the truth out of them".

I'm at a loss for words with this latest but of information. I'm torn between laughing at the stupidity of it and then feeling bad because those Children will never be able to escape from this. Their names and faces have been immortalised on the internet along with this heinous story.

edit on 11-3-2015 by skitzspiricy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: skitzspiricy

Sabine has pretty much been stating that she has more information that is going to bust this wide open and expose that this is a cover up. If this is all she's got, she needs to try harder.

Yes and Benjamin Netanyahu is an islamic fundamentalist.

They realise their "case" is falling to pieces, and the desperation to shift blame is very very telling indeed,

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: OneManArmy

originally posted by: skitzspiricy

Sabine has pretty much been stating that she has more information that is going to bust this wide open and expose that this is a cover up. If this is all she's got, she needs to try harder.

Yes and Benjamin Netanyahu is an islamic fundamentalist.

They realise their "case" is falling to pieces, and the desperation to shift blame is very very telling indeed,

Indeed. In a nutshell.

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