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This isn't a game, this is life and death REVOLT NOW

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posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:14 PM
I have a Russian friend, well more like Ukrainian friend, they are now supposedly completely different people with very different culture LOL

This guy is in the pro Russia camp as am I which is why we get along well.
He's got family in Russia and Ukraine.
Anyway I've known this guy for 20 years, we work together and he tells me that Russia is preparing for WW3. Real world war 3 with nukes, bio and chem weapons, exotic weather weapons, EARTHQUAKE weapons too

Russian people and government both are convinced that US and NATO are in the final steps of long planned destruction of Russia, installing puppets in Kiev was one of the steps and next step is to ban Russian economy from SWIFT network, causing economic collapse, essentially treating Russia like Iran, like some BS Middle East country.

My friend says Swift ban is the moment world war 3 becomes hot

They plan to attack US markets, release bio weapons, warm up the nukes and subs to launch nukes the moment US starts launching theirs

By the time this is over, we are looking at 100 million dead Americans

So while you waste your time cheering US foreign policy or condemning it, you are all walking to your doom

The only way to stop this future is to revolt against the US government and replace the administration

Even civil war will be preferable to alternative

If you were too lazy to read this whole post let me shorten it for you. Russians are not the fooling around types when it comes to their security and by the time US government realizes it went too far it will be too late
edit on 23-2-2015 by DanielJacksonKree because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: DanielJacksonKree

The entire war in the middle east is about Russia and China.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:19 PM
During first Cold War

Both US and Russia had mutual respect for one another because both had pretty much same military technology and capability

Today US has no respect for Russia

And Russia thinks of US as the devil himself, so in other words pure hate for US and NATO

do you really need to be a genius to figure out how Cold War 2 will end ?

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: DanielJacksonKree

The Kremlin would be proud. Bravo (golf clap)

Now come get some!

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: DanielJacksonKree

By the time this is over, we are looking at 100 million dead Americans

By the time this is over, we are looking at a depopulated planet with only tiny crevasses of humanity left. The ensuring nuclear winter in any major nuclear war will destroy all habitat for humanity (humans need plants to survive, and plants dont survive/thrive in arctic winter temps, and 50F in Florida summer temps).

Ive said it before: make your peace with death while you still can. When it comes for you, if youre not at peace with it already, you wont magically be at peace with it when it shows up.

Thats generally good life advice, anyway. You could be hit by truck or struck by a meteor tomorrow for all you know. Better to be at peace while you still have the luxury of not being in the process of starving to death.

edit on 2/23/2015 by CaticusMaximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:28 PM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
The Kremlin would be proud. Bravo (golf clap)
Now come get some!

What does that even mean !

I assume you think this is all BS and that you are perfectly safe sitting in your chair

That's exactly how US government sees it too, easy stuff, no real risk

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: DanielJacksonKree

I can think of a lot better reasons for revolution, like the BS banking system, government corruption, big pharma and GMO poisoning, untested vaccines, etc. However, US foreign policy is like dragging a dead dog down the street and trying to tell everyone it's alive and healthy.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: DanielJacksonKree

So you make an account... spew pro Russian crap for 20 posts in 1 day, then make this thread?

Despite your track record I would be more than willing to listen if you had actual sources and not just here say.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: DanielJacksonKree

Thanks for the reminder, I'm not too concerned though cuz I know where I'm going when # hits the fan.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: DanielJacksonKree

It means you wrote a propaganda piece encouraging the revolt against the U.S government based on flimsy opinions and conjecture. Therefore you receive a golf clap and a nod of approval from Putin himself. My question to you is how does it feel to have such high honours?

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:32 PM

originally posted by: DanielJacksonKree
I have a Russian friend, well more like Ukrainian friend, they are now supposedly completely different people with very different culture LOL

This guy is in the pro Russia camp as am I which is why we get along well.
He's got family in Russia and Ukraine.
Anyway I've known this guy for 20 years, we work together and he tells me that Russia is preparing for WW3. Real world war 3 with nukes, bio and chem weapons, exotic weather weapons, EARTHQUAKE weapons too

Russian people and government both are convinced that US and NATO are in the final steps of long planned destruction of Russia, installing puppets in Kiev was one of the steps and next step is to ban Russian economy from SWIFT network, causing economic collapse, essentially treating Russia like Iran, like some BS Middle East country.

My friend says Swift ban is the moment world war 3 becomes hot

They plan to attack US markets, release bio weapons, warm up the nukes and subs to launch nukes the moment US starts launching theirs

By the time this is over, we are looking at 100 million dead Americans

So while you waste your time cheering US foreign policy or condemning it, you are all walking to your doom

The only way to stop this future is to revolt against the US government and replace the administration

Even civil war will be preferable to alternative

If you were too lazy to read this whole post let me shorten it for you. Russians are not the fooling around types when it comes to their security and by the time US government realizes it went too far it will be too late

Lol...there are 300,000,000 Americans BTW.

And Russia will be a smoking cinder as well.

I say to hell with it, let's play chicken.

Russia is a bs bully, I don't care what they like, they stole sovereign territory from Ukraine and invaded it with their troops.

Until Russia can show some honor for world law they can suck it.

They will back down again just like in the Cuban missile crisis because that's what bullies do, they act tough until you call their bluff.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:33 PM

originally posted by: DanielJacksonKree

originally posted by: TechniXcality
The Kremlin would be proud. Bravo (golf clap)
Now come get some!

What does that even mean !

I assume you think this is all BS and that you are perfectly safe sitting in your chair

That's exactly how US government sees it too, easy stuff, no real risk

Yup...pretty much.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:35 PM
Great, I'm about 2 years off from 30 and by time I get there it'll be all out war. Luckily I am part of the steel workers union and will most likely be working for the war effort

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:35 PM
I agree with you OP.

The manner in which the superpowers are clashing is somewhat disturbing as it doesn't follow the normal "good guy/bad guy" trend. wars via proxy are confusing.. it's the hidden hands that make the plays, all we get is the propaganda on both sides, it'll be this way untill the 1st real salvo is fired and by that time it'll be far to late for any civilian or NGO to make a stand.. as they wont have any ground to stand on.

Now im sure by the time i type this out this thread will be visited by our clown posse.. and this whole entire thread will devolve into he said/she said with no real end in sight.. that's how they want it.

They don't want us to pick a side.. as it matters little what we think, they want us to embrace death, and wish it on others.. for the greater good of "whatever they have planned"

By the time this has gone full circle... it's going to be a very lonely planet.

Your warning, is something that has been said for a while now.. hell.. it's even somewhat "prophesied" in the interweb church of Titor.. up until a few years back nobody would have agreed with any of this, or that much of this was possible. but here we are now and the clock ticks.. whilst folks bicker over plans they have no hand in, as the endgame here is death.. the trick is to keep us ignorant of that fact until it's too late and they've accomplished whatever ugly end goal this is all leading towards.

The wheel MUST grind, as it powers the machine, if it stopped... the machine would fall apart.. and be unable to make a "new wheel"... that's what wars are for.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: doompornjunkie
So you make an account... spew pro Russian crap for 20 posts in 1 day, then make this thread?

Despite your track record I would be more than willing to listen if you had actual sources and not just here say.

Lol you seem to have a problem with new members

You also seem to have a problem with anyone who doesn't have pro US gov point of view

And as for sources Consider this

ATS is a place where US state secrets are out for anyone to read, they are just debunked that's all. Well Russia has sites like that too

World war 3 is coming and I hope you survive it so you can continue your arrogance, it is amusing

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: DanielJacksonKree

The only way to stop this future is to revolt against the US government and replace the administration

Even civil war will be preferable to alternative

Oh sure like an american civil war wouldn't kick off madness all over the planet.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:38 PM
I don't give a crap about the politics between the US and Russia. I embrace the Russian people and their culture as I do all the people of the world. Both our Governments can bugger off.

I say we put Putin and Obama in a pit and let them fight it out. After Putin kicks his ass we can all move on with our lives.
edit on 2015/2/23 by Metallicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:39 PM
Half of the still capable Ukrainian army got destroyed at Debaltsevo and US will get its fair share of economic problems soon enough, and The Kremlin knows it.

Ukraine conflict: Russia's Vladimir Putin says war 'unlikely'

Alan Greenspan Warns: There Will Be a “Significant Market Event... Something Big Is Going To Happen”

And here`s about the incompetence of the Ukrainian army...

Kiev officer on Debalcevo HQ incompetence and self organized breakout

Half of Ukrainian Fighters Killed by 'Poor Kit and Friendly Fire'

Russia ins`t going to do anything but wait for now.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:39 PM

originally posted by: threeeyesopen
Thanks for the reminder, I'm not too concerned though cuz I know where I'm going when # hits the fan.

The only place to go is underground and maybe you think US government has a place for you but I would suggest you rethink that

It is an illusion

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:40 PM
When you have Clintons and Obamas and idiots like them who let people die in our OWN country without a care, and walk and talk with the arrogance of an Adolph Hitler type person, and you have a congress and a senate made up of 90% collaborators and thieves in it for their own gain, then they will always be thinking about themselves alone.

Any thoughts about others is secondary to their own goals, and so like the blind leading the blind, they will march us all right into death. They have already escorted tons of dedicated men and women into death by their horrendous foreign policies, and their selfish, stubborn, and narcissistic ways.

If we do happen to get out of this mess alive, we will be scrambling to stay out of the way of the vigilante groups that will be avenging the deaths of their own families, and they are not going to be going after Russia, they will be hunting our own leaders down,. Why does anyone think our own leaders are now trying to pass laws that are targeting our own vets, and our own civilian populations?

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