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Sabine McNeill Interview - Whistleblower for Hampstead Child Abuse Scandal!

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posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: aynock

how do you feel about those kids faces being posted on the internet? on this page even!

I don't know what to think about that video. It is wrong on so many levels. If I was a mother in that position I would take the same course of action but only if what the children say is true. I would name names and get all that information out onto the internet before a judge could shut me up. Just imagine for a moment if the account is true. We would hear nothing and it would all quietly go away. It is sad that the children have been named and identified but I have not heard one voice, believer or not, that has nothing but sympathy for them.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 11:11 PM
i seem to be on my own here

if this is a good place for the promotion of fraudsters like the woman in the op, it's not the place for me

i suggest you all send her a donation

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: aynock
i seem to be on my own here

if this is a good place for the promotion of fraudsters like the woman in the op, it's not the place for me

i suggest you all send her a donation

I don't think that you are on your own. The woman may be a fraudster but the important thing is the children's claims. I have no problem with the opinion that the children were coached. In fact I really hope that is the case. It is clear that they know too much about sex for kids their age and something is far wrong in their lives. Perhaps time will tell and the truth will come out. I don't like the idea of family court secrecy nor indeed the law that forbids children in care from speaking out. Children are effectively gagged by the system. More stuff might be revealed as this subject goes around the internet.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 11:54 PM

originally posted by: aynock
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

My only comments related to charities and general causes against pedophilia/victims etc.

how do you feel about those kids faces being posted on the internet? on this page even!

Actually, several much longer and more detailed videos of the children have appeared online in which they describe their experiences at length and are identified by their full names. Apparently the police, who made these videos, weren't too concerned about it.

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 12:02 AM

originally posted by: muchmadness Apparently the police, who made these videos, weren't too concerned about it.

I have not seen any videos except the ones' made by the mother and boyfriend. Are you sure what you saw was from the police?

edit on 20-2-2015 by Elton because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 12:15 AM
I regularly watch the UK Column news and they cover a lot of Pedo cover ups, bullying by the authorities when victims come forward and persecution of those who make a stand to get the truth out. I would recommend their website and talkes by Brian Gerrish about child stealing by the state which is on YouTube. It is interesting that the authorities have ordered them to remove all their news videos from YouTube because they were 'too news like' and professional looking unless they joined the broadcasters association who would then regulate and sensor their material. They declined to join.
Sorry I can't post links as it is a nightmare to even copy and paste on this tablet.

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 12:43 AM

originally posted by: muchmadness
I'm no psychologist, but when the girl was describing the process used to sacrifice the baby, specifically describing the variety of knife and the type of string used to tie the baby up, getting into detail about which cupboard the blood gathering bowl was kept in and where it was in relation to the door of the room, and how they moved the knife at sort of a "medium speed" so that the head was not completely severed, the sheer amount of detail given seems like it would be very difficult to pull off so completely naturally for a 9-year-old. I know that I certainly couldn't tell a story like that as convincingly.

And what would be the point of forcing a girl and boy to memorize such an insanely elaborate and detailed story, one that -because of the glut of specific detail, including tattoos and piercings on the bodies of the alleged perpetrators - would be very easy to disprove?

Quoting this post, merely because none of the doubters seemed to pay attention to it. To me, the testimonies of the children are shockingly real. I don't want them to be because it is disgusting, but that's life unfortunately.

Someone called me shameful for trying to spread awareness about this issue. All I can say is that I do what I do for honest reasons, straight from the bottom of my heart.

It took courage to do what I did. Maybe it seems like nothing to some of you but it wasn't easy. I'm not fishing for compliments but it would be nice not to get bashed for it, but what can I expect? Honestly..

I live in the UK remember.. the same place this stuff is happening. Do you see the danger I am putting myself in by reporting this and giving Sabine coverage when the MSM won't? If you can't see what I'm trying to do here and why I'm doing it then you probably shouldn't be on this site.. unless you are here for nefarious or malicious reasons of course.

On that note I'm off to bed.. sweet dreams

edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 01:03 AM
Someone on another alternative news website posted a link to the actual police interviews yesterday. Within hours they had been deleted.

I did not get chance to download those but managed to get all 21 of the others. I have watched them and they do seem very credible to me. These have also been deleted now.

There was also a link to the documents of the 2 independent medical examinations that the children underwent. The outcome of these documents was that both medical examiners had come to the same conclusion that there was evidence that supported what the children had told them, scarring in the anal passage etc.

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 01:07 AM
I guess if this story gains any traction eventually in the mainstream media after lots of hoopla over the whole thing... AND it turns out that it's all total bull#, then we can declare this one a PsyOps to discredit all of the UK elite pedophilia claims.

Just an observation. Y'all can do what you want.

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 03:48 AM

originally posted by: Sevka
Someone on another alternative news website posted a link to the actual police interviews yesterday. Within hours they had been deleted.

The UK police would not publish interviews with children, or details of their medical examinations.

The involvement of Sabine McNeill, (back to the OP) is that she is a campaigner against the UK Family Court system and has views that thousands of children are ripped from their parents and pushed to abusers. This is not true.

The fact is that these two kids - who allege baby eating and the natural father (amongst others) are paedophiles - are being exploited by the mother and the partner and the children are likely to be taken away from the mother.

Having reviewed as much of this as I can, I think that this all started as a way for the mother to sever contact with the biological father and the kids were used as pawns. They were confounded by the "system" which seeks to ensure children have contact with both parents when their relationship breaks down. Somewhere along the line, they thought it would be clever to start accusing everyone. If there was any truth at the beginning, that has been lost in all the subsequent accusations and such.

The whole sorry situation is part of an active investigation. The outcome of which we'll learn in due course.


posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 05:12 AM

originally posted by: aynock

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
a reply to: aynock

a mother films her kids telling the most vile stories imaginable about their father and other named people and posts it on the internet - no attempt to hide the kids identities, so it will effectively be with them for the rest of their lives

they claim dozens of people are killing babies and drinking their blood every wednesday at a school, and many many more depraved and vile acts - and the kids relate their participation in it with no sign of reticence or trauma or embarrassment at all - all the time being audibly led and prompted by two unseen adults - and there's absolutely no evidence provided beyond this video

when the police look at it they take the kids away from the mother - not because it's malicious lies but because it's a cover up

and we should believe this all on the word of the mother?

When somebody breaks it down to it's basic points, it should become clear why we should question this story just as much as we would question any other story on ATS.
The failure to do so is the failure to care about seeking the truth.
Just because you THINK you have found the truth doesn't mean you have, and your unquestioning certainty that you have set in concrete will turn others off.

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 06:20 AM

originally posted by: TechUnique

originally posted by: aynock
a reply to: TechUnique

I will be conducting further interviews with Sabine so if you guys have any questions you want me to ask her please feel free to do so either here

ask her if it's a money making scam



i watched the video with the kids being interviewed - it looks 100% bogus to me - ask to see an accounting of the 'donations' she's asking for

I will most certainly not be asking those questions!

You should.
Noble as you think you are being you are exactly the audience that people who abuse emotionaly loaded topic to shake money out of your and other peoples pockets and the real ironic kicker being, using, manipulating and abusing children and past victims to do so.

A few years ago in the netherlands a woman started a "stop child pornography" fund. It ended up having a lot of adverts on national TV newspapers, magazines including interviews in TV programs and papers, magazines. 1 year later strange stories started to arise about this woman and some time later they were all confirmed, mostly by former child abuse vicitms who joined her "fight" who once again fell victim but this time to this woman who for one was planning and preparing to write a book using those victims their stories. These victims stepped back from her and told her she cannot (ab)use their stories (wich they gave to her through the funds forum) for her money making scam , the woman basicly gave them the middle finger and said she would use them anyway. (these victims where slandered by her btw, thats a nice knife in the back for these victims)

She did not care about stopping child abuse at all they learned. all she cared about was the money she was making of of it and before everything came out ppl already saw that little was really done with the money except for tv and news paper add. She did upgrade her living conditions considerably and had expensive vacations all of a sudden. (her biggest mistake ended up being greedy to her relatives who were close enough to see through it all easily).

She also fabricated threats and attacks on her self which also where confirmed by relatives. one of these included damage to her house which turned out she had done herself by accident thinking it was a opurtunity to once again get the attention of the media. Angering and tearjerking the people with her stories and her "goal" and "fight" getting the backing of almost everyone because they all stop thinking .not knowing they are being fooled because they , like you , refuse to even look at the posibility that this woman may be a fraud.

These are just a few examples but in the end it was found out that this woman had done the same thing in sweden with a fund for abused animals (notice the common theme here, it is a prize pot) and she ran with the money and moved to the netherlands to do it again over the backs of abused children.

edit on 20-2-2015 by everyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 06:35 AM

originally posted by: muchmadness

originally posted by: aynock
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

My only comments related to charities and general causes against pedophilia/victims etc.

how do you feel about those kids faces being posted on the internet? on this page even!

Actually, several much longer and more detailed videos of the children have appeared online in which they describe their experiences at length and are identified by their full names. Apparently the police, who made these videos, weren't too concerned about it.

Police would never show or even name the children, a lot of people would lose their jobs over this. The video was made and published by the mother.

And killing babies and drinking their blood on wednesdays at school all told by little children that are overtly clear being coaxed off camera by their mother, i have seen enough now. These children are indeed being abused but not by some satanic politicly linked cult group but by their own mother for attention and money.

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 06:39 AM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: Sevka
Someone on another alternative news website posted a link to the actual police interviews yesterday. Within hours they had been deleted.

The UK police would not publish interviews with children, or details of their medical examinations.

I agree with you entirely, but I do not think the police published them. I think they were leaked.
I watched the leaked police interviews before they were deleted and they were real. I also read the medical examination reports which were scans of the original documents and these looked the real deal to me.

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 06:45 AM

originally posted by: TechUnique
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

I might ask her how any donations will help and what they will be used for. I'm not promising anything though because it is going against every fiber in my being and it's making me feel sick just typing this and thinking about it.

So you will just throw money at anyone who claims anything that is emotionaly loaded for you. Like i said already , you are the type of person they aim for, people who clean the road for her on her way to riches. Which is probably why she ended up giving you these skype interviews.

the "Satanic pedophile politicly connected network" scam is getting a little bit old on the tooth here to still fall for it so easily.

Where are the dead babies remains, why is there no evidence of it at all. In sweden feminists are trying to perpetuate this for years and all claims togehter should have resulted in thousends upon thousands of remains to be found , somewhere at some time with succes, none are ever found and to add to that , missing children in sweden added up to the 2 digits at maximum in sweden on a yearly basis .

The stories dont even have enough "food" to feed themselves.

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 06:47 AM
edit on 20-2-2015 by everyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 06:48 AM

originally posted by: Sevka

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: Sevka
Someone on another alternative news website posted a link to the actual police interviews yesterday. Within hours they had been deleted.

The UK police would not publish interviews with children, or details of their medical examinations.

I agree with you entirely, but I do not think the police published them. I think they were leaked.
I watched the leaked police interviews before they were deleted and they were real. I also read the medical examination reports which were scans of the original documents and these looked the real deal to me.

So it is the police who are covering it up but at the same time it is the police who was coaxing thse children to say what they said? It doesnt matter because it has already been cleared up that the mother made that video. The only reason these videos are getting removed is to try and protect these childrens identities.

edit on 20-2-2015 by everyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 08:52 AM
OpDeathEaters-UK have been asked to perpetuate this also, and they have many documents and 'leaks' to that effect.
The common stance amongst them at the moment though is, any action taken will only damage the judicial proceedings.
That is not to say that the judicial system is going to be trusted in dealing with this adequately, but that any leaks, or identities/names etc. released will only compromise the case.


edit on Fri Feb 20 2015 by DontTreadOnMe because: Terms and Conditions of Use--Please Review

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 09:33 AM
Seeing as some people have kicked up such a stink over this, one of the questions I will ask is 'How can donations towards the victims fund help and what will they be used for?'

Any other questions?

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: TechUnique

I found this on the net. It might help dispel the first reaction of incredulity when reading about these children.

The following is taken from the Times Newspaper of Tuesday 13 March 1990:

NSPCC says ritual child abuse rife by Libby Jukes & Richard Duce

Children as young as five are being forced to take part in
bizarre sex and satanic rituals, the National Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Children said yesterday.

Satanic rites involving drugs, animal sacrifices and the
drinking of urine and blood are causing “great anxiety” to
the NSPCC. It says there is widespread evidence of child
pornography and sex rings.

The charity is calling for the Government and police to act
after seven investigating teams has reported ritualistic

Mr Jim Harding, the NSPCC child care director, said that in
many cases of ritual abuse “threats are made to the children
to control them and to try to keep them silent about what
has happened”.

He described a horrifying catalogue of reported ceremonies
in which urine and blood were drunk while children aged only
five and adults wore masks and costumes.

“Sometimes animals are abused and killed. Sometimes there is
sexual activity between adults in view of children. Drugs or
alcohol are often used, and the children are made to drink
the alcohol or administer the drugs.”

Ritualistic abuse “has connotations with some kind of
supernatural symbolic behaviour,” he said.

The society and the Department of Health are wring together
to tackle the problem and will hold a meeting in the next
few weeks with police, social services departments and
churches to “try to make some sort of early estimates about
how common this behaviour is, and also consider how best to
deal with the problems of organised abuse”.

A spokeswoman for the charity said: “There may well not be
any evidence in terms of the police being able to make
prosecutions – in such cases you frequently only have the
childs’ evidence and sometimes that child is too young to
give evidence in court.

“Children involved in organised abuse may be frightened and
even under questioning find it difficult to express what has
happened to them.

“However, we are absolutely sure that we are dealing with a
problem that’s happening and that the children we are
dealing with are telling us the truth.”

Seven NSPCC teams reported finding evidence of children
being caught up in ritual abuse, while another seven
expressed fears that they had found youngsters who could
have been involved in similar activities. Scotland Yard says
it has no firm evidence of satanic or ritualistic abuse, but
concedes that young victims might be terrified into silence.

The spokeswoman said police were working closely with the
charity in the areas where the first seven teams operated.

“We cannot identify those areas because to do so would
endanger the lives of the children and the social workers

A survey of the 66 child protection teams in England, Wales
and Northern Ireland found that 14 teams had received
reports of ritual abuse from children and seven of them were
working directly with children who had been ritually abused,
sometimes in groups of 20.

Presenting the society’s annual report, Mr Christopher
Brown, the director, said that the year ending September
1989, in which income rose 33 per cent to œ26 million, had
seen record activity for the society. About 54,000 children
were helped, 12.5 per cent more than in the previous year.
The society saw more than 5,000 cases of physical abuse,
4,500 of neglect and 3,600 of sexual abuse.

I notice perhaps by coincidence that it tells of groups of twenty.
edit on 20-2-2015 by midicon because: (no reason given)

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