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ISIS and you

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posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 07:13 AM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: daaskapital

read all my posts charlie.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 07:15 AM
charlie speirs

step 1: isis kills all the moderate muslims

step 2: isis kills all the practicing jews and christians, with the west being sure to accuse the christians and jews of having persecution complexes as the efforts advance. non practicing jews and christians help this effort by claiming it's just fundies that have persecution complexes and that all's well.

step 3: then all that's left are isis, people who are jewish and christian in name only, and the atheists agnostics and pagans *and various far eastern religions* who have enough sense to lie thru their teeth in order to survive.

step 4: the survivors, then turn their gaze upon isis which is now the identity of all surviving muslims, and wipe them out as a humanitarian global effort for their crimes against humanity, something they could've done before, but didn't because removing religious christians and jews from the planet is actually their idea of utopia.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 07:20 AM
I do agree with one thing you're saying Undo...

ISIS is the ultimate plan of the extremists anti-theists to eradicate all religion...

Like Daas says that's a difficult task...

Depending how far up the ladder, or far down the rabbit hole, it goes.

Who are the focus of the Abrahamic religions...

Jihadist Muslims - Martyr Complex
Zionist Jews - Superiority Complex
Fundamentalist Christians - Persectution Complex

& the rest are ignored!

It's heading one way... Do we unite... Or focus on our individual group...

We'll see.

edit on 19-2-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 07:22 AM

originally posted by: undo
a reply to: daaskapital

just read any thread on the topic. i mean, any. sorry, i'm not dumb. wasn't born yesterday.

oh and the psyops are thick as jello. blaming christians for crap they didn't do, like the westboro baptist church which isn't even an actual christian church, just a bunch of lawyers looking for ways to extract money (sue) from people using loopholes in the law. or the thousands of anti christian threads on here where modern day christians are blamed for stuff that happened 1000s of years ago. or the threads that claim we should be eradicated because the country where we have the highest population also has the highest rape statistics. and so on, ad nauseum, and then throw it in our faces that we have a persecution complex when we actually start to notice the trend. this is exactly what the nazis did to the jews in germany and the ukrainians, in stalin's russia.

did i mention, i'm not dumb?

Yeah, why the need to mention that?

Why do you take it to heart when a faceless person on the 1000s of threads you mention blames Christians for things ages ago?

You might not be dumb, however your actions in defending dumb claims are dumb themselves.

If someone wants to blame people for things before they were even born why even respond, they are stupid claims by faceless people on the net.

You feeling like you need defend against those claims makes you what you say you aren't, sorry that how I see it.

If someone was to blame me for an act by another before I was born in person I would walk away as anyone saying such things has something seriously wrong with them, On the net its simple, just ignore it or in your case give it more traction by needing to defend, you allow those claims to get to a wider audience by responding to such claims.

You persecute yourself by needing to defend faceless claims as though they are directed directly at you by real people with real voices.

Its the internet and many reading it either let it go in ear and out the other or believe in what they read, for that believe the clams they read by other faceless people on the net you give them more of a chance to believe its your fault or the fault of Christians today for what happened 1000s of years ago by feeling like you need to defend against such idiotic claims.

You might not be dumb but so many dumb things are posted and responding to those dumb things is dumb in itself,

I guess I am dumb for responding to this, yes I am.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
I do agree with one thing you're saying Undo...

ISIS is the ultimate plan of the extremists anti-theists to eradicate religion...

Like Daas says that's a difficult task...

Depending how far up the ladder, or far down the rabbit hole, it goes.

well i've put myself in the shoes of every world view that posts on these forums. i can see why each group has their own particular view of this, but i can also see it from my own view, and i think isis is the end of abrahamic religion. it's the boogey man, the grim reaper, the sickle (moon) toting madman, harvesting the unrighteous (and righteous) from the planet, death draped in a black face mask. darth vader in human form. etc, ad nauseum.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

by unite do you mean, one world order?

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 07:38 AM
now correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't it seem like the guys in charge always want the blood and therefore the blame, to be on someone else's hands? like they won't do the crime themselves, that way they can't be held accountable, and they hide their involvement, as well, so they can't even be traced to the events.

so as a christian, you should not want to lend your good name, your soul or your future, to them anymore. no more blood on the hands of christians.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 07:41 AM

originally posted by: undo
a reply to: Gryphon66

nope. there's a new thread calling christians to eradicate isis. christians should not get involved in that, cause people like you, will blame them for the whole thing. i would much rather die because they had no other choice but to make # up as a reason to kill me, than give them a biblical reason (blood on my hands is not going to happen!)

WOW, just WOW.

Maybe take a break from ATS if you think a thread here has so much power.

in effect, christians need to just sit here and get killed. so much for survival of the fittest. yet if we try to survive against such extraordinary odds, then we are accused of being "whores" and killed for being less than stellar human beings. it's a catch 22, a maze with no outlets.

if christians everywhere refused to fight isis, the rest of the planet would be forced to deal with it themselves, and would likely blame christians for that as well, since we didn't have the "courage" to fight when other people's lives were at stake. it's freakin' hopeless. end result, damned if we do, damned if we don't. perfect scenario for genocide.

I thought being a Christian is a test to try being Christ like or at least trying to inspire oneself to live a life of non violence and self sacrifice.

Being a true Christian would be to sit here and get killed in the face of such madness if a Christian truly believes in GOD, yes Christians should refuse to fight anytime they are lead into a war by leaders of nations.

Yes dammed if you do but saved if you don't is what I believe Christ tried to show if a Christians follow the Christian way of how the stories of Jesus are depicted.

Or follow the Christians of the Crusades and go and fight your holy war that only leader of the churches or nations declare.

I thought the new testament was about forgiveness and turning the other cheek.

here's the problem: even the muslims think isis is a plan to genocide muslims, and it is. so the muslims that are not killed by isis, will be killed later, when the jews and christians have been killed by isis. it's so obvious, you can almost set your watch by it.

How many people can be considered to be under the ISIS flag compered to the rest of those that believe in the GOD of Abraham?

a small group will kill 4 billion people?

Sorry but you are dumb, some of the things I read that you post are borderline insane or you are simply what you say you are not.

Take a break from ATS as it seems threads mean soo much to you that you need start other threads in defense.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: undo

I'm not sure what you expect. We know this is what happens for being who and what we are.

Because of the nature of this conflict, it is going to take the rest of the world quite some time to actually catch up and comprehend that "yes, some people really do intend to do horrible things to them because of what they believe." A lot of people are still at the lip service stage where they think that's something you use to denigrate people of faith but nothing ever actually happens to you because of it. They don't get that there are people who really will do very unpleasant things to you for it.

They also don't get that similarly, there are people who are so zealous they will launch entire bloody conflicts solely in the name of their faith. They just can't comprehend it.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: undo
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

by unite do you mean, one world order?

No, just representatives of humanity would do.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

social sharing of bigoted ideas is how the soviets under stalin convinced the people of russia that it was justice to starve the entire ukraine to death. men, women, children. starved to death over the course of a year in their own homes. if they weren't quite dead yet, they buried them alive. one survivor said the ground was moving, as half dead people were buried alive with corpses of people who had already passed away. you think what hitler did was bad, you should read what stalin did. and american reporters who knew it was happening, covered it up.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 07:54 AM
Atheist, and an anti-theist of sorts here.

Personally I would love to see religion "eradicated". Or would I? Eradicated is a strong word, and has a sense of doom porn attached to it. In no way do I support the idea that religious people be killed off for their beliefs. Anyone who would advocate that is no better than any religious extremist. Now, or thousands of years ago. I do believe religion is a scourge on this planet. I have more than enough good arguments to support my opinion on that, but won't go into them as it isn't the thread topic and I don't feel like writing a wall of text. Though I'm always willing, if asked.

On the other hand, I cannot deny the positive role religion has played in one way or another. Especially for people on a personal level. It was a positive influence in my life, when I was a Christian, and I certainly wouldn't be the person I am today without taking some of the lessons I learned to heart. Like treating others how you would want to be treated and such. I also believe there are some people who would be worse off without the belief of God in their life. So regardless of whether or not God is actually real is irrelevant to me if he helps people.

I don't think religion will ever be "eradicated" or "destroyed". What it will do is what it has always done. Evolve and/or be better understood for what it is. In short, something that's part of the human condition.

As for eradicating violent murderous extremists, whatever their religion/ideologies may be, probably a good idea.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

i don't have a problem with your atheism. i have a problem with the direction all this is heading in, because i think the guys that orchestrate the stuff we all hate, regardless of religion or lack thereof, are literally insane, and will stop at literally nothing, to see the end of any world view they disagree with, even if it is only a minor irritation.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:07 AM
Let me get this straight...

originally posted by: undo
step 1: isis kills all the moderate muslims

So, 25,000 people (ISIS) are going to kill 2 BILLION Muslims?

step 2: isis kills all the practicing jews and christians

Then, the same 25,000 people kill over 2 billion more. (Why even bother with the Jews? They're like .2% of the population.)

step 3: then all that's left are isis, people who are jewish and christian in name only, and the atheists agnostics and pagans *and various far eastern religions* who have enough sense to lie thru their teeth in order to survive.

So, we have something over 1 billion liars (heretics, heathens, and non-Abrahamic religions) left. Who, then, destroy ISIS, which they could have done all along, but didn't because they were too busy celebrating the death of the of the human race on the planet...

So, ISIS is the tool of the irreligious?

You really have a terribly disparaging view of non-religious people. You also seem to think we have quite a bit of power. No wonder you're convinced that you're being persecuted. You have an extreme imagination. I find this thread and your view of human kind, totally sickening.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

history is the best teacher, especially in the modern era:

explain stalin, pol pot, mao, hitler. it isn't non religious people that are the problem, it's the guys in charge who are non religious. they have already manipulated the general public into thinking religious people are the cause of everything bad on the planet.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: undo

Can't say I see things heading in the same direction as you do and don't agree about the premise of the OP, but can see where you're coming from more or less. Honestly the first thing that came to mind was Pike's Three World Wars Letter. Turns out it was a hoax but oh well.
edit on 2-19-2015 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

i wasn't even thinking about pike in all this, but the comments i've read on ats over the time since isis came into being, such as the usa somehow screwing up 3 consecutive weapon drops so that they came into the hands of isis each time, instead of people resisting isis.

have you ever seen this?

or this?

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: undo
Undo, you know as well as I do, most Christians would not consider you a "real" Christian. I have seen your discussions with them, and you are very different in your doctrine and theology. Enough that many of them would throw you, and a few other Christian members here in the lions den in a heartbeat as a godless heathen, with the rest of us. That should tell those of you who are different than the mainstream of Christianity, but still consider yourselves Christian, there's something wrong here.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: daaskapital

2nd Line

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: undo
a reply to: daaskapital

did i mention, i'm not dumb?

But you believe the words of Shepherds written 2000 years ago, You believe the scripture of men who believed the Sun was Magic and the Earth was flat.

Not the smartest choice of a believe system!

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