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ISIS and you

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posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 05:36 AM
christians should butt out of this war. why? because if we call for war, even if every atheist, agnostic and pagan on the planet wants them (isis) dead, they (atheists, agnostics and pagans) will blame christians for the whole thing and then call for our deaths on the pretense that we are just as bad as isis. if the war on terror didn't prove that, nothing will.

in fact, they are already calling for our deaths on the pretense that we actually vote our consciences (and even then not all christians believe the same subjects are worth voting for/against). now don't get me wrong, i am not thrilled with the proposition of being ruled by a human religious institution as it can become very unforgiving and abusive, but i'm also not thrilled with the prospect of being blamed for # i didn't do by people who don't share my world views. people seem to be all too willing to blame large sectors of the world for the behavior of a few and this is no exception.

it's like a game of poker. they are calling our bluffs. they figure they have the winning hand since they are controlling the planet, anyway, so they'll give isis plenty of room to hang themselves, allow them to kill off the jews and christians, then they will kill the muslims in retaliation (all three abrahamic faiths, gone). this is actually built in to muslim apocalyptic texts (they must destroy the jews for the end of the world to come to fruitition and christians are the icing on the cake).

and here's where your christianity will be tested: do you want to take part in and be blamed for the blood spilled in a war against isis? if so, they will say it was your karma (nevermind that they don't actually believe in karma themselves) when they kill us in revenge. do you want to follow the teachings of jesus that say to turn the other cheek and forgive those who spitefully use you and persecute you? if so, prepare to be slaughtered on whatever pretense they can rustle up (such as voting), but at least you won't have blood on your hands. either way, they got us gone, already.

we are the human shields inbetween isis and israel. so we are target numero uno. we get blamed if someone's dog doesn't eat their puppy chow on the other side of the planet. heck, we get blamed for crap that happened 1000 years ago, in many cases, done by a totally different religion. we're even getting blamed for isis. you can't make this # up.

+1 more 
posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 05:57 AM
a reply to: undo

I'm getting quite tired of this Christian persecution complex. It's ridiculous.

Do you know why Christians shouldn't get involved in a war with IS? It's not because everyone would blame Christianity and persecute its adherents. No. It is because IS wants Christians to engage in a holy war, and that is the last thing we need right now. 2.2 billion people subscribe to Christianity. 1.6 billion others are Muslims. We do not need a new crusade or jihad.

Let me say this very clearly. No rational person wants to persecute or murder you. No rational person will do so. You aren't blamed for anything that you do not do, but you may be personally offended when your religion is accused of transgressions. In the end though, it doesn't really matter. This exclusive persecution only exists in your mind. You aren't a human shield for Israel, but you may think you are. No rational person is calling for your death, but you may think so. Christianity is not being exclusively persecuted by any significant entity, but you may think that is the case.

This persecution complex has to stop.
edit on 19-2-2015 by daaskapital because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: undo

christians should butt out of this war

I agree but more as wait and see. There is the humanitarian issue

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: daaskapital

just read any thread on the topic. i mean, any. sorry, i'm not dumb. wasn't born yesterday.

oh and the psyops are thick as jello. blaming christians for crap they didn't do, like the westboro baptist church which isn't even an actual christian church, just a bunch of lawyers looking for ways to extract money (sue) from people using loopholes in the law. or the thousands of anti christian threads on here where modern day christians are blamed for stuff that happened 1000s of years ago. or the threads that claim we should be eradicated because the country where we have the highest population also has the highest rape statistics. and so on, ad nauseum, and then throw it in our faces that we have a persecution complex when we actually start to notice the trend. this is exactly what the nazis did to the jews in germany and the ukrainians, in stalin's russia.

did i mention, i'm not dumb?
edit on 19-2-2015 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 06:13 AM

originally posted by: undo
a reply to: daaskapital

just read any thread on the topic. i mean, any. sorry, i'm not dumb. wasn't born yesterday.

Right. There are many people with a variety of opinions which differ to yours.

Just because people hold different views to you, or speak ill of your religion, does not mean Christianity is being persecuted. Nor does it mean those people want you dead. Sure, Christianity is persecuted in some instances, but it is almost never exclusively targeted.

As i said above, i don't think any rational person would specifically persecute Christianity and call for the deaths of its adherents. It's illogical and frankly insane. People who do such actions need to seek professional help.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 06:14 AM

originally posted by: undo
but i'm also not thrilled with the prospect of being blamed for # i didn't do by people who don't share my world views. people seem to be all too willing to blame large sectors of the world for the behavior of a few and this is no exception.

So you blame EVERYONE else for wanting to kill you/christians??

I can understand where you come from, but right now YOU are the one blaming everyone else, but the christian people...

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: daaskapital

i added more to my post just above yours.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 06:18 AM

originally posted by: NoFearsEqualsFreeMan

originally posted by: undo
but i'm also not thrilled with the prospect of being blamed for # i didn't do by people who don't share my world views. people seem to be all too willing to blame large sectors of the world for the behavior of a few and this is no exception.

So you blame EVERYONE else for wanting to kill you/christians??

I can understand where you come from, but right now YOU are the one blaming everyone else, but the christian people...

i see the irony of it, but have no other way to address it because the argument was pre-supposed to be a "christian" problem that needs to be addressed by non-christians.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 06:20 AM
in effect, christians need to just sit here and get killed. so much for survival of the fittest. yet if we try to survive against such extraordinary odds, then we are accused of being "whores" and killed for being less than stellar human beings. it's a catch 22, a maze with no outlets.

if christians everywhere refused to fight isis, the rest of the planet would be forced to deal with it themselves, and would likely blame christians for that as well, since we didn't have the "courage" to fight when other people's lives were at stake. it's freakin' hopeless. end result, damned if we do, damned if we don't. perfect scenario for genocide.

edit on 19-2-2015 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: daaskapital

Kudos to you for your willingness to beat your head against a wall!

The persecution/victim complex is deeply ingrained.

It doesn't matter that ISIS has killed Shia Muslims at a ratio of at least 500:1 compared with Christians killed.

21 Christians (may their families have peace) were killed in Libya, and suddenly, those are the lives that matter.

Of course, these ISIS people are at the focus of a considerable group insanity, and in their backassward minds, think they want a Holy War.

And it seems some are too willing to give it to them. I make no comment on the sanity of those people.

Thanks for your post!

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

nope. there's a new thread calling christians to eradicate isis. christians should not get involved in that, cause people like you, will blame them for the whole thing. i would much rather die because they had no other choice but to make # up as a reason to kill me, than give them a biblical reason (blood on my hands is not going to happen!)

edit on 19-2-2015 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: undo

Nice to see you edited your post. Thanks for informing me.

a reply to: daaskapital

oh and the psyops are thick as jello. blaming christians for crap they didn't do, like the westboro baptist church which isn't even an actual christian church, just a bunch of lawyers looking for ways to extract money (sue) from people using loopholes in the law.

Similarly, Muslims are blamed for the actions of extremists which do not follow the accepted standards of their religion...

or the thousands of anti christian threads on here where modern day christians are blamed for stuff that happened 1000s of years ago.

Similarly, there are numerous threads which judge Muslims and blame them for things they did not do...

or the threads that claim we should be eradicated because the country where we have the highest population also has the highest rape statistics.

Similarly, assault statistics are also used to condemn Muslim immigration in Europe...

You may ask where i am going with all of this...

I am pointing out that Christianity is not being exclusively persecuted or targeted. It happens to many people in one capacity or another.

and so on, ad nauseum, and then throw it in our faces that we have a persecution complex when we actually start to notice the trend. this is exactly what the nazis did to the jews in germany and the ukrainians, in stalin's russia.

This is insane. I don't see Christians being arrested for their beliefs or rounded up into concentration camps and slaughtered. Maybe by extreme terrorist organisations which do that to every outsider, but all i see in the West are criticisms made by rational people, and some illogical arguments and statements made by others...

Your comparison solidifies my opinion that you and other Christians suffer from a persecution complex.

did i mention, i'm not dumb?

edit on 19-2-2015 by daaskapital because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: daaskapital

i know that same thing is said about muslims. re-read my op. the plan appears to be to use isis to remove jews and christians (the ones that actually practice their religion), from the planet, and then kill the muslims for the genocide of the jews and christians. so it's one big cluster F.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 06:41 AM

originally posted by: undo

originally posted by: NoFearsEqualsFreeMan

originally posted by: undo
but i'm also not thrilled with the prospect of being blamed for # i didn't do by people who don't share my world views. people seem to be all too willing to blame large sectors of the world for the behavior of a few and this is no exception.

So you blame EVERYONE else for wanting to kill you/christians??

I can understand where you come from, but right now YOU are the one blaming everyone else, but the christian people...

i see the irony of it, but have no other way to address it because the argument was pre-supposed to be a "christian" problem that needs to be addressed by non-christians.

Ok no problem

I do agree, that we all have to learn to accept that we dont all share the same believes and do things differently. There is to much hate in the world

It is so easy to point fingers at any group, and say, it is there fault! But the only thing we can change, is ourself. I have been so angry, at muslims, jews, christians, Atheist and so on, when i heard some of the stuff "they" have done. But i learned to recognise, it is not their religion, but some bad apples among them. They have becomed what they are, not only because of their believes, but also because of the world around them.
We all affect the world in some small way, and i try not to hate, or blame anyone, only myself - So i can say, what can I do better, how can I change??
Iam not perfect in any way, but i try to become better, and i believe if i can accept myself, then i can accept all others

It is time for peace, and we dont get that by going to war, so i agree with you, that Christians, should stay away, and so should everybody else - Other solutions must be found

Sorry for my bad english, it is not my native languages


posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 06:43 AM

originally posted by: undo
a reply to: daaskapital

i know that same thing is said about muslims. re-read my op.

Indeed. That means that Christianity is not being exclusively persecuted. As i said, i don't think any rational person would wish any type of persecution upon others. Yes, your religion is being persecuted in some instances, but i don't think it is as exclusive or as widespread as some would believe.

the plan appears to be to use isis to remove jews and christians (the ones that actually practice their religion), from the planet, and then kill the muslims for the genocide of the jews and christians. so it's one big cluster F.

I'm not sure i see this plan you speak of...

In order to carry out such an action, it would require the eradication of over 3.8 billion people. That is half the world's population. It is an unfeasible task.

edit on 19-2-2015 by daaskapital because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: daaskapital

here's the problem: even the muslims think isis is a plan to genocide muslims, and it is. so the muslims that are not killed by isis, will be killed later, when the jews and christians have been killed by isis. it's so obvious, you can almost set your watch by it.

step 1: isis kills all the moderate muslims

step 2: isis kills all the practicing jews and christians, with the west being sure to accuse the christians and jews of having persecution complexes as the efforts advance. non practicing jews and christians help this effort by claiming it's just fundies that have persecution complexes and that all's well.

step 3: then all that's left are isis, people who are jewish and christian in name only, and the atheists agnostics and pagans *and various far eastern religions* who have enough sense to lie thru their teeth in order to survive.

step 4: the survivors, then turn their gaze upon isis which is now the identity of all surviving muslims, and wipe them out as a humanitarian global effort for their crimes against humanity, something they could've done before, but didn't because removing religious christians and jews from the planet is actually their idea of utopia.

edit on 19-2-2015 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 06:58 AM

originally posted by: undo
a reply to: daaskapital

here's the problem: even the muslims think isis is a plan to genocide muslims, and it is. so the muslims that are not killed by isis, will be killed later, when the jews and christians have been killed by isis. it's so obvious, you can almost set your watch by it.

IS is committing genocide on anyone who isn't them, so you aren't wrong there. Still, i don't see how they will eradicate all Christians and Jews... I cannot foresee any global extinction of Judaism, Christianity and Islam in the near future.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: daaskapital

i hope you're right, cause i'm really not interested in being tortured or otherwise abused and i certainly don't want anyone else to be either.

p.s. see my timeline i added to my previous post

edit on 19-2-2015 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 07:06 AM
I recommend making a strategic agreement.

They are given their lands to reside in and they stay out of other lands, simple.

We have more tech, bigger armies, we could obliterate them if it was decided, there wouldn't be much left of their lands and surely the world doesn't need that.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: daaskapital

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