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i was laughed at few years ago on ATS about computer spying

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posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin
a reply to: PizzaAnyday505

1. What evidence did you uncover regarding WTC-7?

2. how did the intelligence service respond when you confronted them?

3. What proof do you have that they then had you under surveillance?

Thank you.

Likely response....

1. YouTube videos

2. Intelligently

3. You're a shill

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

4) ha ha ha I have more stars rgan you I must be right.

Yes I got a ha ha ha I have more stars reply from tge op.

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 08:55 AM
Yeah, I was going to dip out of this thread, and I did. Ignore always works well for me.

...then I come to ATS this morning and see that this guy has created yet another thread spewing the same things he is here.

How long before ATS catches up with this troll? I mean seriously.
I RARELY spend an ounce of energy on this ilk....but when I can't even navigate the "recent posts" and "new thread" forums without every other thread being this guy's creation (same ole same)'s rather f'n annoying.

In my years here, I have seen well established and good members banned for (from the outside looking in, obviously) very petty things.....yet this guy and his ilk remain? It makes no sense (unless......)

.....I would say I am shocked......but after some of the "featured" content in recent weeks and months (NLBS rings a bell as well, for me anyways) I am not..

Rather sad.....what is happening here....

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 06:28 PM

originally posted by: CallmeRaskolnikov

originally posted by: SBargisen
I strongly believe, that a totalitarian system, or one world order if you wish, is the way to go.
Total control will require chips in everyone to monitor etc. Cameraes on every street, etc.
How else will they cope with more and more people? It's just not possible with 10 billion + people in the world, all with EVERY truth that exist.

50 years ago it was easy, just lie to people, how would they ever find out. Today you see the truth/conspiracy about 9/11 everywhere, why aren't people rioting?
It's simple. FEAR.

Why don't people take food from the market, just take it and not pay? Fear.
Why don't people stand up for themselves and kill another man, we are animals right? Fear.

What is this fear? Fear of getting imprisoned.

Now.. What would happen if, say. 3 billion people rioted at the same time? Chaos, the rich would go down, no doubt about it. Anarchy would soon fill the streets, deaths would come shortly after, and we would become alot more primitive.

Now, again, a more controlled society would mean less crime. Who gives a rats ass if they see you watching porn.

Criminals hate cops.

Totalitarianism is defined as "a political system in which the state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever possible."

Chips in everyone to monitor us is the only way?

There is so much wrong with what you said I can't even begin to reply. I'm just going to assume your a troll or someone replaced your brain with that of say Joseph Goebbels or Hermann Göring.

/absolute power corrupts absolutely
//oppression isn't an ideal to strive for
///George Orwell's 1984, i'd say read it but you probably consider it an instruction manual for a perfect society

Probably a tad late answer. Anyway, why even start a discussion in which you become personal? Honestly, that just says something about you, rather than about me.
I have my personal opinion, whether you like it or not.

And honestly? I strongly believe in what I just wrote. Honestly, a "One world order" would probably be the best bet in any regards, even the parts where they allegedly wish to remove 90% of the population.
Up to 75% is below 110-115 in IQ anyway, this might sound psychotic to many of you, and I really don't care.
- Heres why I have this believe:
1) Here in Denmark, we have a highly socialistic state. If you don't have a job, the government will give you money, we get paid to attend school, university is free etc. And it's not just enough money for survival, it's enough to live a neat life, like someone with a full time job. The average wage is around 2000 $ after taxes, in which we ofcourse pay highly. (40-60%)
Anyway, 50 % of the population support the remaining 50% (+- ofcourse.) and with this we are now seeing more and more who begins to milk the system, so it begins to be unsustainable.
- This would be ideal in every country in the world, I agree. With free hospitals, free schools etc. but, it has a price. It ruins the population, people get used to "Ah well, # it, I can just get money from the government."

2) The ones that usually help humankind technologically is those with a higher IQ. I know, IQ isn't everything. The ones with a lower IQ are more often connected with crimes than those with a higher IQ.

Alright, if a "one world order" were to sustain a population of 10 billion people from rioting, we would have to control the masses via scare-tactics. I firmly believe that a "No no!" doesn't help, and we need to intimidate the population from doing crime, by making it less attractable, and harder to do. By less attractable I ofcourse mean that they will face harder punishments.

To make it harder to do, a GPS-Tracked chip could be used, in which every heartbeat basically is monitored. This could also be used to save peoples lives. If a guy suffers from a heartattack, it could send a message to the nearby hospital about this, thus increasing survival chances.
Also, cameras all over the streets, it would probably be possible to code a program that monitors for crimes, so that every street in the world doesn't exactly need to have a guy monitoring. Could also be satelite surveillance.

And please, if you wish to discuss this, don't be personal.

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to: SBargisen

ShotSpotter...check it out.

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 03:52 AM
I have been around enough to know that most of the people who come straight with the scope are telling the truth then many other posters with a bunch of stars that have perfected the art of lying to a tea, but that's me....

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
a reply to: SBargisen

ShotSpotter...check it out.

That's nice!

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 01:53 AM

originally posted by: PizzaAnyday505

Few years ago I made a thread on ATS how even if you have the most paranoid firewalls and operating system functioning on FREEZE AND COMMAND. Government agents will simply walk into your home and office when you are in store or something and install Trojans, which is what happened to me at the time

Yup, they will actually walk in, do the job, and walk out and lock your home behind them

I'm new here, but I don't quite understand the point of this thread. You believe this happens, but offer no proof. If whomever cared enough to spy on your computer they wouldn't waste time/money/effort breaking into your home. You would have the illusion of control of your computer through some sort of sophisticated software that would allow them in without you ever knowing/being able to block it. But I don't believe that's happening either, it just makes more sense.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 02:50 AM

originally posted by: Darksea13

originally posted by: PizzaAnyday505

Few years ago I made a thread on ATS how even if you have the most paranoid firewalls and operating system functioning on FREEZE AND COMMAND. Government agents will simply walk into your home and office when you are in store or something and install Trojans, which is what happened to me at the time

Yup, they will actually walk in, do the job, and walk out and lock your home behind them

I'm new here, but I don't quite understand the point of this thread. You believe this happens, but offer no proof. If whomever cared enough to spy on your computer they wouldn't waste time/money/effort breaking into your home. You would have the illusion of control of your computer through some sort of sophisticated software that would allow them in without you ever knowing/being able to block it. But I don't believe that's happening either, it just makes more sense.

- There is nothing rational about paranoid delusions.
- People with paranoid personality disorders have an increased interest into conspiracy theories.

I'm not saying everyone on this board is paranoid. I'm saying there are many paranoids on this board so this should be kept in mind.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 03:07 AM

originally posted by: caterpillage
Yeah, ATS for a conspiracy themed site, doesn't seem to in general tolerate conspiracy talk much anymore. It's allmost like the plan is to migrate into a general chit chat type forum. Pretty much anything posted is gang debunked. Not much room here these days for discussion on far out subjects.

Kind of a bummer really

you hit the nail on the head sir

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 03:15 AM
a reply to: Develo

I wouldn't call anyone here paranoid whether they seem so or not, but only for personal reasons. A lot of my loved ones and doctors have used that term with me in the past year and it's part of what made me come across this forum. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but I just don't see the logic behind people breaking into your home over something that can easily be done remotely. It seems the whole thread is devoted to that singular idea with no justification or evidence.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 03:35 AM

originally posted by: Darksea13
A lot of my loved ones and doctors have used that term with me in the past year and it's part of what made me come across this forum.

If doctors have used that term with you I would seriously consider the fact it's a possibility. It's super hard for someone with a psychological problem to admit it, mostly because he doesn't know any other way of being to compare it with.

There is nothing shameful in being slightly different from the norm from a psychological point of view. Nor does it requires medication (unless it impacts your life negatively). Everyone is different from the norm in some way.

The most important is to be aware of how you work and to keep it in mind all the time. Self-awareness.

There are people on this board showing signs of paranoid delusions or schizophrenia and I have 0 problems telling them they show signs of it and behave/think in a non rational way. All the better to them for knowing their forces and weaknesses better and if they don't want to acknowledge it, not my problem. This is an anonymous board, there will be no social stigma because no one will know who you are in real life.
edit on 27-2-2015 by Develo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: Develo

I have considered the possibility, immediately and often, and I came to the conclusion that I wasn't simply paranoid. I have zero trust in the doctors that made that suggestion for many reasons. I would rather be mentally ill than believe what I believe happened to me--there is no difficulty in that.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 05:11 AM

originally posted by: Darksea13
a reply to: Develo

I have considered the possibility, immediately and often, and I came to the conclusion that I wasn't simply paranoid. I have zero trust in the doctors that made that suggestion for many reasons. I would rather be mentally ill than believe what I believe happened to me--there is no difficulty in that.

If it isn't too personal, what caused your loved ones and a doctor to call you that?

edit: nevermind I found your post. Unfortunately you do display signs of paranoid thinking.

Especially believing that some people have been trying to subliminally feed you ideas, and that someone or "something" (quoting you) is manipulating your life in a negative way.

Unless you are some kind of super important person, no one would care enough about you to invest in everything needed to achieve such a result.

Just like you said OP story made no sense from a logical perspective, yours makes none neither.

I know it's very hard to accept this but it's how it is. You don't have to believe "you are crazy" because it's not what it is about. It's about the significance you give to mundane things, and the causal relationships you imagine between unrelated events. I've been through this and out of it, and looking back it's now very clear how easy it is to delude yourself when psychologically weak, even to hear and see things which are not real.

It doesn't mean I'm crazy, I'm perfectly healthy today. Just one day, accumulated stress and fatigue started to play tricks on my mind.
edit on 27-2-2015 by Develo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: Develo

Well you can believe what you will based on the limited information I've provided about my situation. I don't consider myself to be a super important person and I never have. What I've been through is something I never would have believed possible and it wasn't imagined.

I'm not doubting the original poster, just the methodology behind what he claims has been done.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 06:04 AM

originally posted by: Darksea13
What I've been through is something I never would have believed possible and it wasn't imagined.

Well, the day I saw people that did not exist and heard the TV speak to me I felt the same.

I'm a very Cartesian person you see, so experiencing something like that is very weird. It's actually what helped me make sense of it, it was simply TOO crazy to be real.

The problem with paranoid delusions is they are much more sneaky, they will appear plausible to you, but to an external observer they will still be delusions.

I don't need details to tell you no one is subliminally feeding you ideas and manipulating your life. It's like textbook feeling of paranoid personality disorder. 2% of the population feels like you, there is nothing unique about it.

From here you have two options:

- get defensive about this and believe it's impossible for you to be deceived by your own mind (despite the fact that even a simple optical illusion can deceive anyone)
- understand what happened to you, study it critically and without emotions, and be stronger now because once a trap is understood its harder to fall for it again

But honestly if you prefer to believe you could be a targeted individual, it's your decision and I have no problem with this.
edit on 27-2-2015 by Develo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 06:14 AM
a reply to: Develo

Like I said, believe what you will. I'm not here to win an argument with you over my mental state, especially over a detail that I admit probably didn't take place almost a year ago and has never recurred.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: Darksea13

And I like I said, I don't care about winning an argument. I'm not here to judge or reassure myself I'm right.

I just shared my perspective and experience so you could absorb it if you wanted. Other people helped me see through the confusion because I let them help me, and I now I'm better equipped thanks to that.

But what you do with your life is your choice, not mine.

You just do a very big mistake when you say "you haven't imagined it" because if there is one thing that is certain it's that we interpret and imagine a vision reality all the time. It's our brain that makes sense of what we see and hear. Making sense and giving meaning is a human construction, it DOES happen in the brain.

Also I made no comment about your current mental state, I only discussed what you shared in your post. I even said everyone is being deceived by his own mind in a different way. There is literally no reason for you to be defensive about what I shared here. It's only generic truths.
edit on 27-2-2015 by Develo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: Develo

I haven't seen people who don't exist nor has the TV spoken to me. What I know to be true wasn't something that did not actually happen.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 06:43 AM

originally posted by: Darksea13
a reply to: Develo

I haven't seen people who don't exist nor has the TV spoken to me. What I know to be true wasn't something that did not actually happen.

It's not true that you were fed thoughts subliminally, neither is it true that someone manipulated your life.

And yet these are thoughts you entertained. As I said, it was easier for me to see the deception since it was TOO crazy. Yours is just plausible enough to believe it.

Steroid use cause psychosis. Your doctor was correct to raise this possibility, and you are wrong to discard it because "your mindset did not change after you stopped steroids".

When you have psychosis, it takes years for the brain to recover and rewire itself. If it even can do it. When an idea is implanted in the mind (like "I'm a targeted individual") it's very difficult to get rid of it.

The incidence of steroid psychosis varies widely in the literature ranging from 13 to 62%, with a weighted average of 27.6% for some steroid induced mental change, the vast majority of which are mild to moderate and do not herald the development of a full-blown psychosis or affective syndrome.

Sounds like you had 1 chance over 3 to develop a mild psychosis. make what you want of this probability.
edit on 27-2-2015 by Develo because: (no reason given)

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