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i was laughed at few years ago on ATS about computer spying

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posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 05:31 AM
Hoover taught the NSA all they need to know about info gathering.

But hey, if your not doing nothing wrong, dont worry about it.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: PizzaAnyday505

Most ATSers like to think of themself as being "open minded" and highly interested in conspiracies. But when it is presented to them some truly out of the ordinary concepts, like any others human, either they will laugh at you or simply ignore you!


posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: Chickensalad
Hoover taught the NSA all they need to know about info gathering.

But hey, if your not doing nothing wrong, dont worry about it.


You believe that guys who do things like 9/11 are cool enough to always leave you alone

One more time


posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: PizzaAnyday505

originally posted by: Develo
Also I would very much like to know more about these agents installing trojans on your PC. Like what they looked like and why you think the are watching you?

There is not much to tell, by today's standards the story is just average

I applied for a legit position within intelligence agency, we all know the name of the main one. And in the process of getting the job I found out that building 7 was imploded, which immediately proved to me 9/11 was black ops

I told the agency that I am no longer interested, and I may have said something like you guys don't even know what your original mandate was, I may have mentioned building 7

And that's how it started, I still have pictures of 2 civilian clothed men coming into my home and leaving locking the door behind them

Later on I was playing with my registry and found a spying program called CASElink which I isolated copied and used an expert to access and disassemble, program is sophisticated upload download Trojan with sections in it for specific reports to CIA FBI even CSIS and other agencies, so in other words a general use Trojan for whoever needs it

I also found my car tampered with, things moved out of place as no doubt agents were in and out installing bugs etc, but nothing stolen, my 500 bucks sunglasses (I don't use cheap plastic sunglasses) was not taken nor small change

This is classical story for anyone being spied on

I am not special in any way

Yeah, your story sounds legit. You applied for a job at a secret service and got in, then decided to reject it after you researched some stuff on building 7.....right.

The problem is not that folks on ATS ridicule, the problem is that the stories some people on ATS come up with to make themselves feel important are just easily picked apart and seen through. applied to a job with a secret service of the US, declined the offer once it came, then they decided to spy on you. They entered your home/job, which you say you have pics of so I am guessing you were aware they were coming and staked out your own place just to get the evidence of it happening...they put a trojan virus on your computer, which you found and had an expert (whatever that means) pick it apart and figured out that it was reporting back to ALL agencies somehow (because they always leave trails and breadcrumbs for experts to follow).

And when a secret service organization moves stuff in your home or would not know as they do not leave things out of place. Hell....why would they even enter or care about your car? Do you store secret information in it? Story wreaks of BS.

Maybe give us some background on how you applied and the steps taken prior to being offered the position for some verification. And what did you actually uncover about building 7 that changed your mind and made these secret agencies come after you? You say you are not important yet imply importance with your story.....doesn't make any sense at all.

Sorry, but I am going to say I don't believe a single word of it.
edit on 2/19/15 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

edit on 2/19/15 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: PizzaAnyday505

Forgot to say

Yeah you do forget a lot of details and have some great fantasies you indulge in.

Internet spying and computer hacking and bugging as another said has known by anyone reading conspiracies for quite some time.

You were most likely laughed at because of the way you presented your case to readers, sloppy and very unintelligent like much of what you post since you rejoined a few weeks back.

Like many members including myself say absolutely nothing original and repeat what others are saying or whats been repeated over and over all over the net, unsubstantiated beliefs

Sorry you might of applied at job in intelligence and the only reason you would get one would be to a patsy for something done behind the curtains and needing someone to hang dry.

Its good that you so called them to stuff the job other wise who knows where you would be today.

Maybe, I just don't recall,

Maybe you are banned former member that has come back to peddle more smelly stuff.

Seriously how could you apply for a job in intelligence if you cant remember a screen name from a few years ago.

You don't recall, but you remember like so many others that use that term.

IN my eyes there a few bernard's here on ATS posting in the last few months, either full of themselves or doing what many skeptics/debunkers are said to be by blind believers that cannot rationalize their beliefs.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:23 AM
Ah....and I believe I have found your former thread. Apparently you were banned and your last username was rory212.

The thread...

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:23 AM
This thread is just too funny, almost spat out my coffee reading this.

Government agents will simply walk into your home and office when you are in store or something and install Trojans, which is what happened to me at the time

Ok you do realise that they can snoop on you with out actually having to enter your home or have any physical contact with you, that was kinda the whole that Snowden was exposing.

And why would they even want to do that to you?.....

They don't do this to everybody, only if you are interesting to them for whatever reason

Awww you mean i am not special enough to have guys come into my home and plant bugs.

You must be special though, I wonder what made you so special...

In my case I made at the time biggest mistake of my life and applied for intelligence type work, and then found out about building 7,

You do realise that this could apply for any one online, told the Gov to go screw themselves and believe 9/11 was a false flag.

Your whole post reads like that of a deluded fantasisist wanting to believe you are "special" enough for the big bad man to want to keep tabs on you.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
Ah....and I believe I have found your former thread. Apparently you were banned and your last username was rory212.

The thread...

Good catch, explains a lot.

Wonder how long the OP will last this time before the government Agents of ATS creep into his house and use his own mac to have him banned.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
Ah....and I believe I have found your former thread. Apparently you were banned and your last username was rory212.

The thread...

Good catch, explains a lot.

Wonder how long the OP will last this time before the government Agents of ATS creep into his house and use his own mac to have him banned.

Yeah...I can see why he was ridiculed on that thread.

OP...your story is complete BS dude.

Here is the link to the old banned OP story again.....

I love that, in that old thread, you say:

"if you are too stupid to google and see what happened with building 7, then my friend, that's your problem not mine "

So you googled it? That was your evidence....yes I can see the intelligence agencies really wanting to hire you and keep tabs at all time....

Look out..the OP's GoogleFu is strong.
edit on 2/19/15 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Who said I applied to secret service

Look I am not interested in your version of events since you are not me

How can you be the authority on what happened to me, try logic next time

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: PizzaAnyday505
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Who said I applied to secret service

Look I am not interested in your version of events since you are not me

How can you be the authority on what happened to me, try logic next time

I said "A" secret service...since you wouldn't name the one. I guess I should have said "intelligence work"

Either way....story is BS as evidenced by you original thread from back when you were banned as rory212.

Here it is again so you can go back and read it.....

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
Ah....and I believe I have found your former thread. Apparently you were banned and your last username was

That thread is not mine and that name is not mine

Anyone who admits it will be automatically banned and that is certainly not me

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: PizzaAnyday505

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
Ah....and I believe I have found your former thread. Apparently you were banned and your last username was

That thread is not mine and that name is not mine

Anyone who admits it will be automatically banned and that is certainly not me

yeah ok....

so tell us then what information about WTC-7 did you uncover.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:41 AM
edit on 19-2-2015 by PizzaAnyday505 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: PizzaAnyday505
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Who said I applied to secret service

Look I am not interested in your version of events since you are not me

How can you be the authority on what happened to me, try logic next time

I said "A" secret service...since you wouldn't name the one. I guess I should have said "intelligence work"

Either way....story is BS as evidenced by you original thread from back when you were banned as rory212.

Here it is again so you can go back and read it.....

And I am not an authority on what happens to you...I am using logic. Maybe try not lying next time....logic has nothing to do with your posts.

You claim you have evidence of all this, and in the original thread in which you told this story you say that you can't show it for fear of some type of retribution from the agents that went into your house. You claim to have had video evidence of it.

Why don't you rule logic out for us and prove us the video of these agents you claim to have, show us screen shots of this super trojan they placed on your computer, or some of the code your "expert" was able to us anything that backs up your story.

If you truly didn't care about what they government thinks and told them to shove the job because you found out about building 7, then why the need to keep the evidence of it out of the spot light.


posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

But how can I tell you anything when that isn't me...

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: PizzaAnyday505

Yes because bold caps and accusations make your points so much more valid....

dude come one, you cannot honestly expect intelligent people to believe this stuff.

You are saying that some American spy agency was spying on you because of what you said about WTC-7, so I want to know what you uncovered that was so shocking

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: PizzaAnyday505

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
Ah....and I believe I have found your former thread. Apparently you were banned and your last username was

That thread is not mine and that name is not mine

Anyone who admits it will be automatically banned and that is certainly not me

Really? Ok...some serious coincidences in the story then....let's lay them out for you:

Your story references 2 agents that came to your home that you have pics is the old one:

originally posted by: rory212
reply to post by tempesillest

LOL I sound paranoid, LLOOOLL really

you too would be paranoid my friend, if you went through what I went through, imagine waking up one day only to realize SMILE you are on government cameras for years now. I won't release footage of two agents because I think that would make them take action not only against me but against my wife.

Your story references that it was because of building 7 that this all is the old one:

originally posted by: rory212

Originally posted by RomeByFire
You only mention one time why the agents were in your home, where you said you came across some 9/11 footage on the internet and later verified it.

Can you prove it? What's the footage, how/who verified it?

You seem paranoid, but I'm not calling you a liar.

I can't believe you would demand this kind of information, by verified it myself, I simply mean the evidence of 9/11 being inside job available online is FOOL PROOF

and if you are too stupid to google and see what happened with building 7, then my friend, that's your problem not mine

Your story references a program called Caselink.....and the old one:

originally posted by: rory212
reply to post by Destinyone

Vocal on the phone with friends for years (I don't want to scare my friends, I didn't even email them any of this), they too could be under surveillance and they would blame me for sure since I was the most vocal one on government crimes.

Next came internet and emails, I would freely email friends and friends of friends with 9/11 info, with chemtrail info etc.

And I do have something that would shut up the naysayers, I have surveillance program called CaseLink used by the government agencies to spy on PCs, this along with video.

But I won't put this online, for a very simple reason, I am smart enough to know that I don't know just how far in this case government would go. Thank god I don't have kids, if that was the case I wouldn't even put this story online.

I am sorry, this is the best I can do, if I helped 1 person out there, I guess it is worth it.

Still care to say that isn't you? Or is this all a part of the big bad government running an operation on you?

edit on 2/19/15 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Nice find. the clock ticks away for this OP. many more days must we put up with this guy?

(It's annoying when someone goes into 100 different threads saying the same damned things and never backing up ANY of their statements with evidence. I thought ATS looked down upon that? What will it take?)'re annoying and have been caught time and time again lying and spreading your opinion as "fact" and then telling others to go find evidence you claim to have.
Please, go find somewhere else to troll and leave the adults here to do the actual discussing......please!

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

Why I thought you read this thread on which we are on

I didn't discover anything other than building 7 being the smoking gun of 9/11

Say sir, did you know about building 7, does the whole thing bother you or are you ok with it

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