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Rotherham whistleblower, threatened by cops & given "race awareness training"

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posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: Fermy

Yep you did.

Didn't deny it.

Said from page one they were majority Asian.

I also gave you the name of a White Brit who was also arrested, charged & sentenced in Rotherham.
After 2 decades in the Shadows.
The same two decades the whole scandal is talking about.

You denying that?

Or you accepting it?

Your denial doesn't bother me...

Just don't call me ignorant if I dodge your posts from now on in any thread.

No point talking to a brick wall.

1 white guy? Whoa, hold the front page why don't you. This was that guy named in the Rotheram mob? The one with the Western name wasnt it? Well guess what Sherlock, I'm going to look into this when I get more time and you will eat your weasel words.
I can see why you intend to ignore my input henceforth, clearly, you can't handle being questioned, such is your ego tripping. Fine with that.
Your avatar lacks the cape and silver topped cane or were they hidden oh international man of letters?
Anyway, if whatever answer I give is quote "fine by you" then why ask in the first place? Are you 15 or similar age?
Do you know what the acronym FPMSL means?
edit on 14-2-2015 by Fermy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 05:01 PM
How is this a race thing ... colour is skin deep only

There is good and bad in all people

Good people will not be divided by superficial non sense

Tolerance and respect goes a long way to civil discussion

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: eletheia

Maybe you should google Lee Crutchley Rotherham you'll find many more sources other than the Star!

No one is saying that Lee Crutchley wasn't guilty of heinous crimes

of rape and underage sex, but his case for which he was tried and

sentenced, was in 2013.

However Crutchley is not connected with the cases being discussed

in this thread.... This thread is concerning a large number of Asian/

Pakistani/Muslim men who have been grooming British underage girls

for sex and prostitution over a period of many years, and ALL

complaints against these men, were being shelved and lost over that

period of time due to PC policies and fear of offending the Pakistani/

Asian/Moslem communities, so the *racism card* was pulled

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: Fermy

I haven't ignored anything you've said.

I've taken some on board.

& I've discarded what was false, either knowingly or unknowingly.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say unknowingly.

Let me put it this way.

Do you want justice for all the victims?
White & Brown?

Do you want all the culprits to suffer?
Brown & White?

Then why make such a big deal of me pointing out that it involved other people who weren't Asian?

That's what has confused me to be honest!

Now I know what it means... I rarely do Internet acronyms.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: eletheia

I only brought it up because people kept telling me I was wrong about others being involved in Rotherham's scandal.

& it all started when someone complained when I shared a source saying that the Asian community think the cover up due to race was disgusting, exactly what everyone here has said...

So what's the problem with the Asian community saying exactly what we've all said?
That it's a disgrace?

Answer me that & maybe I'll understand where people are coming from.

The race card wasn't pulled at all...

It was the Council who covered things up for fear of being labelled racist...
But no one did call them racist & no one told them to cover it up.

That was their choice.


My whole point... to say "I wonder why it's so important" is basic...

I want justice for all the victims, white & brown... Not a cover up!
I want punishment for all the perpetrators, white & brown... Not a cover up!

& the way I see it, the more people focus on the Asian cover up, the less people notice the Brits & Eastern Europeans who were also involved!

& that's not fair to their victims!

Expose all of them.
Not just the Asians.
Expose them all.

Making sense now?
edit on 14-2-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 05:49 PM
Britain is a Multi Cultural society ... The offenders in question were British citizens
The skin colour and ethnic background plays no part

I think the police have shown that so called "Political Correctness" is a sham and in this case another form of racism born of fear

The Muslim community itself is outraged that these people were not brought to justice and that the police themselves played the race card in effect by saying they did not wish to offend the Muslim community

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: Boeing777

I doubt he'd care, unless the rapist has a Muslim name of course. Take a look at Westminster, it's infested with them, yet no outrage.

Where's the proof mate ?? Look, just like the rest of us I'm almost ready to tar and feather the majority of politicians, but tell me honestly when THEY have been caught red handed like these NUMEROUS asian gangs???


Conjecture is not good enough.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: artistpoet

That's one of the reasons why the Asian community find the cover up disgusting.

One, because it's heinous and an affront to all the victims.

Two, because by thinking that the race card would be pulled the Council made the sickening assumption that the Asian community would be more worried about how they appear, even when innocent, than justice for the victims...

Basically saying that Asians have no conscience and that they'd rather stick up for Asian rapists rather than the victims of their crimes.

& the worst part is some people probably believe that about the whole Asian community.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 06:28 PM
I dont see how the whole asian community are responsible.

Correct me I may be wrong but I dont this Asians and muslims have special magical telepathic powers that allow them to see what all others in the community are doing.

I am white british and I cant say I know what all other white brits are doing.

edit on 14-2-2015 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: 8675309jenny

When have I ever said I want Sharia Law?

So you call yourself a Muslim; your username title says Allahu Akbar; yet you refute the teachings of the prophet Muhammad?

Or are you just trying to be clever by asking a roundabout question without actually admitting you support Sharia ?? You didn't deny it. I have done my research well, and believe it or not, I found much of Islam agreeable to my own beliefs until I dug deeper and learned the real truth. I suppose you are familiar with the Islamic doctrine of Taqiyya ?

So give me a straight answer here Charlie, do you believe Sharia is just and right ?

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: 8675309jenny

I could definitely say Sharia Law is just.
But Secular Law can be just as well..

Now you'll just bring up Saudi Arabia or Iran or some other country...

Not knowing, or knowing but ignoring, that they have different interpretations of Sharia Law & punishments are different across the board.

Do I agree with Muhammads interpretation & teachings of Sharia...

Do I agree with Saudi interpretation of Sharia...

Hopefully my answer was more full than you expected!

Yes I'm aware of Taqiyya...
I'm also aware it's a Shia thing... & I'm not a Shia...
I'm also aware it's supposed to be used in times of danger to the persons life, or their loved ones life...

I'd love to ask what the "real truth" is, but it will probably derail the thread completely.

I'd also use Sharia Law on the freaks who have been abusing people in Rotherham.

The Prophet told us that children are precious and should be protected fully.

Now if someone is raped in Saudi Arabia they will probably be stoned to death...
& honestly, you won't find that in the Quran.

So where did that idea of "Sharia" come from?

It's more complicated than yes or no...

If I say no, you say "well you're not a Muslim then"...
If I say yes, you say "then you believe in barbarism"...

Both are false, & interpretation is key to understanding Sharia Law.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 07:21 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs

So what's the problem with the Asian community saying exactly what we've all said?
That it's a disgrace?

That's just it ... I have not seen anything from the leaders of said communities

coming forward and condemning what has for so long been going on, just a case

of ignoring it in the hope it goes away.

The race card wasn't pulled at all...

It was the Council who covered things up for fear of being labelled racist...

"It was the Council who covered things up for fear of being labelled racist"...

Well I consider that racist. When something gets covered up for fear of

offending. It shouldn't matter whatever the race, colour, ethnicity, gender,

an offence is an offence .... a crime is a crime.

But no one did call them racist & no one told them to cover it up.

That was their choice.

No one needed to tell them to cover it up. * They * (Councils, Authorities,

Police) don't need to be told anything they do it collectively ... *They*

are so busy being *politically correct* and are law unto themselves.

However ... a crime is a crime, and wrong is wrong, what ever ethnicity,

colour, gender, religion a person is.

To make any allowances ^^ ^^ ^^ is racist.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 11:00 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: 8675309jenny

I could definitely say Sharia Law is just.
But Secular Law can be just as well..

Now you'll just bring up Saudi Arabia or Iran or some other country...

Not knowing, or knowing but ignoring, that they have different interpretations of Sharia Law & punishments are different across the board.

Do I agree with Muhammads interpretation & teachings of Sharia...

Do I agree with Saudi interpretation of Sharia...

Hopefully my answer was more full than you expected!

Yes I'm aware of Taqiyya...
I'm also aware it's a Shia thing... & I'm not a Shia...
I'm also aware it's supposed to be used in times of danger to the persons life, or their loved ones life...

I'd love to ask what the "real truth" is, but it will probably derail the thread completely.

I'd also use Sharia Law on the freaks who have been abusing people in Rotherham.

The Prophet told us that children are precious and should be protected fully.

Now if someone is raped in Saudi Arabia they will probably be stoned to death...
& honestly, you won't find that in the Quran.

So where did that idea of "Sharia" come from?

It's more complicated than yes or no...

If I say no, you say "well you're not a Muslim then"...
If I say yes, you say "then you believe in barbarism"...

Both are false, & interpretation is key to understanding Sharia Law.

What a massive steaming load of bollocks! Interpretation?? You believe in living your life by an out-dated justice system based upon the unclearly written moral codes in a 1400year old book ??


Do you even realize that here in the west (a place of which you reap many benefits far and wide) we determined that burning people at the stake and living by murky religious morality which was open to INTERPRETATION, was a BAD FREAKIN IDEA, ohhh.... several hundred years ago!?!?

So what, you just hand-pick the parts of Islam you like and reject the ones you don't? Do you also judge the prophet for marrying Aisha when she was 6years old??? Or how about how he consummated that marriage when she reached 9yrs old???

That's right ladies and Gentlemen. A grown man having SEX with a nine-year-old. Or is that open to interpretation too Charlie?

Sharia law is defined as the code of laws based upon the ACTIONS and LIFE of the prophet himself!! You don't even understand your own religion mate!!

And as far as grown men f**king children... well that brings us right back to the thread topic now doesn't it?

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: 8675309jenny

Nice Sharia rant...

Yep, interpretation is key...
Which is why Saudi Arabia is a cesspit...

It's also why I've never advocated for Sharia because along comes a "scholar" with a fraudulent Hadith claiming might is right while contradicting the Quran...

Not worth the bother.

Oh, the Aisha myth...

It's not open to interpretation...

Actual Muslims who've studied historical Islamic texts, have determined Aisha was 18-19, being ten years younger than Asma, it's quite specific how they worked this out...

Myth pushers rely on text from the 15th century from a guy who wasn't born till about 700 years after Muhammad (pbuh) passed away... This is not specific at all and again, like most Hadith, is contradicted by other Hadith.

However you can believe what you like.

I believe "proof or it didn't happen" is a very common response on ATS.

edit on 14-2-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 04:35 AM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: [post=190

I believe "proof or it didn't happen" is a very common response on ATS.

What like the proof for your 1400yr old fairy tales ? LOL. Prove there isn't an invisible Leprechaun in a rainbow tutu on every light pole in London....

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: 8675309jenny


That's why it's called faith...

Is your faith to believe 15th century rumours about the Prophet (pbuh) just because you dislike Islam?

Because you can't prove that as much as the guy you asked to prove a Royal/Politician cover up a few pages back!

So that must be your faith...

How sad!

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: 8675309jenny

What like the proof for your 1400yr old fairy tales ?

You believe that it is a fairy tale ... Good ... Fairy Tales are for children and not true
So your attack/accusations ... YOUR WORDS "That's right ladies and Gentlemen. A grown man having SEX with a nine-year-old.".... has no grounds in Reality

What next ... are you going to attack Disney Characters ...

edit on 15-2-2015 by artistpoet because: Typo

edit on 15-2-2015 by artistpoet because: Typo

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: artistpoet
a reply to: 8675309jenny

What like the proof for your 1400yr old fairy tales ?

You believe that it is a fairy tale ... Good ... Fairy Tales are for children and not true
So your attack/accusations ... YOUR WORDS "That's right ladies and Gentlemen. A grown man having SEX with a nine-year-old.".... has no grounds in Reality

What next ... are you going to attack Disney Characters ...

Absolutely; the very next time someone straps a bunch of explosives to themselves and justifies it with the words of Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse and a book Walt Disney wrote 1,000yrs ago; then I will attack Disney characters

Do you guys all drink some special tea that completely turns off the logic center in your brains ??
edit on 15-2-2015 by 8675309jenny because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: 8675309jenny

Absolutely; the very next time someone straps a bunch of explosives to themselves and justifies it with the words of Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse and a book Walt Disney wrote 1,000yrs ago; then I will attack Disney characters

Good ... so long as your target of attack is the extremist characters who perpetrated the crime.
But don't attack the whole bunch of "Disney" characters because of the actions of a few
It is ignorant to assume that they are all the same
Those who choose their particular Religion are not all the same ... and interprate their scriptures differently

Do you guys all drink some special tea that completely turns off the logic center in your brains ??

"You Guys" ... I speak for myself

By the way I do not have any religion if that is what you are referring to
edit on 15-2-2015 by artistpoet because: Typo

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: 8675309jenny


That's why it's called faith...

Is your faith to believe 15th century rumours about the Prophet (pbuh) just because you dislike Islam?

Because you can't prove that as much as the guy you asked to prove a Royal/Politician cover up a few pages back!

So that must be your faith...

How sad!


FAITH ?? Your understanding of what faith is, is very strange.

There is ZERO faith required to for it to be made quite clear that Islam by it's nature is a violent hateful religion. Fresh evidence arises every day.

It's like saying I need to have faith to belief the sun exists; nope, I can see it every day.

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