Let’s face it folks warts are nasty, and none of us want to be seen with them, or have one attached to any part of our body.
The following information is the direct result of many years of dealing with warts, on me and family members. And yes this remedy has resulted in the
warts never coming back. Please share it freely with everyone you know because it does work.
* Disclaimer: this is not a prescription for not seeking medical attention, because sometimes warts maybe more than warts, so always seek medical
consultation to determine what the problem is first.
Many years ago when I was a child I developed what was known as a plantar’s wart, on the bottom of my foot, and consider the toughest to get rid of.
I remember it being very painful to walk on, and no matter what modality of modern medicine my parents tried it always came back.
I remember they started out with “Compound W”( salicylic acid) and although it did remove the wart, it was only temporary, and it grew back after
a few months.
We then proceeded to have the wart cut out by a highly recommended podiatrist, minus $200 and a few months the wart was back. The good doctor then
recommended freezing the area, so we proceeded with that, another $100 and the wart fell off, but again a few months later it was back.
We then returned to “Compound W” and finally the main wart fell for good, but they was always a residual deformation, or strange pot marks/tiny
warts, on the bottom of my foot for many many years, that never went away.
Fast forward to my mid 20’s I had become an herbalist, because modern medicine and incompetent doctors had over prescribed penicillin. I had a
severe reaction, to the penicillin, and it almost killed me, so I was determined to find alternative ways of healing, and keeping my body healthy.
One winter I had become extremely sick from a cold, and was told that oregano oil would help boost my immune system, so I started to take it every
day, even though I smelled like a walking pizza.
What I discovered was not only did the cold disappear quickly, but whilst taking a shower, and drying myself I noticed that all the pot marks, tiny
warts, and deformation, that I had been plagued with from the plantar’s wart for years, had disappeared.
From what I could tell the remaining small warts had vanished, and never returned. The only thing I was taking at the time was oregano oil, so I had
come to the conclusion that there was something in OO, that kills warts. My foot was smooth and clear as a babies bottom and I was very excited, so I
added this remedy to my little book of absolute cures.
Fast forward to 2014, my son who’s around 9 ended up getting a plantars wart from somewhere, and it was painful for him to walk around. At first he
didn’t tell me and his mother took him to the doctors to have it cut out, which btw was painful because they have to give him shots of Lidocaine.
Again around $400 and the wart was only gone for about 3 weeks then it returned. I got hit with a $200 bill for my end and I was more than a little
upset, because I could have gotten rid of it for about $10 worth of supplies.
I didn’t make a big deal out of the situation, because my son was already upset, so I told him “Son we are going to get rid of that wart for good,
and it won’t hurt a bit” he smiled and said “I love you daddy”
Off we went to the store to buy our supplies. Our first and only stop was the hardware store to purchase a roll of duct-tape. Yes you heard it right
folks the only thing you really need is a roll of duct-tape, but if you have the extra money oregano oil is a good addition to kill the wart off for
After about 3 weeks his wart was gone for good and it was painless, and cost less then $10.
Now to the application and procedure.
1) It’s always good to soak the affected area warm water, for about 30 minutes, this helps us on our next step.
2) I always wear latex, or nitrile gloves if I’m working on warts because the HPV virus is contagious, so please protect yourself if you are working
on others, and yourself.
3) Get a nail file, rough sand paper, or a callous scraper and be careful not to break the skin. Carefully and gently remove the soft skin, at the
top, after the soaking without making anything bleed.
4) Dry area thoroughly with a paper towel, and not bath towel, so as not to spread the virus.
5) Take a Q-tip swab and dip it into oregano oil and lightly cover the entire affected area.
6) Get out the duct-tape and cover the affected area
7) That’s it your done, do this over and over for about 3 – 4 weeks, until the warts are gone.
Typically you want to do this at night so the duct tape remains on, but the longer it stays on the better, so wearing it all day is a plus and will
remove the wart faster. Please don't ask me how, or why Duct-tape alone works to remove the wart, but it does. Perhaps something in the formula of
the adhesive?
If people are worrying about the gray duct-tape color, and what people may say or think; there is also patterned duct tape that looks like band-aids
these days, so people won’t even notice.
And yes this will work on any exposed part of the body.
*Another side note:
Be very careful if applying any 100% essential oils on the genitals or mucus membrane areas. It can, my and will result in burns.
I always recommend a tiny test area to see what the reaction will be
Good luck on them Warts.
edit on 11-2-2015 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)