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Hello ChaoticOrder
I posted this on another thread but I felt it was also very relevant to this thread as well. I have reposted it for you to ponder.
It explains dark matter very well I think. It is quite a long read but necessary to compress a lot of information into a very small space.
If you can get your head around the concept of seven distinct dimensions, each divided into seven sub-planes.
Infinite primordial space and primordial energy (zero point) creates monads. (monads could be viewed as strings for better understanding of the
concept) as they are the smallest discreet indestructible particles of matter. (the smallest building blocks of the universe)
The monads are released, spinning into inter-dimensional space, excited by the source (primordial-zero point energy) and passes through the seven
distinct dimensions. You have to visualise that the monad is not moving through physical space, but through inter-dimensional space, so it arrives in
the physical dimension in the same physical place it started, seven higher dimensional layers away.
If you could view it as it arrives in the physical plane, it would appear to manifest out of nowhere.
When it appears in the physical plane, it is a monad surrounded by a mass of other monads that simultaneously exist in all seven dimensions, but only
the physical monads can be viewed objectively.
A quick summary, every monad is composed of multi-dimensional matter, but science is only able to detect with equipment such as the LHC, a tiny
fraction of the monad as a component part of a particle (a particle is composed of many monads).
The Higgs field,to put it simply, IS our physical dimension.
So,science can only detect the part which exists in our physical dimension. The tip of an iceberg would be a good metaphor to visualise it.
If you imagine an arch with each foot of the arch in the first dimension (zero point) and the apex of the arch in seventh dimension (the physical
dimension). The apex is the furthest point the monad can travel through inter-dimensional space, before it curves back into the higher dimensions.
The monads density is due to being surrounded with multi-dimensional monads, which limits its ability to vibrate, causing us to perceive the
aggregated monads as solid matter. The vibrational state for monads in each of the higher dimensions, becomes increasingly faster and we can only
sense them as photons of light, and only then in a very limited way.
It is worth mentioning at this point, that because all particles of matter are connected through each of the seven dimensions (49 if you count the sub
dimensions), Gravity is a consequence of electro-magnetic attraction through multi-dimensional space and accounts for its apparent weakness.
As monads approach the physical world from the sixth dimension through to the seventh,the accumulated density of the monad causes it to spiral. There
are seven discrete types of monads determined by the ratio of primordial zero point energy, primordial matter and its consciousness potential. These
seven types of monad,each manifest into the physical dimension in distinctly different ways, and form a variety of aggregates once manifested.
Those aggregates are then recognisable by science as proton, neutrons and electrons. Each component of an atom is an aggregate, formed from millions
of monads.
To understand the forming of aggregates (even the sub-atomic particles of an atom), you could visualise the monads attractions to each other the same
way as we view aggregated gases attracting to each other during the formation of stars.
I emphasise, that it is not gravity as defined by science, but gravity as expressed as an electromagnetic energy scaled down through several
dimensions of space. The exact same process in the micro, as in the macro but instead of forming stars, it is forming protons, neutrons and electrons.
There is only one kind of energy (zero point), which expresses itself differently, depending on how it scales up or down through the various
The entire cosmos is composed of just conscious matter (monads), in constant motion (energy).
The point where monads form aggregates in physical matter,could be described as the 'event horizon' between quantum physics and the standard model
of particle physics.
Aggregates appear in the physical world as etheric matter, then densifies into gases,which,then go on to form protogalaxies, and the fairly well
understood process of star formation. What is not so well understood is dark matter and dark energy. They are the same thing, but are at different
stages of manifestation. Dark matter is unaggregated monads in etheric form which are continuously circulating into and out of our physical dimension.
You could describe a Star as being an ‘elements factory’, because it is through this intense heat and pressure that primordial and nobel gasses
combine and reform, to to create the complex table of elements catalogued by science.
If you remember, each monad is a component of multi-dimensional matter, and there is a constant flow of monads, traveling inter-dimensionally, filling
up a globe into primordial space like a balloon filling with air.
Our recognisable cosmos is a finite globe of manifested matter, sitting in a sea of infinite primordial space. This exerts a constant pressure,
pushing physical aggregates away (stars, galaxies) to make room for new incoming monads (dark matter) and the cosmic globe continues to build up to a
finite size. There is no infinite expansion. There is a natural boundary governed by laws of physics not yet fully understood.
This filling up with monads, explains the observed expansion of the cosmos. The cause was not a big bang so much as a constant ooze from higher
dimensional planes. Although matter can manifest anywhere in the cosmos, I suspect there are some point sources in the centre of each galaxy, where
massive volumes of matter pertaining to each galaxy, is created and dissolved through inter-dimensional space at those places.
Once the finite cosmos has been built out,matter, through entropy over trillions of years, simply dissolves into etheric matter and returns,on it’s
journey back down through the higher dimensional planes to again become zero point energy. When the cycle is complete the process starts over from the
I should point out, that all this takes place in infinite primordial space, and that there are infinite cosmoses repeating the same process at various
stages of building up and dissolving away.
That explanation by the way was first presented by Pythagoras 2600 yrs which I have interpreted for this post, it was already ancient knowledge when
he got to hear about it. It has been passed down as esoteric knowledge ever since.