a reply to:
onequestionI have now concluded that the "Spirit" world is in fact a integral part of our world. And, the ways
they interact, and manipulate humanity are almost beyond human comprehension. Don't asked for "Proof" of this, you wont find it, at least in a
manner that is sharable with others. I hate to use the word faith, but sometimes, its the only one that is remotely correct .
One thing I have noticed is the use of SCS, Sugar Coated Sh**. Some things I have read sound good and loving, but over time will rot into a mass of
lies and confusion. One example of this is Dr Spock who taught parents not to spank. Yes, spanking can be abused and or used inappropriately. But
if used correctly can relay "empathy" and respect for others, besides instilling a self discipline into a child. Mammals spank in general, their
young, reptiles do not. When a child is not given a moral code to live by, they will grow up the same. They will have no respect, or empathy, for
anyone else. SCS!
One might ask how does a spirit play into this? Well, I remember reading somewhere that our good old Dr Spock, was a satanist. And from my personal
experiences and observations, his methodology has had a devastating effect on humanity.
Another one I have seen on the internet is the mindset of "I love my XYZ with all my heart" fill in the xyz with anyone, brother , sister, son,
daughter. Of course we know and love more people than just one. When a person says that, they exclude everyone else they know. Subconsciously those
other people are offended when someone they love exclude them. All my heart?? Do they not realize the implications of such a thought? SCS.
Another one I have seen is the "If the little voice inside tells you anything, then tells you not to think about it", THINK ABOUT IT! Too many
police reports end with "The voice in my head told me to do it". SCS
It seems as though humanity is being pitted against one another for a game that resides in the stars. team a, against team b. The good, the bad, the
beautiful, and the ugly. And we all get a chance to put the "Skin Bag" on and go down and play.
Morally you would think all "spirited", souled people should be on the side of righteousness. But this isn't the case because too many people have
been tricked into thinking right is right, when in fact the right they were taught, is actually wrong. Their divine right of choice has been taken
from them, skilfully and covertly. Whether it be by drugs, or a deceitful institution, they have been mislead.
The honest and upright individual has no chance at all, because the game was rigged. Evil? i dont know about that, but certainly, unfair.!