posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to:
Get the american public against pacifism and for a new major war on iran and syria.
gotta disagree...
ISIS is a puppet for UAE, Saudi, Qatar and those Sunni States of the Gulf
now the ISIS leadership does not nor cannot totally control the individual fighters who very often go way overboard in the treatment of victims,
hostages, prisoners, detainees...
just like complete mind control of the fighter forces cannot make the Sunni extremists less hostile towards the Saudi Monarchy in charge of the
Peninsula lands.... that needed change of Jihad focus will need to be slowly mind-controlled out of the Jihadists... unless the Warlord leaders of
ISIS are secretly wanting to topple the House of Saud themselves but play the deception game with the Wahabbists in draining the Monarchy in all
manner of speaking
the 600 mile protection fence between the ISIS and easy entry into Saudi territory belies the 2 forces mutual friendship
whats really on the hot plate is the taking of Yemen by the Shia...who are the allies of Iran
no, what seems to be unfolding might lead one to believe that Obama and his inner circle of Muslim Brotherhood staff just went through a week of
covert/secret meetings thru the WH... are anti-Iran....
I submit that that view is 180degrees opposite of what is really taking place
the usa has ok'ed the Iranian development of nukes, the takeover of Arabia, letting IS/ISIS wreak chaos & mayhem in the Levant
(Syria-Lebanon-Jordan-Arabia-gaza-Israel...) because the usa is engineering Iran to be the regional top-dog because Turkey is going anti-Nato
anti-West pro Sunni Caliphate hand-in-hand with IS
watch as the Shiite's/Houthi Shiites consolidate Yemen as the staging area to invade Arabia, Mecca, etc.
yep, I am (still) a non-credible source, just as I was back in 1995 concerning the Phoenix FBI tip letter information ...