posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 12:55 PM
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With the schauberger reference that would infer some sort of vacuum related tech wouldn't it? interesting.
WARNING -Crazy Bassplyr speculation and illogic below:
I envision efficiency and range being extended by the magic of plasma IN the engine. plasma on the turbines blades to make them compress air more
efficient. Plasma on the intake ducts to finesse the air flow . plasma like a pseudo buzzard ramscoop concept to guide airflow to the intake before
hand kinda like a high tech no moving parts supercharger. plasma in the rear to guide the exhaust smoothly out the back. From the rear I would
envision if one were to get a clear look at the exhaust duct a neat pulsing light show going on inside with plasma doing all sorts of funky things.
Submarines. true masters of making themselves look like anything but what they are.
Orangetom has some excellent, excellent posts regarding the topic. but he doesn't come around much these days. Also, their screws blade designs show
a lot of promise in transferring the concepts and principles to aerodynamic designs I would imagine.
Add the ADVENT and bypass designs and we got some sweet turbines and engines coming out soon.
edit on 6-2-2015 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)