If I might contribute a few thoughts on the matter:
We need to take care of the Elderly first....make sure those who got us this far are properly cared for.
After that, we need to care for the physically and mentally disabled, homeless and veterans....starting with the weakest/most in need first. Make
sure they are cared and provided for. Food, shelter, internet, all that stuff. There is no reason anyone should be in need in America when it comes
to these cases.
Now, knowing full well there will be a bunch of "gimmie gimmies" all screaming about "special disability status" for their kids trying to get a free
ride on the system because Little Timmy thinks he's a penguin or some other imagined social slight - push those people to the back of the line.
Make them wait their damn turn no matter how loud they complain or incessant they are about their "special claims". Every time they start
complaining, throw their butts further back in line. If we don't, they'll get used to being pains in the putookus because being a mouthy crybaby gets
them results. Put an end to that crap by not rewarding it any longer.
Just like the guy with blunt force trauma to the skull gets through the ER faster than the kid with a paper cut or little cold, make that mentality
the de facto norm. No "special cases" for the affluent. Any professional caught in violation of this policy will be fined and a mark on their
permanent work record. Too many strikes and they're back at square one working at McDonalds.
Put an immediate end to frivolous lawsuits - financially penalize lawyers who try to bring such cases to trial and flat out disbar any lawyer who
continues to bring such tripe to the court. No more multi-million dollar lawsuits over stupid crap.
I would advise all corporations with any ethical and moral leg to stand on to pull advertising during any "reality shows" that show poor behavior on
the part of the participants. This kind of reinforcement on the populace that being a self-absorbed shallow and materialistic twaddle needs to end.
Screw the whole "but it's what the public wants" mentality. The recent trend of unplanned teenage pregnancies is proof enough that television has
more sway on young minds than sex education. And please, don't get me started on the class of young citizen who aspires to be nothing more than a
"Real Housewife" of whatever city you can think of. It's disgusting behavior and it's pathetic anyone finds entertainment value in that crap to begin
Stop all these half-assed "Save the Children" campaigns running under the guise of Pro Life or whatever the hell banner the busybody suburban
helicopter parents have up their sleeves these days. It usually applies only to their children and everyone else out there is damned from the get go.
They're so blind by trying to provide a better life for their own they don't give two considerations for the kid who hasn't eaten in a week and has
holes in his shoes even though both parents (should he/she be lucky enough to have that luxury) are working two or three jobs trying to get by.
Mandatory Census Participation - if you are found to be receiving any type of Governmental benefits, even if it's just food stamps, you are obligated
to open your home for Official Census Takers and respond honestly. This would help those who genuinely need assistance in the long run from a
comprehensive participation, and help weed out those who are just bucking the system for as much as they can.
Stop allowing "Not For Profits" to pay their CEO's outrageous salaries. Put a freakin' salary cap on income from such ventures, especially if they
are charities or claim such in their literature. That money is for those less fortunate, not so some fat cat at the top can have a second five room
summer home in the Hamptons. Penalize those who overstep these rules to the full extent of the Law, both physically and financially. Let them know
what it's like at the bottom rung for a while. A little lesson in humility can go a long way.
If a Church has a history of cranking out cruel and untoward missionaries that runs counter to the written word of goodwill, charity and tolerance for
all peoples as dictated by the God they claim to worship, tax their asses into oblivion. Across the board on this one....if they aren't helping
people in a positive light, they have no right to tax-exempt status. Hold them accountable for the actions of their flock. Appropriate non-biased
delegates and civil servants to hold such audits.
Fine news broadcasters and journalists for knowingly contributing false and sensationalist fear based stories. If they persist, fine the parent
company for being unethical morons. Using "news" as a passive form of entertainment and manipulating the gullible into picking political sides as if
such were nothing more than a football game game is unethical, immoral and absolutely pathetic.
Re-establish community work programs (trash pick up on highways and the like) for incarcerated individuals held on minor offenses. I'm sure those
guys would appreciate a day out of jail and in fresh air and sunshine. If anyone steps outta line, revoke their work permit until their sentence is
Cut funding for schools who have a history of giving preferential treatment to students that bully other students. If the kid has a history of
picking on other students extensively, they are mature enough to see the inside of a jail for a few months. With homework and studies to tend to in
the meanwhile. If their behavior is found to be pathological in nature - send them to Military School. They'll live. Trust me on that one.
Sliding scale luxury taxes on SUV's and other status symbol vehicles. If you can afford the special rims, you can afford the damn tax....sliding scale
luxury taxes on homes for folks who really don't NEED that much space, they just "prefer" to live large.
Excessive Noise Fines for anyone caught bass thumping around quiet neighborhoods in the middle of the night (regardless of the relative income of said
neighborhood...if someone complains, send dispatch and nail their butt for being an ass.) Once again, if you can afford the sound system, you can pay
the fine for misappropriation of it's use. You wanna bump and thump and ride dirty full blast? Go out on the highway where people trying to sleep
and just trying to make it through life aren't going to be woken up from your damn frequency assaults.
The Proper Grammar Tax - (file under "Save the Children)....if that teenager has a $600 phone and can't be bothered to type in the King's
English....guess what. Taxed because what the hell is the world coming to?
These are but a few ideas. Just a few.
Not perfect by any means, and not even a drop in the bucket to what I'd like to cover....but it's a start.
I could go on and on all night with this kind of thing....and yeah, I'm a bit miffed and a tad draconian on a lot of this stuff, but this is really
tip of the iceberg level and a lot nicer than other alternatives I could come up with when I get really steamed.
The fact of the matter is we have to take care of the dirty work before we can start establishing all the finer points of the Utopian Vision.
That will come in due time.
Enough about my initial thoughts - let's hear some of your ideas.
edit on 2/1/15 by GENERAL EYES because: minor grammar and formatting edits