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The New World Order Think Tank

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posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 06:11 PM
We really need a New World Order.

Before you start yelling at me please hear me out.

I am not talking about an evil World Order, I am talking about a good
world order, a world order that really benefits humanity.

The current system is outdated and its fall is inevitable. This
system is not healthy for mother earth, this system is not healthy for
humanity and this system is not healthy for humans.

The first step in understanding why we need a new system is recognizing
the flaws, loopholes, vulnerabilities and effects of this system,
recognizing how and why they control us, recognizing what tactics they
use against us and why, recognizing what does not benefit humanity, and
recognizing how the system restricts humanity, recognizing the real
enemies of humanity.

The main problem of this system is money, please hear me out before
you start yelling at me.
- Do you know how many crimes were committed because of the love and need
of money?
- Do you know how many people have died because of the love and need of
- Do you realize what happened to mother Earth because of the love and
need of money?
- Do you realize what is happening to humanity because of the love and
need of money?
- Do you realize what is happening to our health because of the love and
need of money?

Money is a very powerful weapon that is being used against humanity
and mother Earth.
- It divides us
- It makes us hate each other
- It makes us fight each other
- It makes us kill each other
- It depopulates us
- With money they can control and manipulate us
- Sick doctors may keep you sick because of the love an need of money
- Business produces stuff that breaks quickly to earn more money and
forgetting about the environmental effects
- Businesses attack you mind and try to trick you to buy things you don't
even need for the need of money
- Earth is heavily polutted because of the love and need of money
- They can manipulate our energy with money
- They can hurt us with money
- We do things for the love of money instead of doing things for the love
of humanity
- Most people won't help their collegues with something because they are
afraid they might put their own jobs in danger
- They put us in an "articial control system" in which you need money to
survive instead of food.

As you can see money is the root of most our problems. Money is not
something natural, in fact we don't even need money to survive, because
you can't eat and drink money. What the human body needs in order to
survive is water and food etc.

The second biggest problem humanity faces are businesses, please hear
me out before you start yelling at me.
- Can you imagine a world where people do things for the love of humanity
and not for the love of money?
- Can you imagine a world where people do stuff that benefits humanity
instead of benefitting a business?
- Can you imagine a world where they created jobs because of what humanity
needs and not because of what a business needs
- Can you imagine a world where you solve the problems humanity has
instead of solving problems a business has?
- Can you imagine a world where you did stuff to benefit humanity instead
of benefitting the business owner?
- Can you imagine a world where you served you soul purpose or your
calling instead of being forced to serve business needs?
- Can you imagine a world where you could share your knowledge without
being afraid of losing your job?
- Can you imagine a world where everyone was a farmer, handyman, that
would be good for humanity for bad for business
- Can you imagine a world where food is growing everywhere
- Can you imagine a world where they adjust humans to fit what humanity
needs instead of what the business needs
- Businesses killed inventors and scientists
- Businesses repressed technologies
- Did you see the graveyard of unsold cars that business produced?
- Do you know how many products become unsold trash?
- Do you know how many food is being trown away while there are people
suffering from hunger?

I am sure you can think of a lot of things that is good for humanity but
bad for business. Businesses and money restricts us and our freedoms in
so many ways. We are still slaves, modern slaves. Some of you might be
thinking right now that I am a communist, I honestly don't know what
I am, but one thing I do know for sure is that businesses
is not healthy for humanity nor the planet and that it is insane to
continue on this path. We really need a new World
Order. A world order that is based on the love of Humanity, a world
order that is based on freedom, a world order that is based for abundance.

Some of you might get pissed when you realize what they have been doing
to us, but please don't, get wise, learn from their intentional "errors"
and change negatives into positives.

Let's create a new and improved system, a system that is healthy for
humans, a system that is healthy for the planet and a system
that benefits humanity and our souls.

Let's create a new and improved system that has:
- Free energy
- Free internet
- Free software
- Free education
- Free food
- Free health care
- Free housing
- Free entertainment
- Free transportation

Let's change negative attributes of this system to postive attributes that
benefits humanity:
- Instead of serving your country, serve humanity
- Instead of solving a problem a business has, solve problems that
humanity has
- Instead of doing things for the love of money, do it for the love
of humanity
- Instead of doing stuff that benefits your boss, do stuff that
benefits humanity
- Instead of creating jobs for business needs, create jobs for what
humanity needs
- Instead of creating jobs for business needs, create jobs so everyone
can serve their soul purpose or calling
- Instead of going to war to kill each other, let's compete with each
other to benefit humanity
- Instead of going to work because you have to survive, go to work
because it is your soul purpose
- Instead of living in scarcity let's live in abundance

Because they are trying to divide us, let's unite and create human
Because they are trying to divide us, lets make sure we are
compatible with each other
Because they restricted us, lets free ourselves from restrictive
jobs, restrictrive words, limiting beliefs and roll back
all restrictions they put on humanity.

Lets turn on the light
Lets turn to number one
Lets turn to one love
Let's change our focus on the love for humanity
Let's change our focus on humanity instead of money
Let's change the way we design stuff to protect the environment
Let's change the way we produce stuff to protect the environment
Let's behave ourselves in a way that benefits humanity
Let's get rid of all the isms that divides humanity
Let all you do benefit humanity

The first step in freeing yourself is freeing your mind
Let's get rid of limiting beliefs
Let's get rid of limiting words
Learn to recognize the real enemies of humanity
Learn to recognize what divides us
Learn to recognize what does not benefit us
Learn to recognize what restricts us
Learn to recognize how and why they control us

The second step in freeing yourself is learning to defend
Let's learn to defend ourselves, because you are not free
they won't let you do what you want to do. They will try to stop
and hurt you, so the most logical step is to learn how
to defend ourselves. Let's secure ourselves

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 06:18 PM
Let's secure ourselves and our resources from
everything they can use against us.

The third step in freeing yourself is learning to feed yourself:
It is important that we learn how to feed ourselves. They are also
controlling us with scarcity, so we are going to create abundance
and that makes them lose control over us. You don't need money,
and money is not abundance. It is important that we all become gardeners
and produce and share our food. This should be a fundamental
human skill in the new and improved system. Abundance is a weapon
of mass cure, abundance will solve most of our problems.

The fouth step in freeing yourself is uniting:
Realize we are one
We got to unite and stop fighting each other and face our oppressors
and our real enemies
We got to unite and share our knowledge and experiences

Men of value:
Instead of spending our time earning worthless paper, lets spend
our time becoming men of value. You should ask yourself
what is your value to humanity. How can you improve your value so
that you can serve and improve humanity.
A man of value will never poison its own people in any way
A man of value treats everyone with respect
A man of value understands that an attack on another human being
has a negative effect on humanity

The importance of serving your soul purpose and calling:
For our freedom it is important that we find our soul purpose.
Because you don't have to force people who
have found their soul purpose to do something they are here to
do or something they love. Doing what they are
here to do makes them happy and these kind of people are the
motors of our freedom. Can you imagine living in
a world where you could serve your soul purpose and get
everyting you need for free?

The importance of robotics:
Robotics is an essential skill in maintaining our freedom.

The importance of humanity standards:
We should create human standards like effective problem sovling
standards(groups, procedures, techniques)
Lets unite and create think tanks where everyone can participate.

I hope you get the idea of what humanity needs and why we need a new world

Now it is up to us not to let them put us in another new and improved
evil system. We have all the knowledge and technology to make this earth
a paradise, lets not let them use it to enslave others, lets use it to
benefit humanity as a whole.

Power to the people!

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 06:18 PM
The International central banking system is already the NWO.

They seem to be controlling just about everything and causing most every problem.

Why do people think the Human Species is advanced enough to solve the dilemma?

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Why do people think the Human Species is advanced enough to solve the dilemma?

Why are you thinking that the Human Species can't solve the dilemma

We can and we will!
edit on 31-1-2015 by fedupkid because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: fedupkid

Hvae we evolved to the point where the majority of humans dont wantto be controlled. We have ther ever increeasing tech that is guiding our lives in one way or another and who do we think is pushing this stuff on us?? No doubt, we willing beg for it and eat it all up but no less the more tech we get the more controlled we are throughtracking of movements and what not.

SO allt he points of frredom that you raised do you see a popilace that wants that freedom???????????????????

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 06:41 PM
This is supposed to be a think thank, what are your alternatives and why should
we choose your alternatives? Please be constructive.
edit on 31-1-2015 by fedupkid because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 06:42 PM
This sounds like a utopian paradise! Its exactly what we need. Well, that and the option to live somewhere without government influence or controls.

Sadly, the ignorant a## on this planet would never go for it. Without money, you'd no longer have a wealthy elite ruling class. They hold a lot of the power (until people realize their strength in numbers, and oust the elites). They won't let go of said power easily.

But yeah, its be wonderful.

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 06:48 PM
My first thought would be to completely revamp our senates. This "sober" second thought we rely on weighs new policy against the present establishment. They don't allow change and they call that "sober".

Our leaders need to be proven professionals in their fields and not JUST the banking and finance field. Social, environmental, technological etc. all need to be represented in government. We have cabinet ministers that jump from industry to education to the environment and they don't know squat about any of those fields.

Maybe universities should take over the responsibility of government. They have the know-how.

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 06:51 PM
Could've said it a lot simpler and shorter with "change human nature at its very core, and the most base instincts, drives, and desires.

While we're changing all that, I want to be able to fly so if we could work that in there, I'm game

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 06:59 PM
I agree that in light of evolutionary social dynamics that something has to change for the better.

I am firmly of the belief that the fundamentals for survival should be a given, but I'm also not naive to forgo a requirement for some sort of understanding between the recipient and the provider needing to be in place. An equal give and take, of sorts....or at the bare minimum, a clear understanding between both parties.

Population growth is a primary concern....some people still refuse to use birth control and even when provided the educational outlets there are those who give the finger to the current system and hold by the "I do what I want" mentality.

Sadly, such self-referential behavior only further reinforces that a large percentage of humanity is not ready for "free" anything....a large swath will continue to abuse resources and horde things as they deem fit, breed indefinitely and without planning because they are still slaves to the lower mentalities, forgo or shun education and never become productive and contributing members of the greater social dynamic because they claim they instinctively "know what's best" in every instance (even though "what's best" usually only benefits them and not the greater collective).

It should also be noted that these mentalities are not exclusive to any one definable group or subset of the population - bad seeds run in all circles out there...please don't think I'm pointing the proverbial finger at any group or social class here.

It's still a very sad state of affairs out there when it comes to fine tuning Utopia.

But that doesn't mean we should ever give up on the dream.

I'm with you on this premise, and agree with a lot of the major points you have articulated already.

From my perspective, I believe it would help to integrate a system where the base levels of creature comforts are a, shelter, and a modest recreational budget to be spend however one sees fit.

However, because of the nature of the reality that I see every day, this could only be achieved by strict rules if the Trust between Partners is broken. Say, if one uses their entertainment budget to create social strife in their communities or dangerous outlets are pursued. If the recipient in question abuses their allowance, it is taken away and they are removed from their freedoms until they understand such gifts are not without a degree of personal and social responsibility.

Now granted, I'm talking from a position where I have seen folks suffering (and causing suffering) because of the free availability of resources and too many choices and too much freedom, mainly because they have never in their lives had to be held accountable for anything of consequence, and fail to respect the small things in life....and other it's dangerous to trust that sort with unlimited resources to serve their every whim.

I also am in a position where my neighbors and I are still struggling to keep food on our tables because for whatever reason we are not deemed "socially desirable". It's very hard reading about careless and reckless behaviors of the children of wealth and affluence taking everything for granted. One cracked iPhone replacement could feed most of us for two months or more.

The entire social ambivalence and short sighted value system needs to be rectified.

It's complicated.
So complicated.

But the first step towards developing a Utopian World is by talking out all the problems and finding agreeable solutions to them, so count me on board with this thread 100%!

edit on 1/31/15 by GENERAL EYES because: minor clarifications

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6

So what are your alternatives and why should we choose your alternatives.

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 07:13 PM

a reply to: xuenchen

Why do people think the Human Species is advanced enough to solve the dilemma?

originally posted by: fedupkid
Why are you thinking that the Human Species can't solve the dilemma

We can and we will!

First, I said the Human Species is not advanced enough. I didn't say they can't solve the problems.

Second, What makes you think we can solve the problems when all efforts have failed for thousands of years already?

Are you absolutely positive the Human Species is not continuing the downward spiral?

And, how many casualties would it take to eliminate the problems?

How much authoritative enforcement would be necessary to establish the "Utopia"?

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

If I may...with the advent of mass communications and data-mining, we are on the fast track to determining extensive profiles of consumer habits and all sorts of personality profiles that may yield valuable insight into who is ready for such a transition towards a more opened-source type of society.

ETA: I hope that previous statement didn't freak anyone me an optimist. I'd like to believe we can't all be going through this much b.s. without some sort of light at the end of the tunnel. So it goes, so it goes.

edit on 1/31/15 by GENERAL EYES because: ETA

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: xuenchen

If I may...with the advent of mass communications and data-mining, we are on the fast track to determining extensive profiles of consumer habits and all sorts of personality profiles that may yield valuable insight into who is ready for such a transition towards a more opened-source type of society.

We are?

How do we guarantee the "accuracy"?

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

We just have to hope that there is a series of checks and balances out there, even if it's not obvious at first glance.

Or, as I see it, give the unethical greedy buggers enough room to hang themselves.

*ETA: I think we're still wading through a predetermined set of events that have to play out before the veil is removed. After all, in times of trouble, ones true character is usually revealed. Plus it just wouldn't make sense to continuously feed an endless black hole type entity if nothing good ever came of it.

edit on 1/31/15 by GENERAL EYES because: ETA

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: fedupkid

Accept that human nature is human nature. Work with human nature instead of sitting around pining that it would just change and everything would be rainbows and unicorns.

Striving to improve something is a bit more likely to work in my mind than wishing everything would just get better magically.

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 07:50 PM
Maybe it would be easier if we started loving one another as ourselves. Nothing else would be needed, nothing. a reply to: fedupkid

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6

So what are your alternatives and why should we choose your alternatives.

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: fedupkid

a reply to: fedupkid

Accept that human nature is human nature. Work with human nature instead of sitting around pining that it would just change and everything would be rainbows and unicorns.

Striving to improve something is a bit more likely to work in my mind than wishing everything would just get better magically.

I can copy and paste too!

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: donktheclown

Maybe it would be easier if we started loving one another as ourselves. Nothing else would be needed, nothing.

And continue to destroy our environment?

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