posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 11:04 AM
Unfortunately there really really is an AI computer that swoops all this info up and crunches out the next Eddie Mengele Goebbels Bernays Solution of
misdirection. They call it intelligence...I call it weak spirited on behalf of the entire populace.
No mystery i almost flunked out of High School and grade school. I was Bored and very depressed no one could see the truth. Funny thing is. All that
rejection because I couldn't seem to get with the PROGRAM turned me into an INFP. Now I'm actually smarter than 97% of the population on the
Like I said. No mystery NSAs planet is parked so close to ATS's planet.
a bag or other contrivance of strong thread or cord worked into an open, meshed fabric, for catching fish, birds, or other animals. Unfortunately
hu-mans are the other animals or upgraded slave race.
Go watch The Wachowski Brothers "Jupiter Ascending" today. It will give you some insight if you haven't drank too much of the CULT-ure Koolaid.
They have already attempted to tell you much of the truth with the Matrix trilogies. Trust me...they aren't Jews like you think they are.
Only Solution to every bit of it is to do as they do not as they say.
GO DARK. Never post another opinion, picture, video , or sound from your consciousness ever again into the NET.
You will thank me in the end which doesn't exist.