posted on Jan, 22 2015 @ 04:26 AM
I'm quite liberal when it comes to drugs in general. We've wasted so much man power, resources, money, and even lives trying to stop drug
trafficking/consumption. Laws aren't going to stop people, they never will. People will consume them one way or the other. It's just the plain old
truth. Been that way since drugs were discovered, or created in some instances. If I really wanted to, I could go out and find meth, heroin,
coc aine, weed, any pharma drug in the book, shrooms, and so on. Hell, where I live has been notorious for meth. A buddy of mine had officers
poking around his house for heroin when he moved into his trailer not long ago last year. This was because there was an alleged dealer in the
neighborhood. Another buddy of mine messaged me over facebook about a week ago telling me some chick got him to do coke. When I asked why, he simply
said something like "It's the power of the vagina man." I snickered a bit when he said that, maybe I shouldn't have, but that's the way it is.
Drugs are all around. There's no escape.
Although I don't mean to say it all should be legal and readily available. If people are caught carrying out in public certain penalties should
occur. Although I wouldn't take draconian measures like we do now. Tossing someone in jail doesn't help them in anyway whatsoever. Being around
other criminals isn't exactly a great of rehabilitation program. Not to mention nobody will hire anyone who has a drug record on their resume, most
won't anyway. Especially if it was a felony charge. You'd be lucky just to scrape up a minimum wage sucky job for the rest of your life. Unless you
know enough people who will help you and overlook it. (family, close friends, old colleague, etc.) And when you can't find a job, you either have to
create your own business, or go about doing business in some unsavory ways. Which typically just results back to drugs in the end mostly.
We need to educate people on the dangers of them, and help them overcome addictions that they may face. While trying to prevent these situations
beforehand. Tossing someone in jail is ridiculous. It's just a harsh way of turning your back and deliberately watching the other person rot their
life away in a cage. It's not for the accusers benefit, it's for all of the people on the outside. Drug users have basically been labeled psychotic
whack-jobs who are an imminent threat to innocence. Yet, nobody seems to see the damaged humans underneath. And nobody sees the hypocrisy behind it
A drug is a drug at the end of the day. I don't care what it is. I laugh at the fact that beer/alcohol (alcohol), or even energy drink/coffee
(caffeine) commercials are thrown in our face all the time. Yet, when Cannabis or other drugs, are brought up, people lose their minds. Some people
out there are addicted to drugs and they don't even know it. Or even believe it. A big one I see are the people who drink a lot of coffee. I know
everyone here plenty of times in their life, probably even within the last week, has heard someone say, or maybe yourself say, roughly the following;
"Gee, I haven't had my coffee this morning, I'm all out of it right now." Why is that? CAFFEINE! It's pumped full of the stuff, And it is a DRUG,
a stimulant drug that is in fact addictive, and it can help lead to your demise, slowly but surely. Drink a bunch of those energy boosters/energy
drinks, or even some sodas out there? Guess what? CAFFEINE! It's pumped full of caffeine also. You're suffering from a caffeine withdraw dumb-dumb!
Your body has become accustomed to it after so long. It can't function the same without that drug anymore.
Another one are the people out there who have been injured (typically people who are middle-aged or older), and yes honestly injured. Some, maybe not
so much. Maybe just a bad case of hypochondria. These people drown themselves in painkillers. My father actually does this. And I see many others
getting them easily from doctors, or just buying them off people who get them from doctors instead. I'll see him pop about 4 vicodins at one time.
And this is pretty much a daily thing. But, it's not without reason. He's had all kinds of surgeries. He was rather reckless with his body in his
life, and he's paying for it big time now. I understand it helps him deal with all of his injuries, but at the same time, I'm very worried.
Painkillers and other pharma drugs are just as dangerous. A lot of pharma drugs, typically for pain, mimic/carry opiates in their genetic makeup.
(morphine, codeine, hydrocodone/vicodin, etc.) Opium/opiates or course is the main ingredient inside of the boogeyman drug known as heroin. I myself
despise pharma drugs. They're just wolves in sheeps clothes if you ask me. They may help for a bit, but they just lead to other problems, much like
any other drugs. Then they have the audacity to give you more pharma drugs to cover the side effects of the first drug, and it may just compound from
there. It's complete madness.
I'll add one more instance. A huge one in todays age, is the swarm of anti anxiety/depressions drugs. (Stuff like Zoloft, adderall, ritalin, etc.) It
seems as though everyone these days has ADD, ADHD, OCD, and anything inbetween. A kid who wants to run around and cause a ruckus today seems to be
deemed as someone with a behavioral disorder, and I guess only a little magical pill will fix that right up. Don't you see that you're just setting
up your kids to be dependant on drugs at a young age? It causes chemical changes in the brain, and that's not a very wise thing to do in a young
growing/developing brain. Synthetically flooding the brain with things such as dopamine is not exactly a good thing.
I'm sick of people drawing a line between "bad drugs" and "good drugs." Sure some teenager will take some drugs to get high and wind of dead,
while someone takes them fresh after a surgery not to be in total agony. Drugs are kind of like a credit card. You can go wild with it, and have a
whole lot of fun, and wake up one day paying for it for the rest of your life. Or you can use it responsibly, make a few purchases here and there
inside your budget, while staying in control. It all falls down on the person, not the drug. Some people can go on a drug binge, and afterwards have
the ability not to resort back to them. Others keep going back for more. Some societies/countries on this planet aren't very strict when it comes to
drugs, and they have quite low heavy users statistics compared to countries who are strict on it. Drugs are a very complex issue, and it appears
obvious that the things we've been doing, and the ways we've been thinking about them are just a complete fallacy. I'm ready for a logical and
reasonable change.