posted on Jan, 23 2015 @ 08:38 AM
Original Poster attempts to make a conversation, a debate, on a gender topic, and THIS is how ATS responds: (also known as the Misogynist
"I mean its well known science that ignorant females eventually grow penises because they are in league with the devil I mean why not."
**Why not? Because this statement is pure troll drivel and contributes nothing to the topic. Instead of debating the topic, in an educated manner,
this poster goes straight for the laughs of his fellow woman hating comrades.
"It worked, you know, quite a while actually, back then when behind every succesfull male stood a heartfull woman."
**And what time period would this have been, how far back were these days, because up until 1971, women could be barred legally from practicing law,
so they might not have had much choice as to standing behind their man because the law said they had no where else to legally stand.
"Also I am a female and who would want to live in a world without sex? Just two wet wholes rubbing against each other? Where's the fun in that?"
**Do you even understand the fact that there are lesbians on our planet, or is this exactly what it aqppears to be, gay bashing? Enlighten us.
"Just don't call us when you need the garbage disposal fixed - again. "
**Classic misogyny. The topic is not small home repairs an untrained monkey could perform, it is the concept or future idea that males could become
"Do men really make you so uncomfortable that you'd want to live in a world without them?"
**Do women really make you so uncomfortable that you must trot out this tired misogynist's cry instead of trotting out a counter fact for the
Original Poster?
"(by someone calling themselves enlightenedone, such delicious irony in that one folks!) You really have a crusade against men don't you? Your dad
is Satan!"
**This is pure troll, you must have a crusade against enlightened debate.
"Why not hate him for being male instead of appreciating what he did for you by raising you? Do you have a vendetta against all male members of your
family? If you were somehow abused as a kid by a male or something, I apologize, but your experience does not constitute what men are in general."
**Here we get a telling glimpse into the mind of this nonresponsive troll poster, such focus on the purported and imagined sexual life of the Original
Poster gives most normal humans the creeps.
"Or just feel like hating on men for whatever reason. Maybe you have daddy issues like alot of women do."
**Here we have another poster trotting out the misogynists mantra of DADDY ISSUES. I pored over the Original Post and must have missed these DADDYS
" I remember when I was a boy my mum told me a story about some sick woman who thought it was a good idea to insert a hosepipe into her daughters
vagina then proceed to pour scalding hot water into the hosepipe."
**I remember when I was a little girl they locked people up for thinking such perverted thoughts, what in the world would this have to do with our
Original Topic? Not a thing, but this poster feels the present time is as good as any to recount his mother's loving bedtime stories from his not so
distant youth. Thanks for sharing.
"All those facts aside, who is going to build the houses, and program the computers and robots(cause you will sure as hell need plenty of those),
fight the fires, build the ships and the planes and the cars, who is going to mine for coal or go out on fishing trawlers?"
**Indeed, this poster tossed aside pretty much all the facts, because he or she has to fall back onto the tired treatise of who will build the houses?
Give me a break already we know how the houses would get built, classic woman hating here.
"(this old tired lacks education joke) My dad once said never trust anything that bleeds for 7 days and lives. I do hope you have a sense of humor
you know, because if you can't even laugh then you are sincerely cruel to not only yourself but everyone around you. How do you not see what you are
saying is not crazy?"
**so here we have a poster who contributes nothing to the topic, but relishes the moment to toss his tired misogyby into the ring for the commrades to
chuckle over. She also brings into the conversation something all women haters like to use, the CRAZY card. If they cannot refute the topic they will
just holler CRAZY.
"The reason we have such large brains is because it takes two parents to raise a child. Sad days when we live in a world where such delusions can be
even pondered."
**Sad indeed. Also going to need a link to the where you got this fact of the bigger brain theory.
"Consider their probably are a bunch of ladies that like thier men and not only want tons of practice making... but are super proud of making these
natural beautiful children on their own."
**just another sex fantasy
"(and this old tired drivel) Feminazis like to run away from facts,"
**What is a feminazi, and list examples of how they like to run away from facts. Because qall we see is another tired woman hater spouting off about
his hitler fantasies.
"You know what this sounds like??? I hate men and don't want to rely on any part of them for anything I want in life... Well, if you want kids, good
luck with that... If you somehow have a child and God save him, he's a boy.. I pray that you give him up for adoption... Jaden"
**No contribution here folks, but I will take this chance to get my own inadequacies out by verbally abusing a poster with drivel that contributes
nothing to the topic but everything to my ego.
"Ungrateful women............. what a shocker. "
**Noncontributory post by misogynist, what a shocker.
"Read on the internet somewhere that if giving birth is so painful to women, that it's really not. That is why most will have more than one
child. "
**Source please.