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All female reproduction - The anti Goddess conspiracy

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posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 05:09 PM
Fascinating! Really cool to think about. I wonder, if humans could do such a thing (self-fertilization), would it be a kind of biological immortality? Since we would be reproducing our own self - would we remember the life before it (the life of the 'birther')? That's out of my ignorance of course heh. Nice looking reptile!

Very very cool - thanks for the link.
edit on 20-1-2015 by Floydshayvious because: boop

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: Floydshayvious

All this stuff coming out about designer babies / build your own DNA creatures could easily lead to a self propagating female. The really interesting part would be whether the offspring could even end up being male or just another self propagating female.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: Floydshayvious
Fascinating! Really cool to think about. I wonder, if humans could do such a thing (self-fertilization), would it be a kind of biological immortality? Since we would be reproducing our own self - would we remember the life before it (the life of the 'birther')?

Very very cool - thanks for the link.

If it happens...we go extinct.

There is only so many times a copy can reproduce a copy before the reproductions become problematic.

With no new genetic input, the probability of that occurring grows with each reproduction.

The only salvation, at that point, is the dastardly technology that is currently being used to 'fight nature'.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 05:17 PM
I think the Killifish reproduces in the same manner - albeit they have some males to keep the genetic material from... uhhh... retarding(?)

REALLY cool.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 09:50 PM
But is the " males becoming less Males " due to natural events occurring out in the world or direct manipulation via chemical application in food, water, and air.....If you count the government as nature then i would tend to agree with you maybe....Nature....ehhh you're really reaching there...a reply to: johndeere2020

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 01:14 AM

originally posted by: wyrmboy12
But is the " males becoming less Males " due to natural events occurring out in the world or direct manipulation via chemical application in food, water, and air.....If you count the government as nature then i would tend to agree with you maybe....Nature....ehhh you're really reaching there...a reply to: johndeere2020

The chemicals are just accelerating the process. But even without manipulation, the males are still doomed.

It's a process called "recombination" which an XX (female) is capable which helps repair fix harmful mutations/degradations. The XY (male) doesn't have this ability with just a single X chromosome with a tiny Y chromosome.

Every male creature in nature with the Y chromosome is affected. In some unfortunate circumstances that this process is accelerated dramatically, only fish, birds, and reptiles, generally animals which does not use the Y chromosome will remain... We'll be shot back to the dinosaur era, only with normal sized reptiles though.

Humans have a huge chance of remaining. The process is as simple as combining two X's from two different women in an egg cell to make a normal baby girl and still achieve a genetically diverse population. But this process may never create a male. And who would want to re-animate an extinct Y chromosome which in time will die off again and is vulnerable to genetic defects? Better to genetically engineer women to allow female-to-female reproduction.

Women are people still and like men, both mankind. But when the time comes, we have to accept the fate of moving on to the more naturally sustainable sex. The consciousness of males will still live on to the females. Nothing will be lost just moving on to a better existence.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 01:26 AM

originally posted by: peck420
There is only so many times a copy can reproduce a copy before the reproductions become problematic.

Scientists have figured you can use the X's from different women to combine into an XX and produce a perfectly normal and fertile baby girl completely without sperm.

Such girl would be entirely indistinguishable all the way to the DNA makeup from a girl produced by normal sexual process.

The males are a dying species but it won't lead to our extinction if we are able to sustain our technology indefinitely or genetically alter women for a permanent solution. Ironically, it is of a much greater technological challenge to fix males than to enhance women.

All these reminds me of what Jesus said to the all-male Pharisee assembly - "You will all die in your sins"

Religion has always been the biggest of weapon of men in history (literally, men, who uses religion to enslave women). Only in recent times we are experiencing a dramatic shift with both religion and masculinity becoming less and less relevant in society.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 02:38 AM
a reply to: johndeere2020

So much wrong with this I can't even begin to put my opinion in words without swearing! Okay, someone already said how the genetic material would decay without fresh input, also you might want to consider, the same environment poisons effecting men are also hitting women, while your super-XX-gender is also self-poisining by a younger and younger age through homrons in the pill, f.e.
Besides saying "religion and masculinity becoming less and less relative in society", while we watch a new religious war unfold and people rally in the name of Allah and Jesus and Jahwe on their sides of the fences just shows how far from reality you live.
Also I think we need more masculinity if we ever want to progress. Why? Because we asign some attributes to genders for reason and the male is the active, while the female is the organising part, so we maybe need to refocus rather than blindly throw everything away. It worked, you know, quite a while actually, back then when behind every succesfull male stood a heartfull woman. What we need to see is every man can be very female in his attributes and some woman can be very manly in theirs. Personality, maybe mostly influenced by genes and the flow of hormones, but we are by far not there yet, that we could create a mass of manly females on purpose to be the active, creating and boundry pushing workers. Also I am a female and who would want to live in a world without sex? Just two wet wholes rubbing against each other? Where's the fun in that?
(That was too dirty right? Get's de-moded? Can you guys just delete the unpleasant part instead?)

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 02:51 AM

originally posted by: johndeere2020
Only females can do this. Which is to use pure female genetic material for reproduction. Males can never do this.

I'll just leave this here:
Self-fertilizing plants contribute to their own demise =

also don't some animals self reproduce because they are hermaphrodites?
and what about things like male seahorses being the ones to become pregnant instead of the female?
I think nature might argue against your little crusade against your fellow humans.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 03:26 AM

originally posted by: hopethishelps
I'll just leave this here:
Self-fertilizing plants contribute to their own demise =

also don't some animals self reproduce because they are hermaphrodites?
and what about things like male seahorses being the ones to become pregnant instead of the female?
I think nature might argue against your little crusade against your fellow humans.

What's done is done:

One experiment in Japan took genetic material from two female eggs and combined them to make a female offspring which was capable of normal reproduction. They called her Kaguya.

Achieving genetic diversity is never the problem as you can put together genetic material from different female donors.

The problem in nature about genetic diversity in non-sexual reproduction is not a problem in humans using technology.

The challenge at this stage is perfecting the process, even better, evolve women to do it entirely on their own so technology can be dispensed with completely. The male genes are on a decline. We still got thousands of years left but we can't be sure if technology will still be around for the next thousands of years. So better do it now... We may not be able to save the males but we can still save humanity.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: johndeere2020

The closest you can get to your ideas in a natural way, is human parthenogenesis.

If you 'create' a female that can have children without the help of a male, then it will eventually be the death of humans (Well, those who were made through only female DNA). A smaller amount of DNA and chromosomes, the more defects will appear after time.
edit on 21-1-2015 by IndependentOpinion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: IndependentOpinion
a reply to: johndeere2020

The closest you can get to your ideas in a natural way, is human parthenogenesis.

If you 'create' a female that can have children without the help of a male, then it will eventually be the death of humans (Well, those who were made through only female DNA). A smaller amount of DNA and chromosomes, the more defects will appear after time.

Actually, the missing genetic material from a sperm will only result to a female offspring and never a male.

The needed genetic diversity for a female offspring can come from another woman's egg. A female offspring doesn't miss anything with this method.

That is how it works. Easy as pie.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:24 AM

originally posted by: johndeere2020

Easy as pie.

Well hey, here's your encouragement....go ahead and do it!

Reproduce, please.

Just don't call us when you need the garbage disposal fixed - again.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: johndeere2020

Why would you want this to happen at all? Do men really make you so uncomfortable that you'd want to live in a world without them?

Though, in any case, we aren't lizards. So examples of animals in the animal kingdom that can do this, doesn't mean that humans would ever be able to do this. Lizards can also sever their tails (effectively severing their spines) then regrow their tail (regrowing their spinal cord). Yet humans cannot do this because our brains are WAY too complex to regrow the spine in cases of severance (in fact, your brain actually prevents you from regrowing it).
edit on 21-1-2015 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: johndeere2020
Actually, the missing genetic material from a sperm will only result to a female offspring and never a male.

The needed genetic diversity for a female offspring can come from another woman's egg. A female offspring doesn't miss anything with this method.

That is how it works. Easy as pie.

Not quite.

We need genetic diversity due to the constant barrage of attacks that our bodies face from external forces, not for our own innate survival.

You remove the genetic imprinting and blending that occurs from nature's current model of human reproduction, and we are dead in a matter of generations.

Viruses already adapt and evolve far faster than we do. Any slow downs in our ability to adapt and evolve is the termination point of our species.

And, btw, it took 457 attempts to breed two female mice...that, in humans, would mean that the average human would produce 1 child per lifetime (457 'tries' on a human is 38 years worth). That provides us with a negative population curve...and a now static genome...or as nature calls it, extinction.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: johndeere2020

Easy as pie???

Here are a few things to consider in your weird dream.

The male brings with his sperm Testosterone. Here is some positive aspects Testosterone brings to women.

- Promote muscle strength and exercise endurance
- Improve libido
- Increase energy levels
- Improve sense of well-being
- Increase body hair production
- Produce enlargement of the clitoris
- Improve sexual desire and fantasy
- Improve bone density

So without the right balance of Testosterone and Estrogen, through Progesterone, can bring a bunch of negative effects.

- Increased accumulation of body fat, this is why livestock growers use this hormone
- Increased water and salt retention
- Interference with normal insulin release and blood sugar control
- Increased risk of overgrowth of endometrium (lining of the uterus)
- Increased risk of overgrowth of breast tissue, and could be a reason for breast cancer
- Increased risk of depression
- Increased risk of headaches
- Increased risk of gallbladder disease
- Increased incidence of blood clot formation

I have been out of the medical field for 5 years now, So the above could have been summed up bit wrong, but here is something I can say without error:

Playing with genetics is a bit more complicated than playing with Lego.....

edit on 21-1-2015 by IndependentOpinion because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-1-2015 by IndependentOpinion because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-1-2015 by IndependentOpinion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 08:38 AM
You really have a crusade against men don't you? Your dad is Satan! Why not hate him for being male instead of appreciating what he did for you by raising you? Do you have a vendetta against all male members of your family? If not, then why do you have one against those outside of it?

If you were somehow abused as a kid by a male or something, I apologize, but your experience does not constitute what men are in general. You'd be getting rid of a lot of good people if you got rid of men and would be keeping some of the most insane women... not because of what they've done but because of their gender. Sexism in its purest form right there.

You talk about religion being misogynist? Look in the mirror, you're turning into what you hate.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: johndeere2020

Comparing the human race to lizards is silly.

Seems like you want to start an argument for a moot point.

Or just feel like hating on men for whatever reason. Maybe you have daddy issues like alot of women do.

Carry on.
edit on 21-1-2015 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: johndeere2020

manipulating dna in a lab is not a new concept as we/most know by now it has probably been around forever
why our God made Eve from Adams rib is not verified, could be the other way around that Adam was Eve's idea ?

we're lucky to have male and female parents here, it creates a duality/neutrality masculin/feminin, it might be different elsewhere with different parents/partners/friends groups

edit on 21-1-2015 by blacktie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: johndeere2020

originally posted by: IndependentOpinion
a reply to: johndeere2020

Who says that the "real gods" are male?

God is always referred to as "He". Even if no one is certain about the sex of God, to assign God to a "He" is an acknowledgement that the male sex is superior.

We know from science this is not the truth. If the going gets really tough, our world will be inherited by females, even if not by human females, likely by female reptiles, fishes, and cockroaches.

How can an omnipotent all encompassing being, beyond space and time have any gender at all?

This is the second thread of yours that is advocating the extinction of men.
Are you a one trick pony? Who is paying your wages?
This insanity needs addressing.

You talk about "nature" while talking about genetic alteration. What in the hell is natural about genetic experiments?
You seem to be under the illusion that woman are incapable of evil, how about we start with that delusion?

As I stated on your other ridiculous hate filled thread. (If you dont think its hate just replace the word men with jews), even someone with limited intellect should see the sickness. If not, let me continue...
WOMEN are MORE LIKELY to START A FIGHT in a relationship, and are also MORE LIKELY TO USE A WEAPON.
Heres one source... Medical Daily
And another... Harvard Study Says 70% of domestic violence instigated by women
And heres another broad study of references...
California State University study on female domestic violence against men.

I remember when I was a boy my mum told me a story about some sick woman who thought it was a good idea to insert a hosepipe into her daughters vagina then proceed to pour scalding hot water into the hosepipe.
Then there is the story of "The Boy Called David".
Elizabeth of Bathory used to murder her maids so that she could bathe in their blood for her own VANITY.
Rose West was a vicious torturer of young girls.
Just last year when the guy from the Lost Prophets (Ian Watkins) was banged up for being a paedophile, it came out that 2 separate women had offered up their babies for him to have sex with, which he did of course.

So please, stop pushing this hate filled agenda that you seem to have.
Hitler once blamed the jews for all the problems in the world, look what happened there.
But even he didnt advocate the extinction of half the human species.

Then we have the fact that 0.7 - 1% of females are homosexual.(In the UK at least).
The Guardian, with that in mind, good luck getting even females to support your crazy world view.

And then we have the ironic cherry on top of your turd of a cake. You hide behind a male pseudonym.
Or are you a male? Could you really be a turkey voting for christmas?

All those facts aside, who is going to build the houses, and program the computers and robots(cause you will sure as hell need plenty of those), fight the fires, build the ships and the planes and the cars, who is going to mine for coal or go out on fishing trawlers?
Because after decades of equal rights women still choose not to do those careers.
Im not saying none choose any of those careers, but they are very much in the minority.

Heres an interesting documentary highlighting the Swedish Feminazi Nightmare..

All said and done, I would ask one thing. If you are going to advocate the extinction of half the species, at least get some facts first.
Hopefully you are just the victim of biased brainwashing, which means you can educate yourself about the truth.
If you are willing to learn the truth, I can try to point you in the right direction.
If what I have posted isnt enough to get you to question the hate filled beliefs you appear to be harbouring, then I dont know what would.

Im really quite offended by what you are advocating, but wholeheartedly agree with your right to say it, it helps to show how mixed up your view of the world really is.

edit on 20151America/Chicago01pm1pmWed, 21 Jan 2015 12:28:02 -06000115 by OneManArmy because: (no reason given)

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