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The forgotten legacy of reincarnation in early christianity

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posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: kennyb72

You mention possible clairvoyance, well.

I had a vision back in about nid 1994 in which I was asked "Will you accept becoming a medium", I replied "No" as it clashed with my faith as a Christian, also the accompanying waking vision was not what I would call normal, I was a passenger in a car as we drove through the town of Ormskirk in Lancashire, It was like seeing somewhere else and it actually over rode my physical vision like a window or eye in the mind that has suddenly been opened to some other place, very unlike a vivid imagining and nothing like a dream but as real as this now, I saw a place like reddish beige desert with stone's, very barren and dry to look at and I was on one side of what looked in the limited view I was afforded to be a dry river bed or dry valley, on the other side there were countless people, all seemed male and adult but young or not aged, they were dressed fairly normally and nothing stood out though my sight there is apparently better than my eye's here as I could see detail even over distance as well as having abroader objective field of view but one thing did stand out and that was there large staring eye's that did not seem normal, it was during this brief vision that I heard them or at least a single male voice ask if I would accept becoming a medium and I immediately in a knee jerk kind of fashion flatly said "No", the vision stopped as soon as I had said this, this incident from start to finish was a sudden occurance that lasted about no more than a couple of moment's but was very strong.

From my perspective there seem to be many different places not a single one, they sometimes even when they are aware of me or I of them are not aware of one another though I have on occasion tried to bridge that gap when it seemed that was the situation, for example one place or source sound's more solid but more distant and the other much closer but less solid though it is more present, that is the only way I can describe that.

What I would say is paranormal experience is not a pleasant burden and if some of these kid's who play with ouiga boards and other inviting methods that can only attract the wrong type had any idea they would throw there stupic ritualistic board's as far from themselves as they could, it is not a gift and it has not enriched my life, indeed I would dare say it ruined my life but I do think all people have some ability.

After all we all have a soul but they have a defence and that is exactly what it is that block's it out and protects them, you can not live in more than one place at the same time or you are in a kind of limbo trapped between them, when I started having my experience I had audio phenomena and heard one voice telling me it had opened all the door's of my soul this was just after a little old lady who lived very close to us had passed away and the voice sounded like a mischievous but rather wicked little girl, this was at the start of the period of my worst experiences about mid October 1993, now I would be lying if I said that I had no previous experiences but they were the kind of thing you simply forget about and put out of your mind like curtains lifting in the house of there own accord or shadow and light people that you can ignore seeing them at the corner of your vision, strong sensation's of knowing what is about to happen but nothing that interfered with a young man's life and other member's of my family saw them and experienced them as well, my mother is very sensitive as is my sister Christina so too are other members of the family.

Like I say though I would not call it a blessing but more of a curse though I actually do suppose that all depends on the nature of the entity's that are around you and good one's could probably make it into a blessing and while I have no faith in so called medium's who abuse there ability to make a lot of money and consort with charlatan's I do think some of them are genuine or at least start out so but these are sensitivity's that you can not place at your beck and call.

When I typed that up yesterday I felt it was correct but after getting it our of my system I wish I had not opened up about those experience's at all, indeed I do not know If I believe in reincarnation even when faced with such experience as it is also possible that soul's can leave traces that a sufficiently sensitive or open individual may then take on board and there are many other theory's such as this idea.

I do believe in God and do not like the idea of coming back to the valley of tear's but then if we are a dual (or even more) entity in a symbiosis then perhaps that other form has a very different take on the subject to our corporeal state of mind.

These body's are not skin suit's though as another poster called them for they are very real and we really are them, it is what survives death that is a part of us and is it therefore the greater part as though the body has to die to draw an obvious analogy - the seed has to die for the tree to be born but a tree does not then become a seed again though the seeds of the next generation do come from the fruit of the tree - if you catch my drift on that, however I do think some reincarnation is a definite fact though I remain unconvinced that it is the general rule especially if we where to apply scientific reasoning and accept testimony as valid empirical data there would remain insufficient data to arrive at that as a definite conclusion though it would remain a valid possibility.

Most of my experience has been audient though I have managed now to block it out but I do also see mist form's and shadow's, some very bad people have a darkness around them as do some very ill people and this may be negative entity's attached or feeding on them and god forgive me as I avoid these people for I feel a revulsion for those who have this darkness not the people themselves but the darkness around them.

I have seen mist like form's come out of people and even when a pet cat died of old age I watched as something came out of the cat about the same size, I could not see shape just general area of distortion that then moved off like a cat running away so I do not doubt that animal's have a type of soul but as for reincarnation and transmigration of the soul I really do not know and actually to a degree do not want it to be the case but then I am a relatively miserable sod so that probably taint's my whole perspective on the subject.

Now maybe these enlightened soul's can also fall back and regress or become wounded somehow?.

Sorry if I seem a bit detached or if the flow of my response is erratic but I am going through some more pressing life problems at the moment and my mind is elsewhere.

I wonder though (and have for a long time now) if I acted wrong when I said no to the medium question but it was over twenty year's ago now.

edit on 20-1-2015 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I had a vision in which I was asked "Will you accept becoming a medium", I replied "No" as it clashed with my faith as a Christian

I kinda doubt that you REALLY can say no. I think the development of this sense of "clairvoyance" is a very important step in self honesty. It forces you to be super honest with yourself, as you begin to become aware of how other's people's thoughts and emotions impinge on your own serenity.

When you are able to say "Hey, that's not mine!" you have won a piece/peace of yourself. When you're able to say, "That's "so and so's" pain I'm feeling!, you may be becoming a healer.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: windword

I was always empathic, you know one of those kid's who kept trying to explain to the other kid's that hitting one another was wrong etc, needless to say I got the crap bullied out of me and can laugh about it now so let's just say even as a kid I was a little strange, I also after that experience in which I had received the memory's and for a short time self identity of John I used to stand away from the other kid's in the nursery, it was like I had forgotten how to play, in many way's my nature was more like mild autism but obviously it had a different nature though arguably similar psychological symptom's at the time.

I do believe we have to learn in this world but we also have to do and the latter I am sorely lacking, at least this time around.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Hello again Labtech767

Yesterday I had second thoughts about posting information regarding my studies in the esoteric. I am a fairly pragmatic person myself and would possibly call myself quite a skeptical person with regards to purely subjective topics such as the afterlife. I mean, it does all come across as a bit fantastic when you put it all into words. The truth is though, fact is stranger than fiction and my studies in Hylozoics puts it all into clear perspective, to the point that I now understand that it is not strange at all, but is a perfectly natural process that not everybody has the capacity of understanding.

The fact that I can embrace this knowledge and accept it is because I am sensitive enough to feel it as a reality, like you, I am what some would call an empath and I just know, with out any doubt, that the after life is as real as the world we live.

I certainly don’t have your sight, but I can understand how that must be very difficult for you. Sometimes, I wish I could see clearer. I did spend some time working on my psychic vision and I fully understand what you mean when you describe your visions. I have on rare occasions seen with such clarity that it is indistinguishable from physical reality, in fact, as you described even more sharp and vivid.

I have decided to continue posting even though there will be many readers who would question my sanity, I can only be honest, and I have no control over what others may think of me so, come what may.

From your post, everything you describe is in accordance with my beliefs, your abilities, as viewed from the next plane of existence, shines out like a beacon and there are many who would wish to communicate through you with people on this plane.

From my understanding of the seven planes of Maya (world of illusions) Only the first four planes have access to communicate with you. The discarnate of these planes are still composed of fairly course matter and the physical plane is still visible to them, although increasingly ghosted into the background up to the fifth plane. Here the physical in no longer visible. Just because you are deceased does not turn you into an expert on the afterlife. In fact, most who dwell in the lower planes live under a great deal of illusion and delusion. It is only when they reach the higher planes that the true nature of their existence begins to clarify.

The Devachanic or mental/causal plane is where our consciousness becomes focused after the Maya/emotional/illusory planes fade away. communication between the living and the discarnate can only take place through a sort of proxy in the lower planes, usually as a thought form manifested from elemental matter. It has to be understood that the distance between each of the planes are not measured in X.Y.Z. dimensions but of 4th 5th and so on dimensions occupying this same space.

What you are able to see LABTECH767 is reality, as strange as it is to you or any of us,a world that is crowed out with life on every plane of existence. Just as we can’t see electromagnetic waves of communication, Television, Radio,Cell phone signals etc, neither can most of us see the many dimensions we share our world with. You fortunately or unfortunately are a receiver of this information. It would be fair to say that a death in the physical is in reality a birth in the next dimension whilst still fully cognisant of the life we have just departed.

Many religious people imagine that when we die, we either go to heaven or hell or some sort of purgatory,which is really just a contrived control mechanism that bestows power on some who say they represent God. I was bought up as a Christian and I still love the story of Christ, although I never could reconcile the Old Testament with the New.

It was probably this apparent contradiction that lead me to explore spirituality in more depth. My beliefs can now be fully reconciled with my Christian beliefs, but what I had to do, was look at these teachings with fresh eyes and to not accept the bible as the unadulterated word of God,which,if you can rise above that stigma, is an unrealistic expectation given the time frame and opportunities to skew the message.

I do have an unusual strength, in that which I can lay claim to, is a vivid common sense and a scream out loud intuition,which always leads me along the correct path in whatever I do. I have complete faith in life and its unfailing support for me. Faith is a very powerful thing, as it allows our WILL to create our own reality. The accepted Christian belief in God does not do God justice in my view. Our limited imagination will not allow us to come even close to the truth.

You belong to a very small percentage of the human race who can perceive objective reality in several dimensions of our multi-dimensional existence. As humanity evolves in the sense of consciousness awareness, more and more will be living with the same experiences that you do but it will be much more clearly understood and accepted. Science will also evolve to an entirely new level of understanding and many mysteries will fall away and human conditions of life will improve immeasurably.

For you personally having this mixed blessing/curse you have two choices. You can embrace your inner sight and use it to help others, or you can attempt to block it out, although I believe that would be a mistake. You have to accept that you are different and that in this life, this is the hand that you have been dealt. You are in a way living in the real world, while the rest of us live behind the vail that allows us to get on with our 21st century lives of a comparatively shallow existence.

Make no mistake LABTECH767 you have more than the rest of us. What you do with this extra sense is entirely your choice and is actually part of your own spiritual path. In your position I would dedicate what free time I could to study in depth how I could use this gift/curse to help others, after all, it is our intentions that allow us to grow and by which we are judged. If whatever you choose is motivated by a good heart, you will be assisted and protected by powerful beings who are also children of God to make the most of your abilities and also guide you on your spiritual growth.

The strangeness of the many planes of existence is mainly due to its unfamiliarity to you, and yet it is where we all reside. There is no doubt that evil and mischievousness can be found on the lower emotional planes, but provided your intentions are good, you will always be protected. We must all return to the "Valley of Tears "as you put it,just as we already have many times before but mercifully with periods of rest,and for many,periods of utmost bliss.

Eventually we all get off the treadmill to return on our journey to God, but as a different kind of being, one without duality, evil, self doubt or any other human frailty. We all eventually pass into, and ultimately through, Christ consciousness as a matter of course. As was spoken “No one goes to the Father except through me” Once in possession of certain esoteric knowledge, the bible takes on a much clearer meaning.

Charles Webster Leadbeater
The Astral Plane
The Devachanic Plane
Both books can be found though Google and are free to download. CWB trained himself for a very long time to achieve abilities that come naturally to you.

edit on 20-1-2015 by kennyb72 because: clarification

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 05:53 AM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: Logarock

The christian idea of death to life, resurrection, regeneration, is not a recycling back into the world through the womb again. Its about the death of the body, a period of separation from the rag body, and then being reunited with a new body from the old. This is clearly something other than the idea of dropping the body and recycling again through the womb

And yet, both Jesus and John the Baptist, both pre-existing souls by the biblical account, entered this world through the womb and took on "rag bodies"!

Pre-existence doesn't mean you had been in a body once before. No one ever said that Jesus or anyone. And yea it is a rag until its resurrected.

Anyway.....anyone on this thread want to actually prove reincarnation was taught by Jesus? Forget all the flapping and speculation.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 05:56 AM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: Logarock

Like I say my mind is open and it is also open to the very real possibility that I may be totally wrong but then the only one who knows for certain is God and if he wishes us to know we shall, if not then we shall be confounded.

Its very clear. Jesus certainly explained it.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 06:20 AM

originally posted by: LABTECH767

Like I say my mind is open and it is also open to the very real possibility that I may be totally wrong but then the only one who knows for certain is God and if he wishes us to know we shall, if not then we shall be confounded.

You are correct.If the creator God WANTS you to know the truth of your experience they will if not they won’t..... anything else is speculation and reading into what you want to believe.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: kennyb72

Very intelligent reply, the problem for me is that though religious I am actually scientifically minded and have saught out possible explanation's (assuming of course it is not a neuralogical problem of some kind or even a kind) and found myself drawing analogies between the modern study of quantum reality's such as parrallel realitys and other planer dimensional reality's and compared it with the word's of many victorial english psychic medium's (the vast majority of whom were undoubtedly con artists but not all) and a recurring pattern of convergence appeared, psychic's from this golden age of interest in the occult which may have arisen as a kind of anti scientific backlash often talk about frequency's and oscillation's, other plane's and other world's.

My sight is usually barely any good at all and since I was traumatized into that receptive state of mind I have spent the last 21 year's fighting to control it or to close it off feeling like it was intruding on my life and even destroying my life which I will maintain, I actually do not think this sensitivity - at least on my part - is a indication of spiritual advancement but more a kind of damage that maybe put me out of phase, perhaps even in a slight dimensional overlaping state of consciousness like two guitar string's of the same exact note very close together, one is plucked and the other pickes up the vibrations coming into tune with it but just out of phase.

That born in mind something struck a note for me, though I have and would never take narcotic substances there is a tradition among the shamen of many tribes even in northern europe such as the reindeer herders of finland and the siberian tribes as well as many other indiginous people's around the world whom use the natural mind altering substances that occur in otherwise poisonous plant's and also ceremony to enter induced states of altered consciousness, they seem to be deliberately using these neuralogical inhibitor's and stimulant's to change the vibrational connection between there brain and something else (soul) thus putting there conscious mind's and senses into a kind of out of phase overlapping state of being, though this obviously creates many illusions it may in some actually induce vision's into the spirit world but only the near spirit world that is adjacent or connected to the physical world.

I will clarify, the rare instance of clear vision was very rare but most of the time it was more like shadow mist form's or grey mist form's that I would see about people, I can concentrate and thankfully this once unbidden ability/symptom seem's to have faded to the point were I no longer consciously notice it, at this time I also suffered a kind of night terror's, sleep paralysis but for me I could actually move but very slowly and would wake angry my head feeling hot and like I had been suffocating, I would and rarely do still sometime's wake to see an entity - a shadow like form very dark hovering over me, as unable as we are to actually touch these being's or illusions I tended to try to grab them or even kick them and after what they put me through I actually think that is understandable, going back to about two years before the incident maybe 1991, I went to bed normally, I woke to find myself outside my body looking back at it, there it was a dark shadow on the bed but though my body looked dark the room was light enough to see even in the dark and though everything was normal it seemed to under an ocean, I looked out of the window and the street light's were on but the everything had this halo like it was under water, no matter was floating but moving you could feel the water around you and I remember not breathing, behind me I felt a darkness, I did not look but if seemed to be trying to draw me down and I got angry, I walked against the current or suction of this darkness or mouth of the abyss as I though of it and as I touched my body I simply woke panting but being exhausted I was asleep again almost irrationally as any one else would have gone and made a cup of cocoa, three time's in the same night this happened and I felt whatever it was release me on the third go like I was more trouble than it was worth.

In 1989 I went with a friend and his two cousins to wales with the intention of walking snowdon, we stayed in a rented converted sheep shearing shed with bunk's and a kettle on an old farm with a pub at the farm gate's opposite us, on that first night there were about a hundred tent's on the farmers field (We had rented the shed), that night there was a terrible storm and the following morning there were only two tent's both abandoned and water logged, it rained the entire three day's we were there, we each got a double bunk to ourselves and over mine as I chose the one furthest from the door there was a painting on the wall, it as totally incomprehensible to me and neither Jude, John nor Andrew could see what it was either, on the third day we decided foolishly to forgoe our earlier caution as it was not going to stop raining and we walked up the cog railway part way up snowdon, Jude then said "Oh follow me I know a shortcut" so like sheep we followed him in the drenching mist, now we were dressed in a manner any idiot would regard as suicidal for walking a mountain, in sneakers or trainers as we call them here, jean's and light coats, of course we were absolutely soaked.
We came to a small rock face were the goat/sheep track we had followed terminated, the track here was about 18 inches wide and covered in scree, it dropped steeply into the mist and you could not see more than eight feet down the almost sheer drop and then Jude climbed up, it was about 16 to 18 feet and in normal weather would not be a challenge, I was second and half way up this cliff, I had forgotten the three hold's rule and had only two hold's when I reached for a convenient rock, the rock turned out to be a clump of moss that my rain blinded eyes could not see properly, I fell backward, as my two feet caught the ledge below at the heel I was tipped backward away from the cliff and would have continued to fall but John and Andrew Jude's cousing each caught a wrist at exactly the same simultanous instant, had the two not since we had no climbing gear one would likely have gone over with me, john's grip was so tight it crushed the face of my wrist watch.

Like idiot's we continued and I climbed it again this time not falling, when we walking into the (visitors center) train station cafe at the top of snowdon dripping all over the floor the three people in the centre looked at us with appalled experessions (Like idiot English kid's again - we were all under twenty) and muttered in welsh to one another.

But here is the weird bit, forget all the other experiences they pale to insignificance, the night before we walked up I had a terrible presentment and knew I was going to die, it was my time so I prayed for those around me and my family and said "If it is your will then let it be done but please look after my mother, sisters and brother's and my friend's", now hearing is wrong this was not any hearing you could imagine and not like any spirit I have heard, a deep presence that seemed to dwarf me came over me, it was like the universe itself and I felt or heard but no voice "Do not be afraid my son this is neither the time nor the place", when we came back to collect our stuff.
edit on 21-1-2015 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

And spend the last night there the painting litterally jumped off the wall, well metaphorically anyway as I could see it clearly and once I explained it to the other's they could too, it was a shepherd holding a lamb over one shoulder, a lamb was poking from the fold's of his dark robes and his beard was dark in his hood, his face turned down out of the rain that was all around him with a crook in one hand.

So forget all the other thing's, now you know why I am convinced regardless that christ is real.

I will say again I was what you would call Profound, no noise yet perfectly clear, the voice seemed to be all around me and yet over me, I could accept the other experiences as being suspect and maybe even delusion though I assure you they were real but not that it was simply too powerful to be anything but real, and I did sleep like a baby afterward's even though it was also frightening - yet comforting.

Since I may as well go the whole hock, I had a religious silver medalion on, the same house were three people had died about 10 years before we moved into it, about 1994 a black shimmering mist form, unlike the other's this was almost a column like form floor to ceiling and resembled heat waves of black smoke, I told it to get out and it appeared to disapear then late I made the mistake of letting down my guard and as I walked through were I had seen it I felt it jump into me, the sensation was of sudden warmth and itching of my skin, I was overcome with the most irrational urge to laugh and was also terrified at the same time, the medalion went totally black and from then on for a period of about ten years any metal's that could tarnish did so very rapidly on me like my skin had turned acidic or something.

Like I say there is more going on, if any christians are reading this stick to your faith there are more interpretations to my experience than these few posited here including demonological and other's so bear that in mind.

Now if I was a fantasist as that is what I would regard someone I did not know having read my last few posts I would simply think poor mad fool, so if that is your opinion I forgive you but I am telling you it did happen to me and was not pleasent, it does not make you feel special as some will think along those line's and it is the kind of thing you do not talk about for terrible fear or ridicule.

edit on 21-1-2015 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Hi LABTECH767, that was a very interesting read, It is late here in Australia so I will respond in full tomorrow, I will just leave you with one comment for now.

I have spent two nights in the very same barn around 1970/71 talk about coincidences

I moved to Australia in 1982 but was born and raised in the UK.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: Logarock

Pre-existence doesn't mean you had been in a body once before.

It certainly doesn't mean "you" haven't.

No one ever said that Jesus or anyone. And yea it is a rag until its resurrected.

Nope. In Judiac tradition, you get "New Clothes"

Zechariah 3 Clean Garments for the High Priest
3 Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan[a] standing at his right side to accuse him. 2 The Lord said to Satan, “The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?”

3 Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel. 4 The angel said to those who were standing before him, “Take off his filthy clothes.”

Then he said to Joshua, “See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put fine garments on you.”

Anyway.....anyone on this thread want to actually prove reincarnation was taught by Jesus?

Been there! Done that!

Pre-existence, Reincarnation & Christianity

edit on 21-1-2015 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: kennyb72

I can not remember the name of the pub but it was on the opposite side of the road to the entrance to the farm and as you walked up the road to the farm a couple of hundred yard's no more than that the farm was off to the left, the farm access road led slightly up hill from the road and the pub was clearly visible, it is more than likely it may have been the same shed as on the wall inside there was a pin message board and there were message's of thank's to the farmer from many who had stayed there including many school party's, police cadet's and officer's, Jude had arranged it having stayed there with his school a few year's earlier.
I just remember how that image was totally incomprehensible to me until we came back from snowdon, we where soaking and glad to get into dry clothing but it just stood out as plain as anything so clear, it was not abstract at all and whoever had painted it had managed to capture the image of a shepherd in foul weather perfectly.
It is nice to know someone else know's the place.
edit on 21-1-2015 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 01:52 PM
We're all playing the same game. And in the end, friend or for, we'll all shake hands and laugh.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: Gh0stwalker

Not necessarily, there is also the possibility of parallel transference, basically your consciousness become somehow unstuck in it's native dimensional reality and is somehow transferred to an alternate you in another near or sometimes not so near reality.
For example remembering part's of history that no longer exist in the time line you find yourself in but you either think you are going crazy or that you must have been mistaken.

Reading a book many time's like the bible but one day after a kind of chaos seems to have enveloped you only to find that entire paragraphs are missing or it read's differently.

Remembering clearly how you used to lie on your back as a child looking up at the BLUE sky and into the endless depth's of it's luminance wondering what is up there and then you one day realize the sky is not blue but no that can't be right I you clearly remember it being blue so you decide it must have something to do with pollution, you remember the sun having a warm golden light even but now it is suddenly white and feel's wrong.

You remember Tefal Kettle's and Tetra pack cartons having acquired the right's to use dripless spout's patent on there product's which was essentially just a rounded lip on the spout shaped so that using the surface tension of the water that usually caused the drip's it actually prevents them far more than hydro repellent material's ever could by curving the water flow in such a way that the drips either do not form or else form so small that they do not fall, yet you find no evidence of the invention ever having been in use and all the kettles you see have a simply spout no more elegant than a cut off pipe.

You remember thing's or even people that are no longer extant but some seem to have left a ghosting in the reality you now find yourself in so you seek an alternative answer, maybe you did not move between reality's maybe reality merged in some way as two or more parallel reality's were brought back together and so some information in the structure of reality's was lost but some was created or integrated, still you have this overwhelming feeling of being in an inferior or less complex reality than you were so then you look around and see so many people have lost there sense of being in the right reality they are taking the science fiction theme of a film and calling it the Reality Nexus, maybe you don't agree but had some weird dream's in which you found yourself walking around places you knew but the well tended paths' were now overgrown and there was no one around as though it was deserted and people had just vanished, car's were parked but had not moved in some time and the shopping precinct you knew was still stocked but the food in the cake shop display looked like it had seen better day's and was decaying but you notice no animal's or bird's or even insect's as well and no power being on so you wonder if perhaps someone else has moved your race into an inferior reality while they colonize your superior reality original world.

There are so many possibility's but no I think there are two many variable's for that to be the likely ultimate end unless that is God's will.

edit on 21-1-2015 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: MKMoniker
a reply to: maes2

I don't believe that 'duality in existence is contrary to wisdom.' The cosmos is all about Balance, the endless fire-dance between Good and Evil, the eternal Yin/Yang of finding that fine edge between both extremes as the best place to live and grow.

Too much Good makes people complacent, lazy, and too willing to drift into the greyness of mind-altering substances, and embracing questionable ideas. Without meaningful challenges, a Soul can drift toward negativity, even among peaceful abundance and surface Goodness.

Too much Evil, and you have a long string of horrible, short lifetimes of starvation, disease, war and endless tears and loss. The Soul doesn't advance, it just tries to survive, until it learns that accomplishing Great Things take the Great Effort of many, working together.

"... We also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, Hope."
The Bible - Romans 5:3-4

You are describing the spectrum of existence and explaining it's laws. But when it comes to God they mean a self-reliant existence. The first creator. If we consider two or more Gods or creators, then still this question remains, what is the cause of difference between Gods and forces ? If they are different what is the cause of their difference and if they are not different so they are only one force and one God.
As a matter of fact we can not have many self-reliant existences, because they are different and a force or creator or at least a reason should exist for this difference, thus they are not self-reliant.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I am actually scientifically minded and have saught out possible explanation's (assuming of course it is not a neuralogical problem of some kind or even a kind) and found myself drawing analogies between the modern study of quantum reality's such as parrallel realitys and other planer dimensional reality's

I Don’t think I could ever have replaced my world view of the nature of our existence, if the knowledge I sought didn’t have a logical scientific basis to it.

I understand enough about quantum physics, in the abstract sense, to be able to draw clear parallels between Hylozoics and string theory and entanglement. There is nothing in fact that cannot be explained by the Pythagorean mental system as it really does appear to be the most unifying explanation describing the nature of reality.

Although it was Helena Petrovna Blavatsky who founded the Theosophist Society, reportedly re-introducing the esoteric teachings to the western world, It was Henry T. Laurency it appears, who has revealed Pythagorean Hylozoics in his magnificent works "The philosophers stone" and the "Knowledge of reality" a truly esoteric but profoundly sensible and logical account of the ancient mysteries.

Anyone who studies this information in depth, can’t help but come away with a sense of having known all along, that this information has been hidden somewhere in our latent memory. I highly recommend it, particularly for you as it would help you to reconcile some of your extraordinary experiences. Laurency

I know this sounds a bit 'out there' but I am starting to believe that this knowledge, though freely available online, is only picked up by those intended to benefit from it. Don’t ask me how that works, but we most certainly appear to live in a strange and guided world once we scratch the surface.

My sight is usually barely any good at all and since I was traumatized into that receptive state of mind I have spent the last 21 year's fighting to control it or to close it off feeling like it was intruding on my life and even destroying my life which I will maintain, I actually do not think this sensitivity - at least on my part - is a indication of spiritual advancement but more a kind of damage that maybe put me out of phase

That born in mind something struck a note for me, though I have and would never take narcotic substances there is a tradition among the shamen of many tribes even in northern europe.

I quite understand what you are saying, Ayahuasca and other psychodelics do, by all accounts create this phase shift that creates a profoundly spiritual experience for the user and also explains why some individuals who, through physical damage or trauma begin to experience other worldly visions and strange phenomena.

To me it is almost a confirmation though, that either the drug, or the trauma damages or closes down the mechanism that separates us from our true existence, by analogy, 'knocking the vail off' or removing it for a period. In other words, demonstrate how the separation from our true existence is built into our physiology. It is the human condition for us to be separated.

Your experiences with sleep paralysis mirror my own in most respects. I have, for most of my life, had the sensation of what I used to call when I was younger 'the buzzes' a phenomena that occurred just at the point of falling asleep usually, but sometimes during sleep as well, I would feel as though a strong electrical current has run through my body and my whole core would vibrate, accompanied by the strangest 'other worldly' buzzing sound/feeling.

It is so hard to describe it, as there is nothing really to compare it with. Immediately after this phenomena my mind becomes alert and wakes up so to speak. Initially it is not clear that my body is still fast asleep and I do things such as get out of bed or get up to go to the toilet or pinch myself to check if I am dreaming, I have even swung myself out of bed and stamped my feet on the floor to prove I was awake. Needless to say that on each occasion, I had never moved from the bed, but the sensation was as real as if I had. I have also been visited a number of times by the dark entities who loom over you, and although they terrified me, they always left when I demanded it. I have yet to Astral travel where I can remember the experience at least beyond the house.

Recently I had been asleep dreaming, and I awoke to see a shadow being at the bottom of my bed, it rushed me, and I felt that it tried to smother me or try to enter me. I just spoke to it in my mind and told it that I was protected and that it was wasting it’s time,after which, I felt very calm and comforted and went back to sleep.

I looked out of the window and the street light's were on but the everything had this halo like it was under water, no matter was floating but moving you could feel the water around you and I remember not breathing, behind me I felt a darkness, I did not look but if seemed to be trying to draw me down and I got angry, I walked against the current or suction of this darkness or mouth of the abyss

You where visiting, what the Greeks and Egyptians called the underworld, A dark shadowy ghost of our own physical world characterised by the fluid or viscous sensation, as if attempting to walk through molasses. This is the very first level of the Astral/emotional plane and is where we all pass through on our way to the afterlife.

Some deceased become trapped here for a while, due to an inability to let go of the physical life, it is the place where ghosts exists and also a place of great suffering for some. The majority of humanity passes through here very quickly, but others will sleep here until they shed enough matter to pass through to the illuminated next level of this dimension.

It accounts for why some people who have NDE’s have a very bad experience as they cannot pass through this level. You must bear in mind that this is the world of illusion and some peoples imaginations can conjure up some pretty horrible visions. To sum it up you where Astral travelling.

Your account of the Barn, sounds exactly like the place I stayed, It was a long time ago to recollect in great detail but I remember the bunk beds. I had a top bunk to the left of the door as you enter and from memory, there was just a sink and cupboard and there was one or more paintings on the wall. We went from where I worked on an adventure weekend, snow rock and ice climb up Snowden, we walked the Pig track, I remember being so de-hydrated when we returned that I drank pints of tea and pints of blackcurrant juice in an attempt to quench my thirst. I remember the pub was a very short distance to the Barn.

Clairaudience, is another phenomena I have experienced when I have clearly heard my name called out in the middle of the night, also sometimes in a semi sleep, I become aware of listening to mundane conversations as if I was a fly on the wall at some unknown place, although that is the extent of it. As far as the voice you clearly heard, I will be a little cryptic and ask to to investigate who or what Augoeides is, because for most of us, the voice of Christ or God "which it is in reality!", comes through this entity, he knows you better than you know yourself and is your greatest ally.

edit on 21-1-2015 by kennyb72 because: spelling

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: kennyb72

It is so hard to describe it, as there is nothing really to compare it with.

I've only gotten this far through your post (which I already starred), but wanted to ask you -
have you ever that 'expanded-head' feeling?

When I was a little girl, sometimes I would notice this feeling of my head being bigger than my a 'bubble' that was bigger than my 'head'. All my life this has happened.....and now, after so many years, I can pull it up at will. Like right now - I have 'expanded head condition'.

Do you, by any chance, know what I mean?

Thanks for your post.

edit on 1/21/2015 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: kennyb72

I have also been visited a number of times by the dark entities who loom over you


I don't know of any dark entities looming over me. .... the dark entities looming over ME have visited YOU numerous times?

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

like the bible but one day after a kind of chaos seems to have enveloped you only to find that entire paragraphs are missing or it read's differently.

Stop reading the bible and expecting it to make sense. It doesn't.

It 'reads differently' because you are waking up to the things previously hidden from you.

Keep on with your reading and thinking! You are on the cusp of grasping a thing that is HUGE, and that a minority of us see at all.

Go you!
edit on 1/21/2015 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I had a religious silver medalion on, the same house were three people had died about 10 years before we moved into it, about 1994 a black shimmering mist form, unlike the other's this was almost a column like form floor to ceiling and resembled heat waves of black smoke, I told it to get out and it appeared to disapear then late I made the mistake of letting down my guard and as I walked through were I had seen it I felt it jump into me, the sensation was of sudden warmth and itching of my skin, I was overcome with the most irrational urge to laugh and was also terrified at the same time, the medalion went totally black and from then on for a period of about ten years any metal's that could tarnish did so very rapidly on me like my skin had turned acidic or something.

I must confess, as much as I have learned regarding the afterlife, I can't explain this particular experience.
I can quite believe you encountered a discarnate as in a ghost, but the common experience is a chill or sometimes the sensation of bubbles fizzing through your body.

Demonic possession can and does happen, but not normally with people in full possession of there faculties and protection. Evil cannot enter you without being invited, period, although a scenario does present itself and that is related to the power of our own minds.

Just as positive and negative attitudes will have physiological affect on us, it is possible that at some level you told yourself that you had been possessed and it affected or manifested in you in a way that became phenomenal, much in the way that I can imagine that stigmata could manifest in a devoted believer.

Whichever case, I still believe that you have a connection or sensitivity not experienced my most people. This is the only thing that would explain this for me. I certainly don't believe you where or are possessed by another entity. You and your friends and family would certainly know if that where the case, you would, simply put, not be you.

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