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Scientists Warn: Earth pushed beyond four of nine ‘planetary boundaries’

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posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 05:08 AM
I don't think it's the problem of not believing the "scientists" it is a problem with believing what anyone says. We have been lied to since we became civilized nations. Our leaders have planned control of the masses by whatever means necessary. I hope and pray that this awesome Earth will do what it needs to survive, it has done just fine for billions of years (if that is even true) just as we will I suppose. Every human institution has been setup for control, schools/universities, religion, politics, corporations, media, and the internet being the biggest player in sharing and learning. Every thing we know and learn comes from these sources (not exclusively), how do we know who to believe? Why worry things shall turn out with or without us, things we control are superficial and physical, everything physical dies. That's a fact. Any way I digress, I read something interesting the other day about our dimensional lives. I have no idea where I read it, if it was on ATS or what so I have no link, it was speaking of our journey so far through this space time reality.

1. We were 2 Dimensional and believed we lived on a flat plane (Up, down, left, right, etc. Straight line thinking or you perform A, that leads to B, then C and so on). It always worked that way for our parents, grand parents. They could plan and knew their futures for sure. Traveling was minimal, packing the horse and cart for vacations didn't happen, LOL. This took many years of our time. We did a lot for ourselves and communities.
2. Then 3D when we realized we lived on a round planet. We could get to Point C without having to pass through "B" We could speak with people on a phone, it took time to learn (books), time has shortened with phone access and travel by motor vehicles, then trains and planes. Time was still slow, but was speeding up..
3. RIGHT NOW we are 4D we have eliminated space and time. (INTERNET) We don't have to physically move from our homes we can shop from our living room, talk and share info with someone 5000 miles away. We have eliminated the space in between. We are an instant gratification society. We have no clearly defined futures, we can't even describe what tomorrow might look like, at least I cannot! I do not make future plans, very short term goals that is all.
4. So what will 5D look like?

Whatever it looks like I hope it's for the good of all beings, and consciousnesses. That we do come together for all of our futures generations. I do not want for them to be prisoners of these controllers that do harm to others. I want them to have free will, without restraints or rules, do be whatever they want and have the freedom to make choices. Sorry it is slightly off topic, but really if we can't do it here on this Planet, WTF difference does it make where we go. It has to be done for all of us on Earth this is where we are now, right now.

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 07:05 AM
The Earth will not make a distinction between oligarch and serf in a global blow back scenario. The penance for humanity's actions will be the same whether our home is sentient or merely a rock subject to universal laws. At the end of the day the sentence will be just and the accounting precise because we have acted in union as a species, first and foremost, and whether by divine wisdom or indifferent material mechanisms the atonement will, and should, affect us as a whole.

We have enabled the oligarch, the monarch, and the Golden Arch. To the extent that TPTB have held an iron grip on our is our lifestyle that surrendered it in the first place.

There are ways to see through the fog of the present debate generated by all the arguments and ideological team sports. For instance: the right will tell you that Climate Change is a tax scam. Irrelevant. The left will tell you we are overpopulated. Cultural meme-regurgitation and false when scrutinized from the right perspective. The Church will tell you we have fallen and are in need of a savior. Maybe, but if true, this notion, regarding our global impact, still breeds dis-empowerment and subsequent irresponsibility. The Green movement will tell you to drive a Prius, buy solar and recycle. Insufficient response, failing to see the crisis as systemic. A technophile will bide his time until we can ascend to the binary or invent a single magic machine that cures our holistic blight. Historically short-sighted and procrastinatory. The futurist will tell you our destiny is to move out to other planets. Procrastinatory and assumptive.

It's way more simple than all of that. From the macro to the micro, we are out-of-balance with our environment. We, like all species, are in the midst of a process and no one knows if we'll complete it. The homosapien withdrew from the forest, toiled through the unsustainable agricultural field, coveted and made war, and must now take what it has learned and return to the forest because the planet will not suffer a species that has not learned and adapted through the many stages of its evolution to operate in balance with its environment. With appropriate technology, reliance on perennial food forests, local energy management and a big ol' basket of luck we could become wonderful stewards of our planet. We could observe the speed of our destructive power and extrapolate that we are amazing in our ability to move and order life and matter. We could turn our past on its head towards benevolent stewardship. If we don't, our beautiful planet (google "earth porn" and see what we are at bat to lose) will affect the race, rightly, as a whole and from the Bilderbergs, to the Kardashians, to the average Joe wringing his hands for the next iphone and Game of Thrones episode, the species will universally face the truth in the mirror.

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 07:06 AM
I guess it's conclusive that we have to get rid of science because they keep making things that destroy our planet while getting us to pay them to be a scientist eh .

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 07:10 AM

Extreme weather may be the answer to the earths problems as well as our own. . . .

Try running an economy in a world where nature has turned against you. . . .

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: SlickMcFavorite

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

Exactly right, we cannot fight whatever Earth/nature decides, we are just along for the ride. YeeHaww!!!

I guess it's conclusive that we have to get rid of science because they keep making things that destroy our planet while getting us to pay them to be a scientist eh .

They have every right to be bought and paid for, LOL! Just like we do.

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: TM62
Whatever it looks like I hope it's for the good of all beings, and consciousnesses. That we do come together for all of our futures generations. I do not want for them to be prisoners of these controllers that do harm to others. I want them to have free will, without restraints or rules, do be whatever they want and have the freedom to make choices. Sorry it is slightly off topic, but really if we can't do it here on this Planet, WTF difference does it make where we go. It has to be done for all of us on Earth this is where we are now, right now.

Thank you. I like what you said above too. I think the concept of moving off planet and out to the stars is exciting too but it shouldn't be pursued because we have exhausted all options and must now abandon ship. We haven't, and if interstellar travel is in the cards for us, it's too far off and is as irresponsible as the Ebola-infected individual that landed in Dallas. You don't risk spreading the virus you host by migrating from a small village to a metropolis. Our virus is that we are blind to how energy is managed in the environment we emerged from and are (as far as I know) inseparably a part of. Nature reduces entropy in natural systems by increasing local beneficial connections and therefore has no concept of "waste". We can (already have in some examples) do this.

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 12:26 PM
I respect science, however thinking that we have enough experience with planetary processes and management thereof, especially since this is our first planet, this kind of granularity in Earth boundaries is a bit of a stretch.

When I hear or read self-righteous diatribes that claim to know how the Earth will react to anything we do, I cannot help but recall one of George Carlin's standup quotes:

The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles … hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages … And we think some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference? The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are!

We’re going away. Pack your #, folks. We’re going away. And we won’t leave much of a trace, either. Maybe a little Styrofoam … The planet’ll be here and we’ll be long gone. Just another failed mutation. Just another closed-end biological mistake. An evolutionary cul-de-sac. The planet’ll shake us off like a bad case of fleas.

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: charlyv

George Carlin was no scientist and that skit was for comedy.

We as a species are directly responsible for countless extinctions due to our ignorance and greed.

Unless we collectively have a paradigm shift in our thinking and way of life then our species will cause our own extinction or something very close to it.

Do a google search on a runaway effect and the significance of that in Chemistry and Physics.

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 12:55 PM
No offense.

But i have had enough of the climatephobes.

People really do think the planet is out to get us.

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: CallYourBluff
a reply to: TinfoilTP

Predictably, the Nazi accusation was inevitable, even though I never mentioned killing people. No I'm sure you left wing fairies are right. Let everyone keep breeding until there are no resources left and the planet is destroyed. I mean, it's your right as a human to make as many people as you like, right?

Congrats, you are the first one to ever call me a left wing fairy on here.

I feel dirty now.

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: charlyv

If our impact on the Earth is so underwhelming then by what mechanism are we to "go away"? And if our presence is destructive enough to end only the human race then doesn't that still warrant a discussion on how this could be reversed? How much more so if our presence has an impact on all life and not just our own?

I wish it were open to interpretation but, sadly, it's not. How can anyone think that islands of trash, Fukushima radiation, dams disrupting river ecology, emission levels that make the sunrise invisible, the ozone hole, unfathomable oil spills, desertification, topsoil loss in feet, irreplaceable animal and plant extinction, aquifer and freshwater lake depletion, chemical inundation resulting from irresponsible agricultural practices and probably another hundred or so effects I'm either forgetting or haven't been discovered yet is not worth examining our lifestyle?

If our lifestyle/culture was endless bliss for everyone we would still be morally responsible to the rest of the web of life to change the way we live. It's not though. Our culture is bankrupt, depressed, sick, war-prone, suffering identity crisis, and generally reproachable in all aspects except maybe art/entertainment and some technology developments. What if it's all related? I wonder if all of the things we find sad about living in our culture are direct results of the way we go about existing. Perhaps the pain of our culture would be cured as a side-effect of directing our focus to living sustainably and without such a violent impact on the rest of life. I hope we will all collectively know the answer to that question one day.

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: jrod

I notice that everyone seems to love George Carlin right up until he points out a hard truth they're uncomfortable with.

In this case he's right. We have such hubris to think we can control the planet. We can only control ourselves, and we matter less to it than fleas to a dog. When it comes to the climate, it's the sun that's the big dog in this yard, and no one better forget it.

I also ask you all to remember all that Arctic Ice that was supposed to be gone. It's not. Malthus said we'd be dead by now. We're not. None of these predictions have yet come true, mainly because they've been based on incomplete models. No one understands they system they're trying to read.

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

We cannot control the planet however we are making it much difficult for this planet to sustain many lifeforms. To try to dispute this reality is way beyond ignorance.

The ancient settlers on Rapa Nui aka Easter Island probably had the same mindset as people like you who are quick to write off the destruction we are causing this planet.

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 02:29 PM

originally posted by: mc_squared
It seems that places like China have started to wake up a bit, now that they have to broadcast the Sun so everyone remembers what it looks like:

That story is actually false, they aren't broadcasting sunrises and sunsets. The images you posted refer to commercial billboards. (More info)

Either way, pollution is killing us and other lives that share this planet with us from fish to our four legged friends. If things are going to change, we can't expect our politicians to enact those changes as those very same politicians are in the pocket of the oil industry in my opinion.

The only way is for a total, clean slate in our government free from bribes and lobbyists.

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: intrptr

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
If it isn't clear yet that our soul purpose on this planet is to destroy it then I really do not know what else can convince people.

Give me ONE realistic scenario that will turn us off our present course of consumption and pollution that we call "growth". It has to end bad.

Remember before the start of the 21st century, we used to imagine the future and how cool it was going to be?

WTF happened?

The carrot and the stick dangled before you. Heres where that is leading…


Wish I could give you applause for that reply.
I was thinking the same thing.

What could possibly be the agenda?

edit on 1 16 2015 by stosh64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
In this case he's right. We have such hubris to think we can control the planet. We can only control ourselves, and we matter less to it than fleas to a dog.

That's bull#. Humans can easily have global planetary impact, and usually for the worse. Plenty of fish species are nearly fished out, nearly exclusively from human actiivty. The oceans are very damn big places, and yet humans are powerful enough to rape them all.

I have no tolerance for the emotional fact-free shaming of people who want us to stop making our future civilization worse, by accusing them of "hubris". Facts, and results and science matter. Not emotions.

This "hubris" meme is being exploited by the powerful people and institutions who personally benefit from the attack on the environment and climate. And those are NOT scientists.

When it comes to the climate, it's the sun that's the big dog in this yard, and no one better forget it.

The big dog is sleeping tight for now. Our own human-bred hyena though can do plenty of damage.

I also ask you all to remember all that Arctic Ice that was supposed to be gone. It's not. Malthus said we'd be dead by now. We're not. None of these predictions have yet come true, mainly because they've been based on incomplete models. No one understands they system they're trying to read.

No, the Arctic ice was not "supposed to be gone" by now. Bring forth a mainstream scientific consensus projection which said so. It's less than before, and just as predicted by the theory decades ago, the polar regions are warming more than the equatorial regions.

The mainstream scientific projections on climate have been mostly right---far far more right than anything the denialists or skeptics put forth.

And the statement

No one understands they system they're trying to read.
is also a load of BS as well.

No geoscientists don't understand everything exactly, obviously---but they do know plenty, as a result of hard word over 100 years of modern scientific physical, chemical and biological understanding. Nobody calls it "hubris" when we say things about human biochemistry, and that doesn't stop people from going to the doctor and using treatments based on experimental and theoretical understanding of molecular biology which has been learnt, at great effort, over the 150 years since Darwin.

Our understanding of the physical basis of climate is substantially stronger than that of biology.
edit on 16-1-2015 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-1-2015 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 02:38 PM
The human race is nothing but a bunch of obsessive addicts, barely different from a meth fiend. We will do anything for a fix of our drugs of choice (money/power). Even if we are in the process of dying...we will crawl on our hands and knees across broken glass, ignoring all the facts and figures, just to get another taste of that sweet, intoxicating money.

And in the is nothing but a joke. A worthless piece of paper that we give power to. We give it the power to control our lives, ruin other's lives and it is worth about a cent. But all around us is life, nature, trees, etc. Things we couldn't create with all the money in the world. And we # on it just to embrace that worthless dollar bill.

We are a sad creature. A joke to all other life in the world and probably a stain upon the universe. We won't be here long in the scheme of things. And that is probably a good thing.

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: stosh64

originally posted by: intrptr

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
If it isn't clear yet that our soul purpose on this planet is to destroy it then I really do not know what else can convince people.

Give me ONE realistic scenario that will turn us off our present course of consumption and pollution that we call "growth". It has to end bad.

Remember before the start of the 21st century, we used to imagine the future and how cool it was going to be?

WTF happened?

The carrot and the stick dangled before you. Heres where that is leading…


Wish I could give you applause for that reply.
I was thinking the same thing.

What could possibly be the agenda?

Greed. Paranoia, Guilt. Stemming from the few that have so much.

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 03:00 PM
People who think that hundreds of years of exponential pollution can have a negative effect on the ecosystem they know so much about are idiots!

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