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Are 'pro-life' supporters hypocrites?

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posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 04:41 PM
I noticed there are a lot of pro-life supporters out there. A real lot. A real lot that feel ALL life is worth saving. But I've never seen so many whoops and shrieks of delight when Scott Peterson was sentenced to death. Those gleeful, cheery Christmastime faces smiling at the thougt of frying Peterson can't all be pro-choice supporters, can they? Sounds like some of those pro-life people are only pro-life "some of the time"; the other times, they're pro-death too.

[edit on 14-12-2004 by jupiter869]

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by jupiter869
I noticed there are a lot of pro-life supporters out there. A real lot. A real lot that feel ALL life is worth saving. But I've never seen so many whoops and shrieks of delight when Scott Peterson was sentenced to death.
That's a silly assumption! I am not pro life or pro choice...I'm somewhere in between the two...but just because they see the life a murder different that taking the life an innocent child doesn't make them hypocrites...what totally ridiculous thinking

[edit on 12/14/2004 by LadyV]

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by LadyV

Originally posted by jupiter869
I noticed there are a lot of pro-life supporters out there. A real lot. A real lot that feel ALL life is worth saving. But I've never seen so many whoops and shrieks of delight when Scott Peterson was sentenced to death.
That's a silly assumption! I am not pro life or pro choice...I'm somewhere in between the two...but just because they see the life a murder different that taking the life an innocent child doesn't make them hypocrites...what totally ridiculous thinking

[edit on 12/14/2004 by LadyV]

So then it's ok to take some lives but not ok to take others. Gotcha.

It's ok to be pro-life AND pro-death at the same time and its not oxymoronic after all. Got that cleared up.

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by jupiter869

So then it's ok to take some lives but not ok to take others. Gotcha.

It's ok to be pro-life AND pro-death at the same time and its not oxymoronic after all. Got that cleared up.

I agree jupiter, it is oxymoronic. But that's how it is. Some people feel its justifyable to kill. Its not a very Christlike "turn the other cheek" attitude I'll grant you that, but lets face it, humans have been killing one way or another since the dawn of time. Deep, deep, deep down, when you really get to it, its all about revenge, i guess.

[edit on 14-12-2004 by Holden]

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by jupiter869

[edit on 12/14/2004 by LadyV]

So then it's ok to take some lives but not ok to take others. Gotcha.

It's ok to be pro-life AND pro-death at the same time and its not oxymoronic after all. Got that cleared up.

Yes it is. I'm glad you got that cleared up too! There is a big difference between someone getting punished for horrendous deed against the society one lives in...and aborting an infant, if you can't see that...there's a real problem there. I am for the death penalty for rapist and to abortion...there are instances that warrant it and others that don' not so humble opinon thank you!

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 05:22 PM
I can understand the sentiment behind both sides.

It's easy to see the difference between taking the life of those who have taken the lives of other and know the consequences of their actions as opposed to abortion.

It isn't very hard to understand as there is a clear difference. One who is seen as an innocent child and hasn't had the chance to live compared to a murderer?
The distinction lies in their action, or lack thereof.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by LadyV

Yes it is. I'm glad you got that cleared up too! There is a big difference between someone getting punished for horrendous deed against the society one lives in...and aborting an infant, if you can't see that...there's a real problem there. I am for the death penalty for rapist and to abortion...there are instances that warrant it and others that don' not so humble opinon thank you!

I'm not saying he doesn't deserve to be punished. I'm not even saying that he doesn't deserve to die. All I'm saying is I thought it was a sin to kill. I thought it is up to God to punish those terrible sinners. If we feel people are unfit to exist in our society, then we must remove them and put them away in prision where they cannot harm others. I didn't think God had delegated to us the right to choose life or death of others. I don't remember an asterick after Thou shalt not kill.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by jupiter869

I'm not saying he doesn't deserve to be punished. I'm not even saying that he doesn't deserve to die. All I'm saying is I thought it was a sin to kill. I thought it is up to God to punish those terrible sinners.

I'm NOT christian!

[edit on 12/15/2004 by LadyV]

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by LadyV

Originally posted by jupiter869

I'm not saying he doesn't deserve to be punished. I'm not even saying that he doesn't deserve to die. All I'm saying is I thought it was a sin to kill. I thought it is up to God to punish those terrible sinners.

I'm NOT christian!

[edit on 12/15/2004 by LadyV]

Well then that makes complete sense, LadyV. Only a christian would have to wrestle with this conflict, hence your inability to understand why it could be an issue for some. My apologies to you and to other non-christians who can make those choices without the dogma of the church.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 02:33 PM
The simplicity of this conversation reads like a Archie comic.

I mean honestly, trying to start a reasonable conversation about the depth of belief behind pro-choice or pro-life advocates tends to go off-track with an opener like that.

Nothing is ever as simple as yes or no to the whole, and likewise, it's almost assured that there are hypocrites on both sides of the fence along with the real thinkers.

So let's not confuse position with right, because really, there is none.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by jupiter869
Well then that makes complete sense, LadyV. Only a christian would have to wrestle with this conflict, hence your inability to understand why it could be an issue for some. My apologies to you and to other non-christians who can make those choices without the dogma of the church.

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or sincere.
Why does one have to be a christian to appreciate the value of life? I was raised a christian, toyed with various wiccan beliefs and ultimately became an atheist - my opinion of the death penalty and abortion have remained the same regardless of my belief system at the time.

I happen to be one of those people who is pro-choice and pro-death penalty. However, both come with caveats - abortions on demand only through the first trimester/only medical exceptions after that and the death penalty should only be employed for the most heinous crimes (special circumstances).

Sin or no sin - religion or no religion -- neither had an impact on my opinion on abortion/death penalty.


posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 10:44 PM
I am going to make this as simple as possible,

If the killing is done in the name of the lord, then Conservatives, pro-life supporters that also support death penalty can find justification on their views.

And with the same mentality in the name of the lord they can condemn abortion and sill feel righteous and good about themselves.

Very simple explanation.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by LadyV
but just because they see the life a murder different that taking the life an innocent child doesn't make them hypocrites...what totally ridiculous thinking

you said it yourself. It is indeed ridiculous to judge the value of a life on the misdeeds the person has committed. All life is worth the same, whether it be a serial murderer or a child.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by General Zapata

you said it yourself. It is indeed ridiculous to judge the value of a life on the misdeeds the person has committed. All life is worth the same, whether it be a serial murderer or a child.

Sorry...I don't see the life a child rapist/murderer the same as I do an innocent child, or animal for that matter...I'm not a god and I don't see it that a gods eyes, perhaps.....but not mine. I have a real affinity with innocents, animals and children.....not with negative souls that have extreme character flaws that can hurt/abuse/kill those I have an affinity with. I'm very hard on these things and would never agree with you. I do believe that all life is an extent. I strongly believe in the death penalty....too may times hard criminals are freed to rape and /or kill/torture again....I beleive in a second chance for most, but not rapist/killers, no way!

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by jupiter869
But I've never seen so many whoops and shrieks of delight when Scott Peterson was sentenced to death. Those gleeful, cheery Christmastime faces smiling at the thougt of frying Peterson can't all be pro-choice supporters, can they? Sounds like some of those pro-life people are only pro-life "some of the time"; the other times, they're pro-death too.

1 - WHAT channel were you watching when Scott Peterson was
sentenced to death? EVERY station, including Court TV which had
people on the street in front of the court house as well as inside
the court room, EVERY station said that the people were all
SUBDUED when the news about the death penalty came. No one
that was interviewed on TV made any 'whoops or shrieks of delight'.
Everyone that I saw said that justice was served, but it wasn't a
day for celebration, it was still a sad situation. The family of Laci
also said they were not 'delighted', that they were still sad, even
though they believed that justice was served.

2 - This trial took place in Modesto California. California is a blue state
and definatley doesn't lean towards being pro-life. Why on earth are
you saying the crowd outside the courthouse was a bunch of pro-lifers?
Why would you ASSUME that? Was there ANY survey done to see who
was at the courthouse that day? None that I know of.

3 - Looks to me like you were just trying to find something to try to
make a point about pro-lifers being hypocrits in your opinion. There are
better and more accurate ways to try to back up your opinion on this
instead of making up that people were pro-lifers and that they were
shrieking with delight at the death sentence. How about posting some
surveys about those who are pro-life and also pro-death penalty?
Put some corrolation facts up. Because frankly, what you have posted
about assuming prolifers were in front of the court house shrieking with
delight, doesn't make a connection and has no basis in fact.

Just for the record - I am against abortion except to save the life of the
mother AND I am against the death penalty except in extreme cases
in which it is necessary for self defense purposes.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by jupiter869
But I've never seen so many whoops and shrieks of delight when Scott Peterson was sentenced to death. Those gleeful, cheery Christmastime faces smiling at the thougt of frying Peterson can't all be pro-choice supporters, can they? Sounds like some of those pro-life people are only pro-life "some of the time"; the other times, they're pro-death too.

1 - WHAT channel were you watching when Scott Peterson was
sentenced to death? EVERY station, including Court TV which had
people on the street in front of the court house as well as inside
the court room, EVERY station said that the people were all
SUBDUED when the news about the death penalty came. No one
that was interviewed on TV made any 'whoops or shrieks of delight'.
Everyone that I saw said that justice was served, but it wasn't a
day for celebration, it was still a sad situation. The family of Laci
also said they were not 'delighted', that they were still sad, even
though they believed that justice was served.

2 - This trial took place in Modesto California. California is a blue state
and definatley doesn't lean towards being pro-life. Why on earth are
you saying the crowd outside the courthouse was a bunch of pro-lifers?
Why would you ASSUME that? Was there ANY survey done to see who
was at the courthouse that day? None that I know of.

3 - Looks to me like you were just trying to find something to try to
make a point about pro-lifers being hypocrits in your opinion. There are
better and more accurate ways to try to back up your opinion on this
instead of making up that people were pro-lifers and that they were
shrieking with delight at the death sentence. How about posting some
surveys about those who are pro-life and also pro-death penalty?
Put some corrolation facts up. Because frankly, what you have posted
about assuming prolifers were in front of the court house shrieking with
delight, doesn't make a connection and has no basis in fact.

Just for the record - I am against abortion except to save the life of the
mother AND I am against the death penalty except in extreme cases
in which it is necessary for self defense purposes.

I can't speak for the author of this post but I did see a fair amount of cheering and hugging when the verdict was announced. I agree, I thought that was appalling. I watched MSNBC and CNN. But what I did see on various websites and blogs afterwords was a pronounced delight and satisfaction in the announcement. And yes, i thought that was appalling too. It is a moment that requires somberness. One can express his satisfaction that justice may have been served, but he or she should express their delight in private. I support the death penalty but I wouldnt ever act so crudely when it is issued to some poor soul, no matter what he's done. BTW, in general, I always try to get my news from more than one source.

[edit on 17-12-2004 by bootlug]

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by bootlug
in general, I always try to get my news from more than one source.

Good. That's the best way to do it. I was watching Court TV and
I switched back and forth later from Court TV to Fox to MSNBC. All three
channels said that the crowd was much more subdued than when
the guilty verdict was read. Court TV kept referring back to this.
That most everyone seemed to understand the seriousness and
sadness of what was happening.

To assume that those few people who may have shown happiness
at the verdict were pro-life ... is just blatent unsubstantiated assumption.
The writer of this thread just seems to have been looking for an avenue to
push his opinion about pro-lifers and did a lousy job of tying in the Pro-lifers
with the Scott Peterson case.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

The writer of this thread just seems to have been looking for an avenue to
push his opinion about pro-lifers and did a lousy job of tying in the Pro-lifers
with the Scott Peterson case.

Well, personally i would never put words in someone else's mouth. On the other hand, I'm not sure he isn't a little justified about being angry that there were (and let's be honest here, I saw it too) more than just a few people cheering when the decision was announced. Franky, I'm not sure this post is even about Scott Peterson at all. To me it's about a possible conflict some may have between being pro life and pro death at the same time. I don't have a conflict with that issue, but I respect that some people do.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by bootlug
he isn't a little justified about being angry that there were (and let's be honest here, I saw it too) more than just a few people cheering when the decision was announced.

The author was very sarcastic and directly said that they were
hypocritical pro-lifers. How the hell would he know where any
of them stand on the Right to Life issue?? He wouldn't.

BTW - I won't argue with you on if anyone cheered. I absolutely
did not see it. Court TV said they didn't see anyone cheer or give
high fives or anything. Obviously you and I watched different

But whether or not people cheered isn't really the beef I have
with this thread. It's the statement that those that did cheer
were hypocritical pro-lifers. That would be impossible to know
and it was the author projecting his desires or just doing a
bad job of using the Peterson verdict as a chance to bash

(Projection - a psychological term - easily googled)

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by bootlug
he isn't a little justified about being angry that there were (and let's be honest here, I saw it too) more than just a few people cheering when the decision was announced.

The author was very sarcastic and directly said that they were
hypocritical pro-lifers. How the hell would he know where any
of them stand on the Right to Life issue?? He wouldn't.

BTW - I won't argue with you on if anyone cheered. I absolutely
did not see it. Court TV said they didn't see anyone cheer or give
high fives or anything. Obviously you and I watched different

But whether or not people cheered isn't really the beef I have
with this thread. It's the statement that those that did cheer
were hypocritical pro-lifers. That would be impossible to know
and it was the author projecting his desires or just doing a
bad job of using the Peterson verdict as a chance to bash

(Projection - a psychological term - easily googled)

Yes the author is sarcastic, but I think she asks IF pro lifers are hypocrites, and not that they ARE hypocrites. The answer is, of course, no. And yes. Of course she doesn't know if they all are pro lifers or pro choicers; that is why she posted this thread... to ask the question.

Meanwhile, you've got a lot of anger in you, that is plainly obvious. Lets not let it turn into hatred, shall we? Hatred is an ugly thing as "some" apparently saw on TV when they announced the death penalty for Mr. Peterson.

Perhaps we should all move on and let this thread "die"...

[edit on 17-12-2004 by Holden]

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