posted on Jan, 15 2015 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to:
Many times, in fact it is happening right now. This has become a strength as well as a weakness. Anyone can claim to be Anon, but they will not be
granted platform, unless it is endorsed by Anonymous as a collective. Validation with regards to a cause simply relies on how many react to that
Yes many dis-info agents, trolls and renegade groups do exist within Anonymous but very rarely do they achieve notoriety within the group and are
often sussed out quickly. The thing to remember is that Anonymous isn't an organization, there is no membership. Anonymous is an idea, ideas exist in
people and it is
the people that give ideas power. The more people that believe in a purpose worth defining, worth acting upon,
that purpose takes charge and no troll/dis-info agent or renegade faction is going to be counted, much less steer the goal.
I hope this answers your question.