posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 09:28 PM
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Those are beautiful!!
I like the "POW" with the cartoon background..very original!
Also like the chicken little idea. With four kids running around my house there seems to be a theme every year (this year it's frozen, got a little
pricess walking though my house singing "let it go" all day!!) but I remember when my oldest son was totally into chicken little. Must have seen it
about a 1000 times!! (and then came
Anyway... in the original story chicken little is the ignorant one with his hysterical mistaken belief that the world is coming to an end. Disney (as
always) changed the original story line and made chicken little also the one who, through
deductive reasoning and calm examination, settles the
careless panic.
Very fitting to the "deny ignorance" motto!