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Full Disclosure by Ex-Military in Video and/or Audio

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posted on Jun, 6 2003 @ 02:23 AM
I am in full agreement with you about the stupid way some sites go about choosing the format to post media in. I am also an anti Realmedia person and as far as Windows Media Player goes, I couldn't find a more bloated, buggy and all around waste of reasources if I tried. It amazes me how Microsoft being as powerful and market dominating as they are, just can't seem to produce any software that isn't a hunk of sh!t. But oh well, thank god for 3rd party software. Anyway, I'll try and convert the .wmv over to mpeg for ya but I already tried once and it didn't want to work. But if I can get it to work I'll let ya know. Do you have a fast connection or dialup?? Cause it is 70megs. and will be atleast that in mpeg format as well. But if you do have a high speed connection and it does convert you can just ftp it from me or something....Unless of course it's ok to upload it here to ATS. But I'll let ya know what I can come up with.

posted on Jun, 6 2003 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by mOjOm
But if you do have a high speed connection and it does convert you can just ftp it from me or something....

Ftp is great. And yes, the net on my side is more than fast enough.... Please post a link if you convert it. Any format QuickTime understands is great, like .moov, .avi, .mpeg etc.


posted on Jun, 8 2003 @ 02:05 AM
The most interesting testimony (in my opinion) is the one of the man who stated that he saw pictures of a base on the back side of the moon.

posted on Jun, 8 2003 @ 05:13 PM
I am very interested in the moon too. The Japanese launched their first satellite into space recently and are planning to orbit the moon and take a HUGE burst of footage around the dark side.

I wait in anticipation to see what they come up with. But if there really is some US gov cover up regarding whats really on the moon (among other things), Im wondering how it will influence this mission.

posted on Dec, 17 2005 @ 01:33 AM
I seem to be pretty good at reviving old threads recently. Anyhow, I just watched Steven Greer and his 21 witnesses press conference from May 2001, and I found it quite interesting. A few of the witnesses I found difficult to believe, and a few didn't really say much at all, but several made very interesting cases and came across as extremely plausible. I noted the point (before it was mentioned by Greer near the end) that several of the witnesses are doctors, lawyers, etc, who have professional obligations not to perpetuate falsehoods, and would be risking their careers and reputations by doing so. (that doesn't mean they aren't, though, but it does speak in their favour)

I did find it interesting that Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton had made requests to see all the UFO material while president, and they were rejected because they didn't have high enough clearance. Who has higher clearance than the president? I didn't think anyone did.

However, upon looking at the disclosure website, I noticed on one of their links this:

Where they list 'blacklight power' as 'one of the answers to our environmental and energy problems'. Blacklight power is a hoax. I looked into their website when I first came to ATS, and their physics is bogus, and has been debunked on ATS before. Regardless of the motivations of the Disclosure Project, the fact that they would say this means, at best, that they have poor judgment, and at worst, they are trying to delude people. There also seems to be too much on their website about donations and buying their merchandise, which makes me a little nervous about their claims.

As I mentioned before, though, many witnesses seemed credible, so I don't know what to think. Was it a well-rehearsed act? Were they telling the truth? I don't know. Like much of my other reading into conspiracy theories, I find that I am reluctant to believe them. However, again, like many of the conspiracy theorists out there, while I do not subscribe to their conspiracy theories, I do find that many of the questions they are raising are quite legitimate and need answers. I just don't buy the answers that most of them are giving.

If nothing else, Greer made me think about a lot of things. So for that, even if every word he said is false, I thank him. He's kindled a desire in me to learn more about ufos and disclosure, and it's always a good thing to want to learn more.

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