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Full Disclosure by Ex-Military in Video and/or Audio

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posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 07:15 PM
LOL.....i see your point..i was trying to make an analogy.
the fact that these people were coming out and tellign their just strikes me odd how they know so much and are tellign so much and the goverment just seems to sit back and watch.

posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
LOL.....i see your point..i was trying to make an analogy.
the fact that these people were coming out and tellign their just strikes me odd how they know so much and are tellign so much and the goverment just seems to sit back and watch.

I agree, but after all we live in democracies where freedom of speech is one of the main pillars. Ever wondered if this whole thing could be part of a conspiracy to drown something else? Let's say there might have been a need for the military to perhaps explain an accident, illegal funding or something as something else. Or maybe they needed some extra funding for something? Or: "How do we explain XYZ without getting into an international diplomatic dilemma?" - "Blame it on the aliens" - "Yes let's do so; first priority is to make the right people believe in them being here in the first place, make sure to display them as peaceful beings so we can continue to use the sauser for intelligence and smokescreening..."

Personally I don't believe in aliens, I believe in God. I also believe that those not believing in God have to explain things differently. I believe the aliens aren't aliens, I believe they were here before us and created life on this planet and other places.......


posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 08:06 PM

That is absolute bollocks!

Who the # do you think you are sharing this pathetic attitude with us?

If you have something to say about this then say it! DO NOT just give us some stupid Schwartzenegger lines and expect us to take you seriously..

Whoa Whoa Whoa... and WTF is your problem? Cant you recognize a joke when you see one. You've been a member here what like 5 minutes? And you're already insulting people? tsk tsk..

posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 08:45 PM
I dont think he likes our new henchmen-in-black approach to people...too bad...
If you'll just follow me i'll you how to post better

posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by mikromarius

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
When i was a boy i stole a dollor

Hehe. When I was a kid I once stole 50 Kroners (about five quid) from my mom. But I didn't dare to use it. I kept it in a safe place until Christmas when me and mom went to town to buy this special Lego space train I'd been wanting for quite some time. When she paid for it, I slided her 50 up on the counter. Mom looked at me with a strange look, but when I told her the story later, she was quite releaved. I've never had the nerve or the concience to steal. There have been times, but it hurts to my stummach when I think about it... I wish I only knew who owned the things I've stolen. I would do almost anything to make it up to them. I loose so many things because people steal them from me, or don't return them when they borrow it, it's so annoying!


How do you know we're not being watched now?

posted on Jun, 4 2003 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by Paranoiaboy
How do you know we're not being watched now?

Well, we are... By many people and computer programs scanning the net for certain words and phrases, names etc. Pinging you, go behind your firewall and copy your entire hard drive if they like, read your mail. Hey they can do and do all that, and there's not much we can do about it. But cheer up, it might save your life rather than destroying it. But I have to admit I don't like the idea, and would never have agreed to such terms in this world. I trust my God, that he saves me from evil until the day comes that he has prepared when I like everyone else must give up my breath and leave for the unseen place to wait for the ressurection and the judgement.


posted on Jun, 4 2003 @ 04:04 AM
OK Advisor, I apologise to you personally for my last post, I did not realise you were making a joke. Apologies there.

BUt I am very dissapointed in this forum, I have never seen a message board that is so high with banned and warned people, the freedom of speech here is very much lacking. This has been troubling me for some time now, I have read posts from extremely interesting and intelligent posters only to find out the next week they have been banned for something and nothing. I think it was a huge mistake to allow so many different people to moderate, I understand how busy Simon must be and that he doesnt have time to keep a check on these forums but he has left it in teh hands of a few spotty, little HItlers who get no light other than what comes from their monitor screens.

The clique runs strong in these message boards, as Netchicken said when he PM'd me "you jumped on the wrong person there" Why is that? He one of the in group then? And Netchicken, the language I choose is not only blocked on these boards but part of my personality, I can live with them being censored but I will not change my language for you or anyone.

I would like to ask other members to now speak up about these Mods and their fascist little clique but I am aware that they are just like the Jews in Nazi occupied Europe before and during the war and they would mainly much rather lick the mods but fat conglomerate of an arse!

Once more, Advisor, I was wrong to attack you in such a way, I should have thought longer to see if you were joking or not.

You may not see me again now under this name, as im most probably banned now.

BUt ill be back

All teh best


posted on Jun, 4 2003 @ 04:09 AM
Ok triple sod (an apt name it seems) if you wish to make things public here is the Utu I sent to you.

You jumped on the wrong person there, careful wiht your language as he was only making a joke,

This is hardly threatening, and if you can't converse sensably then goodbye, guess you will be looking for another board.

BTW I was refered to this thread by another poster - just an ordinary member - who wanted me to warn you he was annoyed by your tone as well. He was happy with what I did. Up till then I hadn't even read the thread.

posted on Jun, 4 2003 @ 04:40 AM
I`ve known about this for quite some while and stay well clear of it. The disclosure project by the lovely Mr Greer seems to be a complete wind up. This is a man who sells, Do it yourself ET conatct kits yes you to can steer in ET crafts just like he does n`t, he attempted to charge $2,500 to washington MUFON members for a demonstration. There are a number of things on the disclosure project site which strike me as being cons designed to get ya money despite the claim that it is non-profit org.

"I have never seen a message board that is so high with banned and warned people, the freedom of speech here is very much lacking"

No we can`t stand it when people become abusive, like you did. Freedom of speech is anything but lacking which you would realise if you looked properly.

Its always a shame when a thread goes to pieces by the various abusive and childish behaviour that goes on.

"their fascist little clique"

Call me part of the clique but that is way out of line. Spanky botty and back to bed for you.

posted on Jun, 4 2003 @ 02:47 PM
i do not see it as either childish or abusive to state me point in teh way I did. I enjoy this board on a daily basis and find some of the info by many posters (including your good self Cassini, Dragon Rider and especially Estrogen among many others) brilliantly insightful, imaginative and interesting but and I know I am not alone in this thought, there is a clique here and many outsiders are looked down upon, treated with little respect and easily disposed of, which is a great shame, as I said before I have read some great posts by several people only to find out after that they have been banned, I think more tolerance is needed here. To be honest, I only frequent two boards, this one (more a lurker than a poster) and a chris morris one at where I have been a heavy posting regualar for 4 years now, so maybe my ignorance to other message boards shows here as I am only really used to the MOrris one, maybe they are all like this one. On the Chris MOrris one, freedom of speech is very much encouraged in a way that makes people feel more confidence in displaying their passions much stronger, with freedom of speech flowing it is also obvious that other posters feel free to argue against that persons ideas, which can get heated but eventually calms down..

Right, Its been a good few hours since i wrote that as I had to dash out half way through.

I realise I must respect the board rules and you will hear no more about this from me and you will have no need to remind me of this again.

BUt, I ask, please have a little more tolerance for your posters, this is a thriving community and we all must realise that we are completely different people, we are all individuals (I'm not), so lets try and be a little less button happy with the ban button please. Of course if someone constantly offends, trolls or spams then there is no choice but do not kick if someones logic is completely different from yours etc etc.

Ok, lets put all this behind us now..

All the best to all

posted on Jun, 4 2003 @ 02:54 PM
If there is a cabal or clique on the board then I am not a part of it

Most of the mods have been here for at least 2 years. Some of us have been here since the beginning of the ATS board. As a result we know each other quite well.

Of course new people will feel left out, you just don't walk into a group and expect to be seen as an equal in real life, afterall you don't have any history, so the same here.

Time, and posts make the person join in. However there is no ingroup/ourgroup thing here as far as I know, its just that the old hands post more frequently than the new ones.

posted on Jun, 4 2003 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Netchicken
If there is a cabal or clique on the board then I am not a part of it

Most of the mods have been here for at least 2 years. Some of us have been here since the beginning of the ATS board. As a result we know each other quite well.

Of course new people will feel left out, you just don't walk into a group and expect to be seen as an equal in real life, afterall you don't have any history, so the same here.

Time, and posts make the person join in. However there is no ingroup/ourgroup thing here as far as I know, its just that the old hands post more frequently than the new ones.

Yeah, I guess you are probably right. Maybe I have come to this conclusion to easily, as you can understand, it is easy to do when you dont recognise the names of the people who posted what you are reading and to be fair there are quite a few sprogs (I reckon you will know what i mean by this being from NZ but if not a clue, parts as high as the sounds they make, resembling a pizza in teh mirror:-) know what i am getting at?) on this board who add little but naive garbage, poorly thought out posts from poorly educatated minds and ugly spelling and grammer (though I know I have little room to talk about bad spelling) which tends to make my choices of posts to read more prejudiced and I tend to only pay attention to long term posters like yourself, as they are the ones who are most interesting and thoughtful, but the circle flips straight back round then because, as you just said, they all know each other so there is more comradeship and camaradere.

Right, what I am TRYING TO SAY!!
is, I agree.

I hope you understood what I was talking about there, I made a bit of a mess of it.


posted on Jun, 4 2003 @ 07:20 PM
To critisise people's English grammar here on this site is quite bizarre, I think. Don't you realise that this is an international community who discuss things you don't find an education for on most (or any) universities? Many of us have English as our second or third language you know. Is your German and French grammar as good as my English? Eller kanskje du vil at jeg skal skrive p� norsk og frike deg helt ut? Oder Deutch? �O por qu� no en espa�ol? Ou peut-�tre Fran�ais? E l'Italia assomiglia ad un piedino gigante... If you can't understand where I'm going at, hold your horses.


posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 01:52 AM
I would like to thank the people who posted within the relm of why I started the discussion of this topic. I also can understand how and why the topics of censorship and respecting each others opinions here are important, but they don't really belong under this topic. This thread like a few others I've read sometimes get misdirected and even if the other directions are good topics they take away from the intended discussion. This leads to a lot of unrelated reading that has nothing to do with the discussion at hand and usually results in confusion, misdirected ideas and eventually kills what could be a good topic for some. I think if we all would keep this in mind the information around here would be a lot more organized, resulting in a better and more informed visits.

Live Well,

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 02:38 AM
This is a very interesting video. In watching some of the witnesses' nonverbal behaviors, many of them do not appear as nervous as they claim to be.. take that for what it is worth. They are DEFINITELY over-rehearsed, which you would expect. Some of their testimonies appeared quite programmed.

This could easily be a disinformation scheme, but I will admit that it is a step in the right direction.

Anyone know anything at all about Dr. Greer? I recall him on the art bell show years ago, claiming that he had actually made contact & communicated via ground lights with UFOs.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 03:08 AM
"The disclosure project by the lovely Mr Greer seems to be a complete wind up. This is a man who sells, Do it yourself ET conatct kits yes you to can steer in ET crafts just like he does n`t, he attempted to charge $2,500 to washington MUFON members for a demonstration"

Basically a little digging on the man will turn up some good stuff but I`ve always disregarded him, as above, because he is quite obviously in it for the money. Also I have been informed that he usually rips off other researchers work and uses bogus witnesses, although this is pretty hard to substantiate and I would pay more attnetion to his money making activities.

There are some good pages about him out there which I will try and dig up later.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 03:20 AM
MK, I agree with you when you say that it could be disinformation. That's the real problem in todays world, and a problem that will continue to grow being that we live in the so called "Information Age". What I mean by that is in todays world there is so much Valid information, Misinformation and Disinformation the proof that would really be required in most cases would have to be totally unquestionable. For example, with the ever increasing ways of forging video and pictures along with so much info on both sides that seems accurate, there is no picture or media coverage or statement given that would convince me 100% that aliens are real. I mean at this point I would need to have a spacecraft land at my house, let me go in and meet the aliens, then cruise the cosmos with them and even do a few tests just for my own satisfaction just to be sure that it wasn't somehow setup. Does anyone else feel this way??

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by MKULTRA
They are DEFINITELY over-rehearsed, which you would expect. Some of their testimonies appeared quite programmed.

Well they are soldiers pickin' on their superiours. Wouldn't you reherse and plan everything in details, form a strategy etc. in order to be heared and believed? After all a good soldier and a poker player never shows how he feels, he ackowledges and and fixes. He cries when he comes home, not in the field, at least not openly. It would be bad for the moral.

Anyway, I tried to dl the video, but got cut off at about 20MB only to realise that my computer couldn't open the darn thing, and the server connection was incredibly slow, or rather unreliable. Why can't people use the common cross-platform standard formats like MPEG? I don't even want to dl MediaPlayer, for it's a sh!tty app that doesn't work well (if atall) on a mac. Why Microsoft MP doesn't share their codecs with Apple QT is not understandable. For these reasons and many more, I boycott MediaPlayer.

I would love to see the thing, but as I said, it is difficult due to someone's lack of good internet eticette. Does anyone know where I can dl this video in MPEG format?


posted on Jun, 6 2003 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by Cammo Dude
That may answer your question mOjOm.

That's one thing about these sites: They are watching...

I can appreciate that Advisor was joking....but CAMMO DUDE.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA, are you serious???

Are you living some Hollywood script? Please tell me you were joking too, because this is absolutely classic. Do you also get into your cammo gear and roll around on the lawn in your backyard at night? HAHAHAHAHA

If he is for real folks, then that Patriot Act II sure is achieving it's goal.

/me wipes tears from eyes

posted on Jun, 6 2003 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by Cammo Dude
No deal. I'm just saying that there are people watching and that's all. A few times Simon has had this site shut down for a while because he had sensitive information on here. Just watch yourself.

I had to comment on this one this is an ABOVE TOP SECRET forum but we cant talk about some topics here because it may have sensitive information???

SO WHAT DO WE DO? ONLY DISCUSS CNN AND NBC ARTICLES? What the hell is the point of an alternative news discussion forum if we have to "Watch what we say, because the Men in Black may be watching..."

Please. The last thing I need is for this place to turn into a tame little playground forum where people can act out their Lone Gunmen fantasies...

Isnt this site based in the UK? I thought Simon was British? If so, why would he care about the US government's opinion about what is posted here?

Cammo...I really cant think of anything else to say but, you gave me a jolly good laugh today...thanks mate.

It's gotten to the stage here, where I just cant tell who is serious and who is bull#ting anymore...

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