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Anti-Christ Will Mark His Followers....

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posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: Dystopium

As a method of control I agree that there is a concerted effort to dominate every citizen but I don't buy any religious connection.

What is disconcerting to me are the individuals who welcome this sort of technology and would voluntarily accept implants.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

That is all fine and good, but what if instead of stealing your wallet, they had to steal your hand/chip to rob you. The person stealing would know literally all of your info would be in the chip. With hackers and these days not even your hand is safe!
edit on 5-1-2015 by kurthall because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: lonesomerimbaud
Yes, ATS can boast so many mark of the beast threads.

It all depends on how we feel about it I guess.

Might not be a problem to you to have such a chip surgically implanted by DICTATION (and that is the magic one step too far word), but for me it is a clear sign the state has gone insane. I mean would you be willing that people starved because they could not buy and sell out of refusal to have a chip. Would you just think, well it is their choice?

Hold on one second! Not believing in the "mark of the beast" tripe isn't the same as being ok with being forced to have a chip implanted in your body. You DO know you can be against such things without having religious implications right?

Depends upon where our humanity is at and our respect for freedom and choice.

It is overall a serious enough topic to debate because as we know there are creeping technologies invading our lives increasingly to the point where we might just become cattle and fodder for a digital buy and sell market.

Real enough!

Then discuss them without the religious implications. The book of Revelation is a fairy tail snuff piece directed at the Roman Empire for mistreating John. The only thing the "mark of the beast" is, is the currency of the Roman Empire.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: dezertdog

Same here. They need a way to catalog us that's a bit more permanent than a phone that can be changed or left behind. It's a brave new world.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 11:12 AM

originally posted by: SirKonstantin
a reply to: stosh64

The point i am making, is that we will be controlled by devises like this in the future.

I totally agree.

I think the true 'mark' will be an implant that alters our DNA, thus turning us into hybrids and not completely 'human' anymore.

ETA: Along with tracking and electronic payment.

Another key mechanism that is utilized by gene chips is that of Hybridization. This term
refers to the recombination of complimentary strands of DNA. Gene chips utilize this
selective nature by planting single strands of a gene onto one location of the chip. The
driving rationale being that a genetic single-strand sample or “target” introduced onto the
chip will chemically attach itself to the chip’s resident “probe” if it contains the opposite
bases in the proper sequence. Thus the re-combination or Hybridization of the target and
probe indicates that the two strands are the same gene and are genetic matches.

DNA chip
edit on 1 5 2015 by stosh64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: kurthall
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

That is all fine and good, but what if instead of stealing your wallet, they had to steal your hand/chip to rob you. The person stealing would know literally all of your info would be in the chip. With hackers and these days not even your hand is safe!

"Hello good sir, I see you want to purchase a Television. That will be 799.00. Which payment method will you be using?"

".....Sir, that is clearly a severed hand. Please get out."

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: dezertdog
a reply to: Dystopium

As a method of control I agree that there is a concerted effort to dominate every citizen but I don't buy any religious connection.

What is disconcerting to me are the individuals who welcome this sort of technology and would voluntarily accept implants.

Yes, it is worrying how accepting people are. It is a damned good time to be alive if you have aspirations to take over the world. The people are putty in your hands, as long as we can have ever better gadgets. I mean freedom is just a word, isn't it? Isn't it???

"And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name".

Well that is John's prophesy from Christ Himself. It says the name or the number of the beast's name. We know that this is 666 (I don't go with the 616 translation hypothesis). The mystery of Mystery Babylon is still just that.

There is a theory of thought that the 666 refers to Nero and that this part of Revelations refers to that period. I have always pondered the differences between John's and Daniel's prophesy about the end times. In Revelations John is instructed specifically to not seal the prophesy as what is foretold will begin immediately where as Daniel is told to seal up his prophesy until the end. I wonder if Revelations has actually been taking place these last two thousand years?

Any way, better shut my mouth now as I'll start upsetting the members who see this stuff as tripe!(bows and exits).

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 11:15 AM
The mark of the beast has been around a long time and its chopping the foreskin off babies just after they are born and then sucking the blood and if anyone calls these people out then lets just call them anti-sec and everything will be alright.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: SirKonstantin

That's the whole plan of the NWO...a cashless society.
If you p!ss them off your chip is turned off or worse still it gives off G.P.S. locations so the autonomous drones come and get you or thought crime snatch squads.
All this was forewarned by the late Aaron Russo who was a close friend of the Rockerfellers.
Anyone naive enough to believe any government is bringing in new policies to benefit them is beyond delusional.
As Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.
The governments consistently lie and yet people still believe in Santa Claus.
Problem reaction solutuion...remember these words every time you pick up a news paper or watch the MSM also remember Qui bono.
The totalitarian tip toe is the means to the end game and is done incrementally,a frog does not know it's being boiled alive until it is being boiled alive.
Unpopular policies do not go away because of public opinion they are put on the back burner,renamed and then dusted off due to problem reaction solution...a classic case......
Syria....."lets bomb Assad!" said British parliament,"he's a bad person!",the people said "no,we have had enough of war and don't want to get involved in Syria!"
And then the ISIS monster was unleashed funded and trained by Britain,it went sour,heads were chopped off in staged strangely timed released videos of western journalists and now the public are rampant to bomb ISIS and get involved in Syria.
There are so many gullible people around it's not even funny.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: SirKonstantin

I can't disagree more. The "devil" made his mark AD 54-68 (the reign of Nero). I've never read the bible with any belief that a human being is trying to warn people 2000+ years ahead of their current time. Humans care about their own current time (ego). As forward thinking as we like to believe we are it's extremely rare to find anyone with futuristic prophecies beyond Nostradamus (and that's debatable). Shall we run down the list that everyone jumped on saying was "the mark of the devil" - social security numbers and bar codes. I'm sure there are others but those have always been the big ones.

The wrist chip (or any body implanted device) is a bad thing. It is definitely the spawn of the NWO - what better way to track every human being? If you get enough people to implant them then it would only be a matter of time before it's a "requirement" for everyone.

Right now they are just happy so many people are willing to carry the hand held tracking devices - cell phones. If they could get them in your body they'd be absolutely giddy.

The NWO is taking a dominate role and always has. They do it through the theatrical production of domestic politics, international politics, finance/stocks/currency (domestic and international), and with the help of their buddies at the MSM.

Will they be increasing their shenanigans? Absolutely - Pluto is full effect and Saturn is going to smack us starting in Sept/Oct of 2015 and continually there after for a couple years.

I'm with Warpig69... his father and grandfather are unfortunately right, 2015 should be fairly memorable. If nothing more it gives us a starting point for our own generational stories (like the Great Depression).

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: SirKonstantin

No, just more of the same. Old people fearing new technology.

You mean like G.M.O. right.......that is absolutely something to fear.
Problem is the people who are behind the Demon that is Monsanto are the same people who wish to put a chip in your arm"for your convenience!

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: warpig69

Weird. I had a dream last night where people were telling me "This year things are changing. Get famous now because when it happens you won't have a chance to even be known."

I think something's going to happen, if not this year, maybe soon. Things have been building up, tension has been increasing, people are dissatisfied even if they lie and say they're not.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: SirKonstantin
a reply to: warpig69

Thank you.

I am curious with your grandpa from the late 60s. Do you know (or can ask) what were some of the more fun doom porn in his era. other than the cold war stuff. I would like to know something new, of that i have never thought of. I would like to see how far back or when the exact moment Agenda 21 began.

Doom porn in the 60's was the atomic bomb. I graduated high school in 65 and had been raised with the generation that had had "duck and cover" practice in grade school. Hide under our desks while the world was turned to ashes around us.

Then of course there was the creeping red tide. The commies were always coming to get us. ALWAYS. There was the Cuban Missile Crisis. Only seconds away from the button being pushed.

And oh, let's not forget Nixon. He was doom porn par excellence. A mad man at the helm with his finger on the button. Many of us at the time were sure he was going to cancel the next election and just turn us into a dictatorship. Or dust.

Thing though was back then, we had no idea about how bad the doom porn would get. Maybe because even though the world had it's problems, there was still this hold over vision of a brighter future. A future where technology would save us from our problems, where abundance produced by that technology would abound and we would all be happy.

Back then our movies were not so apocalyptic. There were some, On the Beach, Fail Safe and others but few compared to now. Now it seems that these proliferate. All these moves now that are post-apocalyptic or save the world save the world themes. I'ts almost as if there is a drum beat of doom. And TV??

In those days there were only a hand full of channels. On them there was no doom porn. Only Ozzie and Harriet, Leave it to Beaver and Gunsmoke stuff. Now there is sci/fi channel pushing doom porn 24/7. And the history channels doing pretty much the same. Oh wait...... back then there was Twilight Zone. Late fifties into early sixties.

TZ hit like a tonne of bricks to many in my generation. That program raised many questions of doom for a lot of us to think about. Now of course those shows are hackneyed. Old half hour stories from long ago. But then, for youth of my time who had been raised on Popeye and the June Taylor Dancers, this show was like a steel spike driven through our foreheads. For instance the little guy who survives the nuclear destruction of NY only to have his glasses broken once he finds the rubble of the NY library. Yeah, I would say that TZ was the mother of doom porn.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: SirKonstantintptb agenda may to control every1. reduce the population of the world to 500 million.
It is alleged that the number 666 written in Hebrew is www, i.e the world wide web. Alas rest is history unless you are Saved by the Blood of Jesus.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

WoW!!! Epic!

Thanks for the Information.

Btw, i loooove twilight zone! Monster on the Airplane was scary~!

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: Nochzwei

Holy Crap! Is that true? Well then, we have already been "sucked" in...


posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: southbeach

The evil PTB are two sides of the same coin. Meaning, no matter who you blame, the blame is the actual problem, not the blame (whomever that may be)


posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: WCmutant

Oh My Goodness! Wonderful reply btw.

I clearly understand your viewpoint. Back-in-the-day (im only mid-20s) I could see and understand how the bar-code, S.S.# could have been seen as the mark of the devil. I think that the motion in which we are heading in will cause a deff point-of-no-return NWO uprising or purging. Sad.

But i do believe people who can use future-site for good (even 2000+) have made some warning...maybe that its not about the begin, but its gonna end....And Baby, Its Gonna Be HUUUGE...right?

I would like to know how Nero made his claim. I know he was an unpleasant person.

Could you inform me more about the Pluto effect and Saturn in Sept/Oct???Thanks.


posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

My mother was allergic to every metal she wore except gold. They would discolor her skin. My brother is allergic to surgical stainless steel, they had to remove the metal around his hip he damaged because it caused his spondelitis to really cause problems. Some people cannot detox metals well, it is a genetic thing. This is common amongst people, but the variety of the symptoms is all over the place, based on other genes traits.

Now, if the body cannot detox the metals, it can put them into bone. That is a safe place to store them unless you eat foods that cause the minerals to come out or do not eat properly for an extended time and the body starts breaking down the minerals. Then the metals come out along with the other minerals and effect us. There are actually quite a few foods that will make the body take out calcium out of the bone. Sometimes it is just an imbalance that causes this too. When our bodies do this, they do not just pull out calcium, for instance, they pull out what is there, especially the phosphorus.

So there is a good chance that the pearcing metals are getting absorbed through the skin. You get used to it as you say, but you will even get used to eating toxic food after a while. Same with medicines. But is the altered gene expression actually good for us? I cannot answer that question, I would guess that would be something that would be genetic specific.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 12:18 PM

"Hello good sir, I see you want to purchase a Television. That will be 799.00. Which payment method will you be using?"

".....Sir, that is clearly a severed hand. Please get out."

Actually Getting Caught Red-Handed...

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