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It's Spanking Time!

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posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: proob4
And kids are so fragile and glorious and need all kinds of protections? NLBS!
Yea that right there is what the problem is. Some kids need more than a spanking imho. MUCH MORE!

I have no kids nor do I want any. I DO NOT LIKE CHILDREN! I give squat about them or what crap happens to them if they act like this.

ETA: Sorry if i sound coarse, but this video made me livid, i have seen kids as bad as this many times and it pisses me off. I would never harm a child btw. But this enrages me to no end, sorry!

No need to have kids for a reaction to this vid.

Even childless adults can see what is happening when the Govt. steps into our house and our schools to say they can raise our kids better than us.


posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: jude11

originally posted by: proob4
And kids are so fragile and glorious and need all kinds of protections? NLBS!
Yea that right there is what the problem is. Some kids need more than a spanking imho. MUCH MORE!

I have no kids nor do I want any. I DO NOT LIKE CHILDREN! I give squat about them or what crap happens to them if they act like this.

ETA: Sorry if i sound coarse, but this video made me livid, i have seen kids as bad as this many times and it pisses me off. I would never harm a child btw. But this enrages me to no end, sorry!

No need to have kids for a reaction to this vid.

Even childless adults can see what is happening when the Govt. steps into our house and our schools to say they can raise our kids better than us.

Look I know i went off the handle with my post. But Damn i see stuff like this (well not as bad) a lot where i live and you're correct it's either bad parenting or the lack of discipline allowed to them. Could it be that the parents hands are tied? Yea you can't beat your child, let us when he or she in in juvenile hall. Yea like the guards there will pull their punches right? if this kinda kid ends up their he probably will be beaten to death? Maybe that's is why we hear about kid deaths in such places? THE SYSTEM HAS FAILED!

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: SLAYER69
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Right. Then send his parents the bill for lost/unsalable damaged merchandise/displays.

As well as the time it took for the employees to clean it up.

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: Klassified

originally posted by: SLAYER69
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Right. Then send his parents the bill for lost/unsalable damaged merchandise/displays.

As well as the time it took for the employees to clean it up.
Sad thing is we presume parent's as in plural. kid could could be of a single parent or other relative or foster child that gives no #?

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: proob4

originally posted by: Klassified

originally posted by: SLAYER69
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Right. Then send his parents the bill for lost/unsalable damaged merchandise/displays.

As well as the time it took for the employees to clean it up.
Sad thing is we presume parent's as in plural. kid could could be of a single parent or other relative or foster child that gives no #?

That's an excellent point Proob.

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 03:51 PM
We have no idea why this kid has gone off on one, what the situation is, there are plenty of assumptions being made here.

Perhaps the kid has some kind of mental disorder that has been triggered, perhaps he has been beaten every day of his life and has finally flipped, in which case a good spanking is just what he needs isn't it

On a personal level I do not believe in physical punishment full stop and we successfully discipline our kids by other means. Just a note, I am in the UK and I believe cultural attitudes towards spanking are generally different here.

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: jude11

My point? Adults are afraid of confronting kids for fear of reprisal from the parents and the law.

Asking him whats wrong is a confrontation.

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: jude11

Man! That's one troubled kid. Cry for help, in my opinion.

Oh to know what abuse this kid's been through!

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: SLAYER69

…have respect for others property, and for lack of manners.

Well he has a good role model. The PD will steal your stuff, bash your face and for what? The US government steal whole countries…

Lets just ask him to show some manners. You think he's old enough to know double standards when he sees them?

Can I get a FFS up in the house?

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Outside of trolling*

*Which by the way you're very good at it

What does that have to do with the price of eggs in China or this little twit's meltdown?

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 05:37 PM
Yeah, I do like the fellow that took the initative to put a stop to the fat-kid's episode. Glad to see someone step up (I was wondering why homeboy with the camera didn't do it).
That said, I guess we all can see that the fat kid is obviously the result of really bad parenting. Too often, parents take this light-handed approach to parenting (which is fine), but they fail to include consequences for their children's poor behavior. DUMB.
Years ago, my Boss and i became extremely good friends (unusual, I know), and one day, were talking about parentng with the 'Heavy Hand,' and he informed me that he didn't hit his children (because he was beaten as a child and holds the idea that 'if you hit your children for acting up, then they will learn to think it is acceptable to behave aggressivey and hit others). Sounds good enough for me . . . and further:
His kids did garner pretty major reprecussions for bad behavior (like, damn!), and he was a very strict father; but his kids were great, and turned out to become successful, responsible and charming adults - and I've yet to get to know a family so loving and awesome.
From then on, I've been a firm believer in parenting without the paddling, but again, many parents don't know sh*t about raising a child, and seriously too often I encounter these kids that are the result of sh*tty parenting.

The other day I was shopping at the grocery store, and saw some woman in tears - I made a comment to the clerk that the woman looked upset, and the clerk told me, 'Yeah, look at her children - they are behaving like little SH*ts!'

The woman's kids were no older than 7 (two of them, boy and a girl), and were just horse-assing around as kids do, but obviousy not listening to either their mother or father. It was a DUMB situation - Fat-Dad kept requesting the children put down some item, but they were laughing and tossing it back and forth to one another. Big deal, right - but Fat-Dad just stood there - no threat of reprecussion, not intervening to demonstrate acceptable behavior in a grocery store . . . nothing - just this dead-sounding, soul-less and monotone, 'Okay kids, put the box down....okay, mommy is mad, you need to put the box down...okay . . . that's enough . . .okay kids . . . .' Again, and again.
I wanted to f*cking slap that man! (I know, I am a hypocrite haha). I just walked away before I lost it, and I kind of feel as though I should have said or done something, like "Hey buddy, why don't you get off your fat ass and PARENT? Don't you see your wife, (who is undoubtedly just as DUMB as you) is in tears because you are lazy and stupid?" I really don't know what I could have said or done, and i surely wasn't about to approach his children. It really pissed me off, and as you can see I am still having a difficult time sorting through the emotions of it all. Grrrr....some people.
I dunno, i don't mean to vent, but I did. Anyhow, peace out and parent well!
edit on 30-12-2014 by kissy princess because: spacing

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: jude11

we already have the proof that timeouts DO NOT WORK universally. Kids will be defiant of the person ordering the timeout unless the threat of spanking backs it up. Its a power struggle with kids. Problem is spanking and yelling also has problems as the science shows it doesn't solve problems either and creates a different set of tensions of anger and fear. Ultimately, I have to side with corporal punishment when all else fails. If creating anger and fear is necessary as a last resort then it must be done.

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: windword

I'm sorry but I agree with another poster that this child not only doesn't look like he is very mad,but also he just looks like he is testing limits. And he saw how far he could push since no one in the store took any action with him until the one man ran up and grabbed him. I am willing to bet he has acted like this before and gotten away with it. He seems all in all pretty calm about the whole thing until someone got to close,then it was threat time to back them off. Which worked with the one guy,but it didn't work with the last guy.

I don't and have never advocated for running around beating on kids. I think it becomes useless as a learning tool if a parent resorts to that all the time. However, I had a 3 swat rule on spanking. If you defied me or were doing something that could cause you harm,and had already been told not too,it was time to lay down the law on you. If I couldn't do it in 3 swats,that wasn't going to work anyway then. I mainly used reality discipline on my kids. They had to correct whatever it was they had done wrong. If that meant not getting to go someplace they really wanted because they wouldn't behave before hand,oh well. Must not have meant that much to them. But they knew there was always a price to their actions.

I grew up in a time when almost all kids were beaten. I knew parents that took it too far. As an example,there was a boy that lived across the street from us that his father was constantly beating on. And I mean with his fists. The boy was constantly in trouble acting out of anger. My brother finally got in a fist fight with him in our yard. The fool came over to stop it and found out just how mean women can be! My mother, older sister, and I, all jumped him and told him to get his butt out of our yard. He wasn't doing anything helpful to stop his boy's behavior so he needed to stay out of it. He recoiled in fear from us and took off back to his house. (my father was at work at the time). Finally one day my brother was over at his house(they had a friend/enemy relationship) and his dad got mad at him and knocked him out cold! My brother was frightened and thought he had just witnessed his friend get killed. Finally when this boy became an adult,he went and joined the marines and never talked to his father again. He told my brother that after growing up with his father,the marines couldn't be any harder on him.
edit on 30-12-2014 by Dimithae because: misspelled word

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 09:20 PM

originally posted by: SLAYER69
a reply to: intrptr

Outside of trolling*

*Which by the way you're very good at it

What does that have to do with the price of eggs in China or this little twit's meltdown?

That little boy is a project in the making. He's right on schedule. A few more years of abuse and he' ll be ready for the prime time. They'll give him a a rifle and point him in the direction of the "enemy".

There, theres who to blame for your anger… sic 'em, boy.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: jude11

I also applaud the guy that finally got hold of him and dragged him out. I think he tried before that, but the kid was running off. No idea if he worked there or not, but either way, he did what needed to be done.

The kid...I don't think he's abused. He doesn't act abused AT ALL. He didn't seem angry, more like,a s others have said, he was simply seeing how much he could do without anyone trying to stop him. Total brat, who clearly has NO discipline at home, wherever home is. Two parents, one parent, it doesn't matter; single parents can discipline their kids. I did. Others do.

I have seen parents with kids like this one. I have seen kids like this out alone, even groups of them. Once, in a theater, a group of probably 12 or so was in the theater, with no adults. Not an issue IF the kids behave, but these weren't. They seated themselves in about three different places, and were running back and forth between the seating areas, talking on cell phones, and acting as though this was their private living room, and not a public theater. I told them flat out to sit down and shut up. Of course the first response was to blow me off, but when I made it clear they WOULD be leaving if they didn't behave, they actually settled down I got the impression not a one had ever really been told what to do. My sister, when working as a night manager in a burger place, had two moms come in with kids, and they were allowing the kids to literally walk OVER tabled and seats, and chatting as though nothing was happening. She told them to make the kids stop, and they actually told her they didn't have to, and that she couldn't do anything about it. She had the cops toss them out.

I really hope the guardians of this brat are held responsible, and that the brat himself is as well. He can be made to clean up, and do some community service. If nothing changes, he'll end up on the news, with relatives claiming he as "such a good boy" after he commits some crime.

As for spanking, to some, spanking is NOT equal to beating, and it does have a place. Properly administered, it's effective in some situations. Not for every little thing, but certainly at times. Not while angry, and not too much, but the kid needs to feel it. My sister and I were certainly spanked, though never beaten, and we behaved well, for the most part. My own have been spanked, now and then, but it's rare, because they know they are expected to follow the rules. They don't act out in stores, and only did a couple of times when much younger, because there were consequences. They lost a favorite restaurant for a month, for example, for not remaining seated and relatively quiet. They never misbehaved in a theater, and believe me, they are not scared of abuse.
The boy in the video needs a spanking, alright, and to correct what he did. Perhaps the parents, too, since it's clear they haven't bothered teaching him proper behavior thus far.

That's the real issue. All those kids of parents that were told spanking was bad are now raising kids of their own. I have lived through the changes in society, and am sure some other members here have as well. Punishment MUST be a real threat in any society. Jail for criminals, spankings for kids. Otherwise, with no fear of any real reprisals, everything goes down the toilet.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: th3dudeabides
a reply to: jude11

we already have the proof that timeouts DO NOT WORK universally.

Do you have anything to back that up? It's just that nobody I know lays a hand on their kids and none of them are brats.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 09:30 AM
For all you ignoramuses.... the kid is exhibiting very common signs of being autistic.

Spanking isn't going to help if he's autistic.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 09:38 AM
Pump the kid up on meds until he is a docile zombie. Problem solved.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 10:02 AM
The kid will be in for a surprise later in his life when he tries a tantrum and someone else decks him

I do think that positive parenting techniques work best in the long run but I also don't think that an occasional swat on the bottom is abuse

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: jude11

the kid is just a brat - evidence :

one death threat and he turns tail

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