posted on May, 8 2015 @ 05:09 PM
Okay - I've been super extra over-the-top busy!!! Between kids, extra stuff with my regular part-time job, and (Drum Roll please!) an actual PAYING
GRAPHIC ARTS project (!!!) I've been pretty post-less.
I'm doing the CD jacket for my husband's client, and its been very tricky. I can't post it due to privacy issues, but I'm very proud of it.
I want to thank all of you here for encouraging me so much with my little efforts. It led to me being able to pull together the artwork/graphics for
my husband's latest CD and because of that, I've landed this project. I wouldn't call myself a "professional graphic designer" or anything, but its
really cool to get to use my photoshop skills for a wee bit of income.
- AB
edit on 8-5-2015 by AboveBoard because: (no reason given)