posted on May, 7 2015 @ 05:15 PM
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I'm starting from a PNG image of a sword.. and what I want to do, is to see if I cannot manage to make it to where I can make text cover the blade
area of the sword, in order to appear as if the blade (only rather than blade and handle) is created of text..
my problem is a couple things, once I have this effect correct, I want to place it into another image entirely.. it will not be standing alone, plus,
it will be small, and I would like to text to be able to be readable..
this seems to be easier said than done.. if I want the blade to appear as if it is created from text, then I need tiny text.. if I want to do
displacement, it seems to need to be on a stand-alone background?
I don't know.. I guess I am not good enough using the displacement feature of photoshop.. but its not really working for me..