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I give you rare look into Russian intellectuals talk "How to hit USA"

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posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: FutureWithoutFuture4

Have anything punished by these people with PhDs that you can share? Or it's just to be believed because it's conveniently the same in which one would agree with?

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: Velom

On the NWO. Heck yeah, I'm all for it. Please let there be a New World Order.

What's your place in line?

In fact you might want to go ask the Socialist-said Agenda 21(NWO) countries. Apparently they are doing so well now. With that their only complaint is immigration. Right...

originally posted by: Emeraldous

originally posted by: VelomAnd all you western naysayers and doomprayers, why don't you move to Russia or to some other 2nd or 3rd world dictatorial country? No... just keep dooming and talking bad about the western civilization. And to all who complain about the west and who don't live here, jealously much?
''If we cannot human rights, freedom, a high HDI and high minimum wage, than surely the west can't!'' Oh please. Why don't you start fixing your country instead of trying to destroy the successful ways of the west?

The reason why the US is so great is BECAUSE of the naysayers. Who left England for the same exact situation that we now have, unlivable. They left and established;no central bank, no taxation without representation, bill of rights etc.

a reply to: Velom,
Because like many Americans, our ancestors came from counties-such as in Europe, to escape issues presented-persecutions, etc, and some to find employment and (legal)Diaspora to help their family's back home. Do you really think these days they would be happy now with a country, the US which they helped along the way with emigrating to it, would be happy with what it has become? Would assume you are are in the US(if not if you have emigrant or immigrant family), maybe ask a grandparent or great grandparent-if possible.

a reply to: Emeraldous,
I agree but how things have changed as time went on. Populations, became too complacent and run with apathy to stand up for now what is being faced.

Not even gonna start in on the Fed.

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 09:20 PM

originally posted by: Emeraldous

originally posted by: Jonjonj
a reply to: Emeraldous

I am sorry but I completely fail to get what you are on about. Care to elaborate?
Ok let's start with what did you not understand, it's you that needs to elaborate.

You stated that, in some kind of comparison to an ice-cream, my life was boring, or was somehow my vision. After that you suggested that I should leave earth...Shall I go on?

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: dreamingawake
I know things have changed, the old money wants to sit back and hoard and the new money wants to invest and change things. Its like you supplanting your parents ideas on raising children. New money has to supplant old money ideals, like a generational thing. I'm sure it is quite a task.

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 09:27 PM

originally posted by: Jonjonj

originally posted by: Emeraldous

originally posted by: Jonjonj
a reply to: Emeraldous

I am sorry but I completely fail to get what you are on about. Care to elaborate?
Ok let's start with what did you not understand, it's you that needs to elaborate.

You stated that, in some kind of comparison to an ice-cream, my life was boring, or was somehow my vision. After that you suggested that I should leave earth...Shall I go on?

One flavor ice cream means that you want like minded people, pretty much the USA in the 50s. Life would be boring if you took away this world's rich tapestry of diversity, there is not a lot of diversity in 500 million. Since you are gung-ho about only having 500 million, as a solution, I posit the "better?" solution of not reducing the population. Just have the 500 million that want "just 500 million" leave earth.
Man this should count as a double post...
ETA: The petri dish baby means that in actuality if you are consistent in your ideas about keeping the population at 500 million or less you will have to have a system of assured fertilization where the fertilized egg sits in a petri dish waiting for someone to replace. Take that as waiting for someone to die.
edit on 27-12-2014 by Emeraldous because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 09:33 PM

originally posted by: Emeraldous

originally posted by: Jonjonj

originally posted by: Emeraldous

originally posted by: Jonjonj
a reply to: Emeraldous

I am sorry but I completely fail to get what you are on about. Care to elaborate?
Ok let's start with what did you not understand, it's you that needs to elaborate.

You stated that, in some kind of comparison to an ice-cream, my life was boring, or was somehow my vision. After that you suggested that I should leave earth...Shall I go on?

One flavor ice cream means that you want like minded people, pretty much the USA in the 50s. Life would be boring if you took away this world's rich tapestry of diversity, there is not a lot of diversity in 500 million. Since you are gung-ho about only having 500 million, as a solution, I posit the "better?" solution of not reducing the population. Just have the 500 million that want "just 500 million" leave earth.
Man this should count as a double post...

And I am simply positing the theory, or rather agreeing to the theory, that humankind would be better off with less people. Make no mistake here, I would be the first in the pot, but I agree with the premise. As regards the gung-ho attitude, where did you get that from?

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 09:34 PM
WTH happened to this thread?

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: Jonjonj

originally posted by: [post=18808725]Jonjonj

You couldn't ask to be more clearly represented. Indeed.

Gung ho is an English term used to mean "enthusiastic" or "overzealous"
ETA: Oh God you are from Madrid... No seas Gilipollas tio!

edit on 27-12-2014 by Emeraldous because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: Emeraldous

Yes the term gung ho is apparent to me, my question was rather why it had been applied to me in this case.

Y no se de donde eres pero joder!!!
edit on 27-12-2014 by Jonjonj because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: FutureWithoutFuture4
An interesting take on things. But really there are more then 2 sides to this, by there very natures any state or power will eventually collide with eachother in time. In nature that has been the state of things for billions of years, so ya superpower nations and states are not that far different the primordial amoebas which wondered the sea billions of years ago either eating eachother up or co-opting the other or symbiosis.

If you look at nature and biology you will see your future, because superpowers and just like city states back in Rome or Greece are not that far or different then that, there means may be more complicated but ultimately they all follow the blueprint almost to the dot.

So ya! Plan A that you wrote down can work, but plan B will likely fail, economic ties with china or Asia is good by military ties would be better, simply because China and most Asian countries in that region need America to buy there goods, Russian can in no way take over on that economic scale, or at least not by themselfs.

But if you look at it, and like I said one way or another one cell will eventually have to swallow up the other. America has been doing well on that part in my opinion. But given things things can shift either way and if it came down to it and actual war you may as well flip a coin, because ya both countries and nations if they know what there doing can come out on top.

For instance if it came to war, there is a whole lot of things Russia can do to that would cause mass damage, I mean as you said Terrorism, CyberWar, PsyOps, small scale EMP or Exploiting inequality, destabilizing US geological support using Scalar Waves. Is all very effective, but really you could also forget all that and just start nuking things, I mean how about this a few nukes along the western faultline and you will have every volcano in that whole area going active and mass earthquakes, # with enough power you can make sure California slides into the sea a whole lot earlier then nature intended, and not to mention all the super-volcanoes you have around, Yellowstone being but one, if you can stop the flow or blot it out on one end, and a nuke can do the job, the thing will eventually erupt. And then there are things like poisoning the water supply or viruses on the food supply and really to much to count, you can even just blow up roads and find a whole bunch of ways to separate the states, even to the point were there will no longer be any united states, only states, you know divide and conquer.

And the US can do a whole of of damage to russia in a war as well, being as they have such a concentrated area to focus on makes it easier, and economic war is a good start to things, and likely it will continue for a while. The whole boil the lobster approach will work wonders, especially if you control the media. But even in a wartime full on, oh ya, a few nukes here and there and the whole of Russia will be out of commission.

I would say both nations and superpowers have the tools in hand to end each other if they wanted to. However like I said there is more then 2 sides to this, the thirds side offcourse being the so called NWO which are basically the globalists. In fact most things in WW1 and WW2 were for globalist reasons and of course all these proxy wars as well, and things like NATO after all if they really were concerned about all those poor people in Africa and other places instead of just another arm of the profit machine, well the problems would be solved by now.

And offcourse you have them in every government worldwide, most things in America are pretty much decided by corporate interests, and they all give themselfs offices and prestige. And well corporate interests has always been global interest, its why we are in Iran for the most part, all that billions of dollars of lithium in the ground among other things. And offcurse there all tied together so the nations and the warmachine has its goals as well. In all the greater part of this economic warfare or sanctions imposed on Russian is because of globalist reasons. Even in Russia you have plenty of them.

Most of them see themself as a new form of government. But really there just the spawn and byproduct of nations, one would not exist without the other. And so, there outside of national borders but they have to rely on nations to reap the big bucks they do. Unlike they seem to believe if nations were gone there would not be peace worldwide, in fact like I said most wars and these proxy wars are pretty much for there benefits, more so then any host nation they operate in. Most of the bigger ones and corps already have there own army of senators and lawmaker but litteraly there own armies as well. Its kind of like in rome when every wealthy noble house had there own general and there own army, and they were all on the field and offten fighting eachother as much as foreign enemy before there sights were turned outside.

Eventually from that Rome became a solid thing and few infighting and the legions of all the various powers were used to unite for the good of Rome. Only now its a bit backwards, out of a solid state, you have powers branching out for there own interests, ie the corporations and there interests and in other words. That is the globalist plan and agenda will be like in reality. Sitting in rooms and living in multi million dollar pent houses, traveling on jets to and from has given them more of a separation from reality then the ones and things they say are outdated and trying to change. After all there just the offspring of nations, the next logical step, but far from self sufficient or even different all that different then these outdated nations and superpowers.

And again, its more then a 2 sided war or outcome, in fact its more then a 3 sided war and outcome, much more sides that's for sure. But those three sides is what you people would have to work with for now. It shall be interesting to see if you all kill eachother on mass again in the years to come.

There are a few outcomes which can be deduced, follow the progress of cellular evolution and you can likely deduce the future of human societies, after all over billions of years and countless bumping into each-other and by way of eating each-other of forming symbiosis those primitive cells eventually because multi celled organisms, and eventually much more complicated multi celled organisms, and eventually much latter million and billions of years latter, all the animals you see around you, including the human animal. Its what they are, and do not be surprised of on an economic and even memetic and mental platform things will follow the same set courses.

So ya! They say there are 3 superpowers now, Russia, USA, China, and corporations and globalists thrown in there as well, well eventually and in time, either not that far from now, or reaching thousands and thousands of years from now, and not to sound cliche. But!

But there can eventually be only one. Nature has a way of doing its thing.

Just picture the higlander theme song playing in the background...

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: lindalinda
WTH happened to this thread?

Not sure what would be expected of it anyway, OP seems to have bailed.

Same with any thread, general chit chat, when there's just speculated sourcing, no articles, etc.

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 10:29 PM
Wonderful!...... another thing to worry about, terrorists in the coffee shop, and now, angry ruskys in the liquor store....

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: dreamingawake

Perhaps that is what this thread is meant to be for, opinion.

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 10:46 PM

originally posted by: tsurfer2000h
a reply to: Annunak1

The west is at the end of civilization.

And yet they are what get's emulated across the globe...imagine that.

20 years ago who would have imagined BRICS would exist?
Or that China would overtake the US as the worlds largest economy?

The US needs to stop screwing around or the world is going to imagine a future without us.
We had it ALL as a country and we have thrown it away.
Influence and power don't last forever though I'm sure the Romans were cocksure there would always be a Rome too.

I think group B will win out in Russia though my fear is that Western technology will once again give the US a decisive tactical edge in the near future, particularly through drone technology. I am grateful to Russia for their restraint in the face of openly provoking revolution in the Ukraine. I can assure you the last thing Americans want right now is ONE MORE WAR. We never finish the ones we start anyway, it's too good for certain businesses to want to ever end it so it drags on and on and on.
edit on 27-12-2014 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 11:19 PM

originally posted by: tsurfer2000h
a reply to: Annunak1

The west is at the end of civilization.

And yet they are what get's emulated across the globe...imagine that.

Not necessarily willingly, at least not by the will of the people. There are many countries in the ME, Africa, Asia and S. America who do not embrace or like American brand democracy and where that American brand democracy can't be implemented the U.S. has a long history of installing brutal dictatorships. The countries they do convert are usually by war and/or international financial means and generally have a small group of elites who do not represent the wishes of the people but accept American political ideologies precisely to maintain their own power.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 12:14 AM

There are two camps in Russia among intellectuals as of this moment.

Camp A = believes US/NATO/WEST is out get them, slowly over time, economically first, militarily second, culturally third, and religiously fourth.

Camp B = believe US and west is out to get them in all the 4 ways as camp A

In my opinion these people are pretty stupid for 'intellectuals'. There are many other peaceful ways to resolve this situation. I can't believe how moronic Governments can be. People in both countries just want their leaders to get stuffed. Normal people want peace and the freedom to live their lives as they choose.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: FutureWithoutFuture4

As I write this, II just happen to be watching the movie 300....

I for one, do not believe that there will be only be nation against the other, but believe there is a dark force in this dark world out to gather ALL the nations of the world into one single military, economical and spiritual force to control the world; Russia as attempted it, China has attempted it, Japan has attempted it, Germany attempted it, Rome has attempted it, Alexander attempted it and yes.. the Persians as i really need to go on?

Do we see the pattern being laid before our eyes? The evil force never plays fair even with it's own allies, including ALL the governments of the world, they're just mere puppets on a string ... which enslaves human beings with sex, gold and luxury to do it's bidding.

but, for what purpose...what is the ultimate endgame of enslavement? What is the ultimate goal of any human enslavement? Power, to show off, to the world it is stronger / better than the ones it holds against it's own will.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

I can assure you the last thing Americans want right now is ONE MORE WAR.

I wish I could agree with that statement... But Americans seem just as easily-duped as they were when Lord Bush reigned in 2001. Names and places have changed, a few of the chess pieces have moved, but the propaganda techniques are the same. The public response is the same (Saddam ---> Putin). Worse even, since the availability of facts is far greater than it was 14 years ago. Fewer excuses than ever for swallowing that shiny hook... (keeps shaking his magic 8 ball, but keeps getting the same response: "Outlook does not look good"...)

Maybe I should just get it over with, and start learning Russian/Mandarin. The US is even more doomed than the EU. I'm so sorry for those who still don't see it, I really am :/

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: FutureWithoutFuture4

The easy way to sum up your post would be quoting one of our previous presidents when talking about how to deal with the USSR: "Peace through strength". Basically they want a show of force to make the US back off, the problem here is that Russia doesn't really have any force projection capabilities, all of their neighbors are in defense pacts. Obviously this makes Russia feel surrounded (the US has done the same thing to Iran) but at the same time Russia quite frankly is too large to invade. The wests influence stops on your doorstep, just as Russia can't really project beyond it's borders the west can't project into Russian land, but Russia still feels paranoid.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to: FutureWithoutFuture4

The US would not go nuclear, we would go conventional and destroy Russia.

Maybe there should be a camp C, stop fighting the West and join the rest of civilization. Be a beacon of freedom and democracy. Humiliate the US with how the Russian people are more free, and more democratic.

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