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So where is all the cellphone movie footage if we're visited so often?

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posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 03:20 PM
I resent the use of the term 'believer'. Save the 'belief' for Santa or Jesus, the UFO and alien situation is not one that requires belief. It is simply a matter of awareness, either you are aware of the reality of UFOs, aliens and alien abductions or you are not. You are not aware that the alien situation is a fact. Your understanding, or lack thereof, in no way changes the facts, anymore than centuries of geocentric belief changed the fact that the Earth goes around the Sun.

Maybe you should just stick to believing in meteors, what with all that great footage.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: Scdfa
Lol, I've seen nothing in my life to support your 'fact' claims, but this thread is not about 'are there aliens or not' it is a question asking why there is no footage from multiple people of a single event claiming UFO's when millions of people have camera's in their hands or pockets.
I used meteorites as an example of unexpected fast moving sky events which have lots of footage to the point that they can be tracked by the locations and timelines of the unconnected people who post them to social media.
Now, take your 'do they exist or not' argument to a thread of your own if you do not wish to stay on topic.
...and tough luck if you resent it but without any evidence to show me I shall consider you a believer, in contrast to my own skeptic position.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: homeskillet
The huge Russian meteor had tons of footage small meteorites/fireballs do, frequently on social media by multiple people. UFO's seem only to be posted by individual people with no other witnesses. It is why I have doubts. My position is one of reason not faith.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 03:38 PM
just saw your response to my edit.

Aw, poor grainofsand! Not one of the 'chosen few' that the aliens reveal themselves to. Now we see where the whine comes from, sour grapes! Can't make 'whine' without grapes , I guess.

The more you say, the more it makes sense that aliens never felt they needed anything from you. You kind of remind me of Charlie the Tuna, from the old TV ads, always lamenting the fact that he was never taken on a fish hook. If you understood anything about alien interaction with humans, you wouldn't be quite so pouty about not being one of the 'chosen few'.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: Scdfa
You are the most amusing poster in this thread so far...I'm loving your focus on me as a character and not the question in the OP.
Do you not like sticking to a topic? Or perhaps because I do not blindly believe in what you state as fact then the discussion is better centered around assertions relating to my character.
Keep on as much as you like, you amuse me, and do no favours to the believer crowd.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 04:01 PM
There are indeed examples of UFO events being filmed by multiple witness, so that pretty much negates your entire thread. You're a poor researcher if you haven't found any.

Unaware of all the multiple videotapes from Mexico City? Tel Aviv? The UFO sighting over a city in China yielded 17 different videos from different angles throughout the city. Seventeen! Is that enough different witnesses? Do a little more research, whine a little less.

Now let this pointless thread die, since your premise was false.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: Scdfa
Wow a big fat massive 17 videos from a city in the most populous nation on Earth, I'm shot to flames man, gobsmacked, guess you're the better researcher here lol.
Oh and if you mean 'research' to be watching youtube, I can confirm I have done so over the years, and apologise for being unconvinced so far. When I see similar numbers of folk uploading UFO film in real time on social media (as I do for meteorites) then I may become a believer such as you present your good self.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 05:04 PM
Oh, I'm clearly the better researcher, or you'd never have started a thread on such a flimsy premise.

Now seventeen different videos of the same event isn't good enough for you?

Your weak tongue-in-cheek sarcasm is a childish reaction, seeing as I've given you the very information you've been begging for these past five pages. Yet you can't even manage a thank you? Where are your manners? I guess you're disappointed that your premise was so easily disproved. Oh we'll, do some research before you stake your credibility so carelessly.

You seem to have difficulty with reading comprehension. I told you already, I'm not a 'believer'. Save your 'belief' for the Easter Bunny. I'm aware of the factual reality of the alien situation, you are apparently not. Have a good life, I can't imagine a worthwhile reason to speak to you again.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: Scdfa
I'm aware of the factual reality of the alien situation
Interesting claim, unfortunately my poor research fails to even find an ATS thread with conclusive evidence to support what you state as fact.

Have a good life, I can't imagine a worthwhile reason to speak to you again.
I wish you best regards, and it appears we agree on something.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: grainofsand
What is the question in your post? it appears to be more of a conscious thought you are having than a question that requires any sort of answer. Apart from the footage held by different world governments in secret, or we assume that to be the case, and the mountains of footage on the internet which is all dumped into one great bit bubbling pot of all kinds of tripe, which we try to filter through, and of course there are people lots of people who have genuine clips they made of something strange in the sky, doing things that doesn't agree with our understanding of physics, but who keep quiet about it for fear of being ridiculed, or bumped off. ET's or EBE's or Aliens whatever you want to refer to them as, may or may not exist, just like the belief's of world religions. there is no proof that any real life truth exists in any of those elements of belief. but people kill each other because of beliefs. Humans are what they are, and they will never live in peace on any planet full stop. as for everyone having a phone with a camera, yes I have one, and it wouldn't show a clear picture of a barn door let alone a glowing orb, or whatever. those phone cameras are not made to give clear images of flying craft. try taking a picture of a plane when i'ts high up flying overhead with your phone, and take a look at the resulting footage... can you decipher what country owns the plane, can you even tell what color it is? from the phone footage. give it a go and see, perhaps that will answer your question as to why we don't see lots of different angled images of the same event. or was that the question in the first place? say cheese

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: flipflop
a reply to: grainofsand
What is the question in your post? it appears to be more of a conscious thought you are having than a question that requires any sort of answer.
This bit quoted from the OP...

What I am wondering though is if the believers out there are so convinced, then where is the multiple footage from people quickly grabbing their phones and filming, from different angles, whenever there is a claimed sighting?
...hope that helps

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: grainofsand

Ahh! I see, you are wondering, you are not questioning, hm! well that's ok to wonder, wonder is a close relative of imagining, which in turn is related to thinking, and usually ends up in puzzled. now I see a different picture (and I didn't need a camera phone to get it) you are puzzled. even bemused, as to why we all don't go out with phone cameras and start to call out to some other planetary creatures to drop what they are doing and come get their photos taken with the new xxxxxmultizoombishbash camera we have all just purchased.... ok I'm ready, where are those little blighters? I hope they remember two green flashes of their orb for howyadoin, one flash of red for weneedhelp. and blue flashes, Oh no! no blue flashes, thats only when they have a short and are in trouble. still waitin! if I catch one I'll be back here with it. lets hope a million other users get the same image from different angles and we can all stop wondering and go back to sleep. now stand still and say cheese again

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: flipflop
Nope, just questioning why there is surprisingly little footage of multiple sightings of 'UFO's' in this world of social media and camera phones on millions of people. It's pretty simple.
What is your opinion on that, if it is not too on-topic for you of course?

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 06:42 PM
Hm well I can only offer ideas. Search "IR UFO" or "night vision UFO" and watch a hundred of those vids and you might feel the 5% looming in them

A stupid thing to say: But I reckon if you give the theory of aliens a chance, and that of UFOs - that they are visiting, you may be shown for yourself. In my reality path that's what happened to me, as I always held a "belief" (or maybe "awareness"
) since very young and then I saw several (albeit 25 years later), and they linked in with other reports, and it was pretty much all the hard evidence I needed. I don't need to be told things 8 times to believe. I make snap judgements (not necessarily a good thing, but too much analysis would make me crazy!).

There's also personal routine. People look down at devices, and forward at where they're going. Very few people look up when they are perhaps in good spots to see something, but iphones and light pollution can obscure what's seen in urban areas. And as others have said sometimes you literally have seconds, you effectively must be looking up in the sky at the right few seconds of the whole of a day... I can only talk about the "type" I've seen. I freeze with close encounters of the not even quite 1st kind. If I had a CE2/3 I'd # my pants! Not take photos!

edit on 28-12-2014 by markymint because: added opinion

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: markymint
Hm well I can only offer ideas. Search "IR UFO" or "night vision UFO" and watch a hundred of those vids and you might feel the 5% looming in them

Are you indicating that you think interstellar craft mainly visit at night these days? Perhaps in response when they realised too many people have camera's on them so they went all stealth on us?
I wonder when ownership of night vision cameras becomes commonplace will they find another anti-detection method.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 07:26 PM
Not to mention the fact that mst of the time they are invisible to the naked eye. That includes camera phones.
Although, a good camcorder with infrared might get you a moneyshot - like it has for many others.

And if your reply is that invisibility is impossible then u need to read up on the tech. It only bends light. Not hard, even for us that haven't travelled farther unmanned than to the edge of our own solar system.

a reply to: mcChoodles

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: br0ker
Interesting, 'UFO's' are invisible to the naked eye you say?
Any source to support this new assertive contribution to the thread?

Go on, throw me a bone, I won't mind being considered as a poor researcher or other such whinging if you tell me
edit on 8Sun, 28 Dec 2014 20:07:00 -0600pm07122014f00pm12 by grainofsand because: *see above

posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: grainofsand

I've been following this forum for some time, but this is the first time I feel compelled to post something, I hope this first post is according to the rules and etiquette (sorry for potentially bad English as well). ATS is surely entertaining, sometimes fascinating, but there's also a lot of BS. I like it when people challenge this, but it has to be with good arguments and that's not the case for this OP. Let',s look at his arguments.

1. People should be able to grab their phone, unlock it, find the camera app, wait till it starts, point, focus and then get a perfect shot. Well, yesterday I was walking in the woods with my family, on a sunny day. I wanted to take some pics and had my camera on me, out of the bag. We were at a large clearing and suddenly a deer crossed the clearing. Must have taken about 20s (and I'm not really shocked by deer), still I didn't manage to decide I wanted to take a pic (spent the first 10s watching the deer), switch on the cam and take a decent picture before it disappeared between the trees.

2. The OP seems to lack knowledge of photography. Smartphones do NOT have zoom lenses. A zoom lens has different groups of glass elements, moving relatively to each other (that's why they're big), enlarging the image on the ccd. Smartphones only have a simple lens with a digital zoom, which basically crops the image on the ccd, making the subject appear larger but not sharper. If an object was one pixel in size and you could zoom 100x, it would still be one pixel. Just a very big, blurry one.
At night they're not very good either' because the focus doesn't work well and the exposure tries to average different parts of the image, with a resulting overexposure of the bright parts, making them look like a white blob. You can do some exposure correction, but I want to see how many can operate this correctly. Even more so under time pressure.

3. Events filmed by others - quality. The OP refers to good footage from the fireball in the UK. I've been looking at some youtube posts and some could be a fireball in the sky, or a moth circling a candle, I couldn't tell. If they were a ufo clip with this quality, you'd probably shout fake - or Venus.

4. Events filmed by others - quantity.
There are indeed a few dozen clips of the fireball on Youtube. But the fireball was very high up in the atmosphere, visible in the whole of the UK and Ireland, potentially 70 million people in total. With a result of maybe a hundred youtube clips, most of them worthless.
If a ufo would be flying at a few hundres metres altitude, potentially visible to 10000 and the same percentage of people would film it, you would expect 0.014 blurry video captures (needed my calculator for this one). So even one clip is a great result and you expect dozens to be convinced. Well, in that case I want a million youtube clips before I believe that there was a meteor in the UK.
Same for the tsunami, which was effectively witnessed by millions in broad daylight with just a few dozen clear youtube clips as result.
Bottom line: your comparison is totally out of perspective.

5. The OP asks for footage from different angles and then ignores it when someone posts links to such footage, real or not.

On this forum you read some very wild stories which many people seem to believe without any proof. I appreciate when sceptics put people with too much fantasy with both feet on the ground, but they need to do their homework too before ridiculing others and that's something the OP didn't do.

And no, I've never seen a ufo, just a deer in the woods

posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 03:09 AM
Nononsense35, great post. Thank you for contributing, this thread benefits from your rationality.

posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: Scdfa
I resent the use of the term 'believer'. Save the 'belief' for Santa or Jesus, the UFO and alien situation is not one that requires belief.

To me a believer is someone who BELIEVES something or has faith in something without actual hard evidence to support the extraordinary claim. It's not derogatory in nature, it's simply what it is.

It is simply a matter of awareness, either you are aware of the reality of UFOs, aliens and alien abductions or you are not.

Aren't most people aware of UFOs or the UFO subject?

In 2014 the answer is a resounding yes. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who hasn't heard the term UFO. What it means of course depends on the intelligence, mindset and mentality of the person who hears it.

You are not aware that the alien situation is a fact.

There's no good, credible evidence which supports Earth is being visited regularly by extraterrestrial aliens. That's a fact. No matter how much you may not like it, there simply is no evidence which supports UFO sightings represent aliens. Eyewitness testimony alone is simply not good enough to substantiate something as extraordinary as alien visitation.

Raise your standards.

Or simply admit you want to BELIEVE "the aliens are here". You may have a NEED to BELIEVE that. But I, and most logical, rational people do not.

And that is why UFOlogy in 2014 borders on psuedo-religious belief.

There was a time when people who investigated UFOs investigated them as UNIDENTIFIED objects rather than spaceships piloted by aliens from the Pleiades. Lol.

Your understanding, or lack thereof, in no way changes the facts, anymore than centuries of geocentric belief changed the fact that the Earth goes around the Sun.

As someone whose field is dedicated to looking for life in the Universe I find this idea that those who do not subscribe to a blind belief in what amounts to mostly a collection of stories as representing what would be the most remarkable event in human history are somehow missing out on some profound fact.

The fact is if UFOs were vehicles piloted by aliens visiting the Earth we'd all have much better evidence than stories, poor quality pictures and some guy who said he was abducted by aliens with anal probes.

Maybe you should just stick to believing in meteors, what with all that great footage.

Meteors are fact, you don't need to believe in them. You can hold a piece of one in your hand, bring it into a lab and have it analyzed.

I'm still waiting for that to be the case with UFOs and Aliens.

Do most rational people accept an unidentified flying object (UFO) instantly means UFOs are piloted by aliens abducting people?


And no amount of faith, belief or "awareness" will change that.

Bring us a body.

Bring us a piece of a spaceship.

Bring us some information from an abductee that actually has scientific value which is not presently known to science but can be confirmed by it.

Short of that, you're simply believing stories.

edit on 29-12-2014 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

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